Remove double quotes while printing string in dataframe to text file - python-3.x

I have a dataframe which contains one column with multiple strings. Here is what the data looks like:
EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1
There are almost 100,000 such rows in the dataframe. I want to write this data into a text file.
For this, I tried the following:
df.to_csv(filename, header=None,index=None,mode='a')
But I am getting the entire string in quotes when I do this. The output I obtain is:
"EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1"
But what I want is:
EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1 -> No Quotes
I also tried this:
However, I get an error that an escapechar is required. If i add escapechar='/' into the code, I get '/' in multiple places (but no quotes). I don't want the '/' either.
Is there anyway I can remove the quotes while writing into a text file WITHOUT adding any other escape characters ?

Based on OP's comment, I believe the semicolon is messing things up. I no longer have unwanted \ if using tabs to delimit csv.
import pandas as pd
import csv
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['col'])
df.loc[0] = "EU-1050-22345,201908 XYZ DETAILS, CD_123_123;CD_123_124,2;1"
df.to_csv("out.csv", sep="\t", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar="", escapechar="")
Original Answer:
According to this answer, you need to specify escapechar="\\" to use csv.QUOTE_NONE.
Have you tried:
df.to_csv("out.csv", sep=",", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar="", escapechar="\\")

I was able to write a df to a csv using a single space as the separator and get the "quotes" around strings removed by replacing existing in-string spaces in the dataframe with non-breaking spaces before I wrote it as as csv.
df = df.applymap(lambda x: str(x).replace(' ', u"\u00A0"))
df.to_csv(outpath+filename, header=True, index=None, sep=' ', mode='a')
I couldn't use a tab delimited file for what I was writing output for, though that solution also works using additional keywords to df.to_csv(): quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar="", escapechar="")


Getting KeyError for pandas df column name that exists

I have
data_combined = pd.read_csv("/path/to/creole_data/data_combined.csv", sep=";", encoding='cp1252')
So, when I try to access these rows:
data_combined = data_combined[(data_combined["wals_code"]=="abk") &(data_combined["wals_code"]=="aco")]
I get a KeyError 'wals_code'. I then checked my list of col names with
and saw the col name 'wals_code' in the list. Here's the first few items from the print out.
[',"wals_code","Order of subject, object and verb","Order of genitive and noun","Order of adjective and noun","Order of adposition and NP","Order of demonstrative and noun","Order of numeral and noun","Order of RC and noun","Order of degree word and adjective"]
Anyone have a clue what is wrong with my file?
The problem is the delimiter you're using when reading the CSV file. With sep=';', you instruct read_csv to use semicolons (;) as the separators for columns (cells and column headers), but it appears from your columns print out that your CSV file actually uses commas (,).
If you look carefully, you'll notice that your columns print out displays actually a list with one long string, not a list of individual strings representing the columns names.
So, use sep=',' instead of sep=';' (or just omit it entirely as , is the default value for sep):
data_combined = pd.read_csv("/path/to/creole_data/data_combined.csv", encoding='cp1252')

Write to CSV without including (") in each record

I've shaped the data with pandas. And when I write to csv, there's the (") at the start and end of the row in the file.
How do I write to csv such that the file becomes like this?
Your dataframe already contains the quotes as part of the field and | was not recognized as a field separator. Was that intended?
If you want to force pandas just not to use quotes when writing, you can use quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE as follows:
import csv
df.to_csv("mytext.txt", index = False, header = False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
If you want to read it in again later into separate colums, you can do that like this:
pd.read_csv('mytext.txt', sep='|')

Remove unicode '\xa0' from pandas column

I was given a latin-1 .txt dataset, which I am trying to clean up to use for proper analysis using python 3 and pandas. The dataset, being scraped from html contains a number of \xa0 occurences, which I can't seem to deal with using decode, strip, -u replace, or any other method which I found on stack overflow. All of my attempts seem to be ignored by python, still printing out the same results. As I am new to data scraping, chances are that I missed out on something obvious, but right now I don't see a way forward
I have tried to decode to ascii, strip to str and then replace, or replace using a -u clause, not leading to anything
filepath = 'meow3.txt'
outF = open("myOutFile.txt", "a")
with open(filepath) as fp:
line = fp.readline()
for line in fp:
if line.strip().startswith(','):
line = line.replace(',','',1)
line = line.replace(u'\xa0', u' ')
df = pd.read_csv('myOutFile.txt', sep=",", encoding="latin-1", header=None, names=["Company name", "Total", "Invested since-to"])
print (df)
3sun Group, £10m ,Feb 2014
,Abacus, £4.15m ,Aug 2013
,Accsys Group ,£12m, Mar 2017,
Acro ,\xa0£7.8m, Nov 2015 – Sep 2017,
ACS Clothing, £25.3m ,Jan 2014
this is how the dataset looks like, and why in my code I am removing the first comma provided it is at the start of the column. But none of the suggested answers I tried seemed to help with removing the \xa0 part of the dataset, still giving the same result (seen above). If anyone has any clue for how I could make this work, I would be very grateful,
Edit: While I know this would be best dealt with by pre-processing before turning it into txt file, I have no access or control of that process, and I have to work with the data I was given.
I suddenly stuck by this problem today and finally find a quickest and neatest solution.
Say your pandas dataframe has a column with values like 'South\xa0Carolina'.
Use the following code to remove all '\xa0'. Actually I have tried .replace("\xa0"," ") and .replace(r'\xa0',r' '), but none of them worked.
data['col'].str.split().str.join(' ')
do this after reading the file.
df['col'] = df['col'].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(u'\xa0', u''))
Maybe decoding line to UTF8 will help
line = line.decode('UTF-8')
Then do the string replacement after that, if necessary.

Error in reading a ascii encoded csv file?

I have a csv file named Qid-NamedEntityMapping.csv having data like this:
Q1000070 b'Myron V. George'
Q1000296 b'Fred (footballer, born 1979)'
Q1000799 b'Herbert Greenfield'
Q1000841 b'Stephen A. Northway'
Q1001203 b'Buddy Greco'
Q100122 b'Kurt Kreuger'
Q1001240 b'Buddy Lester'
Q1001867 b'Fyodor Stravinsky'
The second column is 'ascii' encoded, and when I am reading the file using the following code, then also it not being read properly:
import chardet
import pandas as pd
def find_encoding(fname):
r_file = open(fname, 'rb').read()
result = chardet.detect(r_file)
charenc = result['encoding']
return charenc
my_encoding = find_encoding('datasets/KGfacts/Qid-
df = pd.read_csv('datasets/KGfacts/Qid-
NamedEntityMapping.csv',error_bad_lines=False, encoding=my_encoding)
But the output looks like this:
Also, I tried to use encoding='UTF-8'. but still, the output is the same.
What can be done to read it properly?
Looks like you have an improperly saved TSV file. Once you circumvent the TAB problem (as suggested in my comment), you can convert the column with names to a more suitable representation.
Let's assume that the second column of the dataframe is called "names". The b'XXX' thing is probably a bytes [mis]representation of a string. Convert it to a bytes object with ast.literal_eval and then decode to a string:
import ast
#0 Myron...
#1 Fred...
Last but not least, your problem has almost nothing to do with encodings or charsets.
Your issue looks like the CSV is actually tab separated; so you need to have sep='\t' in the read_csv function. It's reading everything else as a single column, except "born 1979" in the first row, as that is the only cell with a comma in it.

pandas.read_clipboard only reads whole lines not columns

I transferred all my python3 codes from macOS to Ubuntu 18.04 and in one program I need to use pandas.clipboard(). At this point of time there is a list in the clipboard with multiple lines and columns divided by tabs and each element in quotation marks.
After just trying
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_clipboard()
I'm getting this error: pandas.errors.ParserError: Expected 8 fields in line 3, saw 11. Error could possibly be due to quotes being ignored when a multi-char delimiter is used.. And line 3 looks like "word1" "word2 and another" "word3" .... Without the quotation marks you count 11 elements and within quotation marks you count 8.
In the next step I tried
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_clipboard(sep='\t')
and I'm getting no errors but it results only in a Series with each line of the clipboard source in one element.
Yes, maybe it's a solution to write a code for separating each element of a line after this step but because it's working very well under macOS (with just pd.read_clipboard()) I hope that there's a better solution.
Thank you for helping.
I wrote a "turnaround" for my question. It's not the exact solution but because I just need the elements of one column in an array I solved it like that:
import pyperclip
# read clipboard
cb = pyperclip.paste()
# lines in array
cb_arr = cb.splitlines()
column = []
for cb_line in cb_arr:
# words in array
cb_words = cb_line.split("\"")
# pick element of column 1
word = cb_words[1]
# delete column name
Maybe it helps someone else, too.
