Docusign - eNotary in Sandbox - docusignapi

I am using the sandbox account and trying to setup an eNotary Profile. Being that its a sandbox area, I would assume that I don't need a valid notary ID to create one.
Can someone help me setup a Notary Profile on my sandbox account?
QA Question Newly Added: Will ALL test users have to go through this same process? or is it just the main account needs it setup. Reason being, we have a client that will be using the system. For our teams, and their teams, we will need accounts to test this.
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I assume you are talking about IDV which is a special kind of recipient authentication that require them to use an ID before they can sign a document.
This feature is not available in the sandbox normally because there's cost associated with each transaction.
We may be able to assist you on a case-by-case basis if you have a legitimate need to test this functionality in the developer sandbox.
see for more information about recipient authentication.

Setting up eNotary requires some back-end switches to be flipped on your account. Please open a Support Case requesting that be enabled and provide your Demo account ID.


Sending envelopes from one dedicated user

I have been trying to implement JWT Auth grant for our back end application which will be creating URLs for signing operations for our end users.
What I want to active is that there will be no login/granting consent operations while sending the envelopes and creating signing URL. I want to dedicate one user for creating envelopes and sending them for signature.
Firstly, I've created a demo account and an organization. I also created an integration key and a RSA key. I needed to choose Implicit Grant or Authorization Code Grant while creating the integration key and I chose Implicit Grant. Lastly, I gave signature impersonation permissions to the integration key.
I have checked and made experiments with jwt example project after configuring with the required info of the user that I want to dedicate. It asked for the consent. After I gave consent, it worked finely. Then I configured the back end with the same integration key and the guid of the user, again it was working with our back end application that I was able to send automated envelopes.
I created another demo account in DS and this time I directly put it to our back end, I am getting consent_required error which I understand that I couldn't give the admin consent properly and it was just working with previous demo account because I gave the consent to that.
I want to know that how long that consent would last. or Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? because I think, ideally, I need to give admin consent to this dedicated user to have it able to send automated envelopes.
Thank you a lot in advance.
I see two questions:
How long consent would last? - forever. Or if you go and explicitly remove it.
Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? I don't know what you want, but the title says "Sending envelopes from one dedicated user" so, in theory that is correct. However, keep in mind that that user will be different when you move to production ("go live") when your application is ready for real usage.

How to test responsive signing in docusignapi sandbox?

I would like to test (sandbox) responsive signing from the docusignapi to provide a mobile-friendly document version to our customers.
Unfortunately, I am being denied to test it since it was not part of my account plan.
I enabled Allow recipients to view mobile-friendly documents with responsive signing in the tab Signing Settings of the Admin section.
It still did not accept the request. To request responsive signing, I added a DocumentHtmlDefinition to the Document:
DocumentHtmlDefinition def = new DocumentHtmlDefinition();
"errorCode":"PLAN_ITEM_NOT_ENABLED","message":"A requested plan item is not enabled for this account. This account is not enabled for Smart Sections."
I thought the sandbox allowed the full testing of the api regardless of any account plan. Is it possible that testing responsive signing is not possible with a sandbox account?
Mel, This should be enabled in the sandbox account. If you have not created it recently, it's possible this older account doesn't have it yet. Could you try to create a new sandbox account by going to and creating a new one? This should resolve your issue.

Docusign - sandbox - Redirect URI - not working

I am trying out Docusign sandbox environment in which I have created an integrator key with appropriate redirect uri
When I request the api:<integrator-key>&state=custom&redirect_uri=
Docusign does not redirect to the redirect-url, but opens the Docusign admin page.
If I request the URL:<integrator-key>&state=custom&redirect_uri=
Then I get the error:
You are not an organization admin. Please contact your DocuSign Administrator
response_type=id_token is invalid. The response type should be code. Unfortunately, the 'Obtaining Consent' documentation still references this incorrect value.
scope=open_id can only be used if your account is associated with an Organization, and if you are an Organization Administrator. If your account is not under an Organization, you'll need to use the individual consent workflow, which means scope should be signature impersonation and the admin_consent_scope parameter should be removed.
If you would like to create an Organization in the sandbox environment, you will need to open a case with DocuSign Support requesting that functionality be added to your Demo account. To have that enabled in Production, you'll need to contact your Account Manager or the Sales team.
Your question is not so clear -- please update your question if this answer is in the wrong direction.
I think you are trying to implement the oauth authorization code grant flow and are having a problem.
The starting url for DocuSign for the oauth auth code grant flow:
For the developer sandbox environment:
For the production platforms:
Also, why are you including the admin_consent_scope query parameter?
Hopefully this answer regarding the correct url will help. If so, then ask a NEW question if you run into any future issues.
Developer documentation

stripe not able to add bank account in test mode

I have created stripe account, which is in test mode, I want to do payout functionality, so i want to add bank account in it, but when i add bank account, It always says me Known test bank accounts cannot be used in live mode., I am using Account Number : 000123456789 and Rounting Number : 110000000 , why i am getting this message ? can anyone please help me ?
I did some googling but it doesn't help me. Can anyone please help me how can i resolve this issue ?
You are likely using Standard accounts and trying to provide a test bank account in the OAuth form.
Even if you're in test mode, it is not possible to provide fake information in the OAuth form, as the account that would be created is a real account that might be used in live mode later. Instead, if you're using your platform's development client_id, you should use the "Skip this form" link at the top of the OAuth form.
Unfortunately, that means it is not possible to test payouts with Standard accounts without providing real bank account information. In practice though, there's little need to test this feature: with Standard accounts, the platform does not have control over payouts, and the account's owner will directly set their payout settings in their dashboard.

DocuSign Signing Group in Demo Account?

We have a DocuSign REST API application which creates and sends Envelopes to users. Everything works fine except that we need to have any of a group of users Counter Sign documents after end users have signed. We have a fairly high priced Enterprise account as well as Demo ( ) account.
In the Demo account we do see something like 'XXX Corp. (already a customer)'. But, unlike the Enterprise account, we don't see any option to create a Signing Groups.
Can someone confirm that's the case for the Demo account, even for the paying customers? We are hesitant to promote our applications to production because we want to fully test in the Demo account. Hello DocuSign!!
Any other options to allow any of a group's members to counter sign so that the member's own name and signature are affixed on the document?
DocuSign Demo environment accounts should have full functionality, but in some cases they don't. Open a case with DocuSign Support requesting Signing Groups be enabled on that account and that can be added.
In the case, be sure to include the account id and specifiy that this is in demo.
DocuSign demo account should have all the capabilities that DocuSign offers.
From Documentation
Developer sandboxes are free, they don't expire, and they have enterprise level features enabled. Documents sent in the demo environment are not legally binding and have testing watermarks on them.
The signing groups in your production account will not be readily available in the Demo account. You will have to create new signing groups in the Demo account. See documentation here
