OVH VPS doesn't allow connection - dns

I have a domain name at godaddy and I set it up so that it will redirect to my OVH VPS.
You should know that in godaddy it is possible to do the redirection in 2 ways.
1) - Redirection only (Forward only) and so once I go on my domain name ( I am redirected to which is visible on the bar of my browser instead of and I arrives on my site (web application installed on my vps) successfully
2) - Forward with masking, and here the difference is that is not displayed in my navigation bar, it is still which is displayed but my vps refuses to answer and i get this: does not allow connection .. on my browser.
What should I do to make OVH agree to answer?
Thank you in advance.

Solved by adding an A type dns record in my dns dashboard pointing to my vps #IP adress instead of using forward method.

Related is not openning while is working fine how to resolve it?

when i am trying to access my domain with www it shows an error like "This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.
Search Google for sustainable tourism co
and working with out wwww.
all dns records are set correctly
plz help me
As you mentioned DNS is configured corrent, than its is most probably due to wrong setup of virtual host for web server. Depending of the web server in use(eg. Apache or nginx or some other) you can correct this.
In the server alias, you need to add both www and without www of your domain.

Binding all subdomains to single domain in windows server

I have made my A record in dns
* A (the ip)
Now at my server I want to bind all of the subdomains to
binding does not allow using * but allows using * and it works as I want to. but the problem is that it binds other websites on the server too.
by the way:
does not work and I don't know why.
Any suggestion how to do this?
I solved it by creating default website bibding it to an empty hostname this does what I want but the problem is all other domains that are pointing to my server, If not binded to anything will be directed to the same site, but this is not a problem in my case.

Domain DNS settings redirection (www to https)

I have a SSL certificate for domain I want to redirect (and also the 2nd domain, e.g request to the In the domain DNS setting I see
CNAME is an alias of
do I have to play with that entry or maybe set up that redirection on my server (Windows Server 2008 R2) ?
The CNAME only tells the browser (or more accurately, the resolver) how to find the IP address of the domain name. In this case, when the browser tries to resolve "", it finds a CNAME record, so it needs to follow that alias and resolve "". Eventually, it should arrive at an IP address to which it can make a HTTP(S) connection.
In short, yes, you need to setup the redirection on your web server as well.
Use URL Rewrite for redirections. It's a bit cryptic at first but it's a powerfull tool in IIS for this purpose.

Can I use Bluehost as a host for a .fr domain, being my registrar?

I have a .fr domain registered at
Yesterday I subscribed to Bluehost for the hosting (being a beginner, it is easier to install Wordpress through Bluehost).
I had to change the DNS on Gandi. I did that and also created a DNS zone on Gandi (not sure if I should have done both). It worked and I started creating my website today.
All of a sudden, the website just switched back to Gandi as a host (since the default Gandi page is showing instead of my Wordpress page).
Now I just read this page:
Does this mean that I will not be able at all to host a .fr domain through Bluehost?
As the article says, get the A record for your server from Bluehost (just ask them for it) and go to Gandi's control panel and set the A record to that IP.
If you also use email on that domain, set the MX record in the same way (ask Bluehost for it and change it in Gandi's control panel).

Subdomain mapping to another external subdomain

I'm trying to map to I've seen this on UserVoice. They let you map to
On I've set up a CNAME to
It works fine but when I open I get the content of instead of
After some experimenting I've realized that this is an expected behavior.
So my question is what do I have to do on (or maybe on to have it show content of subdomain "" when I navigate
(I'm using Plesk and the OS is Windows Server 2003)
I was facing the same problem for the last couple of days, and just found the solution...
In /etc/apache2/site-available/default, I had two virtual hosts, first one was for my domain, and the second one was for my sub domain. All I had to do was reverse the order of the virtual host blocks, placing the sub domain in front of the domain, and it worked! :D
I found the solution. One way would be to use a mod_rewrite rule on and do a redirect if referrer is Or to assign a dedicated IP address.
HTTP/1.1 uses the Host: header to figure out which site is being requested, should there be more than one site hosted on the same IP address.
You need to ensure that the second (target) web-server is configured to expect incoming HTTP requests with the original URI in them.
I am not 100% sure how to do this in windows but in apache you just need to setup a virtual host to redirect it from the main domain to your subdomain.
you do not say if you are using IIS or apache or what the webserver is.
I imagine that what you need to do is setup a new website in IIS (not a virtual directory) and in the website tab click on advanced and edit the entry in there so that the "host header name" is the subdomain you want.
Jon Hawkins
