Excel formula to extract string from text [closed] - excel

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm using the following formula to extract a string from text in a cell by getting rid of -DCS.
The text contained in the cell: Q074-SARE_MANSONG-DCS
Desired reslut: Q074-SARE_MANSONG
The problem is that it is not working for all cells. Can someone please tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong. Thanks.

If "-DCS" is always at the end of the string:

Use one of these formulas instead (assuming your data is in A1)
=left(A1,len(A1)-4) or =SUBSTITUTE(A1,"-DCS","")


How do I select and return all rows in excel with the same value is a particular column [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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I want to return all rows in a particular dataset, with the value in a particular column. Without writing multiple vlookup statements and manually filtering the data. Can I do this using VBA, where it selects the data and creates new excel workbooks with this data?
I tried indexing, but it doesn't quite do what I want

Return list of all values that match criteria to one or more cells [closed]

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Closed last month.
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i to pick all zip codes(A:A) by city(C) and county (D)
I need to look like
is that posible? i need to remove all duplicates and get all zip codes for every county
You'd want TEXTJOIN() and FILTER(), where the 2nd parameter of FILTER() holds a boolean structure:
=TEXTJOIN(" ",FILTER(A$2:A$30,(C$2:C$30=B2)*(D$2:D$30=C2)))

How to count the elements in a "cell" with pandas [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am trying to create a new colunm in a df that returns number of elements of a column row by row.
I tried this
df['Elements'] = len(df['Goals']) sadly all I get is column full of the same number, I understand what is returning are not the elements that the columns 'Goals' has in every row but all the elements included in the column 'Goals' in total. I do not know how to get the len() of the list included in the row.
Could someone help me, I would really appreciate it
I think you're looking for str.len():
df['Elements'] = df['Goals'].str.len()
You can do it with pandas.Dataframe.apply:
df['Elements'] = df['Goals'].apply(len)

Using Excel to verify entries [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking for a way to automate checking a demographic sheet filled in by a trainee against an answer key.
Our sheet currently has data validation built in to return TRUE or FALSE on whether the answer matches the answer key, but I'm looking for a way to then display the exact text string, so as to provide feedback on the exact error.
For example the way it currently functions is:
What I'm looking for, is a to utilize VBA to generate a comment balloon on Sheet3!A1 and see the exact error for easier feedback.
I'm new to working with advanced functions in Excel, so if anyone has a pointer in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it!!
I Suppose your want to check Sheet1 = Sheet2 in sheet3, and show the error if does not match.
To make it simple, just use formula in sheet 3,
=IF(Sheet1!A1=Sheet2!A1,"",Sheet1!A1 & "|" &Sheet2!A1)
if they match, nothing will be show, if they don't match, it will show Sheet1figure|Sheet2figure
this is easier than showing True/False

Extract specific or multiple word in cell value [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a problem in excel.
I want just
SCV110FIDR357---------------------> SCV110F ID
SCV110FF5IDR321X-------------------> SCV110FF 5ID
SCV110F5IDR321X-------------------------> SCV110F 5ID
If your examples are in A1,A2 and A3 then in B1 type:
For your limited sample data, this formula might do.
=IF(ISNUMBER(--MID(A2, FIND("ID", A2)-1, 1)), LEFT(A2, FIND("ID", A2)-2)&" "&MID(A2, FIND("ID", A2)-1, 1)&"ID", LEFT(A2, FIND("ID", A2)-1)&" ID")
Beyond adding an IFERROR function to cover data that doesn't follow the pattern you've provided, anything more complex should probably be done with a VBA UDF but more sample data together with expected results would be necessary before attempting the code.
