Using Keras like TensorFlow for gpu computing - keras

I would like to know if Keras can be used as an interface to TensoFlow for only doing computation on my GPU.
I tested TF directly on my GPU. But for ML purposes, I started using Keras, including the backend. I would find it 'comfortable' to do all my stuff in Keras instead of Using two tools.
This is also a matter of curiosity.
I found some examples like this one:
However this example does not actually do the calculation.
It also does not get input data.
I duplicate the snippet here:
from keras import backend as K
a = K.ones((3,4))
b = K.ones((4,5))
c =, b)
I would simply like to know if I can get the result numbers from this snippet above, and how?

Keras doesn't have an eager mode like Tensorflow, and it depends on models or functions with "placeholders" to receive and output data.
So, it's a little more complicated than Tensorflow to do basic calculations like this.
So, the most user friendly solution would be creating a dummy model with one Lambda layer. (And be careful with the first dimension that Keras will insist to understand as a batch dimension and require that input and output have the same batch size)
def your_function_here(inputs):
#if you have more than one tensor for the inputs, it's a list:
input1, input2, input3 = inputs
#if you don't have a batch, you should probably have a first dimension = 1 and get
input1 = input1[0]
#do your calculations here
#if you used the batch_size=1 workaround as above, add this dimension again:
output = K.expand_dims(output,0)
return output
Create your model:
inputs = Input(input_shape)
#maybe inputs2 ....
outputs = Lambda(your_function_here)(list_of_inputs)
#maybe outputs2
model = Model(inputs, outputs)
And use it to predict the result:


Can't get Keras Code Example #1 to work with multi-label dataset

Apologies in advance.
I am attempting to recreate this CNN (from the Keras Code Examples), with another dataset.
The dataset I am using is one for retinal scans, and classifies images on a scale from 0-4. So, it's a multi-label image classification.
The Keras example used is binary classification (cats v dogs), though I would have hoped it wouldn't make much difference (maybe this is a big assumption on my part).
I skipped the 'image augmentation' part of the walkthrough. So, I have not created the
data_augmentation = keras.Sequential(
part. So, instead of:
def make_model(input_shape, num_classes):
inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape)
# Image augmentation block
x = data_augmentation(inputs)
# Entry block
x = layers.Rescaling(1.0 / 255)(x)
at the beginning of the model, I have:
def make_model(input_shape, num_classes):
inputs = keras.Input(shape=input_shape)
# Image augmentation block
x = keras.Sequential(inputs)
# Entry block
x = layers.Rescaling(1.0 / 255)(x)
However I keep getting different errors no matter how much I try to change things around, such as "TypeError: Keras symbolic inputs/outputs do not implement __len__.", or "ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "rescaling_3" (type Rescaling).".
What am I missing here?

Training multiple pytorch models on GPUs

I'm trying to implement something with pytorch.
I have 2 GPUs and I want to train 2 models as below:
model0 = Mymodel().to('cuda:0')
model1 = Mymodel().to('cuda:1')
opt0 = torch.optim.Adam(model0.parameters(), lr=0.01)
opt1 = torch.optim.Adam(model0.parameters(), lr=0.01)
# 1.Forward data into model0 on GPU0
out = model0('cuda:0'))
# 2.Calculate the loss on model0, update model0's parameters
# 3.Use model0's output as input of model1 on GPU1
out = model1('cuda:1'))
# 4.Calculate the loss on model1, update model1's parameters
I want to train them simultaneously to speed up the whole procedure, but I think the code now will wait step 2(or 4) finished and finally do step 3(or 1). How can I implement my idea? Or which technique is I need(e.g. model parel, thread, multiprocessing...)?
I've consider some article like this, but I think there is some worng with the result, and I think it actually doesn't train models simultaneously.
You have a strong dependency between the 2 models, the 2nd one always needs the output from the previous one, so that part of the code will always be sequential.
I think you might need some sort of multiprocessing (take a look at torch.multiprocessing) or some kind of queue, where you can store the output from the first model.

How to include multiple input tensor in keras.model.fit_generator

I am a keras rookie and I need some help in working with keras after many days struggling at this problem. Please ask for further information if there is any ambiguity.
Currently, I am trying to modify the code from a link.According to their network model, there are 2 input tensors expected. Now I have trouble including 2 input tensors into the source code provided by them.
Function Boneage_prediction_model() initiates a model of 2 input tensors.
def Boneage_prediction_model():
i1 = Input(shape=(500, 500, 1), name='input_img') # the 1st input tensor
i2 = Input(shape=(1,), name='input_gender') # the 2nd input tensor
... ...
model = Model(inputs=(i1, i2), outputs=o) # define model input
with both i1 and i2
... ...
#using model.fit_generator to instantiate
# datagen is initiated by keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator
# img_train is the 1st network input, and boneage_train is the training label
# gender_train is the 2nd network input
(datagen.flow(img_train, boneage_train, batch_size=10),
... ...
I tried many ways to combine the two (datagen.flow(img_train, boneage_train, batch_size=10) and gender_train) as stated above, but it failed and kept reporting errors
such as the following,
ValueError: Error when checking model input: the list of Numpy arrays that you are passing to your model is not the size the model expected. Expected to see 2 array(s), but instead got the following list of 1 arrays: [array([[[[-0.26078433],
If I understand you correctly, you want to have two inputs for one network and have one label for the combined output. In the official documentation for the fit_generator there is an example with multiple inputs.
Using a dictionary to map the multiple inputs would result in:
datagen.flow({'input_img':img_train, 'input_gender':gender_train}, boneage_train, batch_size=10),
After failure either blindly to simply combine the 2 inputs, or as another contributor suggested, to use a dictionary to map the multiple inputs, I realized it seems to be the problem of datagen.flow which keeps me from combining a image tensor input and a categorical tensor input. datagen.flow is initiated by keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator with the goal of preprocessing the input images. Therefore chances are that it is inappropriate to combine the 2 inputs inside datagen.flow. Additionally, fit_generator seems to expect an input of generator type, and what I did as proposed in my question is wrong, though I do not fully understand the mechanism of this function.
As I looked up carefully in other codes written by the team, I learned that I need to write a generator to combine the two. The solution is as following,
def combined_generators(image_generator, gender_data, batch_size):
gender_generator = cycle(batch(gender_data, batch_size))
while True:
nextImage = next(image_generator)
nextGender = next(gender_generator)
assert len(nextImage[0]) == len(nextGender)
yield [nextImage[0], nextGender], nextImage[1]
def batch(iterable, n=1):
l = len(iterable)
for ndx in range(0, l, n):
yield iterable[ndx:min(ndx + n, l)]
train_gen_wrapper = combined_generators(train_gen_boneage, train_df_boneage['male'], BATCH_SIZE_TRAIN)
model.fit_generator(train_gen_wrapper, ... )

How to get the output of intermediate layers which are not connected via Sequential() function?

I am new in Keras, but I worked with pure tensorflow before. I am trying to debug some of the following network (I will just copy a fragment. Loss function, optimizer, etc are unimportant to me for with this code)
#Block 1 (Conv,relu,batch) starts with 800 x 400
main_input = LNN.Input(shape=((800,400,5)),name='main_input')
enc_conv1 = LNN.Convolution2D(8,3,padding='same',activation='relu')(main_input)
enc_bn1 = LNN.BatchNormalization(axis=1)(enc_conv1)
#Block 2 (Conv,relu,batch) starts with 400 x 200
maxp1_4 = LNN.MaxPooling2D(strides=2)(enc_bn1)
enc_conv2 = LNN.Convolution2D(16,3,padding='same',activation='relu')(maxp1_4)
enc_bn2 = LNN.BatchNormalization(axis=1)(enc_conv2)
enc_conv3 = LNN.Convolution2D(16,3,padding='same',activation='relu')(enc_bn2)
enc_bn3 = LNN.BatchNormalization(axis=1)(enc_conv3)
concat1_5 = LNN.concatenate(axis=3,inputs=[enc_bn3,maxp1_4])
I have seen some examples of how to do it adding each operation to a Sequential() function (for example as the one explained here but with the add() function. Is there a way to check the output of each layer without adding them to a model itself (as it can be also done with Tensorflow, making a session)?
The best is to make a model that outputs those layers:
modelToOutputAll = Model(main_input, [enc_conv1, enc_bn1, maxp1_4, enc_conv2, enc_bn2, enc_conv3, enc_bn3, concat1_5])
For training, keep a model with only the final output:
modelForTraining = Model(main_input,concat1_5)
Both models are using the exact same weights, so training one changes the other. You use each one for doing what you need at the moment.
Train with,yTrain, ...)
See intermediate layers with modelToOutputAll.predict(xInput)

How to use hidden layer activations to construct loss function and provide y_true during fitting in Keras?

Assume I have a model like this. M1 and M2 are two layers linking left and right sides of the model.
The example model: Red lines indicate backprop directions
During training, I hope M1 can learn a mapping from L2_left activation to L2_right activation. Similarly, M2 can learn a mapping from L3_right activation to L3_left activation.
The model also needs to learn the relationship between two inputs and the output.
Therefore, I should have three loss functions for M1, M2, and L3_left respectively.
I probably can use:
loss={'M1': 'mean_squared_error',
'M2': 'mean_squared_error',
'L3_left': mean_squared_error'})
But during training, we need to provide y_true, for example:[input_1,input_2], y_true)
In this case, the y_true is the hidden layer activations and not from a dataset.
Is it possible to build this model and train it using it's hidden layer activations?
If you have only one output, you must have only one loss function.
If you want three loss functions, you must have three outputs, and, of course, three Y vectors for training.
If you want loss functions in the middle of the model, you must take outputs from those layers.
Creating the graph of your model: (if the model is already defined, see the end of this answer)
#Here, all "SomeLayer(blabla)" could be replaced by a "SomeModel" if necessary
#Example of using a layer or a model:
#M1 = SomeLayer(blablabla)(L12)
#M1 = SomeModel(L12)
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import *
inLef = Input((shape1))
inRig = Input((shape2))
L1Lef = SomeLayer(blabla)(inLef)
L2Lef = SomeLayer(blabla)(L1Lef)
M1 = SomeLayer(blablaa)(L2Lef) #this is an output
L1Rig = SomeLayer(balbla)(inRig)
conc2Rig = Concatenate(axis=?)([L1Rig,M1]) #Or Add, or Multiply, however you're joining the models
L2Rig = SomeLayer(nlanlab)(conc2Rig)
L3Rig = SomeLayer(najaljd)(L2Rig)
M2 = SomeLayer(babkaa)(L3Rig) #this is an output
conc3Lef = Concatenate(axis=?)([L2Lef,M2])
L3Lef = SomeLayer(blabla)(conc3Lef) #this is an output
Creating your model with three outputs:
Now you've got your graph ready and you know what the outputs are, you create the model:
model = Model([inLef,inRig], [M1,M2,L3Lef])
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='rmsprop')
If you want different losses for each output, then you create a list:
#example of custom loss function, if necessary
def lossM1(yTrue,yPred):
return keras.backend.sum(keras.backend.abs(yTrue-yPred))
#compiling with three different loss functions
model.compile(loss = [lossM1, 'mse','binary_crossentropy'], optimizer =??)
But you've got to have three different yTraining too, for training with:[input_1,input_2], [yTrainM1,yTrainM2,y_true], ....)
If your model is already defined and you don't create it's graph like I did:
Then, you have to find in yourModel.layers[i] which ones are M1 and M2, so you create a new model like this:
M1 = yourModel.layers[indexForM1].output
M2 = yourModel.layers[indexForM2].output
newModel = Model([inLef,inRig], [M1,M2,yourModel.output])
If you want that two outputs be equal:
In this case, just subtract the two outputs in a lambda layer, and make that lambda layer be an output of your model, with expected values = 0.
Using the exact same vars as before, we'll just create two addictional layers to subtract outputs:
diffM1L1Rig = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1])([L1Rig,M1])
diffM2L2Lef = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1])([L2Lef,M2])
Now your model should be:
newModel = Model([inLef,inRig],[diffM1L1Rig,diffM2L2lef,L3Lef])
And training will expect those two differences to be zero:
yM1 = np.zeros((shapeOfM1Output))
yM2 = np.zeros((shapeOfM2Output))[input_1,input_2], [yM1,yM2,t_true], ...)
Trying to answer to the last part: how to make gradients only affect one side of the model.
...well.... at first that sounds unfeasible to me. But, if that is similar to "train only a part of the model", then it's totally ok by defining models that only go to a certain point and making part of the layers untrainable.
By doing that, nothing will affect those layers. If that's what you want, then you can do it:
#using the previous vars to define other models
modelM1 = Model([inLef,inRig],diffM1L1Rig)
This model above ends in diffM1L1Rig. Before compiling, you must set L2Right untrainable:
modelM1.layers[??].trainable = False
#to find which layer is the right one, you may define then using the "name" parameter, or see in the modelM1.summary() the shapes, types etc.
modelM1.compile(.....)[input_1, input_2], yM1)
This suggestion makes you train only a single part of the model. You can repeat the procedure for M2, locking the layers you need before compiling.
You can also define a full model taking all layers, and lock only the ones you want. But you won't be able (I think) to make half gradients pass by one side and half the gradients pass by the other side.
So I suggest you keep three models, the fullModel, the modelM1, and the modelM2, and you cycle them in training. One epoch each, maybe....
That should be tested....
