Fine tuning custom keras model - keras

I have a keras model which is trained on 5 classes,The final layers of the model look like so
dr_steps = Dropout(0.25)(Dense(128, activation = 'relu')(gap_dr))
out_layer = Dense(5, activation = 'softmax')(dr_steps)
model = Model(inputs = [in_lay], outputs = [out_layer])
What I want to do is fine tune this model on an 8 class multilabel problem but I am not sure how to achieve this. This is what I have tried:
dr_steps = Dropout(0.25)(Dense(128, activation = 'relu')(gap_dr))
out_layer = Dense(t_y.shape[-1], activation = 'softmax')(dr_steps)
model = Model(inputs = [in_lay], outputs = [out_layer])
weights_path = ''
output = Dense(8, activation = 'sigmoid')(model.layers[-1].output)
model = Model(inputs = [in_lay], outputs = [output])
loss = 'binary_crossentropy'
model.compile(optimizer = RAdam(), loss = FocalLoss,
metrics = ["binary_accuracy",precision, recall,auc])
but this will raise an error like this
raise ValueError(str(e))
ValueError: Dimension 1 in both shapes must be equal, but are 8 and 5. Shapes are [128,8] and [128,5]. for 'Assign_390' (op: 'Assign') with input shapes: [128,8], [128,5].
Any suggestions on how to fine tune this model will be very helpful,Thanks in advance.

model = Model(inputs = [in_lay], outputs = [out_layer])
weights_path = ''
this out_layer should have the same dimension(5 classes) described inside
So, t_y.shape[-1] should be 5 dimensional, not 8.


Time series encoder-decoder LSTM in Keras

I am using 9 features and 18 time steps in the past to forecast 3 values in the future:
lookback = 18
forecast = 3
n_features_X = 9
n_features_Y = 1
My code is:
# Encoder
past_inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(lookback, n_features_X), name='past_inputs')
encoder = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(128, return_state=True)
encoder_outputs, state_h, state_c = encoder(past_inputs)
# Decoder
future_inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(forecast, n_features_Y), name='future_inputs')
decoder_lstm = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(128, return_sequences=True)
x = decoder_lstm(future_inputs, initial_state=[state_h, state_c])
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='linear')(x)
# Create the model
model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs=[past_inputs, future_inputs], outputs=output)
The model looks like this
I am afraid the problem is with this line:
future_inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(forecast, n_features_Y), name='future_inputs')
The error I am getting is:
AssertionError: Could not compute output Tensor("dense_23/Identity:0", shape=(None, 3, 1), dtype=float32)
Any ideas on how to correctly implement this?

Keras - Embedding Layer Input Error and corresponding input_length error

I am facing an error while taking Input where Embedding is my first layer. It is unable to find the tensor of shape (,9) although I have clearly mentioned the shape in Input(). Can someone help me out of this?
Code is as follows:
def model_3(src_vocab, tar_vocab, src_timesteps, tar_timesteps, n_units):
_nput = Input(shape=[src_timesteps], dtype='int32')
embedding = Embedding(input_dim = src_vocab, output_dim = n_units, input_length=src_timesteps, mask_zero=False)(_nput)
activations = LSTM(n_units, return_sequences=True)(embedding)
attention = Dense(1, activation='tanh')(activations)
attention = Flatten()(attention)
attention = Activation('softmax')(attention)
attention = RepeatVector(tar_timesteps)(attention)
activations = Permute([2,1])(activations)
sent_representation = dot([attention,activations], axes=-1)
sent_representation = LSTM(n_units, return_sequences=True)(sent_representation)
sent_representation = TimeDistributed(Dense(tar_vocab, activation='softmax'))(sent_representation)
model = Model(input=_nput,output=sent)
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy')
plot_model(model, to_file='model.png', show_shapes=True)

Keras, Tensorflow : Merge two different model output into one

I am working on one deep learning model where I am trying to combine two different model's output :
The overall structure is like this :
So the first model takes one matrix, for example [ 10 x 30 ]
#input 1
input_text = layers.Input(shape=(1,), dtype="string")
embedding = ElmoEmbeddingLayer()(input_text)
model_a = Model(inputs = [input_text] , outputs=embedding)
# shape : [10,50]
Now the second model takes two input matrix :
X_in = layers.Input(tensor=K.variable(np.random.uniform(0,9,[10,32])))
M_in = layers.Input(tensor=K.variable(np.random.uniform(1,-1,[10,10]))
md_1 = New_model()([X_in, M_in]) #new_model defined somewhere
model_s = Model(inputs = [X_in, A_in], outputs = md_1)
# shape : [10,50]
I want to make these two matrices trainable like in TensorFlow I was able to do this by :
matrix_a = tf.get_variable(name='matrix_a',
I am not getting any clue how to make those matrix_a and matrix_b trainable and how to merge the output of both networks then give input.
I went through this question But couldn't find an answer because their problem statement is different from mine.
What I have tried so far is :
#input 1
input_text = layers.Input(shape=(1,), dtype="string")
embedding = ElmoEmbeddingLayer()(input_text)
model_a = Model(inputs = [input_text] , outputs=embedding)
# shape : [10,50]
X_in = layers.Input(tensor=K.variable(np.random.uniform(0,9,[10,10])))
M_in = layers.Input(tensor=K.variable(np.random.uniform(1,-1,[10,100]))
md_1 = New_model()([X_in, M_in]) #new_model defined somewhere
model_s = Model(inputs = [X_in, A_in], outputs = md_1)
# [10,50]
#tranpose second model output
tranpose = Lambda(lambda x: K.transpose(x))
agglayer = tranpose(md_1)
# concat first and second model output
dott = Lambda(lambda x:[0],x[1]))
kmean_layer = dotter([embedding,agglayer])
# input
final_model = Model(inputs=[input_text, X_in, M_in], outputs=kmean_layer,name='Final_output')
final_model.compile(loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
Overview of the model :
Model b
X = np.random.uniform(0,9,[10,32])
M = np.random.uniform(1,-1,[10,10])
X_in = layers.Input(tensor=K.variable(X))
M_in = layers.Input(tensor=K.variable(M))
layer_one = Model_b()([M_in, X_in])
dropout2 = Dropout(dropout_rate)(layer_one)
layer_two = Model_b()([layer_one, X_in])
model_b_ = Model([X_in, M_in], layer_two, name='model_b')
model a
length = 150
dic_size = 100
embed_size = 12
input_text = Input(shape=(length,))
embedding = Embedding(dic_size, embed_size)(input_text)
embedding = LSTM(5)(embedding)
embedding = Dense(10)(embedding)
model_a = Model(input_text, embedding, name = 'model_a')
I am merging like this:
mult = Lambda(lambda x: tf.matmul(x[0], x[1], transpose_b=True))([embedding, model_b_.output])
final_model = Model(inputs=[model_b_.input[0],model_b_.input[1],model_a.input], outputs=mult)
Is it right way to matmul two keras model?
I don't know if I am merging the output correctly and the model is correct.
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone kindly gives me some advice on how should I make that matrix trainable and how to merge the model's output correctly then give input.
Thanks in advance!
Trainable weights
Ok. Since you are going to have custom trainable weights, the way to do this in Keras is creating a custom layer.
Now, since your custom layer has no inputs, we will need a hack that will be explained later.
So, this is the layer definition for the custom weights:
from keras.layers import *
from keras.models import Model
from keras.initializers import get as get_init, serialize as serial_init
import keras.backend as K
import tensorflow as tf
class TrainableWeights(Layer):
#you can pass keras initializers when creating this layer
#kwargs will take base layer arguments, such as name and others if you want
def __init__(self, shape, initializer='uniform', **kwargs):
super(TrainableWeights, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.shape = shape
self.initializer = get_init(initializer)
#build is where you define the weights of the layer
def build(self, input_shape):
self.kernel = self.add_weight(name='kernel',
self.built = True
#call is the layer operation - due to keras limitation, we need an input
#warning, I'm supposing the input is a tensor with value 1 and no shape or shape (1,)
def call(self, x):
return x * self.kernel
#for keras to build the summary properly
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
return self.shape
#only needed for saving/loading this layer in
def get_config(self):
config = {'shape': self.shape, 'initializer': serial_init(self.initializer)}
base_config = super(TrainableWeights, self).get_config()
return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
Now, this layer should be used like this:
dummyInputs = Input(tensor=K.constant([1]))
trainableWeights = TrainableWeights(shape)(dummyInputs)
Model A
Having the layer defined, we can start modeling.
First, let's see the model_a side:
#general vars
length = 150
dic_size = 100
embed_size = 12
#for the model_a segment
input_text = Input(shape=(length,))
embedding = Embedding(dic_size, embed_size)(input_text)
#the following two lines are just a resource to reach the desired shape
embedding = LSTM(5)(embedding)
embedding = Dense(50)(embedding)
#creating model_a here is optional, only if you want to use model_a independently later
model_a = Model(input_text, embedding, name = 'model_a')
Model B
For this, we are going to use our TrainableWeights layer.
But first, let's simulate a New_model() as mentioned.
#simulates New_model() #notice the explicit batch_shape for the matrices
newIn1 = Input(batch_shape = (10,10))
newIn2 = Input(batch_shape = (10,30))
newOut1 = Dense(50)(newIn1)
newOut2 = Dense(50)(newIn2)
newOut = Add()([newOut1, newOut2])
new_model = Model([newIn1, newIn2], newOut, name='new_model')
Now the entire branch:
#the matrices
dummyInput = Input(tensor = K.constant([1]))
X_in = TrainableWeights((10,10), initializer='uniform')(dummyInput)
M_in = TrainableWeights((10,30), initializer='uniform')(dummyInput)
#the output of the branch
md_1 = new_model([X_in, M_in])
#optional, only if you want to use model_s independently later
model_s = Model(dummyInput, md_1, name='model_s')
The whole model
Finally, we can join the branches in a whole model.
Notice how I didn't have to use model_a or model_s here. You can do it if you want, but those submodels are not needed, unless you want later to get them individually for other usages. (Even if you created them, you don't need to change the code below to use them, they're already part of the same graph)
#I prefer tf.matmul because it's clear and understandable while has weird behaviors
mult = Lambda(lambda x: tf.matmul(x[0], x[1], transpose_b=True))([embedding, md_1])
#final model
model = Model([input_text, dummyInput], mult, name='full_model')
Now train it:
model.compile('adam', 'binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']),dic_size, size=(128,length)),
np.ones((128, 10)))
Since the output is 2D now, there is no problem about the 'categorical_crossentropy', my comment was because of doubts on the output shape.

How to correctly train VGG16 Keras

I'm trying to retrain VGG16 to classify Lego images. However, my model has a low accuracy (between 20%). What am I doing wrong? Maybe the number of FC is wrong, or my ImageDataGenerator. I have approx. 2k images per class and a total of 6 classes.
How I create the model:
def vgg16Model(self,image_shape,num_classes):
model_VGG16 = VGG16(include_top = False, weights = None)
model_input = Input(shape = image_shape, name = 'input_layer')
output_VGG16_conv = model_VGG16(model_input)
#Init of FC layers
x = Flatten(name='flatten')(output_VGG16_conv)
x = Dense(256, activation = 'relu', name = 'fc1')(x)
output_layer = Dense(num_classes,activation='softmax',name='output_layer')(x)
vgg16 = Model(inputs = model_input, outputs = output_layer)
vgg16.compile(loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy'])
return vgg16
I'm creating ImageDataGenerator and training:
path = "real_Legos_images/trainable_classes"
evaluate_path = "real_Legos_images/evaluation"
NN = NeuralNetwork()
gen = ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=40, width_shift_range=0.02, shear_range=0.02,height_shift_range=0.02, horizontal_flip=True, fill_mode='nearest')
train_generator = gen.flow_from_directory(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path)),
target_size = (224,224), color_mode = "rgb", batch_size = 16, class_mode='categorical')
validation_generator = gen.flow_from_directory(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(evaluate_path)),
target_size = (224,224), color_mode = "rgb", batch_size = 16, class_mode='categorical')
STEP_SIZE_TRAIN = train_generator.n//train_generator.batch_size
num_classes = len(os.listdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path))))
VGG16 = NN.vgg16Model((224, 224, 3), num_classes)
VGG16.fit_generator(train_generator, validation_data = validation_generator, validation_steps = validation_generator.n//validation_generator.batch_size,
steps_per_epoch = STEP_SIZE_TRAIN, epochs = 50)
The VGG16 model with the parameter include_top = False will return 512 dimensions feature maps. Usually, we should add a GlobalAveragePooling2D or GlobalMaxPooling2D layer after it first, then flat it to an one-dimensional array. Otherwise, you will get an array which is too long to fit.
You have set the weight property to 'None' for VGG which means your networks is initialized with random weights. This means you are not using the pre-trained weights. So, I would suggest to try setting the weights to 'imagenet' such that you can use the VGG networks that its weights are pretrained on imagenet dataset:
model_VGG16 = VGG16(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')

Keras gets None gradient error when connecting models

I’m trying to implement a Visual Storytelling model using Keras with a hierarchical RNN model, basically Neural Image Captioner style but over a sequence of photos with a bidirectional RNN on top of the decoder RNNs.
I implemented and tested the three parts of this model, CNN, BRNN and decoder RNN separately but got this error when trying to connect them:
ValueError: An operation has None for gradient. Please make sure that all of your ops have a gradient defined (i.e. are differentiable). Common ops without gradient: K.argmax, K.round, K.eval.
My code are as follows:
#vgg16 model with the fc2 layer as output
cnn_base_model = self.cnn_model.base_model
brnn_model = self.brnn_model.model
rnn_model = self.rnn_model.model
cnn_part = TimeDistributed(cnn_base_model)
img_input = Input((self.story_length,) + self.cnn_model.input_shape, name='brnn_img_input')
extracted_feature = cnn_part(img_input)
#[None, 5, 512], a 512 length vector for each picture in the story
brnn_feature = brnn_model(extracted_feature)
#[None, 5, 25], input groundtruth word indices fed as input when training
decoder_input = Input((self.story_length, self.max_length), name='brnn_decoder_input')
decoder_outputs = []
for i in range(self.story_length):
#separate timesteps for decoding
decoder_input_i = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, i, :])(decoder_input)
brnn_feature_i = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, i, :])(brnn_feature)
#the problem persists when using Dense instead of the Lambda layers above
#decoder_input_i = Dense(25)(Reshape((125,))(decoder_input))
#brnn_feature_i = Dense(512)(Reshape((5 * 512,))(brnn_feature))
decoder_output_i = rnn_model([decoder_input_i, brnn_feature_i])
decoder_output = Concatenate(axis=-2, name='brnn_decoder_output')(decoder_outputs)
self.model = Model([img_input, decoder_input], decoder_output)
And codes for the BRNN:
image_feature = Input(shape=(self.story_length, self.img_feature_dim,))
image_emb = TimeDistributed(Dense(self.lstm_size))(image_feature)
brnn = Bidirectional(LSTM(self.lstm_size, return_sequences=True), merge_mode='concat')(image_emb)
brnn_emb = TimeDistributed(Dense(self.lstm_size))(brnn)
self.model = Model(inputs=image_feature, outputs=brnn_emb)
And RNN:
#[None, 512], the vector to be decoded
initial_input = Input(shape=(self.input_dim,), name='rnn_initial_input')
#[None, 25], the groundtruth word indices fed as input when training
decoder_inputs = Input(shape=(None,), name='rnn_decoder_inputs')
decoder_input_masking = Masking(mask_value=0.0)(decoder_inputs)
decoder_input_embeddings = Embedding(self.vocabulary_size, self.emb_size,
decoder_input_dropout = Dropout(.5)(decoder_input_embeddings)
initial_emb = Dense(self.emb_size,
initial_reshape = Reshape((1, self.emb_size))(initial_emb)
initial_masking = Masking(mask_value=0.0)(initial_reshape)
initial_dropout = Dropout(.5)(initial_masking)
decoder_lstm = LSTM(self.hidden_dim, return_sequences=True, return_state=True,
_, initial_hidden_h, initial_hidden_c = decoder_lstm(initial_dropout)
decoder_outputs, decoder_state_h, decoder_state_c = decoder_lstm(decoder_input_dropout,
initial_state=[initial_hidden_h, initial_hidden_c])
decoder_output_dense_layer = TimeDistributed(Dense(self.vocabulary_size, activation='softmax',
decoder_output_dense = decoder_output_dense_layer(decoder_outputs)
self.model = Model([decoder_inputs, initial_input], decoder_output_dense)
I’m using adam as optimizer and sparse_categorical_crossentropy as loss.
At first I thought the problem is with the Lambda layers used for splitting the timesteps but the problem persists when I replaced them with Dense layers (which are guarantee
I had a similar error and it turned out I was suppose to build the layers (in my custom layer or model) in the init() like so:
self.lstm_custom_1 = keras.layers.LSTM(128,batch_input_shape=batch_input_shape, return_sequences=False,stateful=True)
self.dense_custom_1 = keras.layers.Dense(32, activation = 'relu'), 128))```
The issue is actually with the Embedding layer, I think. Gradients can't pass through an Embedding layer, so unless it's the first layer in the model it won't work.
