Failed to get destinations... timed-out and fallback disabled - sap-cloud-sdk

We use CAP to query data through ODATA V2 caller. But there is exception during my local env testing. I could successfully get the result in beginning. After I tested several times, it would raise exception every time. Please help me fix this issue.
Destination setup:
Two applications bind to one XSUAA. And set the VCAP_SERVICE for local run.
try {
logger.debug("==> now execute query on Products");
FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression("project_guid", "eq",
CacheKey cKey = CacheKey.ofTenantAndUserIsolation();
ODataQueryResult result = ODataQueryBuilder.withEntity("/odata/v2/CBLD_PROJECT_SRV", "CBLD_C_PROJECT_MS_TP")
logger.debug("==> After calling backend OData V2 service: result: " + result);
List<ProjectMilestone> projectMilestones = result.asList(ProjectMilestone.class);;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("==> Exception calling backend OData V2 service for Query of Products: " + e.getMessage());
ErrorResponse errorResponse =
ErrorResponse.getBuilder().setMessage("There is an error. Check the logs for the details.")
return UpdateResponse.setError(errorResponse);
Exception stack:
2019-08-20 14:05:03,446 DEBUG [http-nio-8081-exec-2] - [] [tenant_id=05e65d26-f3e2-4937-9987-eb412f4cd732, component_id=7d44b23e-c4c1-42ba-9c60-0048c14a6937, component_name=cxs-calm-build-tkm-srv, organization_name=-, component_type=application, endpoint=PATCH: /odata/v2/CBLD_TASK_SRV/CBLD_C_TASK_TP(guid%27cba383f1-809f-40f1-8c76-cddd2b381c4c%27), space_name=CALMDev, component_instance=0, organization_id=-, correlation_id=825395c1-583d-4e5c-8ae4-6f9eaf19aae2, space_id=3bbd276d-7965-4625-aae9-da06139845ea, request_id=-, container_id=-] - ==> now execute query on Products
2019-08-20 14:05:12,322 WARN [http-nio-8081-exec-2] - [] [tenant_id=05e65d26-f3e2-4937-9987-eb412f4cd732, component_id=7d44b23e-c4c1-42ba-9c60-0048c14a6937, component_name=cxs-calm-build-tkm-srv, organization_name=-, component_type=application, endpoint=PATCH: /odata/v2/CBLD_TASK_SRV/CBLD_C_TASK_TP(guid%27cba383f1-809f-40f1-8c76-cddd2b381c4c%27), space_name=CALMDev, component_instance=0, organization_id=-, correlation_id=825395c1-583d-4e5c-8ae4-6f9eaf19aae2, space_id=3bbd276d-7965-4625-aae9-da06139845ea, request_id=-, container_id=-] - No URLs will be polled as dynamic configuration sources.
2019-08-20 14:05:19,270 ERROR [http-nio-8081-exec-2] - [] [tenant_id=05e65d26-f3e2-4937-9987-eb412f4cd732, component_id=7d44b23e-c4c1-42ba-9c60-0048c14a6937, component_name=cxs-calm-build-tkm-srv, organization_name=-, component_type=application, endpoint=PATCH: /odata/v2/CBLD_TASK_SRV/CBLD_C_TASK_TP(guid%27cba383f1-809f-40f1-8c76-cddd2b381c4c%27), space_name=CALMDev, component_instance=0, organization_id=-, correlation_id=825395c1-583d-4e5c-8ae4-6f9eaf19aae2, space_id=3bbd276d-7965-4625-aae9-da06139845ea, request_id=-, container_id=-] - Could not connect to destination service [No Access] Failed to get destinations: timed-out and fallback disabled. If your application is running on Cloud Foundry, make sure to have a binding to both the destination service and the authorization and trust management (xsuaa) service, AND that you either properly secured your application or have set the "ALLOW_MOCKED_AUTH_HEADER" environment variable to true. Please note that authentication types with user propagation, for example, principal propagation or the OAuth2 SAML Bearer flow, require that you secure your application and will not work when using the "ALLOW_MOCKED_AUTH_HEADER" environment variable. If your application is not running on Cloud Foundry, for example, when deploying to a local container, consider declaring the "destinations" environment variable to configure destinations.
2019-08-20 14:05:19,271 ERROR [http-nio-8081-exec-2] - [] [tenant_id=05e65d26-f3e2-4937-9987-eb412f4cd732, component_id=7d44b23e-c4c1-42ba-9c60-0048c14a6937, component_name=cxs-calm-build-tkm-srv, organization_name=-, component_type=application, endpoint=PATCH: /odata/v2/CBLD_TASK_SRV/CBLD_C_TASK_TP(guid%27cba383f1-809f-40f1-8c76-cddd2b381c4c%27), space_name=CALMDev, component_instance=0, organization_id=-, correlation_id=825395c1-583d-4e5c-8ae4-6f9eaf19aae2, space_id=3bbd276d-7965-4625-aae9-da06139845ea, request_id=-, container_id=-] - Could not connect to destination service [No Access] : [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;#7beb95af
2019-08-20 14:05:19,280 ERROR [http-nio-8081-exec-2] - [] [tenant_id=05e65d26-f3e2-4937-9987-eb412f4cd732, component_id=7d44b23e-c4c1-42ba-9c60-0048c14a6937, component_name=cxs-calm-build-tkm-srv, organization_name=-, component_type=application, endpoint=PATCH: /odata/v2/CBLD_TASK_SRV/CBLD_C_TASK_TP(guid%27cba383f1-809f-40f1-8c76-cddd2b381c4c%27), space_name=CALMDev, component_instance=0, organization_id=-, correlation_id=825395c1-583d-4e5c-8ae4-6f9eaf19aae2, space_id=3bbd276d-7965-4625-aae9-da06139845ea, request_id=-, container_id=-] - ==> Exception calling backend OData V2 service for Query of Products: Unable to execute the OData operation : Failed to execute OData request.

It takes almost 9 seconds from your DEBUG message to the first WARN, complaining about the timeout. In fact the default timeout for SAP Cloud SDK internal DestinationServiceCommand is set to 6 seconds.
If querying all destinations really takes longer than 6 seconds in your case, then I would suggest a workaround until we find a proper solution:
1.) Create a new class CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy extends HystrixPropertiesStrategy
private final Map<HystrixCommandKey, HystrixCommandProperties> commandProperties = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private HystrixPropertiesStrategy delegate;
public static CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy register()
final HystrixPropertiesStrategy delegate = HystrixPlugins.getInstance().getPropertiesStrategy();
final CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy strategy = new CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy();
strategy.delegate = delegate;
return strategy;
public void addProperties(
#Nonnull final HystrixCommandKey key,
#Nonnull final HystrixCommandProperties.Setter customSetter )
final HystrixCommandProperties properties = new HystrixPropertiesCommandDefault(key, customSetter);
commandProperties.put(key, properties);
getCommandProperties( final HystrixCommandKey key, final HystrixCommandProperties.Setter builder )
if( commandProperties.containsKey(key) ) {
return commandProperties.get(key);
return delegate.getCommandProperties(key, builder);
2.) Register the custom strategy instance
You need to run the following operation and keep the returned instance.
This can happen at a central point of your application or statically in your service class, such that the instruction is only run once.
final CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy strategy = CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy.register();
Note: If you want to make sure this is run only once, you can put it into a static block:
static {
final CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy strategy = CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy.register();
3.) Add the custom timeout property for a specific Hystrix command.
You can add the following code in front of the (currently) breaking call.
// reconstruct existing command key
final String tenantId = TenantAccessor.getCurrentTenantIfAvailable().map(Tenant::getTenantId).orElse(null);
final String commandKey = HystrixUtil.getCommandKey(DestinationServiceCommand.class, tenantId, null);
final HystrixCommandKey destinationServiceCommandKey = HystrixCommandKey.Factory.asKey(commandKey);
// construct custom command properties
final HystrixCommandProperties.Setter customSetter =
.withExecutionTimeoutInMilliseconds(60000) // 60 SECONDS INSTEAD OF 6 SECONDS
// apply custom Command properties
strategy.addProperties(destinationServiceCommandKey, customSetter);
Make sure the reference to the custom strategy is in the scope.
CustomHystrixPropertiesStrategy strategy;
If it is not working as expected, please try to add a breakpoint or some log output to ensure the new code is actually reached at application runtime.


CosmosDB Container not getting created

CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync is throwing an exception with status code "Bad Request" if the container does not exist in the db. If the container exists in the db, then no exception is thrown. Can anyone help me why this is happening.
(Hid the url and key for online posting)
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace CosmosDB // Note: actual namespace depends on the project name.
class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var cosmosUrl = "###########################";
var cosmoskey = "###########################";
var databaseName = "TestDB";
// var containerId = "ToDo";
CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(cosmosUrl, cosmoskey);
Database database = await client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(databaseName);
Container container = await database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync(
id: "ToDoList",
partitionKeyPath: "/category",
throughput: 100
The command fails because your input is invalid. The throughput must be a value between 400 and 10,000 RU/s (for a normal database or container) and since you are using 100 it will throw the exception.
The error won't occur if your container already exists, because it will not check (server-side) or perform an update on the throughput.
Link to Microsoft documentation regarding service limits.
Link to Microsoft REST API (used by the SDK).

Is there an API call in AWS Elastic Beanstalk to have a list of running hosts? (with IPs)

The title really says it all. I need each instance running to be aware of what the other instances are, including their IP addresses. Is there an EB API call to do that? Or maybe a more generic way in AWS?
The AWS Elastic Beanstalk SDK exposes methods that provide details about both the Environment and Applications. (Not clear what you mean by I need each instance running to be aware of what the other instances are)
Anyhow -- you can get a list of applications and get details about those EB apps. For example, you can get the status (an EB app that is running will have a status value Ready) and the app URL (not the IP). SO you can get at the details you are looking for with the SDK.
Running this code returns details that you see the AWS Management Console -- such as:
The application name is VideoAnalyzer
The Environment ARN is arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-east-1:xxxxxx047983:environment/VideoAnalyzer/Videoanalyzer-env
The Endpoint URL is
The status is Ready
I will show you the code in Java SDK v2.
import java.util.List;
* Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials.
* For more information, see the following documentation topic:
public class DescribeApplications {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Region region = Region.US_EAST_1;
ElasticBeanstalkClient beanstalkClient = ElasticBeanstalkClient.builder()
public static void describeApps(ElasticBeanstalkClient beanstalkClient) {
try {
DescribeApplicationsResponse applicationsResponse = beanstalkClient.describeApplications();
List<ApplicationDescription> apps = applicationsResponse.applications();
for (ApplicationDescription app: apps) {
System.out.println("The application name is "+app.applicationName());
DescribeEnvironmentsRequest desRequest = DescribeEnvironmentsRequest.builder()
DescribeEnvironmentsResponse res = beanstalkClient.describeEnvironments(desRequest) ;
List<EnvironmentDescription> envDesc = res.environments();
for (EnvironmentDescription desc: envDesc) {
System.out.println("The Environment ARN is "+desc.environmentArn());
System.out.println("The Endpoint URL is "+ desc.endpointURL());
System.out.println("The status is "+ desc.status());
} catch (ElasticBeanstalkException e) {

Unable to Connect from Azure Function to Azure Cosmos DB. Getting "Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Direct: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Got a .Net code from Udemy course and ran in my local. Wrote an Azure Function which connects to Azure Cosmos DB and creates an item. But not getting connected to Azure Cosmos DB. See below the code and error. Appreciate any help. In the debug, found out some issue with the line
_container.CreateItemAsync(_blobdetails, newPartitionKey(_message.VideoName)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Code :
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models;
using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace ReceiveMessages
public static class Process
private static string blob_connection_string = "<blob connection string>";
private static string source_container_name = "unprocessed";
private static string destination_container_name = "processed";
private static readonly string _connection_string = "<cosmos connection string>";
private static readonly string _database_name = "appdb";
private static readonly string _container_name = "video";
public static async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("videoqueue", Connection = "connection")]ServiceBusReceivedMessage myQueueItem, ILogger log)
ReceivedMessage _message = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<ReceivedMessage>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(myQueueItem.Body));
BlobServiceClient _client = new BlobServiceClient(blob_connection_string);
BlobContainerClient _source_container_client = _client.GetBlobContainerClient(source_container_name);
BlobClient _source_blob_client = _source_container_client.GetBlobClient(_message.VideoName);
BlobContainerClient _destination_container_client = _client.GetBlobContainerClient(destination_container_name);
BlobClient _destination_blob_client = _destination_container_client.GetBlobClient(_message.VideoName);
CosmosClient _cosmosclient = new CosmosClient(_connection_string, new CosmosClientOptions());
Container _container = _cosmosclient.GetContainer(_database_name, _container_name);
BlobDownloadInfo _info = _source_blob_client.Download();
// Copy the blob to the destination container
await _destination_blob_client.StartCopyFromUriAsync(_source_blob_client.Uri);
BlobDetails _blobdetails = new BlobDetails();
_blobdetails.BlobName = _message.VideoName;
_blobdetails.BlobLocation = "" + _message.VideoName;
_blobdetails.ContentLength = _info.ContentLength.ToString();
_blobdetails.LastModified = _info.Details.LastModified.ToString(); = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
_container.CreateItemAsync(_blobdetails, new PartitionKey(_message.VideoName)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Console.WriteLine("Item created");
// Delete the blob from the unprocessed container
// Add the details of the blob to an Azure Cosmos DB account
catch (Exception ex)
string s = ex.Message;
* Executed 'ProcessVideos' (Failed, Id=53b3d0b2-d46a-4ba9-bf26-d8de76af0bce, Duration=41001ms)
[2022-03-19T23:07:25.845Z] Executed 'ProcessVideos' (Failed, Id=48b50a3d-f69f-436f-accf-5140c3d7f8a0, Duration=41001ms)
[2022-03-19T23:07:25.854Z] System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: ProcessVideos. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Direct: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.{"name":"CreateItemAsync","id":"c16e23cd-badc-4f0b-a940-3fac7f52c4f7","caller info":{"member":"OperationHelperWithRootTraceAsync","file":"ClientContextCore.cs","line":219},"start time":"11:06:46:894","duration in milliseconds":36808.7271,"data":{"Client Configuration":{"Client Created Time Utc":"2022-03-19T23:06:45.5706176Z","NumberOfClientsCreated":3,"User Agent":"cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.19.0|3.19.1|08|X64|Microsoft Windows 10.0.19043|.NET Core 3.1.20|N|","ConnectionConfig":{"gw":"(cps:50, urto:10, p:False, httpf: False)","rntbd":"(cto: 5, icto: -1, mrpc: 30, mcpe: 65535, erd: False, pr: ReuseUnicastPort)","other":"(ed:False, be:False)"},"ConsistencyConfig":"(consistency: NotSet, prgns:[])"}},"children":[{"name":"ItemSerialize","id":"647e3fbb-bd9f-4b12-9367-3ed1f6c4d436","caller info":{"member":"ExtractPartitionKeyAndProcessItemStreamAsync","file":"ContainerCore.Items.cs","line":931},"start time":"11:06:46:921","duration in milliseconds":20.2124},{"name":"Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.RequestInvokerHandler","id":"23650859-deb4-44e1-a696-daeeab7564c8","start time":"11:06:47:893","duration in milliseconds":35799.6699,"children":[{"name":"Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.DiagnosticsHandler","id":"f18265a9-2a93-46c8-aa05-78b69ed30086","start time":"11:06:47:927","duration in milliseconds":35763.5861,"data":{"CPU Load History":{"CPU History":"(2022-03-19T23:06:47.9376170Z 38.049)"}},"children":[{"name":"Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.RetryHandler","id":"876ad64c-0dc3-42a2-9a47-4054ec301b57","start time":"11:06:47:945","duration in milliseconds":35744.6099,"children":[{"name":"Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.RouterHandler","id":"01ca2b19-39c0-477d-ad85-f930397e682a","start time":"11:06:47:954","duration in milliseconds":35729.8987,"children":[{"name":"Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.TransportHandler","id":"e372af16-b68c-438d-9ae1-2fdaad2d5f23","start time":"11:06:47:955","duration in milliseconds":35720.3525,"children":[{"name":"Microsoft.Azure.Documents.ServerStoreModel Transport Request","id":"9995478e-5933-4b21-8c08-cf03501ebe03","caller info":{"member":"ProcessMessageAsync","file":"TransportHandler.cs","line":109},"start time":"11:06:47:963","duration in milliseconds":35704.0196,"data":{"Client Side Request Stats":{"Id":"AggregatedClientSideRequestStatistics","ContactedReplicas":[{"Count":1,"Uri":"rntbd://"},{"Count":1,"Uri":"rntbd://"},{"Count":1,"Uri":"rntbd://"}],"RegionsContacted":[""],"FailedReplicas":[],"AddressResolutionStatistics":[{"StartTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:06:48.3431877Z","EndTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:06:48.4598190Z","TargetEndpoint":"$resolveFor=dbs%2fHdYjAA%3d%3d%2fcolls%2fHdYjAIRIK9s%3d%2fdocs&$filter=protocol eq rntbd&$partitionKeyRangeIds=0"},{"StartTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:06:54.7678280Z","EndTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:06:54.8820135Z","TargetEndpoint":"$resolveFor=dbs%2fHdYjAA%3d%3d%2fcolls%2fHdYjAIRIK9s%3d%2fdocs&$filter=protocol eq rntbd&$partitionKeyRangeIds=0"},{"StartTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:07:01.6288211Z","EndTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:07:01.7399788Z","TargetEndpoint":"$resolveFor=dbs%2fHdYjAA%3d%3d%2fcolls%2fHdYjAIRIK9s%3d%2fdocs&$filter=protocol eq rntbd&$partitionKeyRangeIds=0"},{"StartTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:07:09.6372169Z","EndTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:07:09.7484346Z","TargetEndpoint":"$resolveFor=dbs%2fHdYjAA%3d%3d%2fcolls%2fHdYjAIRIK9s%3d%2fdocs&$filter=protocol eq rntbd&$partitionKeyRangeIds=0"},{"StartTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:07:17.9939496Z","EndTimeUTC":"2022-03-19T23:07:18.1025134Z","TargetEndpoint":"$resolveFor=dbs%2fHdYjAA%3d%3d%2fcolls%2fHdYjAIRIK9s%3d%2fdocs&$filter=protocol eq rntbd&$partitionKeyRangeIds=0"}],"*
*[2022-03-19T23:07:25.848Z] System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: ProcessVideos. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Client: Response status code does not indicate success: ServiceUnavailable (503); Substatus: 0; ActivityId: 349d6ef1-4696-4ec8-88c9-5913129164ec; Reason: (Service is currently unavailable. More info:
[2022-03-19T23:07:26.012Z] System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: ProcessVideos. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Client: Response status code does not indicate success: ServiceUnavailable (503); Substatus: 0; ActivityId: 40f51724-2bf3-46b2-ac99-c9030aed41c6; Reason: (Service is currently unavailable. More info:
[2022-03-19T23:07:26.040Z] ActivityId: 349d6ef1-4696-4ec8-88c9-5913129164ec, Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Tracing.TraceData.ClientSideRequestStatisticsTraceDatum, Windows/10.0.19043 cosmos-netstandard-sdk/3.19.1);. Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Direct: Message: The requested resource is no longer available at the server.*
This was fixed in SDK 3.20:
Please upgrade to the recommended version to get this and other fixes.
More fixes
You are creating a client (both Blob and Cosmos) per Function execution, that goes against the recommendations and will bring problems as the number of queue messages increase, please follow and use Singleton/static instances. We have a complete example on how to use DI and Functions with the CosmosClient at
Also, do not block threads, since your Function is already async, do await _container.CreateItemAsync(_blobdetails, new PartitionKey(_message.VideoName)) instead.
These 2 points is what will generate these Service Unavailable errors in most cases.

EventHub Register Processor inside Azure WebJob not working

I'm trying to take the load off my main server. For that I created a micro service to handle my printing task that was consuming a lot and was trying to integrate both by using Azure Event Hubs. The problem is, I can't seem to get the webjob to work. This is the webjob's code:
public class Functions
public static async Task StartConsumerService()
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside StartConsumerService - Before GetEventProcessor");
var eventProcessor = API.Integrations.Azure.EventHub.Client.GetEventProcessor(Constants.Azure.EventHub.Hubs.Print);
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside StartConsumerService - Before RegisterEventProcessorAsync");
await eventProcessor.RegisterEventProcessorAsync<PrintEventProcessor>();
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside StartConsumerService - After RegisterEventProcessorAsync");
This is the Program.cs:
public class Program
public static void Main()
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside Main");
var config = new JobHostConfiguration();
if (config.IsDevelopment)
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside Main - Before JobHost Initialization");
var host = new JobHost(config);
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside Main - Before Async Call");
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside Main - After Async Call");
Trace.WriteLine("Print - Inside Main - After Run And Block");
The WebJob is running and the function has been called. I checked that on Azure Portal:
This is how I trigger the client from my web app:
var client = EventHubClient.CreateFromConnectionString(cs);
await client.SendAsync(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message))));
await client.CloseAsync();
Still, it never gets consumed by the event processor running on the webjob. Also, none of my traces show up in the log, either the webjob log from SCM, nor from the application logs from Azure WebApp portal.
Any ideas? It's been over a week now and I can't get this to work...
I had pretty bad experiences in the past of Console.Readline() call within a webjob (was a left over from a basic move from regular console with a pump & a webjob)
In theory this Console.Readline() isn't necessary for keeping the job up & running thanks to RunAndBlock()

Sorrow, Rage and Despair setting up Azure storage

I'm trying to use Azure storage locally. I have a data source class called ExpenseDataSource:
public class ExpenseDataSource
private static CloudStorageAccount storageAccount;
private ExpenseTableContext context;
static ExpenseDataSource()
// (configName, configSettingPublisher) =>
// {
// string connectionString = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(configName);
// configSettingPublisher(connectionString);
// }
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting("DataConnectionString");
CloudTableClient.CreateTablesFromModel(typeof(ExpenseTableContext), storageAccount.TableEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, storageAccount.Credentials);
public ExpenseDataSource()
context = new ExpenseTableContext(storageAccount.TableEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, storageAccount.Credentials);
context.RetryPolicy = RetryPolicies.Retry(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
public IEnumerable<ExpenseInfo> Select()
var results = from g in context.Expenses
where g.PartitionKey == "Expense"
select g;
return results;
// ...
(I'm new to Azure, so this class could be sub-optimal in many ways.)
When I try to create an object of type ExpenseDataSource, the following exception occurs:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: SetConfigurationSettingPublisher needs to be called before FromConfigurationSetting can be used
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting(String settingName)
at WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource..cctor() in [ ... ]
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource..ctor()
at WebRole1.ExpenseService.WebRole1.IExpenseService.GetExpenses() in [ ... ]
However, this is odd, because SetConfiguationSettingPublisher has already been called:
public class WebRole : RoleEntryPoint
public override bool OnStart()
// For information on handling configuration changes
// see the MSDN topic at
RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironmentChanging;
(configName, configSettingPublisher) =>
string connectionString = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(configName);
return base.OnStart();
// ...
I am able to hit breakpoints here when I start debugging.
What am I doing wrong here?
Update: I thought that maybe I'd started the dev fabric and ASP.NET localhost out of order, so I killed them both, launched the dev fabic, then launched the ASP project. Still no luck - the same error occurs.
Update 2: I changed my OnStart() to this, but it still doesn't work:
public override bool OnStart()
// For information on handling configuration changes
// see the MSDN topic at
RoleEnvironment.Changing += RoleEnvironmentChanging;
#region Setup CloudStorageAccount Configuration Setting Publisher
// This code sets up a handler to update CloudStorageAccount instances when their corresponding
// configuration settings change in the service configuration file.
CloudStorageAccount.SetConfigurationSettingPublisher((configName, configSetter) =>
// Provide the configSetter with the initial value
RoleEnvironment.Changed += (sender, arg) =>
if (arg.Changes.OfType<RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange>()
.Any((change) => (change.ConfigurationSettingName == configName)))
// The corresponding configuration setting has changed, propagate the value
if (!configSetter(RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(configName)))
// In this case, the change to the storage account credentials in the
// service configuration is significant enough that the role needs to be
// recycled in order to use the latest settings. (for example, the
// endpoint has changed)
return base.OnStart();
Update 3: I tried putting the "Setup CloudStorageAccount Configuration Setting Publisher" region in the ExpenseDataSource static initializer, and got the following error:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource' threw an exception. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at RoleEnvironmentGetConfigurationSettingValueW(UInt16* , UInt16* , UInt32 , UInt32* )
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.Internal.InteropRoleManager.GetConfigurationSetting(String name, String& ret)
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(String configurationSettingName)
at WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource.<.cctor>b__0(String configName, Func`2 configSetter) in C:\Users\ODP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ExpenseCalc\WebRole1\ExpenseDataSource.cs:line 26
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudStorageAccount.StorageAccountConfigurationSetting..ctor(String configurationSettingName)
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting(String settingName)
at WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource..cctor() in C:\Users\ODP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ExpenseCalc\WebRole1\ExpenseDataSource.cs:line 47
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource..ctor()
at WebRole1.ExpenseService.WebRole1.IExpenseService.GetExpenses() in C:\Users\ODP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ExpenseCalc\WebRole1\ExpenseService.svc.cs:line 18
Update 3: Following smarx's suggestion, I changed the static initializer:
static ExpenseDataSource()
//storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting("DataConnectionString");
storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("DataConnectionString"));
CloudTableClient.CreateTablesFromModel(typeof(ExpenseTableContext), storageAccount.TableEndpoint.AbsoluteUri, storageAccount.Credentials);
This leads to the following error:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource' threw an exception. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: External component has thrown an exception.
at RoleEnvironmentGetConfigurationSettingValueW(UInt16* , UInt16* , UInt32 , UInt32* )
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.Internal.InteropRoleManager.GetConfigurationSetting(String name, String& ret)
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(String configurationSettingName)
at WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource..cctor() in C:\Users\ODP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ExpenseCalc\WebRole1\ExpenseDataSource.cs:line 20
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at WebRole1.ExpenseDataSource..ctor()
at WebRole1.ExpenseService.WebRole1.IExpenseService.GetExpenses() in C:\Users\ODP\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\ExpenseCalc\WebRole1\ExpenseService.svc.cs:line 18
The error is slightly different from above. Could this be related to the idea that I'm somehow not actually running ASP.NET within the dev fabric?
Ugh. I'm starting to miss Google App Engine storage's simple get() and put() interface.
1) Make sure that "DataConnectionString" is configured in your settings of WebRole.
In your Solution Explorer --> Under the "Roles" folder --> Right-click on | Properties --> Go to Settings tab and click "Add Setting". Enter Name: "DataConnectionString"; Type:"ConnectionString"; Value:"UseDevelopmentStorage=true" (if you want to debug and use local storage) or if you are planning to migrate to Azure-enter your storage account details.
2) (In the above code - Remove the comment for SetConfigurationSettingPublisher). Your code should look like this:
CloudStorageAccount.SetConfigurationSettingPublisher((configName, configSetter) =>
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting("DataConnectionString");
I can think of two reasons:
You are using Azure SDK 1.3 and the SetConfigurationSettingPublisher must be called in your Global.asax.cs Application_Start;
You are not setting the Startup project as the *.CloudService one.
If you're still having problems, try actually selecting the Web Role under the Cloud Project and starting debugging from there, that has worked for me when I've had issues with other methods.
Had the same problem, I didn't had the Azure project as start-up project.
As Muhammad Omar mention in his comment on the question, see this related question as well.
