Photoshop changing colors when saving JPG - jpeg

I'm in photoshop and I have an image with the color #293344 and when I go to save a JPG the color changes to 2a3344. I've attachedthe export settings. I have tried to embed, not embed, convert to RGB and not, etc. and keep getting the same outcome.
Here are the export settings

I talked to a friend and did "save as" vs. export as a JPG and that kept the colors. No idea what's up with the export when I saved the pallet but hopefully this helps someone else.


When report is exported to PDF the logo is black/look like corrupted

I tried to export a standard SO form to pdf and as I check in it the logo/image looks like its been corrupted, as I look it in the report designer there seems no problem except that the cause might be on the Barcode Type. I just want to export it to PDF with a clear logo/image.
The report engine has issues with transparent colors when exported. Any Transparent color comes out black when exported to PDF.
The easiest thing to do is to download your image, open it in an editor (even paint will work) and replace the transparent color with white.

Highstock export .png to variable

I would like to know if there is a way use the built in export/getSVG function in Highstock to save the exported PNG to a variable in the background instead of prompting the user to download the file.
The thought is for a user to be able to click a button which will export each snapshot to a variable in the background. When done scrolling through the entire chart a subsequent button would create a document containing all the PNG images for a singe download. We can develop everything but the hangup is on saving the PNG image to a variable. We have been able to assign the SVG string to an array we maintain but due to size this would not be the best option for use.
Are there any ways to do this?
Something like this is possible to achieve, see FAQ
However, there is also one more option - get SVG, and use canvg to render into canvas and then to PNG file, as you need.

How to display a .bmp in an NSImageView for MacOs so that a certain color is transparent?

I have some .bmp files that have some color (maybe black) that is supposed to show as transparent when the graphic is displayed on top a form, so the form color comes through the transparent areas. But by default, when I put these images in an Image View, the black/transparent areas show up as BLACK!
I'm thinking I need to either:
- alter how the NSImageView shows the image, so that a certain color is transparent, or
- modify the .bmp files somehow to make that color suitable for transparency in an NSImageView
But I don't know enough about graphics files, transparency(alpha), NSImageView, nor the image editing tools. I'm trying to use Gimp, but...not sure what I'm doing yet. It seems like there is already a color that should be transparent in the current .bmp file.
I'm sure its something simple for setting NSImageView, or editing my file, or perhaps making a mask for the image, but I don't know how yet. I've looked at various filters in IB for NSImageView, but have not found where to set the transparent color, nor how to grab that color from the image file to make sure I use the correct value.
Thanks in advance for any assistance. (I tried to post some images, but because I'm new, I could not.)
I'm not a Cocoa developer, but in Gimp try adding an alpha channel to your image (a layer mask, perhaps) then saving as a 32-bit PNG image (with an alpha channel), then load that PNG directly into your NSImageView. If you want to make the black pixels transparent in Gimp use the magic-wand tool to select them (use magic-wand with 0 tolerance) and just delete the contents of the selection then save as a PNG directly.

Pixlelated borders when i save image as GIF with Transparent In Illustrator

World Map Images in Adobe Illustrator CS5
I have an image Map in illustrator CS5 which i want to save in GIF so as to reduce its size for web use. But when i save it, the map boundaries are having some white pixels all along the map boundaries of map.
I really dont know why has happened to it, but cant save it in Png-8, png-24 formate due to size constraint.
Any meaningful answer will be highly appreciate and thanks in advance.
Is your background a non-changable color? Maybe you can save the image with the same color as a background.
The problem is gifs don't support true transparency.
If this doesn't work can you provide the image you are trying to save (gif and png, I don't have AI right now)? Maybe there will be something I can do about the size or clearing the gif's edges.
transparent GIFs don't have an 8-bit alpha channel, like PNG does: a pixel in a GIF is either there, or it's not: if it's there, you can't see through it. This often means that an edge between transparent and non-transparent areas looks blocky.
There are two ways to deal with this... either use a PNG 24 (and the Illustrator Save for Web feature will help you to make it smaller), or in Illustrator create a background color layer behind your image before you export to GIF. If this background color layer is the same as the website you put the image on, the edges will blend nicely.

Flash CS5 - How to change anti-aliasing on all text containers in an animation

Is there a quick way to change all text containers so that the anti-alias setting is "Use Device Fonts"?
I am using Flash CS5, and need to convert about 300 animations, each with 20 or more text boxes, so that they use device fonts. This is necessary so that we can more easily display traditional Chinese characters.
I can go through each text box, change the font to _sans and it automatically switches to Use Device Font - then I don't need to embed the font files. So I tried to use the Find and Replace tool to change the font on all text boxes. It worked fine at changing the fonts, but it did not auto-switch the anti-alias. Any help on this would save hours of work.
Hopefully you're not too far into your work on this one, but there's a new development with CS5 that will help you with just this. It's called the .xfl format, and all .fla's are actually this format, but zipped up. Have a read here for more info:
What this means is you can convert your fla to xfl (or just change the suffix to .zip and unzip as the above article suggests), and do a Find&Replace on all text field font values.
Hope that helps!
