How to create microsoft app password using API? - azure

I'm able to create app id using Graph API but app secret/password is not generated with it. I need a way to generate/set a password using APIs.
Am I missing something?

You could create the password via Azure AD Graph API, you can test it in the AAD Graph Explorer.
My test sample:
Request URL:
PATCH{tenant id}/applications/{application object id}?api-version=1.6
Request body:
"passwordCredentials": [{
"endDate": "2020-08-12T02:54:44.2530506Z",
"keyId": "77fe4bf5-5d04-4a62-abc2-f064a9213d3f",
"startDate": "2019-08-12T02:54:44.2530506Z",
"customKeyIdentifier": "dGVzdA==",
"value": "XnkNIsT+cScOYeYJayQ4WNmp9tgAqw5z773uI9WQtAw="
For more details about the request body, refer to this link - PasswordCredential.
Note: In the AAD Graph Explorer, when you send the request, the progress bar will never finish, but actually it works, you could check the result in the portal -> Azure Active Directory after a while.
Besides, there is also a Beta api in Microsoft Graph - Update application, I have not tested it, so I am not sure if it works. It is a Beta version, even if it works, I don't recommend you to use it in the production environment.

Are you following the correct API link?
Create User
It is easy to create Azure AD users using the Microsoft Graph REST. Here is a code sample for your reference:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Content-type: application/json
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "Sajee",
"mailNickname": "Sinna",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"passwordProfile" : {
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": true,
"password": "password-value"


401 Unauthorized when making a POST request to Microsoft Graph Search API using managed identity with Sites.Read.All permission

I am trying to make a POST request to the Microsoft Graph Search API endpoint using a token obtained from a managed identity with the "Sites.Read.All" permission on the Microsoft Graph API.
However, I am receiving a 401 Unauthorized response. What could be causing this issue?
The problem was in what Oxymoron suggested, "roles" was missing in the bearer token. The solution was to change resource="" to "" (without the slash) when requesting the token from the AAD.
Also apparently only delegated permissions work right now on v1.0 Graph Search (Source:
The request does work in the Beta version:
Content-Type: application/json
"requests": [
"entityTypes": [
"query": {
"queryString": "contoso"
"region": "NAM"

Add app extension attribute in user flow JWT Azure AD B2C

I am working in Azure AD B2C to add custom extensions per application. Theses extensions must be returned in the jwt when the login is requested by the application.
So I create the extension on the app using the graph api
"name": "name",
"dataType": "String",
"targetObjects": [
Then I associate a value for a specific user
"extension_{{appid(without dashes}}_name": "1234"
Now I go on the app manifest to add the optional claim.
"optionalClaims": {
"idToken": [
"name": "extension_{{appid(without dashes}}_name",
"source": "user",
"essential": true,
"additionalProperties": []
"accessToken": [
"name": "extension_{{appid(without dashes}}_name",
"source": "user",
"essential": true,
"additionalProperties": []
"saml2Token": []
Save but the claim never appear on the jwt token.
I also tried using the answer of this post but didn't work either.
The problem is you’ve used Optional claims setup, which works for AAD but not AAD B2C.
Follow this:
If you want to select your custom attribute through the Azure Portal - AAD B2C - User Attributes blade, and the attribute was created via Graph API, you have to recreate it in the Portal for it to reconcile.
You would also need to target the b2c-extensions-app AppId when defining the attribute with Graph API.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the claims successfully
As Jas Suri - MSFT commented, this will only work if you are adding optional claims to Azure AD application.
I created the extension attribute via Graph API like below:
I associated the above extension attribute to a specific user like below:
Please check whether that extension attribute is visible in optional claims UI or not and add like below:
When you check the manifest, it will be added automatically like below:
I generated the JWT token using auth-code flow via Postman like below:
After decoding the JWT token (ID-Token), I got the claims successfully like below:

How do I create a relying party application in my Azure AD B2C using Microsoft Graph API?

I have a POST request that I am using to create a relying party application for my Azure AD Tenant.
Authorization: {{graph_access_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"displayName": "JWT.MS 8",
"requiredResourceAccess": [
"resourceAppId": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "5b567255-7703-4780-807c-7be8301ae99b",
"type": "Role"
"resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6",
"type": "Scope"
"id": "6234d376-f627-4f0f-90e0-dff25c5211a3",
"type": "Scope"
"signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount",
"web": {
"redirectUris": [
"implicitGrantSettings": {
"enableIdTokenIssuance": true,
"enableAccessTokenIssuance": true
I receive a 201 created response for this application.
When I attempt to use this relying party via the authorize endpoint using an implicit flow I get the following error:
AADB2C90018: The client id 'f7d77147-383f-4da0-9ca4-5da5628574a4'
specified in the request is not registered in tenant
In the Azure Portal I see that the API permissions are not granted.
How should the application be changed via the Graph API so that the relying application can be seen as registered in B2C?
The URL request is correct
But an Azure AD B2C application should be created using the Azure AD B2C blade of the Azure Portal. You need to register your application by going to Azure AD B2C tenant and search for Azure AD B2C on Azure portal to register applications instead of going to normal Azure AD application registration page.Otherwise it become fault app and you then recieve
AADB2C90018: The client id 'f7d77147-383f-4da0-9ca4-5da5628574a4'
specified in the request is not registered in tenant
If you have registered the application on Azure AD then delete those and register application on Azure AD B2C.
Reference :
The following steps will allow someone to create a relying party application for Azure AD B2C via Graph API:
The application that is used to retrieve the token requires the following permissions:
The POST applications request is in the question above.
The next step is to create a service principal for that application.
Authorization: {{graph_access_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"appId": "{{app_appId}}"
Where the {{app_appId}} is the appId taken from the response of POST /applications
The next request is granting the oauth2 permissions.
Authorization: {{graph_access_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"clientId": "{{service_principal_id}}",
"consentType": "AllPrincipals",
"expiryTime": "2030-05-12T00:00:00.9831598Z",
"principalId": null,
"resourceId": "{{graph_app_id}}",
"scope": "openid offline_access"
Where the {{service_principal_id}} is the id from the POST /servicePrincipals response.
Where the {{graph_app_id}} is the id of the service principal with the displayName of "Microsoft Graph". This can be retrieved by the following request:
GET{{tenant_id}}/servicePrincipals?$filter=startswith(displayName,'Microsoft Graph')
Authorization: {{graph_access_token}}
Content-Type: application/json

Azure AD B2C - How to create a consumer user programatically?

Which API should I call on Azure B2C to create a CONSUMER user? Apparently this one is going away...
Here is the correct example and doc.
Do not use forceChangePassword=true unless using User Flows V1 (deprecated). You must always set password expiry policy to never.
Use this Microsoft Graph Api.
here is a sample request
Content-type: application/json
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "displayName-value",
"mailNickname": "mailNickname-value",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"passwordProfile" : {
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": true,
"password": "password-value"

User Provisioning on Azure Portal using REST APIs. Is it possible?

To add users to our Azure Organization, we go to this page and then create or invite a new user.
Is it possible to do it via a REST API? I looked into their REST API docs but I couldn't find this information anywhere.
You can do this using Azure Graph API. In this link you can find an example for creating a user using the Graph API and here is the quick start guide for this API.
Basically, it looks like follows:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Content-type: application/json
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "Alex Wu",
"mailNickname": "AlexW",
"passwordProfile": {
"password": "Test1234",
"forceChangePasswordNextLogin": false
"userPrincipalName": ""
You can find the Grprah API reference to create users here. The Graph API quick-start can help you with sample codes on how to do it.
You would need to make sure that you have user creation rights in azure AD where you are trying to create users. generally, our account must have user account administrator role or global admin role in the directory.
