How to undeploy the network on composer network - hyperledger-fabric

I am using composer v.0.20.8 currently
and I keep updating my .bna file.
but every time I generate a new .bna file I have to teardown my fabric network and redeploy it.
Is there a way where I can just deploy it without tearing down my network in v.0.20.8 Composer?

Composer provides a upgrade utility to do just that. Please see the below link for reference.
Upgrading a business network
Let us know if you get stuck in the process.


hyperledger composer, where are business network stored

I has been deployed (this awesome deprecated tool named) hyperledger composer. After a couple of days working, click on a network card emit an error and I'm unable to login. After give up, reinstall everything from zero, does not remove this cards. Already deleted ~/compose* files, also teardown fabric and docker containers.
So my problem have two solutions:
One, find where are composer model and scripts stored to recover.
Two, fix and/or remove these files.**
Question: Where are CTO and js script files stored?
I will suggest you not to you use Composer as it is has been deprecated. Please read here.

Hyperledger fabric with node gives me You've asked to invoke a function that does not exist

I created a chaincode in hyperledger fabric using the "first-network" as a local blockchain to deploy my contract, I tested it, it worked great, loved it, and then I decided to add a new method to my contract, nothing complex, a simple query.
My program is in node with typescript, so I deleted the dist folder, run npm run build and the ./ down script even deleted all my containers and images and started all back using the ./ up script and no matter what've tried I'm getting this error:
You've asked to invoke a function that does not exist: queryTransference
Failed to submit transaction: Error: Endorsement has failed
So I thougth maybe I'm doing something wrong, so I added my methods to the fabcar.ts example and started the fabric again to run the fabcar with both the fabcar methods and mine, and this time, I'm getting the same error for all my methods, while the original methods from the fabcar example are the only ones recognized.
So, where is fabric storing the old versions of the code? I'm deleting all dist folder, node_modules, containers and images, how come it doesn't update the contract if I'm publishing in a brand new blockchain? do I need to increase versions even in development each time I change something?

How to place chaincode using hyperledger fabric?

I am very new to Hyperledger Fabric. I have cloned the fabric-samples repository and built a network using it. The problem I have is, should I place chaincode inside the chaincode folder of the fabric-samples?.
Yes, you should if you are using the examples but you can change the path as you like.
I recommend you to read the documentation first.
Choosing a Location for the Code

Tools for Hyperledger Fabric Development and deployment

Hey could someone help me with this doubt?
I am a very beginner and not the typical profile of a developer. For a project I need to define the environment around blockchain. I need to define every tool you need and everything to install to develop and deploy software using Hyperledger Fabric.
As far as I know I will need to install the prereqs:
Docker Engine
Docker Compose
VS Code
All of them are considered developing tools, isn't it?
Other tools I need will be:
Clients (CLI tools)
Apache server?
Playground. (What is that?)
Hyperledger Fabric (Is it similar to the EVM?)
Loopback and Swagger??
Anything else to add? Really thankful for helping me
you wil not need a server initially during developement (can be done locally). An IDE (VSCode is one of them !) will not be needed if you are already getting VSCode. If youre a beginner - Hyperledger Composer (runs over a hyperledger fabric instance) would probably be better to start with. Playground as you mentioned is a user interface of sorts that helps in defining,deploying and testing blockchain networks (can be visited online at To develop networks locally you could download them and develop locally. There are many links available and if you need more I would be happy to link them ! (This series is also very helpful (IBMs ZeroToBlockchain playlist -
Hyperledger Explorer is also a very useful tool for viewing your network and the data stored in the ledger.
You ought to check out Chaincoder IDE. It is a project I am working on. Helping people to get started with Hyperledger Fabric and uses almost standard CLI commands and configuration files of Fabric to get a blockchain system running either locally with docker or remote with different hosts. It is free and easy to use.

Hyperledger Fabric: UI for first-network

I am quite new to Hyperledger Blockchain and have started with exploring 2 sample codes.
(1) - where creating an application using hyperledger was taught - through creating .bna, .card files, deploying them etc. Also saw that an Angular extension is supported, giving the UI.
(2) Classic first-network - where chaincode was deployed etc.
My question is, how can I get a UI for (2),like I did in (1)? It was quite convenient.
In the First tutorial, you used Hyperledger Composer to create a BNA which is a friendly way to create chaincode, and there is an Angular Application generator included.
In the second you directly installed some chaincode on to Fabric without a UI (and without using Composer. In this case you would have to write the UI yourself. In the first example you can build your own app by extending the generated app.
Composer is a tool that makes it easy and fast to create chaincode and applications to run on Fabric. If you don't use Composer you do have some more flexibility, but you have to do more work yourself.
