How to clear the page while pop in Flutter - android-studio

I'm setting one Page that shows the Employees List in Card. While pressing on a specific Card, it navigate to another page that shows specific employee details. I added a back button in app bar to pop.
The Problem is when clicked first time, it shows the correct details. But when back button is pressed and another profile is clicked, the screen shows the same previous employee details.
What to know how to clear the Screen while pop in Flutter?

Well with no code or error logs ,its difficult to deduce the source of the error.However you could check into state management of you app, data source (is it fetching the right data from database, api etc), could you have hard coded the data.


XSS leaking into other parts of site

I've got a web application in which there are several XSS vulnerabilities on it, on the Profile Page for example there is a text box which is vulnerable to XSS along with the Messages Page. They both have text boxes yet when I add some XSS into the Profile Page, the pop up also comes up in the messages section and I can't figure out why. I've attached some screenshots for more information. If anyone can explain why this does this, I'd be very grateful.
The below Links are for visuals of the application
These are the source code images/files
Profile Page Source Code:
Message Page Code:
You are inserting the saved data from this text box onto the messages.php page. If you right-click and inspect the "testtest" text, you'll notice a script was also added in there (the one you added earlier). By saving this server-side it allows it to be run each time the client loads the page because the browser still reads it as code to be ran. It should not - it should view it as text.
You'll notice that the first word in the background "test" is written, and the script has appeared. This is a blocking script, meaning no further code will be ran until you click the OK button in the dialog allowing the code to continue rendering the rest of the content on the page; hence why the second "test" word waits until you click okay before rendering the rest of the page.
Please let me know if I've missed anything out. Hope this helps

AlertService directive in JHipster

I am using JHipster 3.3.0 and generated code using JDL.
Out of the box, each entity has its own popup dialog page for editing and saving data, i.e. {entity}-dialog.html. And after clicking the Save button, the dialog will close then the entity list page (i.e. {entity}s.html) will display the alert message 'A new <entity name> is created/updated with identifier {primary key}' to indicate outcome of save by using <jhi-alert-error></jhi-alert-error>.
Now I am implementing a one-to-many relationship for 2 entities, say User and Account(i.e. a User can have many Accounts)
such that the editing and saving of both entities happen in the same User page(i.e. User-dialog.html).
All Accounts of the User are displayed in an Account table, each row of the table will have a Save button to save data
of the Account after editing the data in the row.
This is all working fine. However, I noticed after clicking the Save button of Account row, I can see the background User list page
displaying the alert message mentioned above rather then in the current page.
I can't figure out how to display the alert message in the current page as opposed in the entity list page, which is the
default behavior.
I am missing some logic here. Any idea?
Basically, the <jhi-alert-error></jhi-alert-error> in my <entity>-dialog.html page is ignored and won't display message for outcome of successful save except for error message from Form validation.
Thanks in advance,
Ooops,silly me. Just found the answer.
The alert message 'A new is created/updated with identifier {primary key}' was displayed because the tag <jhi-alert></jhi-alert> was used, it was never

Error When clicking on white space on a page in XPages

One of my clients has a replica copy of a database on two different Domino Servers. On one of the servers if the user clicks on any white space on a view or form they get the following error:
While the database on the test server does not throw this error. My server likewise does not throw this error either. as far as I can determine they are both running the same release of Domino.
I have search my code but can't find any reason for this error.
Any pointers where to look.
Check for eventHandlers on your page, looking for one associated to a component that does not have an ID. I think what happens is that if you have an eventHandler on a button, comboBox etc that does not have an ID, it gets associated to whatever contains the button, comboBox etc. So it triggers when you click in that area.
If you find one, add an ID and it will resolve the click problem.
I'm not 100% sure what the refreshId issue is, maybe the eventHandler in question is set refreshMode="partial" but not refreshId set, so it's trying to refresh the component containing the eventHandler, which is the one that doesn't have an ID. I could understand how that would cause a problem.

UITableViewController stops with (lldb) error after deleting Core Data record

Using storyboards, I have a few views connected. The first view displays all races. Once a race is clicked it is passed to the 2nd view controller, which displays all runners. The user can add/edit/delete runners on the 2nd view.
Everything works as expected if you add or edit records. Even deleting records works as long as you're on the 2nd view. If you have deleted any records, as soon as you press the button to navigate back to the original controller (standard UINavigation back button) the app stops and the only error is (lldb).
Any help is appreciated. Please let me know if additional details would be helpful.

disable back button in browser

I have a website having frames. Clicking on button in one frame updates the pages to be loaded in other frames. Now when user press the back button few of the frames load previous pages. i want user not to move back to previous page.
I used the code history.forward() on onload event of all my pages.
This works fine when back is pressed. User got navigated to most recent page always.
But the case is suppose user navigate to number of pages by clicking on button in first frame which updates the pages to be loaded in other frames. After navigation user select a page from the list of browsing history, then it is move forward to only one page, not the last page he was viewing.
This Happens in IE.
In firefox it works fine. User can select any page from the browsing history, he is relocated to most recent page
My opinion is, you should review your concept, because you want to "reconfigure" the browser's navigation buttons. Disabling browser features is in my eyes old fashioned.
I used the code history.forward() on onload event
Try following this way:
In the head section, insert the javascript:
var historySize = history.length;
Then replace in onload event: history.forward() by history.go(historySize - 1). A positive value means move forward to a particular position in browser's history object (array).
I cannot guarantee that it will work, but it is worth to try out.
write this code between script tags
history.pushState(null, null, location.href);
window.onpopstate = function () {
