Predefined order of executing threads - multithreading

There are 10 functions, say, Function_1 (that prints 1 and exits), Function_2 (that prints 2 and exits), and so on till Function_10 (that prints 10 and exits).
A main function forks 10 threads, T1 to T10. T1 calls Function_1, T2 calls Function_2, and so on till T10 calls Function_10.
When I execute the main function, I expect output as 1 2 3 4 ... 10.
How can I achieve this?

You need to establish what amounts to a protocol between T0 (main) and each of T{1..10}. That protocol could look like (T0 sends Print to Tn; Tn sends Printed to T0).
If you don't have message passing (which would make life easy; look at golang if interested), you can simulate it crudely with condition variables. Make a structure that looks like:
struct ToDo {
enum { Print, Printed} Op;
int Id;
condvar_t cv;
mutex_t lock;
And each thread then becomes:
void *Proc(int Id, struct ToDo *Next) {
while (Next->Id != Id) {
condvar_wait(&Next->cv, &Next->lock);
assert(Next->Op == Print);
printf("%d\n", Id);
Next->Op = Printed;
Next->Id = 0;
And finally your program
main() {
struct ToDo Next;
... /* create condvar, lock /
Next.Id = 0;
/ Create threads and pass structure */
int i;
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
Next.Id = i;
Next.Op = Print;
while (Next.Id != 0) {
condvar_wait(&Next.condvar, &Next.lock);
assert(Next.Op == Printed);
... /* join threads */


Try to compare 2 methods to implement bounded blocking queue

bounded blocking queue is famous, of course. There are mostly 2 methods to implement it. I try to understand which way is better:
Method 1: use counting semaphore
void *producer(void *arg) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
void *consumer(void *arg) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
int tmp = get();
printf("%d\n", tmp);
Method 2: classic monitor pattern
class BoundedBuffer {
int buffer[MAX];
int fill, use;
int fullEntries;
pthread_mutex_t monitor; // monitor lock
pthread_cond_t empty;
pthread_cond_t full;
BoundedBuffer() {
use = fill = fullEntries = 0;
void produce(int element) {
while (fullEntries == MAX)
pthread_cond_wait(&empty, &monitor);
//do something
int consume() {
while (fullEntries == 0)
pthread_cond_wait(&full, &monitor);
//do something
return tmp;
I understand the 2nd method can solve a lot of other problems. But how to compare these 2 methods? Looks like they can both fulfill the task.
Is there any link on detailed comparision?
Appreciate your help.
The big difference between those two methods is that the first one does not use pthread_ specific functions (semaphores are not part of pthread) and as such is not guaranteed to work in multithreaded enviornment.
In particular, semaphores do not protect memory ordering, so things written in one thread might not be readable on another. Mutexes are suitable for multi-thread message queue.

Linux - Control Flow in a linux kernel module

I am learning to write kernel modules and in one of the examples I had to make sure that a thread executed 10 times and exits, so I wrote this according to what I have studied:
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
struct task_struct *ts;
int flag = 0;
int id = 10;
int function(void *data) {
int n = *(int*)data;
schedule_timeout(n*HZ); // after doing this it executed infinitely and i had to reboot
while(!kthread_should_stop()) {
printk(KERN_EMERG "Ding");
flag = 1;
return 0;
int init_module (void) {
ts = kthread_run(function, (void *)&id, "spawn");
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void) {
if (flag==1) { return; }
else { if (ts != NULL) kthread_stop(ts);
What I want to know is :
a) How to make thread execute 10 times like a loop
b) How does the control flows in these kind of processes that is if we make it to execute 10 times then does it go back and forth between function and cleanup_module or init_module or what exactly happens?
If you control kthread with kthread_stop, the kthread shouldn't exit until be ing stopped (see also that answer). So, after executing all operations, kthread should wait until stopped.
Kernel already implements kthread_worker mechanism, when kthread just executes works, added to it.
struct my_work
struct kthread_work *work; // 'Base' class
int n;
void do_work(struct kthread_work *work)
struct my_work* w = container_of(work, struct my_work, work);
printk(KERN_EMERG "Ding %d", w->n);
// And free work struct at the end
int init_module (void) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
struct my_work* w = kmalloc(sizeof(struct my_work), GFP_KERNEL);
init_kthread_work(&w->work, &do_work);
w->n = i + 1;
queue_kthread_work(&worker, &w->work);
ts = kthread_run(&kthread_worker_fn, &worker, "spawn");
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void) {

C++11 Thread Safety of Atomic Containers

I am trying to implement a thread safe STL vector without mutexes. So I followed through this post and implemented a wrapper for the atomic primitives.
However when I ran the code below, it displayed out Failed!twice from the below code (only two instances of race conditions) so it doesn't seem to be thread safe. I'm wondering how can I fix that?
Wrapper Class
template<typename T>
struct AtomicVariable
std::atomic<T> atomic;
AtomicVariable() : atomic(T()) {}
explicit AtomicVariable(T const& v) : atomic(v) {}
explicit AtomicVariable(std::atomic<T> const& a) : atomic(a.load()) {}
AtomicVariable(AtomicVariable const&other) :
atomic(other.atomic.load()) {}
inline AtomicVariable& operator=(AtomicVariable const &rhs) {;
return *this;
inline AtomicVariable& operator+=(AtomicVariable const &rhs) { + atomic.load());
return *this;
inline bool operator!=(AtomicVariable const &rhs) {
return !(atomic.load() == rhs.atomic.load());
typedef AtomicVariable<int> AtomicInt;
Functions and Testing
// Vector of 100 elements.
vector<AtomicInt> common(100, AtomicInt(0));
void add10(vector<AtomicInt> &param){
for (vector<AtomicInt>::iterator it = param.begin();
it != param.end(); ++it){
*it += AtomicInt(10);
void add100(vector<AtomicInt> &param){
for (vector<AtomicInt>::iterator it = param.begin();
it != param.end(); ++it){
*it += AtomicInt(100);
void doParallelProcessing(){
// Create threads
std::thread t1(add10, std::ref(common));
std::thread t2(add100, std::ref(common));
// Join 'em
// Print vector again
for (vector<AtomicInt>::iterator it = common.begin();
it != common.end(); ++it){
if (*it != AtomicInt(110)){
cout << "Failed!" << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Just for testing purposes
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++){
// Reset vector
common.resize(100, AtomicInt(0));
Is there such a thing as an atomic container? I've also tested this with a regular vector<int> it didn't have any Failed output but that might just be a coincidence.
Just write operator += as:
inline AtomicVariable& operator+=(AtomicVariable const &rhs) {
atomic += rhs.atomic;
return *this;
In documentation: operator += is atomic.
Your example fails because below scenario of execution is possible:
Thread1 - rhs.atomic.load() - returns 10 ; Thread2 - rhs.atomic.load() - returns 100
Thread1 - atomic.load() - returns 0 ; Thread2 - atomic.load - returns 0
Thread1 - add values (0 + 10 = 10) ; Thread2 - add values (0 + 100)
Thread1 - ; Thread2 -
Finally in this case in atomic value might be 10 or 100, depends of which thread first execute
please note that + atomic.load());
is not atomic
You have two options to solve it.
1) Use a mutex.
EDIT as T.C mentioned in the comments this is irrelevant since the operation here will be load() then load() then store() (not relaxed mode) - so memory order is not related here.
2) Use memory order
memory_order_acquire: guarantees that subsequent loads are not moved before the current load or any preceding loads.
memory_order_release: preceding stores are not moved past the current store or any subsequent stores.
I'm still not sure about 2, but I think if the stores will not be on parallel, it will work.

POSIX semaphore with related processes running threads

I have an assignment to implement Producer consumer problem in a convoluted way(may be to test my understanding). The parent process should set up a shared memory. The unnamed semaphores(for empty count and filled count) should be initialized and a mutex should be initialized. Then two child processes are created, a producer child and a consumer child. Each child process should create a new thread which should do the job.
PS: I have read that the semaphore's should be kept in a shared memory as they would be shared by different processes.
Please provide some hints, or suggest changes.
So far, I have done this:
struct shmarea
unsigned short int read;
unsigned short int max_size;
char scratch[3][50];
unsigned short int write;
sem_t sem1;// Empty slot semaphore
sem_t sem2;// Filled slot Semaphore
void *thread_read(void* args);
void *thread_write(void *args);
pthread_mutex_t work_mutex;
struct shmarea *shma;
int main()
int fork_value,i=0,shmid;
printf("Parent process id is %d\n\n",getpid());
int res1,res2;
key_t key;
char *path = "/tmp";
int id = 'S';
key = ftok(path, id);
shmid = shmget(key,getpagesize(),IPC_CREAT|0666);
printf("Parent:Shared Memory id = %d\n",id);
shma = shmat(shmid,0,0);
shma->read = 0;
shma->max_size = 3;
shma->write = 0;
pthread_t a_thread;
pthread_t b_thread;
void *thread_result1,*thread_result2;
res1 = sem_init(&(shma->sem1),1,3);//Initializing empty slot sempahore
res2 = sem_init(&(shma->sem2),1,0);//Initializing filled slot sempahore
res1 = pthread_mutex_init(&work_mutex,NULL);
fork_value = fork();
if(fork_value > 0)
if(fork_value == 0)
//sem_t sem1temp = shma->sem1;
char ch;int res;
res= pthread_create(&a_thread,NULL,thread_write,NULL);
//sem_t sem2temp = shma->sem2;
int res;
char ch;
res= pthread_create(&b_thread,NULL,thread_read,NULL);
int wait_V,status;
res1 = pthread_join(a_thread,&thread_result1);
res2 = pthread_join(b_thread,&thread_result2);
void *thread_read(void *args)
printf("The buf read from consumer:%s\n",shma->scratch[shma->read]);
shma->read = (shma->read+1)%shma->max_size;
void *thread_write(void *args)
char buf[50];
shma->write = (shma->write+1)%shma->max_size;
(1) Your biggest problem by far is that you have managed to write a fork bomb. Because you don't exit either child in the fork loop each child is going to fall through and loop around and create their own children until you crash or bring the system down. You want something more like this:
while(i < 2)
fork_value = fork();
if(fork_value > 0)
if(fork_value == 0)
printf("0 child is pid %d\n", getpid());
int res;
res = pthread_create(&a_thread,NULL,thread_write,NULL);
res = pthread_join(a_thread,&thread_result1);
printf("1 child is pid %d\n", getpid());
int res;
res = pthread_create(&b_thread,NULL,thread_read,NULL);
res = pthread_join(b_thread,&thread_result2);
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
Notice the wait on the children which you neglected.
(2) Always check your return codes. They are like safety belts, a bit of a drag but so helpful when you crash. (Yes, I didn't take my advice here but you should.)
(3) These names are awful.
unsigned short int read;
unsigned short int write;
Stay away from naming variables after system calls. It's confusing and just asking for trouble.
(4) Terminology wise, processes with a common ancestor, like these, are related. The parent can open shared memory and other resources and pass it on to the children. Unrelated processes would, for example, multiple instances of program launched from different terminals. They can share resources but not in the "inherited" way forked processes do.
It's late and didn't get around to looking at what you are doing with the threads and such but this should get you started.

Producer-Consumer Implementation

I need to implement producer-consumer problem in my project. N consumers and M producers will be created. A producer will use publish(v) call to reach v data to consumer. A consumer will use get_data(v) call to get a copy of data v. I really don't know how to implement it. Please help me.
I am going to use C to implement it. I will create n process for consumers and m process for producers. If a producer publish a data, other producers can not do it until all consumers get it. I will use semaphores and shared memory to exchange data.
I found something which does similar job. But it is using threads but i need process instead. How can i change this.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#define BUFF_SIZE 4
#define FULL 0
#define EMPTY 0
char buffer[BUFF_SIZE];
int nextIn = 0;
int nextOut = 0;
sem_t empty_sem_mutex; //producer semaphore
sem_t full_sem_mutex; //consumer semaphore
void Put(char item)
int value;
sem_wait(&empty_sem_mutex); //get the mutex to fill the buffer
buffer[nextIn] = item;
nextIn = (nextIn + 1) % BUFF_SIZE;
printf("Producing %c ...nextIn %d..Ascii=%d\n",item,nextIn,item);
void * Producer()
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Put((char)('A'+ i % 26));
void Get()
int item;
sem_wait(&full_sem_mutex); // gain the mutex to consume from buffer
item = buffer[nextOut];
nextOut = (nextOut + 1) % BUFF_SIZE;
printf("\t...Consuming %c ...nextOut %d..Ascii=%d\n",item,nextOut,item);
if(nextOut==EMPTY) //its empty
void * Consumer()
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int main()
pthread_t ptid,ctid;
//initialize the semaphores
//creating producer and consumer threads
if(pthread_create(&ptid, NULL,Producer, NULL))
printf("\n ERROR creating thread 1");
if(pthread_create(&ctid, NULL,Consumer, NULL))
printf("\n ERROR creating thread 2");
if(pthread_join(ptid, NULL)) /* wait for the producer to finish */
printf("\n ERROR joining thread");
if(pthread_join(ctid, NULL)) /* wait for consumer to finish */
printf("\n ERROR joining thread");
//exit the main thread
return 1;
I'd suggest you to make a plan and start reading. For example:
Read about how to create and manage threads. Hint: pthread.
Think how will the threads communicate - usually they use common data structure. Hint: message queue
Think how to protect the data structure, so both threads can read and write safely. Hint: mutexes.
Implement consumer and producer code.
Really, if you want more information you have to work a bit and ask more specific questions. Good luck!
