How Receiving WM_Notify in win32 python - pywin32

I want to get notification to my Form or Dialog handle that one of the control(Ex Button) got its state changed by performing some action(Ex Selecting an Item from combobox) in the same Form or Dialog
I have tried to implement on_notify, but for some reason Its not getting called on occurrence of any event change in the form or Dialog
I need to get on_notify method to be called on any kind of style or state changed in my Dialog or form and also find which control sent the notification to the Toplevel dialog


Check if a webelement is "clickable" before you click it - Selenium VBA

Forgive what is potentially an obscure question.
In the webtable displayed below the following code will click on the highlighted radio button and fire the JS associated with its "click" event.
Set myEle = ch.FindElementById("__M5_1_1_image")
For reasons I will not bore you with, I am trying to write a function which will check if you can click on this (or another candidate webelement in the table) WITHOUT actually clicking on it as I do not want to fire the associated "click" event at this stage of the code. However, I do want to know that the webelement I have specified will not throw an error or produce no event when I do click it later.
I have tried .ClickAndHold and .ReleaseMouse as tests to see if the same potential errors are returned as with the use of .click, but this does not work. For example I can get a "Element not interactable error" with .click but no error with the other 2.
Going back to the webpage I notice that this (and all the other tables I want to apply this function to) change the mouse cursor from an arrow to a "pointing hand" graphic when you hover the mouse over the correct element (e.g. radio button image in this example). Hence, one method would be to look for the presence of the "mouseover" event in the list of event listeners for the specific webelement - as highlighted right lower pane of the image. Unfortunately I don't have any idea how to check the "event listeners" associated with a defined webelement using selenium and VBA. For example if I fire the mouseover event for a webelement would it return an error if no such event existed or would there merely be no action? I assume it is the later, so can anyone tell me if it is possible to query whether a specific event is associated on the webpage for a defined webelement?

Can I grab and populate a screen made by a programmatically triggered button push?

Am I able to grab a screen that is created by a programmatically triggered button push call and populate it with values?
My specific example is that I want to grab the new e-mail screen that is made when I execute this code:
CRCommunicationDraft graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<CRCommunicationDraft>();
I want to grab the screen created after AddNew.PressButton() is executed. Is there any way to do this?
For this specific case, I think is answered here:
How can I open an editable, sendable e-mail screen with prepopoulated values?
For most cases you want to:
Override the Action Handler of the button. You can use OVERRIDE METHOD button of customization editor for that. In your case override the AddNew action event handler.
Create a new graph instance for your target screen, here it is CREmailActivityMaint.
Assign to or insert a record into the current DataView of that graph, in your case use CREmailActivityMaint.Message DataView.
Redirect to the screen, using PXRedirectHelper class.

How to identify the sender of a WM_COMMAND message?

I am using VS 2010 c++. I have a dialog window containing an array of 126 identical pushbutton controls sharing the same value for control ID.
When a button is clicked and the host dialog window receives the resulting WM_COMMAND message, how can the dialog window identify which pushbutton is pressed?
I could use 126 different control ID values, but I was hoping for something a little more concise.
Can anyone help?
ID itself means "what identifies" an object. So you will need to have separate control ID.
There has to be something different about each button control to identify a particular one.
If you want to keep the same control ID, then you can keep track of the handle (HWND) of each button that is created and use the LPARAM parameter of WM_COMMAND message to identify the control by handle.
If you are having unique text for each button then you can use the text property also of the button.

How to make popUp not submit form on startup?

I am using JDeveloper,
I have a createInsert button that has ShowPopUp Behavior operation included. In the popUp I have inserted a form whose attributes will be clean from the createInsert operation. When I click the button the popUp shows up all right but showing an error about the mandatory fields of the form. The fields of the form of course are empty because I just opened it. So I think that the popUp is autoSubmiting the form at the starting point.
Does anyone have an idea how to stop it from doing this?
I have changed the createInsert button PartialSubmit property to false but nothing changed.
Ok found the solution. The popUp was not submitting anything actually but during the CreateInsert operation the iterator opens a new row in every related component within that page (form, table etc). So when my popUp opened up with the new form fields, a new row was being created in the back-stage in my read-only table. I changed the iterator in a new one from another Application Module for each case and everything is fine now.

Saving the states of JavaFX controls on exit

I have a bunch of control objects (TextBoxes, to be precise) that get injected into my code using the #FXML annotation during the FXML load.
I would like to save the states of these controls, specifically the text values, when the user closes the Scene by clicking the close box on the title bar.
However, when I trap the CloseRequest event in an OnCloseRequest handler I find that the values of the control variables are null (the original injection works, so this is something that happens in between the loading of the FXML and the calling of OnCloseRequest).
Can anyone explain this behavior and/or suggest how I can get the functionality that I want?
onCloseRequest is
Called when there is an external request to close this Window. ...
(from Javadoc). One of the meanings of "external request" is when you close the window through OS native window close button. The closeRequest event is not triggered through the programmatic stage.close() or stage.hide() calls. So consider to handle onHiding or onHidden events.
Otherwise post your OnCloseRequest handler code.
