How to click on the button after data paste - excel

I am trying to click on the button after I have pasted a value on a text box. However none of the code I tried seems to work. On the same column there are 2 text boxes and few buttons. I managed to open up a new frame after clicked on the 1st button with the below code:
Set the_button_elements = doc.getElementsByTagName("div")
For Each button_element In the_button_elements
If button_element.getAttribute("class") = "pzbtn-mid" Then
Exit For
End If
Next button_element
I have tried by changing the tag name and attribution and also the below code but it still doesn't work:
Below is the element for the 1st button which work with the above code:
<button type="button" class="pzhc" id="AcctNumber"
disabled="" onclick="this.disabled=true;javascript: LoadAcct();"
<div class="pzbtn-lft">
<div class="pzbtn-rgt">
<div class="pzbtn-mid" data-click="...">
<img class="pzbtn-i">Go</div></div></div></button>
Below is the element for the next button which I am trying to find the code to make it work:
<button type="button" class="pzhc" id="SearchBtn"
<div class="pzbtn-lft">
<div class="pzbtn-rgt">`enter code here`
<div class="pzbtn-mid">
<img class="pzbtn-i">Search</div></div></div></button>
Appreciate someone could guide me by providing me the code that click on the button as the button is still grey out even after the text pasted. However this is the same situation for the 1st code but it still works.

Perhaps the issue relates to the disabled attribute. If we want to click the button, we should make sure it is enabled status. After clicking the first button or in the textbox change event, you could use the following JavaScript code to enable the Search button:
document.getElementById("SearchBtn").disabled = false;
You could check the following sample:
<button type="button" class="pzhc" id="AcctNumber" onclick='this.disabled=true;javascript: alert("Go"); document.getElementById("SearchBtn").disabled = false;'
<div class="pzbtn-lft">
<div class="pzbtn-rgt">
<div class="pzbtn-mid" data-click="...">
<img class="pzbtn-i">Go
<button type="button" class="pzhc" id="SearchBtn"
disabled="true" onclick='javascript: alert("Search");'>
<div class="pzbtn-lft">
<div class="pzbtn-rgt">
`enter code here`
<div class="pzbtn-mid">
<img class="pzbtn-i">Search
Then, if I use the following VBA script click the button, it will click the Go button, then, enable the search button and click it:
Sub login()
Const Url$ = ""
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
.navigate Url
ieBusy ie
.Visible = True
'Find the related button
Dim button_go_element As Object, button_search As Object
Set button_go_element = .document.getElementById("AcctNumber")
Set button_search = .document.getElementById("SearchBtn")
End With
End Sub
Sub ieBusy(ie As Object)
Do While ie.Busy Or ie.readyState < 4
End Sub


VBA fire event on empty HTML div

I try to automate some manual processes by using VBA automation. One of them is to click on a element that has an empty content and at the moment I am not able to figure out how to deal with it
The HTML code that I am trying to click on:
<div id="searchcombobox-1077-triggerWrap" data-ref="triggerWrap" class="x-form-trigger-wrap x-form-trigger-wrap-toolbar">
<div id="searchcombobox-1077-inputWrap" data-ref="inputWrap" class="x-form-text-wrap x-form-text-wrap-toolbar">
<input id="searchcombobox-1077-inputEl" data-ref="inputEl" type="text" role="combobox" size="1" name="searchcombobox-1077-inputEl" placeholder="Account Number" tabindex="-1" class="x-form-field x-form-text x-form-text-toolbar " autocomplete="off" componentid="searchcombobox-1077">
<div id="searchcombobox-1077-trigger-picker" class="x-form-trigger x-form-trigger-toolbar x-form-search-trigger x-form-search-trigger-toolbar "></div>
The VBA code used is:
HTMLDoc.getElementById("searchcombobox-1077-inputEl").Value = '11xx111'
Set click_el = HTMLDoc.querySelector("#searchcombobox-1077-trigger-picker")
With click_el
.FireEvent "onclick"
End With
What should be the approach that I need to take into consideration since the div element that I need to click on is empty?

Choosing a value from Aria Control Dropdown using VBA

I'm trying to add a click and select value from dropwdown for this HTML code.
I'm unable to make the click change.
I tried getelementbyID and getelementbyclassname.
<form method="POST" action="/submit" accept-charset="UTF-8" id="project-form">
<div class="form-fields">
<div class="control-groups">
<label for="project_requestor">Primary Delivery Contact / Project Requestor
<select class="required tooltip dropdown" data-placeholder="Select Sub- Category"
id="project_requestor" name="project_requestor" data-type="contact_name">
<option value="0">Select Requestor</option>
Assuming you are using IE and that you have a proper wait before attempting these i.e.
While ie.Busy Or ie.readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
To click dropdown:
To select first option:
ie.document.querySelector("#project_requestor [value='0']").Selected = True
The # is a css id selector. The [] is a css attribute selector. These target the elements by the css of the page.

Select Radio Button / input value in Open box on website using vba

I am trying to punch the radio button question and want to input the value in an open text box as well (using VBA). Below is the script I am using.
I tried multiple things, looked at other websites as well but it is not working.
It would be great if someone can guide me.
Dim IE As Object
Dim Region, VOCSentDate As String
Region = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
VOCSentDate = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Value
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate "website link....."
Application.StatusBar = "Submitting"
While IE.Busy
I'm not sure how to punch the radio button question. I tried the 3 types for Open textbox below but none of them are not working, throwing object required error
IE.Document.getElementById("ctl00_body_7F22FA6E-5D77-426A-AA84-68D833FA05C1_3").Value = VOCSentDate
IE.Document.getElementById("ctl00_body_7F22FA6E-5D77-426A-AA84-68D833FA05C1_3").innerText = VOCSentDate
IE.Document.all("ctl00_body_7F22FA6E-5D77-426A-AA84-68D833FA05C1_3").Value = VOCSentDate
Application.StatusBar = "Form Submitted"
Set IE = Nothing
-------------- HTML of the Radio button --------------
<div class="SurveyItem RadioButtonList Item1">
<div class="ItemText">
<span class="NoItemNumber"></span><span class="QuestionText">Please select your region:</span>
<div class="Validators">
<span id="ctl00_body_ctl12" style="color:Red;display:none;">A response to this question is required</span>
<div id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" class="Response">
<div class="ResponseOption">
<input id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_1" type="radio" name="ctl00$body$ctl00_body_ctl00_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" value="01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_1" /><label for="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_1">Americas</label>
<div class="ResponseOption AlternatingRow">
<input id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_2" type="radio" name="ctl00$body$ctl00_body_ctl00_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" value="01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_2" /><label for="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_2">ANZ</label>
<div class="ResponseOption">
<input id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_3" type="radio" name="ctl00$body$ctl00_body_ctl00_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" value="01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_3" /><label for="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_3">APAC</label>
<div class="ResponseOption AlternatingRow">
<input id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_4" type="radio" name="ctl00$body$ctl00_body_ctl00_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" value="01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_4" /><label for="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_4">APME</label>
<div class="ResponseOption">
<input id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_5" type="radio" name="ctl00$body$ctl00_body_ctl00_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" value="01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_5" /><label for="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_5">Europe</label>
<div class="ResponseOption AlternatingRow">
<input id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_6" type="radio" name="ctl00$body$ctl00_body_ctl00_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" value="01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_6" /><label for="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_6">India</label>
<div class="ResponseOption">
<input id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_7" type="radio" name="ctl00$body$ctl00_body_ctl00_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1" value="01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_7" /><label for="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_7">North America</label>
------------------- HTML of Open End -------------------------
<div class="SurveyItem Item3">
<div class="ItemText">
<span class="NoItemNumber"></span><span class="QuestionText">EOPR First Sent Date (dd/mm/yyyy)</span>
<div class="Validators">
<span id="ctl00_body_ctl52" style="color:Red;display:none;">A response to this question is required</span><span id="ctl00_body_ctl53" style="color:Red;display:none;">Incorrect Date Format</span>
<div class="Response">
<input name="ctl00$body$01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_3" type="text" id="ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_3" class="TextBox" />
The following are based on the HTML as shown. If there are parent form/frame/iframe tags involved they will also need to be negotiated before making the selections below.
Radio buttons:
For the radio buttons you can use a CSS selector combination to target the page styling and return a nodeList of all of the radio button elements. You can then select by index the appropriate button
Dim aNodeList As Object
Set aNodeList = ie.document.querySelectorAll(".ResponseOption [type=radio]")
aNodeList.item(0).Click '<==Select first option
I think click may be likely method here as I can't see a checked attribute, else the syntax would be aNodeList.item(0).checked = True
The returned nodeList is as follows by index
There is an ID for the input box so you can use an ID selector, #, to target
ie.document.querySelector("#ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_3").Value = "myText"
To choose a radio button style input, make the checked property true.
IE.Document.getElementById("ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_1_6").checked = true
An input textbox gets its value set.
IE.Document.getElementById("ctl00_body_01EE9560-B1F9-4BA3-A922-9D53A1120FC2_3").value = format(VOCSentDate, "d/m/yy")

VBA Excel Value not recorded/accepted in IE

I have a problem with IE not accepting a value (the name of a computer) that I am trying to put into a field. I set the value, it becomes visible in the field, but then when I click "Submit" on the form, it (IE) fails to recognize the value I entered. I am able to modify other objects on the page, but not this simple text field. I can even retrieve the Value from the object in IE after setting it. The field is required, so the submit routine fails before I can proceed.
Here's some code:
'Find the correct instance of IE
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
' etc.
Set IE = objShell.Windows(x)
' etc.
' Enter Computer_Name
Set objCollection = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")(2).contentDocument.getElementById("QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC")
objCollection.Value = Computer_Name ' (The text I'm trying to enter)
' Some other stuff that is working
' Click the "Submit" button on the form (this works too).
After clicking "Submit", the webpage pops up an error saying that the required field (the computer name) was not entered. The field is highlighted red.
When I enter the computer name manually, it works just fine, but not when using VBA. Any help would be appreciated!
Here is a sample of the HTML code. I'll highlight the element I'm trying to modify.
<div class="questionContainer ">
<div class="left questionBody" id="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC-label-body" required="false">
<label class="questionlabel bold" id="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC-label" for="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC">Computer Name<span class="required">*</span></label>
<div class="left answerBody block">
<div class="left">
<div id="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC-answer-body">
' *********** The next line is the element in question. ************
<input tabindex="0" class="answerTextarea " id="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC" aria-describedby="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC-instructions" aria-labelledby="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC-label" required="true" type="text" size="40" value="" responsetype="TEXT" questiondefid="QDHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CE" totalorder="3" questionid="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC" level="0" overwrite="1" maxlng="16" wrap="virtual">
<div class="validationResult clear" id="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC-validationResult" style="display: none;"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="instructions" id="QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC-instructions"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
Possibly important note: the bit of code in one of the later lines of code that says "style="display: none;" does not appear until the value is entered into the filed manually in IE.
Thank you Tim Williams for your help with ideas which put me on the journey that led to this solution. It turned out that I needed to trigger the events for the page to accept the value. Amazingly simple, when I come to realize it. Here is what my final code looks like:
Dim objEvent ' **** NEW ****
'Find the correct instance of IE (opened manually initially)
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
' etc.
Set IE = objShell.Windows(x)
' etc. (including navigation when necessary)
' After the webpage has loaded, set the event handler ' **** NEW ****
Set objEvent = IE.Document.createEvent("HTMLEvents") ' **** NEW ****
' Enter Computer_Name
Set objCollection = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")(2).contentDocument.getElementById("QSHAA5V0GH4LSAO2AI6F2MXNIAJ5CC")
objCollection.Value = Computer_Name ' (The text I'm entering)
' Trigger the event change ' **** NEW ****
objEvent.initEvent "change", False, True ' **** NEW ****
objCollection.dispatchEvent objEvent ' **** NEW ****
' Enter other needed information
' Click the "Submit" button on the form.

VBA excel web page click with no id tag

Apologies if this question has been asked before . I have tried other solutions and they don't appear to work me. I am trying to use VBA to click on a search button but I get no response. The button HTML is as follows
<span id="searchButton">
<button class="btn btn-default" data-bind="click:
GetFilteredRequests.bind($data, 1)">
<span id="innerSeachButton" class="fa fa-search">
I was trying something like this but it doesn't work;
Dim e
For Each e In IE.document.getElementsByTagName("span")
If InStr(e.outerHTML, "btn btn-default") > 0 Then
Exit For
End If
