Add and Update DNS Records in Route 53 to Cloudfront with Serverless Framework - dns

I'm currently working on expanding this repo. It contains source code to deploy a sapper/svelte webapp with the Serverless Framework to AWS. I'm thinking about how to expand the serverless.yml to include Route53 DNS routing to Cloudfront, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it. The serverless-domain-manager plugin seems to be designed for Route53 to API Gateway routing, but I'm deploying my app only with Cloudfront, an S3 bucket and an Lambda#Edge handler server-side-rendering the application.

I've done something similar here.
I've trimmed the serverless.yml for the relevant parts:
Type: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution
- WebAppS3Bucket
### content trimmed
- ''
### content trimmed
AcmCertificateArn: 'CertificateArn' # in the linked repo I'm using a plugin to auto generate the certificate
SslSupportMethod: sni-only
Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
HostedZoneId: 'HostedZoneId' # Taken from the AWS Console
- Name: ''
Type: A
DNSName: !GetAtt [WebAppCloudFrontDistribution, DomainName]
EvaluateTargetHealth: false


Serverless AWS Lambda project running on deploy

I have built a simple Node.JS application that consists of a single API endpoint. Deployment works and I can all the API endpoint as expected. However the handler function also runs on deployment of the code, which is problematic for me as handler function posts a tweet to twitter, and I don't want it to tweet every time I deploy a code update. I haven't been able to find anyone online reporting a similar problem, but I'm sure this would not be expected functionality.
This is my serverless.yml file (I created originally from the GitLab Node.JS serverless template here
service: my-project
name: aws
region: ${env:AWS_REGION}
runtime: nodejs10.x
- serverless-offline
- serverless-jest-plugin
- serverless-stack-output # Allows us to output endpoint url to json file
handler: main.main
- http:
path: post
method: post
handler: main.main
file: stack.json
I believe the problem in your case is the fact that the handler you have for serverless-stack-output plugin is the same as for your function. That plugin explicitly calls the handler ( which executes your function. If you will drop use of the plugin or just configure a different handler for it the problem should disappear

How to use multi custom domains for aws serverles project?

Is it possible to have lambda function with different custom domain than others; In servlerless lambda project, I need to have one lambda to use different custom domain than other lambdas. for example
userNotification -->
all others
getProducts -->
I tried using custom domain as following but it did not work.
handler: src/index.handler
- http:
method: get
path: /userNotification
origin: '*'
- Content-Type
- X-Amz-Date
- Authorization
- X-Api-Key
- X-Amz-Security-Token
- If-Match
- If-None-Match
# override default customDomain
domainName: ''
basePath: dev-newbank
stage: dev
createRoute53Record: true
In serverless.yml, I'm using custom domains as, this work fine but then i have single customDomains for all lambdas funcrion. I need to have one lambda to use different customDomain than others;
basePath: dev-newbank
domainName: ''
stage: 'dev'
createRoute53Record: true
endpointType: regional
securityPolicy: tls_1_2
I think you would have to have 2 different serverless.ymls, 1 for managing your /products path and one for /users. Then you could specify different domains for each. Since underneath it all API Gateway only supports custom domains on the API, not on individual endpoints in the API, you would have to split your lambdas up

Moving existing lambda edge to Serverless Framework

I have a Lambda Edge attached to a CloudFront distribution. What I want to do is use Serverless Framework to publish the lambda (instead of manually uploading files and click on "Deploy to Lambda#Edge"). What I've tried to do, looking at the serverless documentation, is add this yml file to the project and run the deployment script
service: cloudfront-service
name: aws
runtime: nodejs10.x
handler: index.handler
- cloudFront:
eventType: origin-request
origin: <CloudFront-Origin-ID>
This deployed the Lambda but it didn't attached it to CloudFront (it hasn't been published and there is no versions or triggers related). So how can I do this, using an existing CloudFront distribution?
This plugin #silvermine/serverless-plugin-cloudfront-lambda-edge will not help if you want to use an existing cloud front distribution. It is only helpful if you are going to create a new one.
This issue has been already reported and as per the forum, this functionality they are not supporting.
Lambda#Edge with Serverless-Framework is quite easy. We use this plugin.
- '#silvermine/serverless-plugin-cloudfront-lambda-edge'
Please go directly to the plugin author's website for complete examples:
Base on your implementation you have a wrong indentation so I think it wont really attach it to your cloudfront. Having a wrong indetation will not create an events on your lambda function so intead of this
- cloudFront:
eventType: origin-request
origin: <CloudFront-Origin-ID>
Do this:
- cloudFront:
eventType: origin-request
origin: <CloudFront-Origin-ID>
I hope that this will solve your problem. Because I encounter this wrong indentation myself and wander why it is not being implemented properly.

Structure of a serverless application

I am new to serverless application. I followed the aws tutorial to build a simple nodejs serverless app with codestar and lambda.
However, imagine this node app does multiple things. In consequence, it has mutiple functions inside index.js, one for functionnality A, one for functionnality B, etc (for example).
Do I have to attach multiple lambda expressions, one for each functionality, to this codestar project?
Question: Do I have to attach multiple lambda expressions, one for each functionality, to this codestar project?
Answer: Yes
AWS CodeStar Project Details:
AWS Code star project contains below file structure(reference link): - this file
buildspec.yml - this file is used by AWS CodeBuild to package your service for deployment to AWS Lambda
app.js - this file contains the sample Node.js code for the web service
index.js - this file contains the AWS Lambda handler code
template.yml - this file contains the Serverless Application Model (SAM) used by AWS Cloudformation to deploy your service to AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
Assume you have the template.yml file like below:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
- AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
- AWS::CodeStar
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.first_handler
Runtime: nodejs4.3
!Join ['-', [!Ref 'ProjectId', !Ref 'AWS::Region', 'LambdaTrustRole']]
Type: Api
Path: /first
Method: get
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
Handler: index.second_handler
Runtime: nodejs4.3
!Join ['-', [!Ref 'ProjectId', !Ref 'AWS::Region', 'LambdaTrustRole']]
Type: Api
Path: /second
Method: get
Notice that, in above tamplate.yml file specified "HelloWorld" and "HelloWorld2" configurations.
HelloWorld configuration contains "Handler" value as "index.first_handler" meaning that "index" is the filename of index.js and first_handler is the method in index.js file.
Likewise, HelloWorld2 configuration contains "Handler" value as "index.second_handler" meaning that "index" is the filename of index.js and second_handler is the method in index.js file.
You can specify any number of lambda functions in your index.js (whatever.js) file. Only you need to specify the proper Handler to identify the app your lambda function.
Hope this is the answer to your question. Feel free to ask doubts, if you have!
you don't need multiple handler functions (index.js) and you cannot have multiple handler functions. If the different functionality is doing the logically separated job then you can add multiple JS files and write functions there but you should refer that to your handler function (index.js). Alternatively, you can write functionality in index.js itself but better idea and clean code is to separate logically different functionality to another file and refer it

Hosting images on Lambda + API gateway

I got NodeJS application running on AWS Lambda + API gateway environment.
I am deploying my app via serverless app ( My assets (including images) are packed together to zip format, sent to S3 storage and deployed via cloudfront (regular serverless flow).
Requests to images responses with 200 OK status. The problem is that they are not displaying. I have no idea where should I start to look for an issue.
I enabled binary media types in my API Gateway, and provided following types: image/gif, image/jpeg.
For example I am trying to display this image:
Here is URL to it in my app:
Is it even possible to display images this way? Maybe I should upload them to S3 storage?
Here are some entries from logs (before enabling binary media types):
and after enabling:
I have solved problem, by my own.
Here is boilerplate repository:
The point was to encode files on Lambda side, and send it in encoded form to API GW with proper headers.
I had this problem on Angular 12.0.5 using regular angular-universal (ng add #nguniversal/express-engine), serverless and #vendia/serverless-express.
The solution was:
1 - Add the media types in the API Gateway:
2 - Add apiGateway.binaryMediaTypes on my serverless.yml file:
- '*/*'
