Copy and paste the cell values only without formula - excel

I want to copy the cell values only and not the formula which is calculating the value of the cell which i am coping
copying cell value with formula and showing #REF! instead of value


What is the code in VBA in Excel which will select the first cell where the macro has initially started?

What is the VBA code in Excel for selecting the cell where your macro has initially started. For instance, I will run the macro n times in one workbook and each time before starting it I will choose different cell - A2, A3, A4 etc. What I need is that the very last line of the macro must be to select the cell where the macro has initially started - A2, A3, A4 etc.
My code now looks like this:
Application.CutCopyMode = False
So, the first line is copy - I started the macro from cell A2 and copied the content and pasted in cell I2. Then I want to select again cell A2 because I will copy all cells 3 columns rightward from cell A2 (B2, C2 and D2 must then be copied). On the next run, I will start the macro from cell A3 and then I want to copy all cells 3 columns rightward from cell A3 and so on.
I hope I explained my issue as clear as possible. Could you please help me with that problem?
You don not need to select anything, but if you insist you can firstly set the cell to be used as the active cell:
Sub copyFromReferenceCell()
Dim cellCopy As Range
Set cellCopy = ActiveCell 'if you want using a previously selected cell
cellCopy.Copy Destination:=cellCopy.Offset(0, 8)
Range(cellCopy.Offset(0, 1), cellCopy.Offset(0, 3)).Copy Destination:=cellCopy.Offset(0, 9)
End Sub
You did not tell us where do you need copying the range of three cells, I only supposed that you try copying in a similar way and choose "J2". If my supposition is wrong, you can set a different range

Excel Select Range Copy Paste issue

I have an Excel file where there are 2 sheets: "Upload sheet" and "TemplateClauses" . In the worksheet "Upload sheet" there are formulas that if met they report a value, if not an empty cell.
How can i select the range of cells with values only (beginning from cell B4 until column Z and ignoring the empty ones which contain a formula) copies them and paste them into the sheet "TemplateClauses" as of cell B9?
copy the range of cells, hit alt+h+v+v, then re-paste because they are now values

Copy a formula from one cell, paste formula in another cell, calculate and paste special values over the formula

I have a formula in cell c15 that I need to copy down the entire column. However, I want to copy the formula down one cell at a time, calculate the value and then paste special values over that cell.
I want to repeat the code below to calculate one cell at a time. I can't repeat until the last cell is empty because they are all empty except cell c15 so I'm not sure how to stop the loop.
Sub Macro5()
Range("c16:c3000").Formula = Range("c15").Formula
Range("c16:c250").Value = Range("c16:c250").Value
End Sub`

how to insert blank rows in excel without copying formulas using macros

Say if I select cell A2, and cell A2 has data validation in it and other cells in same row no.2 have vlookup and other formulas in it.
Now I want to insert a blank row below row no. 2 with no formulas being copied from row 2.
I should be able to give a fixed location of the cell in the macros below which I want to insert the blank row
Till now i have been using this:
This is working fine for me:
Range("A3").Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

Empty Cells which has vlookup formula

The formula on Column C is
which gets the value from Sheet1 and it works okay.
Now I want to put a condition
If cell D2:D100 is empty then make C2:C100 empty
C2:C100 contains a vlookup formula, and I'd like to clean the formula from the cell.
Secondly, how do we run this in a macro =VLOOKUP($B2,Sheet1!$A$2:$C$100,2,0)?
manimatters has a good solution to use a ISBLANK with an IF formula. If you still want a macro for your second question, I've provided it below.
This macro will set the formula in C2 to =VLOOKUP($B2,Sheet1!$A$2:$C$101,2,FALSE) and then fill this formula down to C100.
Sub RestoreVLookup()
Range("C2").FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(R[0]C2,Sheet1!R1C1:R101C3,2,FALSE)"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("C2:C100"), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub
Let's look at the different parts:
Range("C2").FormulaR1C1 - Assign a formula to cell C2.
"=VLOOKUP(R[0]C2,Sheet1!R1C1:R101C3,2,FALSE)" This is the formula assigned
R[0] - Relative row with an offset of zero. R[1] would point to the row above and R[-1] would refer to the row below.
C2 - The 2nd column (aka column B)
Range("C2").Select - Select cell C2
Selection.AutoFill ... Type:=xlFillDefault - autofill the formula from C2 to C100.
