How can I convert an integer to date without clock? - python-3.x

I have a dataset. In first column values an integer type YYYYMMDD. I want to convert it to date without clock (hour,second) and replace with column's values.
How can I convert an integer to date in Python? I use JupyterLab.

Since you said you have a dataset, let the name of the dataset be df then using pandas, you could do:
pd.to_datetime(df.Dates.astype(str),format = "%Y%m%d")


Convert float time to datetime or timestamp in Python

I have the following dataframe:
The column Time is a string and I want to convert it either to timestamp or datetime formats. However, when I run df['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Time']), I always get an error
OutOfBoundsDatetime: Out of bounds nanosecond timestamp: 1-01-01 08:53:30
Are you sure you are getting the right column and values. Because running
time = pd.to_datetime("13:30:35.805")
Timestamp('2020-04-20 13:30:35.805000')
as output as expected.
If you can't solve the problem with pandas directly you can always manually split the string in hours, minutes and seconds with
h, m, s = map(float, x.split(':'))
And use those values to create a timestamp

Float is not converting to integer pandas

I used this code to convert my float numbers into an integer, however, it does not work. Here are all step I gone through so far:
Step 1: I converted timestamp1 and timestamp2 to datetime in order subtract and get days:
a=pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp1'], format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
b=pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp2'], format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
df['delta'] = (b-a).dt.days
Step 2: Converted the strings into integers as the day:
df['delta'] = pd.to_datetime(df['delta'], format='%Y-%m-%d', errors='coerce')
df['delta'] = df['delta']
Step 3: I am trying to convert floats into integers.
categorical_feature_mask = df.dtypes==object
categorical_cols = df.columns[categorical_feature_mask].tolist()
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
le = LabelEncoder()
df[categorical_cols] = df[categorical_cols].apply(lambda col: le.fit_transform(col))
However, it throws an error TypeError: ('argument must be a string or number', 'occurred at index col1')
To convert a float column to an integer with float columns having NaN values two things you can do:
Convert to naive int and change NaN values to an arbitrary value such as this:
If you want to conserve NaN values use this:
Note the difference with the capital "I". For further information on this implementation made by Pandas just look at this: Nullable integer data type.
Why do you need to do that ? Because by default Pandas considers that when your column has at least on NaN value, the column is a Float, because this is how numpy behaves.
The same thing happen with strings, if you have at least one string value in your column, the whole column would be labeled as object for Pandas, so this is why your first attempt failed.
You can convert columns from float to int using this. Use errors='ignore' if the data contains null values
df[column_name] = df[column_name].astype("Int64", errors="ignore")

Pandas: Calling df.loc[] from an index consisting of pd.datetime

Say I have a df as follows:
The type of of the df.index is now
<class 'pandas.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex'>
When we try to call a row of data based on the index of type pd.datetime, it is possible to call the value based on a string format of date instead of inputting a datetime object. In the above case, if I want to call a row of data on 5/4/2017, I can simply input the string format of the date to .loc as follows:
And we do not need to input the datetime object
My question is, when calling the data from .loc based on string format of date, how does pandas know if my date string format follows m-d-y or d-m-y or other combinations? In this above case, I used a.loc['5/4/2017'] and it succeeds in returning the value. Why wouldn't it think it might mean April 5 which is not within this index?
Here's my best shot:
Pandas has an internal function called pandas._guess_datetime_format. This is what gets called when passing the 'infer_datetime_format' argument to pandas.to_datetime. It takes a string and runs through a list of "guess" formats and returns its best guess on how to convert that string to a datetime object.
Referencing a datetime index with a string may use a similar approach.
I did some testing to see what would happen in the case you described - where a dataframe contains both the date 2017-04-05 and 2017-05-04.
In this case, the following:
Returned the Data for May 4th, 2017
Returned the data for April 5th, 2017.
Attempting to reference 4/5/2017 in your original matrix gave an "is not in the [index]" error.
Based on this, my conclusion is that pandas._guess_datetime_format defaults to a "%m/%d/%Y" format in cases where it cannot be distinguished from "%d/%m/%Y". This is the standard date format in the US.

Convert date into numeric date

In Matlab, how can I convert a date into a numeric date?
For example, I want to convert '31-Jan-1990' to '19900131'.
You can use datestr to change the date format to 19900131, and then use str2double to convert it to a number:
numDate = str2double(datestr('31-Jan-1990','yyyymmdd'))
numDate =
If you want to keep the date as a string just remove str2double from the above code.
Here are two functions that are the most helpful and appropriate ones for this situation:
datenum and datestr
The first step is to convert your string to Matlab's date number, which can be later converted to any string format, or even do calculation for date or time. Here we use additional argument to help on conversion. You may also check here for format you like to construct.
daynum = datenum('31-Jan-1990','dd-mm-YYYY')
The second step is then straightforward. You use the date number to translate to the string with the format you want.
You can sure combine both functions together
The result
>> datestr(datenum('31-Jan-1990','dd-mm-YYYY'),'YYYYmmdd')
ans =
Finally, use str2num to achieve what you want.

SAS import excel date format changes

I need to import an excel, the excel has a few columns and the 1st column A is a date column. Column A has the date format DDMMMYYYY e.g. '01Jan2017' and in excel the data type is date type. But when I import it to SAS, all the other columns remain the same data type (numeric, character, etc.) and value. But column A becomes a number e.g. ('42736' for '01Jan2017'). How do I import the data as it is and without converting the data type to other types?
libname out '/path';
proc import out=out.sas_output_dataset
It is hard to know without seeing the data. The below is general information, it may not answer your precise problem.
To avoid common errors you should set mixed=yes in your libname. You may also want to include stringdate=yes statement.
The mixed=yes allows for any out of range excel date values.
stringdates=yes brings all dates into SAS in character format, so you will need to use the input() function to convert this into a SAS date.
Date = input( Date , mmddyy10. )
I would suggest that you import the excel with the import wizard in SAS. Afterwards right-click on the query and extract the code, see here: SAS Import Query DE
In the generated code itself you can format each imported column into the desired format.
For the possible format see:
Hope this helps.
A value of '42736' for '01Jan2017' is an indication that the column in the Excel file has a mix of cells with date values and cells with string values. In that case SAS will make the variable character and store the date values as a digit string that represents the raw number excel uses for the date. To convert '42736' to a date value you need to first convert it to a number and then adjust the number for the difference in the base date used by Excel.
date_value = input(date_string,32.) + '30DEC1899'd ;
To convert the strings that look like '01JAN2017' use the DATE informat instead.
date_value = input(date_string,date11.);
You could add logic to do both to handle a column with mixed values.
date_value = input(date_string,??date11.);
if missing(date_value) then
date_value = input(date_string,??32.) + '30DEC1899'd
To have the new variable print the date values in a human readable style attach a date type format to the variable.
format date_value date9. ;
