Using Web API using VBO No Result - blueprism

I just started using Blueprism, we have a requirement to call API with OAuth 2 authentication. I'm trying to get a POC going using WebServices - Oauth 2.0 VBO to make a request like below
Request Inputs
Request Outputs
When i submit the request, i do not get any result, i see that token is populated but not the result. can anyone please point what im doing incorrectly here?
i tried directly using the HTTP VBO but no luck

I figured out what i was lacking, im unable to attach scope to the request to get the result. i also changed the way of using Web API services. i used the one from system tab and was able to attach scope for client credential auth type and use actions. once i got that i was able to get the result successfully.


Easiest way to query web API with Auth Token using Python3?

I want to download items from a web API using Python3. The authorization method is to first submit an API key, get back a session token, then submit that token in the POST body for every subsequent request. The query parameters are embedded in the URL and results are returned in JSON.
Rather than write everything by hand in Python with urllib2, I was wondering if there is some kind of framework/library that helps make this easier? In other words, something that would automatically package the session token in the POST body and have an easy way to parse results? Or is raw Python the normal way?
Sorry for the elementary nature of this question; I don't do web programming ever.

How to use getSpaceGroups json-rpc api?

I want to get all the space groups assigned to a space. I was using the Atlassian REST API Browser and found the API " json-rpc/confluenceservice-v1/getSpaceGroups" to fetch the groups of a space. I tried using this API to fetch the space groups but got the error “The request body could not be parsed as JSON”. I entered ds in the body, I also tried using [“ds”], and “ds” but got no luck. Can anyone please tell me how to use this API?
I know this SOAP API will be removed in the future, but for the time being, I can’t wait for the REST API to arrive, so I’m okay with this one.

Calling secured API from NodeJS Lambda

I have an API that is secured using OAuth (IdentityServer 4). I need to call this from an AWS Lambda function. I cant figure out how to do this in Node (noob to node). I can see an example of using oidc-client package but it seems to be designed for browser based clients. I just need the access token to call the api. Ive done this from a .Net console app, but Im lost in Node. Does anyone know of an example of doing this?
#Jonesie have you tried example from AWS repository? Request you to take a look

Method not allowed when trying to access API methods via SOAP integration

Good day,
I'm having trouble calling DSAPI methods via SOAP ( C# Integration ). I keep getting 405 Method not allowed errors. So far I've tried calling the RequestTemplate and CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates methods, both of which fail. I was able to successfully retrieve the DSAPIServiceSoapClient object and also successfully login via the login method of the credential API. If you need more information, i'm ready to provide them. Thank you.
You're succeeding with the login, which is good.
My guess is that the other calls are not well formed. Perhaps they're missing the right base url (which you receive from the login call).
Are you switching to the different base url for your subsequent calls? (Different server name?)
I suggest that you try the API logging feature and see what it reports. It enables you to see a log of your API requests. See the Request Logging article for the classic DocuSign experience, or the new DocuSign UI.
i just needed to add the in the X-DocuSign-Authentication http header whenever i try to get a DSAPIClient object.

Difference between logging in into salesforce sandbox with and without consuming wsdl?

I am very new to Salesforce and it's API.
I am having a sandbox org and with it I have url, username, password, security token and last but not the least partner.wsdl
My aim was to connect and retrieve/create data.
Technologies at hand was nodejs
So here is how I started.
I searched over the internet and came to know that I need to create a client, SOAP client in order to login, create the connection and use that connection to create and access the Leads data.So I followed this sample where the wsdl was being consumed.
So I was able to connect
I was very happy on this success and then suddenly I wasn't able to identify/find a way where I can get the sObject.I looked hard for this but no luck. So posted a question on SO
Meanwhile I also looked for other node module and found jsforce
I used jsforce starting guide and created a client that was connecting to salesforce however without using the wsdl file.
Again I was happy, even more happy because I was having the sObject with me.
Now, what is the fundamental difference if I login using the local wsdl file and without wsdl file in the language of salesforce. Which one is the correct way of logging in?
Sorry if this question is not according to SO rules or if there is a typo.
I'm the author of jsforce you mentioned.
In that lib we use REST API mostly and SOAP APIs are only used in some specific calls like login or metadata. Even in such calls we don't use WSDLs because there's no good lib to generate client modules from WSDL in JavaScript/Node.js area. Instead we wrote modules for each APIs which generate SOAP XML strings and parse the response XML.
It is enough because these API message schema are static and fiesible in the specific version, unlike SOAP API Enterprise WSDL differs in organizations. So we can hard code the client module directly w/o generate it from WSDL.
