Azure Pipelines Environment variables not working for PowerShell on Target Machines - azure

I’m unable to get the environment variables (for example $env:RELEASE_RELEASENAME) for a task that runs a PowerShell script on a target machine, however, the env variables work for PowerShell Inline.
Does getting env variables from PowerShell on target machines need special treatment or am I missing something here?

Sometimes, I met this problem with Ubuntu hosted agent. My solution is to manually add the environment, then I can get the environment variable in inline script or script file.


Shell script & param file(s) for deployment across multiple environments

I have a shell script that installs a particular software on an Azure VM. Say, it is
There are environment specific parameters defined in a .param file. For example,
I plan to do this:
Create 3 param files specific to DEV, QA, PROD environments
Load all the 3 files from GitHub into the VM
Accept environment name as an argument while executing the script, example:
sh DEV
Check if $1 of the executed command is DEV, and EXPORT from DEV .param file.
Now, do you think this is a good approach? Or, is there any smarter approach. Appreciate if I can be pointed to any sample code snippets too. Thank you very much.

Azure Devops Powershell task: Programmatic Access of Build Variables

Hi I want to know if I can programatically access my release variables in the powershell release task. My use case is this: I want to create a generic powershell script that can be used to deploy to multiple environments. I want to set an environment variable on the powershell task that will specify env=dev or test or prod, etc. So I want the powershell script to dynamically access the appropriate build variables (without creating a massive switch statement) based on the environment variable. I'm able to access the environment variable just fine.
So I have this:
$deployenv = "${Env:kudu.env}" #(this works just fine)
$apiUrl = '$(dev.kudu.url)' #(when hard coded like this it works fine)
Currently $apiUrl is able to retrieve the release variable just fine but I don't want to hard code "dev" in the param name.
I've tried a bunch of things like
$apiUrl = variables["$deployenv.kudu.url"]
So I'm wondering is that a way to programatically access these release variables from my powershell task?
You're trying to implement a solution to the wrong problem. The actual problem is that you're not using variable scopes properly.
Use the same variable names across your environments and define different values at different scopes. i.e. the DEV environment has a Kudu.Url variable set to the value for the dev environment. The QA environment has a Kudu.Url set to the value for the QA environment. And so on.

How to get my Bitbucket Pipeline Repo Variables to my local Docker Build?

My goal is to be able to develop/add features locally then create a local docker build and create a container using the Bitbucket Pipeline Repo Variables. I don't want to hard code any secrets on the host machine or inside the code. I'm trying to access some api keys hosted in the Bitbucket pipeline repo variables.
Anyone know how to do this? I am thinking some script inside the Dockerfile that will create environment variables inside the container.
You can pass these variables to your container as environment variables when you run the container with the -e flag (see: this question), you could use the bitbucket variables at this point. When you do this the variables are available in your docker container, but of course you will then still have to be able to use them in your python script I suppose?
You can easily do that like this:
variable = os.environ['ENV_VARIABLE_NAME']
If you do not want to pass the variables in plain text to the commands like this you could also set up a MySQL container linked to your python container which provides your application with the variables. This way everything is secured, dynamic and not visible from anywhere except to users with acces to your database and can still be modified easily. It takes a bit more time to set up, but is less of a hassle than an .env file.
I hope this helps you

Jenkins Azure VM Agent: Environment variables

I've set up a Jenkins CI/CD on Azure using Azure VM agents to build my android application.
For the build agent I use a template that is an "Advanced Image Configuration" using the following Image Reference:
Canonical, UbuntuServer, 16.04-LTS, latest
In my Initialization Script I installed all required components to build my application (e.g. the android-sdk). It is run as Root, using sudo command for every operation.
The first time I launched my build it failed, because ANDROID_HOME was not defined. So I decided to add the Environment Injector Plugin to solve this.
My Questions are:
Is it possible to define the ENV within the Initialization script too?
Do I have to configure my agent in a different way?
Will I have to create and configure a VM image and use that instead?
Edit / Solution:
sudo cat >> /etc/environment <<EOL
This was successful thanks for all the help :)
yeah, why not? just set an environment variable as part of your script.
not sure what you ask here, what do you want to achieve?
i dont like images, i prefer an automated way to create a working vm with scripts. but you can certainly do that

How to access variables in gitlab-ci.yml using gitlab-ci-multi-runner on windows

I can't find out how to access variables in a build-script provided by the gitlab-ci.yml-file.
I have tried to declare variables in two ways:
Private Variables in the Web-Interface of GitLab CI
Variable overrides/apennding in config.toml
I try to access them in my gitlab-ci.yml-files commands like that:
msbuild ci.msbuild [...] /p:Configuration=Release;NuGetOutputDir="$PACKAGE_SOURCE"
where $PACKAGE_SOURCE is the desired variable (PACKAGE_SOURCE) but it does not work (it does not seem to be replaced). Executing the same command manually works just as expected (replacing the variable name with its content)
Is there some other syntax required i am not aware of?
I have tried:
PS: Verifying the runner raises no issues, if this matters.
I presume you are using Windows for your runner? I was having the same issue myself and couldn't even get the following to work:
- echo $MySecret
However, reading the Gitlab documentation it has an entry for the syntax of environment variables in job scripts:
To access environment variables, use the syntax for your Runner’s shell
Which makes sense as most of the examples given are for bash runners. For my windows runner, it uses %variable%.
I changed my script to the following, which worked for me. (Confirmed by watching the build output.)
- echo %MySecret%
If you're using the powershell for your runner, the syntax would be $env:MySecret
In addition to what was said in the answer marked as correct above, you should also check whether your CI variables in the gitlab settings are set as "protected". If so, you may not be able to use them in a branch that's not protected.
"You can protect a project, group or instance CI/CD variable so it is only passed to pipelines running on protected branches or protected tags." -> check it
Be aware that.. in certain cases SOME of the variables Gitlab CI CD offer are not always available..
In my case I wanted to use ${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH} but if you read the doc
The commit branch name. Available in branch pipelines, including pipelines for the default branch. Not available in merge request pipelines or tag pipelines.
