ASP.NET Core Application Insights adaptive sampling - azure

TL;DR: Does ExcludedTypes in Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK default to Exception and Trace?
I am running an ASP.NET Core 2.2 app with version 2.6.1 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK. I am reading: where they write that the default values for ExcludedTypes is Trace and Exception, which is just the way i like it, but I am wondering, since the default values is for ASP.NET (actually specified in the application insights config for the host), if these default values also apply for ASP.NET Core applications that doesnt have an application insights config file (all config is done through code).
I know that the SDK is open sourced, but I haven't been able to search through it and find the initial values: Maybe I am just searching for the wrong things.

Yes, the default ExcludedTypes for core is Event. There'are 2 places mentionded that:
1.In this article, it says "In ASP.NET Core, exact same default behavior is enabled in code.":
2.In the source code, you can find it's defined here:
First, the default values for ExcludedTypes is not Trace and Exception, it is Event. There is a GitHub issue for that. And I also tested it myself, the default ExcludedType is Event indeed.
For core, the default ExcludedType should be same as, you can take a look at this section of the article you provided. I'll try to go through the code to find out what's in the code for core and will update you later.


Using Azure SDK for JS to create .NET 4.x App Service

I'm starting to wonder whether this is the right tool for the job, still here goes.
I'm attempting to automate the creation of our Azure Test environment using Azure SDK for JS. The environment spans many services (as you can imagine), including Classic ASP.NET app services.
Node is my safe space, so that is why I started with the JS SDK.
I have started scripting the creation of an app service using WebSiteManagementClient.webApps.createOrUpdate. I'm confused though, there is seemingly no way to configure any of the following:
Which app service plan the app service should be connected to. This feels fundamental.
The operating system, Windows or Linux.
The stack version, .NET 4.8, .NET Core, or whatever.
Is it possible to configure the above using the JS SDK, or am I going to have find another approach?
Update 23/03/21
Untested, but these are my findings so far:
App Service Plan - The plan is set using the serverFarmId property of the Site interface.
Operating system - Assuming Windows as the default, if you want a Linux app service, you change the kind property of Site from app, to app,linux.
Stack & version - In the SiteConfig interface, you have linuxFxVersion and windowsFxVersion. Again, I think the assumption is 'latest .NET' (e.g. .NET 4.8). For .NET Core 3.1, the setting looks to be DOTNETCORE|3.1.
It can be achieved using js SDK. I checked the source code and it is ok. But I don't recommend to use js sdk to do this.
Because you need to call the SDK, there are many internal logics that you need to code. This will waste a lot of your time. So I recommend you to use restapi.
The restapi method name is similar to the naming in the SDK, mainly because you can test api interfaces online to achieve the functions you want. So you can selectively choose the method you want to achieve the function you want.
Official doc
Web Apps - Create Or Update
As for your concerns, you only need to write all the configuration in json format and put it in the request body.
First use the online interface, encode the json format, create a webapp according to your needs, and then integrate it into your code.

Azure Function gives error: System.Drawing is not supported on this platform

(If this question is poorly worded, could someone please help me clear it up?)
I have an Azure Function (2.0) which relies on some System.Drawing code. I've added a NuGet reference to System.Drawing.Common (4.5.0).
After publishing the app, however, when the function is called, it produces the error:
System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function:
[MyFunctionName]. System.Drawing.Common: System.Drawing is not
supported on this platform.
As far as I'm aware, System.Drawing.Common is supported on .NET Core now, which I believe is the environment in which my Azure Function is running. The actual project is a .NET Standard 2.0 project, though.
I am confused as to how to resolve this. I've tried converting the project to a .NET Core 2.1 project but that led to bizarre errors related to "Metadata generation failed" and an inability to find System.Runtime.
My project references Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid (2.0.0-beta2) if that's relevant.
It's not about the CLR, it's about the sandbox.
System.Drawing relies heavily on GDI/GDI+ to do its thing. Because of the somewhat risky nature of those APIs (large attack surface) they are restricted in the App Service sandbox.
Win32k.sys (User32/GDI32) Restrictions
For the sake of radical attack surface area reduction, the sandbox prevents almost all of the Win32k.sys APIs from being called, which practically means that most of User32/GDI32 system calls are blocked. For most applications this is not an issue since most Azure Web Apps do not require access to Windows UI functionality (they are web applications after all).
Try to find an different library that doesn't rely on System.Drawing/GDI, like ImageSharp.
A little update can help a lot of people.
Now you can switch your Azure Function to v3:
in Function app settings panel -> Runtime version ~3
With this setup, your code run in a sandbox that support Core 3, (you don't need to rebuild your dll to Core3, i run my .net core 2.1 dll without errors), and surprise... you don't get this exception anymore:
System.Drawing.Common: System.Drawing is not supported on this platform.
Because the CLI can found GDI/GDI+ that need in the subsystem.
Now i can convert html to pdf without go crazy.

Azure Function Structure

I'm trying to wrap my head around how we're supposed to build Azure functions.
I love the idea of building serverless, compact, single-function apps that respond to events.
Here are the problems I'm running into:
I have nice class libraries built in .NET Standard 2 that handle all my "backend needs" namely handling CRUD ops with Cosmos Db, Azure Table Storage, Azure SQL, Redis, Azure Storage. No matter what I did, I couldn't integrate these class libraries into an Azure Functions project. More details below.
Also, getting dependency injection in Azure Functions project has proven to be quite a task -- especially with my class libraries mentioned above.
At this point, the only option I'm seeing is to "copy and paste" code into a new Azure Functions project and use it without any DI.
This seems to go against "best practices". So what's the solution other than either to create monolithic code or wait till Azure Functions support .NET Core and DI.
I thought I could use my .NET Standard class libraries from a regular Azure Functions project targeting .NET Framework. After all, the idea of .NET Standard is to "standardize" things. I opened a couple of posts here on SO. I'm providing the links so that you can see the issues I've run into:
Using .NET Core 2.0 Libraries in WebJob Targeting .NET Framework 4.7
No parameterless constructor error in WebJobs with .NET Core and Ninject
P.S. My previous posts are referring to WebJobs. That was plan B approach because WebJobs seem half a step ahead of Azure Functions when it comes to supporting things like .NET Core and DI. Ultimately, I'd like to build a few Azure Functions that can use my class libraries built in .NET Standard 2.
Also, my previous posts mention that my class libraries target .NET Core 2.0. Since then I converted them to .NET Standard 2 which didn't really take much at all. I did this so that I truly conform to .NET Standard 2.
One issue is that Visual Studio has an outdated version of the Functions Core tools. Until this is resolved, you can work around in the following way:
Install the latest via npm by running npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools
In your Function App in VS, go to the Properties
Go to Debug, and click New... under Profile
Name the new Profile something like FunctionsNpm
Set the executable to (replace [YourUserName]): C:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\azure-functions-core-tools\bin\func.exe
Set the arguments to host start
Set the working directory to $(TargetDir)
In toolbar, look for the green triangle icon to change your current Profile to the one you just created:
Now when you run from VS, you'll be using the npm tools instead of the older one that come with the VS package.
.NET Standard 2 support is on its way, see this github issue.

ELMAH for core

I am working on core webapp hosted on azure and I want to write my Elmah logs to my azure table storage .Many of the examples I looked into are using "API_KEY" and "logbucketId" but I am not sure what they are.
For instance as per elmah docs here
new Guid("LOG_ID"),
After installing nuget package, I don't see any API_KEY or LogBucketId in my appsettings.json file.
Where I can find my API_KEY and LogBucket_Id ? supports .net core now.
It is not based on Modules or Handlers, but Middleware.
It works fine although still limited.
The async calls are not being used at the moment. But it is quite extensible.
ELMAH doesn't work with ASP.NET Core, since ASP.NET Core doesn't work with HttpModules and HttpHandlers (ELMAH stands for Error Logging Modules And Handlers). ASP.NET Core does include a new (pre-release) diagnostic tool called ELM (Error Logging Middleware - creative, right?). You can find its source and samples here:
Another option similar to ELMAH (and ELM) but with more capabilities is Glimpse:
I realize neither of these directly answers your question but hopefully you'll find one or both of these alternative tools useful.
You can check ELMAH port to Net.Core version
Make sure it is matching your expectation before you use it.
Note: This new extension is in development and doesn't support all Elmah features.
ELMAH doesn't support ASP.NET Core. The documentation you are linking to is from While they have similar names and uses ELMAH for some of its integrations, they don't share code or documentation.

Azure: Application Insights. Are the ai.x.xx.x-buildxxxxx.js file required?

After enabling Application Insights on my MVC web app I see that a file called ai.0.22.8-build00154.js was added to the /Scripts folder (however, it was not included to the .csproj).
In addition I do not see this file referenced anywhere in the project.
When I run the web app I do see data being sent to my Application Insights instance on Azure.
* Question *
Is this javascript file even required?
Note that I do have the script snippet at the end of the section (per App. Insights documentation).
This file is not required. It is included in case you decide to host Application Insights JS SDK yourself and not use the hosted version on CDN ( The snippet is referencing this version, so in case you decide to host AI JS SDK script yourself, you also need to update the snippet.
It is recommended that you are referencing the version on the CDN as this is the way to get all the latest updates automatically.
Yes I believe it is required, it's the Nuget package. The filename you have up there seems to match up with the package.
