Can we somehow rename the file that is being downloaded using puppeteer? - node.js

I am downloading a file through puppeteer into my directory. I need to upload this file to an s3 bucket so I need to pick up the file name. But the problem is, this file name has a time stamp that changes every time so I can't keep a hard coded name. So is there a way around this to get a constant name every time (even if the old file is replaced), or how to rename the file being downloaded?
I thought of using node's fs.rename() function but that would again require the current file name.
I want a constant file name to hard code and then upload into the s3 bucket.
await page._client.send('Page.setDownloadBehavior', {behavior: 'allow', downloadPath: './xml'}); // This sets the directory
await'Enter'); // This downloads an XML file.

You have two options:
Monitor the requests/responses to log the name of the file and rename it via Node.js
Use the Chrome DevTools Protocol to modify the response header
Option 1: Monitor the requests / response
This is the most straight-forward way to do it. Monitor all responses and in case you notice the response that is being downloaded, use the name to rename it locally via fs.rename.
Code Sample
const path = require('path');
// ...
page.on('response', response => {
const url = response.request().url();
const contentType = response.headers()['content-type'];
if (/* URL and/or contentType matches pattern */) {
const fileName = path.basename(response.request().url());
// handle and rename file name (after making sure it's downloaded)
The code listens to all responses and wait for a specific pattern (e.g. contentType === 'application/pdf'). Then it takes the file name from the request. Depending on your use case, you might want to check the Content-Disposition header in addition. After that, you have to wait until the file is downloaded (e.g. file is present and file size does not change) and then you can rename it.
Option 2: Use the Chrome DevTools Protocol to modify the response header
I'm 99% sure, that this is possible. You need to intercept the response which is currently not supported by puppeteer itself. But as the Chrome DevTools Protocol is supporting this functionality, you can use it using the low-level protocol.
The idea is to intercept the response and change the Content-Disposition header to your desired file name.
Here is the idea:
Use chrome-remote-interface or a CDP Session to activate Network.requestIntercepted
Listen for Network.requestIntercepted events
Send Network.getResponseBodyForInterception to receive the body of the response
Modify the body and add (or change) the Content-Disposition header to include your filename
Call Network.continueInterceptedRequest with your modified response
Your file should then be save with your modified file name. Check out this comment on github for a code sample. As I already explained it is a rather sophisticated approach as long as puppeteer does not support modifying responses.

You can save the file using GUID as the filename and rename it when the download is completed.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const downloadFolder = path.resolve('./DOWNLOAD-FOLDER-HERE');
// Act like a dictionary storing the filename for each file with guid
let guids = {};
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false
let client = await;
await client.send('Browser.setDownloadBehavior', {
behavior: 'allowAndName', //allow downloading file and save the file using guid as the filename
downloadPath: downloadFolder, // specify the download folder
eventsEnabled: true //set true to emit download events (e.g. Browser.downloadWillBegin and Browser.downloadProgress)
client.on('Browser.downloadWillBegin', async (event) => {
//some logic here to determine the filename
//the event provides event.suggestedFilename and event.url
guids[event.guid] = 'FILENAME.pdf';
client.on('Browser.downloadProgress', async (event) => {
// when the file has been downloaded, locate the file by guid and rename it
if(event.state === 'completed') {
fs.renameSync(path.resolve(downloadFolder, event.guid), path.resolve(downloadFolder, guids[event.guid]));


Getting Failed - Network Error while downloading PDF file from Amazon S3

Goal: Try to download a pdf file from Amazon S3 to my local machine via a NodeJS/VueJS application without creating a file on the server's filesystem.
Server: NodeJs(v 18.9.0) Express (4.17.1)
Middleware function that retrieves the file from S3 and converts the stream into a base64 string and sends that string to the client:
const filename = 'lets_go_to_the_snackbar.pdf';
const s3 = new AWS.S3(some access parameters);
const params = {
Bucket: do_not_kick_this_bucket,
Key: `yellowbrickroad/${filename}`
try {
const data = await s3
const byte_string = Buffer.from(data.Body).toString('base64');
} catch (err) {
Client: VueJS( v 3.2.33)
Function in component receives byte string via an axios (v 0.26.1) GET call to the server. The code to download is as follows:
getPdfContent: async function (filename) {
const resp = await AxiosService.getPdf(filename) // Get request to server made here.
const uriContent = `data:application/pdf;base64,${}`
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = uriContent = filename
document.body.appendChild(link) // Also tried omitting this line along with...
link.remove() // ...omitting this line
Expected Result(s):
Browser opens a window to allow a directory to be selected as the file's destination.
Directory Selected.
File is downloaded.
Ice cream and mooncakes are served.
Actual Results(s):
Browser opens a window to allow a directory to be selected as the file's destination
Directory Selected.
Receive Failed - Network Error message.
Lots of crying...
Browser: Chrome (Version 105.0.5195.125 (Official Build) (x86_64))
Read somewhere that Chrome will balk at files larger than 4MB, so I checked the S3 bucket and according to Amazon S3 the file size is a svelte 41.7KB.
After doing some reading, a possible solution was presented that I tried to implement. It involved making a change to the VueJs getPdfContent function as follows:
getPdfContent: async function (filename) {
const resp = await AxiosService.getPdf(filename) // Get request to server made here.
/**** This is the line that was changed ****/
const uriContent = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], { type: 'application/pdf' } ))
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = uriContent = filename
document.body.appendChild(link) // Also tried omitting this line along with...
link.remove() // ...omitting this line
Actual Results(s) for updated code:
Browser opens a window to allow a directory to be selected as the file's destination
Directory Selected.
PDF file downloaded.
Trying to open the file produces the message:
The file “lets_go_to_the_snackbar.pdf” could not be opened.
It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize.
I am able to download the file directly from S3 using the AWS S3 console with no problems opening the file.
I've read through similar postings and tried implementing their solutions, but found no joy. I would be highly appreciative if someone can
Give me an idea of where I am going off the path towards reaching the goal
Point me towards the correct path.
Thank you in advance for your help.
After doing some more research I found the problem was how I was returning the data from the server back to the client. I did not need to modify the data received from the S3 service.
Server Code:
let filename = req.params.filename;
const params = {
Bucket: do_not_kick_this_bucket,
Key: `yellowbrickroad/${filename}`
try {
const data = await s3
/* Here I did not modify the information returned */
} catch (err) {
On the client side my VueJS component receives a Blob object as the response
Client Code:
async getFile (filename) {
let response = await AuthenticationService.downloadFile(filename)
const uriContent = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([]))
const link = document.createElement('a')
link.setAttribute('href', uriContent)
link.setAttribute('download', filename)
In the end the goal was achieved; a file on S3 can be downloaded directly to a user's local machine without the application storing a file on the server.
I would like to mention Sunpun Sandaruwan's answer which gave me the final clue I needed to reach my goal.

How can I temporarily store a pdf in Firebase filesystem?

I am creating a pdf using JSPDF on server-side, in NodeJS. Once done, I want to create a new folder for the user in Google Drive, upload the pdf to said folder, and also send it to the client-side (browser) for the user to view.
There are two problems that I'm encountering. Firstly, if I send the pdf in the response -via pdf.output()- the images don't display correctly. They are distorted, as though each row of pixels is offset by some amount. A vertical line "|" instead renders as a diagonal "\". An example is shown below.
My workaround for this was to instead save it to the filesystem using and then send it to the browser using fs.readFileSync(filepath).
However, I've discovered that when running remotely, I don't have file permissions to be saving the pdf and reading it. And after some research and tinkering, I'm thinking that I cannot change these permissions. This is the error I get:
Error: EROFS: read-only file system, open './temp/output.pdf'
at Object.openSync (fs.js:443:3)
at Object.writeFileSync (fs.js:1194:35)
at (/workspace/node_modules/jspdf/dist/jspdf.node.min.js:86:50626)
So I have this JSPDF object, and I believe I need to either, alter the permissions to allow writing/reading or take the jspdf object or, I guess, change it's format to one accepted by Google drive, such as a stream or buffer object?
The link below leads me to think these permissions can't be altered since it states: "These files are available in a read-only directory".
I also have no idea 'where' the server filesystem is, or how to access it. Thus, I think the best course of action is to look at sending the pdf in different formats.
I've checked jsPDF documentation for types that pdf.output() can return. These include string, arraybuffer, window, blob, jsPDF.
My simplified code is as follows:
const express = require('express');
const fs = require('fs');
const app = express();
const { jsPDF } = require('jspdf');
const credentials = require(credentialsFilepath);
const scopes = [scopes in here];
const auth = new google.auth.JWT(
credentials.client_email, null,
credentials.private_key, scopes
const drive ={version: 'v3', auth});
//========================================================================='/submit', (req, res) => {
var pdf = new jsPDF();
// Set font, fontsize. Added some text, etc.
pdf.text('blah blah', 10, 10);
// Add image (signature) from canvas, which is passed as a dataURL
pdf.addImage(img, 'JPEG', 10, 10, 50, 20);'./temp/output.pdf');
resource: folderMetaData,
fields: 'id'
.then(response => {
// Store pdf in newly created folder
var fileMetaData = {
'name': 'filename.pdf',
'parents': [],
var media = {
mimeType: 'application/pdf',
body: fs.createReadStream('./temp/output.pdf'),
resource: fileMetaData,
media: media,
fields: 'id'
}, function(err, file) {
console.error('Error:', err);
// I have considered piping 'file' back in the response here but can't figure out how
console.log('File uploaded');
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error:', error);
// Finally, I attempt to send the pdf to client/browser
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
Edit: After some more searching, I've found a similar question which explains that the fs module is for reading/writing to local filestore.
EROFS error when executing a File Write function in Firebase
I eventually came to a solution after some further reading. I'm not sure who this will be useful for, but...
Turns out the Firebase filesystem only has 1 directory which allows you to write to (the rest are read-only). This directory is named tmp and I accessed it using the tmp node module [installed with: npm i tmp], since trying to manually reference the path with'./tmp/output.pdf') didn't work.
So the only changes to my code were to add in the lines:
var tmp = require('tmp');
var tmpPath = tmp.tmpNameSync();
and then replacing all the instances of './temp/output.pdf' with tmpPath

Add attachments to Invoices in Xero using node js SDK or API

I am trying to add attachments to existing invoices in xero.
I am using xero-node sdk ( for this integration and they provide a method for adding attachment as follows:
this.xero.accountingApi.createInvoiceAttachmentByFileName(tenantId, invoiceid, filenameInvoice,includeOnline,readStream )
The issue here is it requires an fs.ReadStream object for readStream.
The file I am trying to upload is present in cloud and I cannot download it and store it in file system before sending to Xero. I want to send the file present in azure cloud directly to xero. I have the url of file so I can get the content as a variable by making http request but there is no option to send this content to Xero.
There is an API available for this as well (here apart from the sdk. But I am not sure how I can send the file that I have to this API in body as it expects RAW data. Are there any specific headers or encodings required to call this API with file content in body? Because this is also not working for me if I just pass the body of the response I got from azure file url, as body to this Xero Attachment API. It tries for a long time and gives timeout error.
yes you are correct. There are additional headers/manipulation you need to do to upload files.
Please checkout the sample app - we've got it queued up to show exactly how to upload files:
Something like the following should get you sorted:
import * as fs from "fs";
const path = require("path");
const mime = require("mime-types");
const totalInvoices = await xero.accountingApi.getInvoices('your-tenantId-uuid', undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, ['PAID']);
// Attachments need to be uploaded to associated objects
const filename = "xero-dev.png";
const pathToUpload = path.resolve(__dirname, "../path-to-your.png");
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(pathToUpload);
const contentType = mime.lookup(filename);
const fileAttached = await xero.accountingApi.createInvoiceAttachmentByFileName(req.session.activeTenant.tenantId, totalInvoices.body.invoices[0].invoiceID, filename, true, readStream, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": contentType,
I ended up adding the link to file in History and Notes section of the invoice. Even though this is not the best solution, It serves the purpose of showing invoices to the customer.
Thanks to #SerKnight for your answer.

Trouble downloading mp3 files from S3 using Amplify/Node

I'm quite confused on how to use the Amplify library to actually download an mp3 file stored in my s3 bucket. I am able to list the bucket contents and parse it all out into a tree viewer for users to browse the various files, but once I select a file I can't get it to trigger a download.
I'm confident my amplify configuration is correct since I can see all my expected directories and when I select the file I want to download, I see the response size being correct:
You can see it takes 2+ seconds and appears to be downloading the data/mp3 file, but the user is never prompted to save the file and it's not in my Downloads folder.
Here is a capture of my file metadata setup from my bucket:
And the method I'm calling:
getFile (fileKey) {
Storage.get(fileKey, {download: true})
Without the "download : true" configuration, I get the verified URL back in the response. I'd like to avoid making a 2nd request using that URL download the file if possible. Anything else I may have missed? Is it better for s3 operations to go back to the standard aws-sdk? Thanks in advance!
I ended up using a combination of this answer:
and this snippet:
So the file gets downloaded in the response data(result), I added more meta data tags to the files to get the file name and title. Finally adding the link to the DOM and executing a click() on it saves the file named correctly. Full solution below:
getFile (fileKey) {
Storage.get(fileKey, {download: true}).then(result => {
let mimeType = result.ContentType
let fileName = result.Metadata.filename
if (mimeType !== 'audio/mp3') {
throw new TypeError("Unexpected MIME Type")
try {
let blob = new Blob([result.Body], {type: mimeType})
//downloading the file depends on the browser
//IE handles it differently than chrome/webkit
if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName)
} else {
let objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
let link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = objectUrl
link.setAttribute('download', fileName)
} catch (exc) {
console.log("Save Blob method failed with the following exception.");

Sending an Excel file from backend to frontend and download it at the frontend

I had created an Excel file at the backend (Express JS) using Exceljs npm module. I have it stored in a temp directory. Now I would want to send the file from the back-end to the front-end and download it there when the user clicks a button. I am struck on two things
1. How to send the file from the backend to the frontend through an HTTP POST request
2. How to then download the file in the front-end
Edited content:
I need the front end to be a button that appends the file to it and then download it. This is how my code looks, I am not getting the file properly from the backend to the front-end
front end file:
let url =${path}?parmA=${parm1}&parmB=${parm2}&parmC=${parm3};
let serviceDetails = {};
serviceDetails["method"] = "GET";
serviceDetails["mode"] = "cors";
serviceDetails["headers"] = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
fetch(url, serviceDetails)
.then(res => {
if (res.status != 200) {
return false;
var file = new Blob([res], { type : 'application/octet-stream' });
a = document.createElement('a'), file;
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); = "_blank"; = "excel.xlsx";
}).catch(error => {
return false;
var abc = ... // this is a object for the controller.js file
router.get('/path', function(req, res) {
abc.exportintoExcel(req, res);
let xyz = ... //this is a object for the service.js file
exports.exportintoExcel = function(req, res) {
//I have a excel file in my server root directory
const filepath = path.join(__dirname,'../../nav.txt');
This is a complete re-write of an earlier answer, so sorry if anyone needed that one, but this version is superior. I'm using a project created with express-generator and working in three files:
Start with an anchor tag that has the download attribute, with whatever filename you wish, and an empty href attribute. We will fill in the href in the main.js file with an ObjectURL that represents the Excel file later:
<a id="downloadExcelLink" download="excelFile.xlsx" href="#">Download Excel File</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/main.js"></script>
Select the anchor element, and then make a fetch() request to the route /downloadExcel. Convert the response to a Blob, then create an ObjectURL from this Blob. You can then set the href attribute of the anchor tag to this ObjectURL:
const downloadExcelLink = document.getElementById('downloadExcelLink');
(async () => {
const downloadExcelResponse = await fetch('/downloadExcel');
const downloadExcelBlob = await downloadExcelResponse.blob();
const downloadExcelObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(downloadExcelBlob);
downloadExcelLink.href = downloadExcelObjectURL;
In the index router, you simply need to call the res.sendFile() function and pass it the path to the Excel file on your server.
router.get('/downloadExcel', (req, res, next) => {
const excelFilePath = path.join(__dirname, '../tmp/excel.xlsx');
res.sendFile(excelFilePath, (err) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
That's it! You can find a git repo here of the project. Clone into it and try it out for yourself if you can't get this code to work in your project as it is.
How It Works
When the page loads, 4 requests are fired off to our server, as we can see in the console output:
GET / 200 2.293 ms - 302
GET /stylesheets/style.css 200 1.123 ms - 111
GET /javascripts/main.js 200 1.024 ms - 345
GET /downloadExcel 200 2.395 ms - 4679
The first three requests are for index.ejs (/), the CSS stylesheet, and our main.js file. The fourth request is sent by our call to fetch('/downloadExcel') in the main.js file:
const downloadExcelResponse = await fetch('/downloadExcel');
I have a route-handler setup in routes/index.js at this route that uses res.sendFile() to send a file from our filesystem as the response:
router.get('/downloadExcel', (req, res, next) => {
const excelFilePath = path.join(__dirname, '../tmp/excel.xlsx');
res.sendFile(excelFilePath, (err) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
excelFilePath needs to be the path to the file on YOUR system. On my system, here is the layout of the router file and the Excel file:
The response sent from our Express server is stored in downloadExcelResponse as the return value from the call to fetch() in the main.js file:
const downloadExcelResponse = await fetch('/downloadExcel');
downloadExcelResponse is a Response object, and for our purposes we want to turn it into a Blob object using the Response.blob() method:
const downloadExcelBlob = await downloadExcelResponse.blob();
Now that we have the Blob, we can call URL.convertObjectURL() to turn this Blob into something we can use as the href for our download link:
const downloadExcelObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL(downloadExcelBlob);
At this point, we have a URL that represents our Excel file in the browser, and we can point the href to this URL by adding it to the DOM element we selected earlier's href property:
When the page loads, we selected the anchor element with this line:
<a id="downloadExcelLink" download="excelFile.xlsx" href="#">Download Excel File</a>
So we add the URL to the href here, in the function that makes the fetch request:
downloadExcelLink.href = downloadExcelObjectURL;
You can check out the element in the browser and see that the href property has been changed by the time the page has loaded:
Notice, on my computer, the anchor tag is now:
<a id="downloadExcelLink" download="excelFile.xlsx" href="blob:http://localhost:3000/aa48374e-ebef-461a-96f5-d94dd6d2c383">Download Excel File</a>
Since the download attribute is present on the link, when the link is clicked, the browser will download whatever the href points to, which in our case is the URL to the Blob that represents the Excel document.
I pulled my information from these sources: - Blob as URL - Fetch
Here's a gif of how the download process looks on my machine:
OK, now that I see your code, I can try and help out a little. I have refactored your example a little bit to make it easier for me to understand, but feel free to adjust to your needs.
I don't know what the page looks like that you're working with, but it looks like in your example you are creating an anchor element with JavaScript during the fetch() call. I'm just creating one with HTML in the actual page, is there a reason you can't do this?
<a id="downloadLink" download="excel.xlsx" href="#">Download Excel File</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/test.js"></script>
With that in hand, here is my version of your front end JS file:
const downloadLink = document.getElementById('downloadLink');
sendFetch('a', 'b', 'c');
function sendFetch(param1, param2, param3) {
const path = 'http://localhost:3000/excelTest';
const url = `${path}?parmA=${param1}&parmB=${param2}&parmC=${param3}`;
const serviceDetails = {};
serviceDetails.method = "GET";
serviceDetails.mode = "cors";
serviceDetails.headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
fetch(url, serviceDetails).then((res) => {
if (res.status != 200) {
return false;
res.blob().then((excelBlob) => {
const excelBlobURL = URL.createObjectURL(excelBlob);
downloadLink.href = excelBlobURL;
}).catch((error) => {
return false;
I had to fill in some details because I can't tell what is going on from your code. Here are the things I changed:
Selected the DOM element instead of creating it:
Your version:
a = document.createElement('a'), file;
My version:
<a id="downloadLink" download="excel.xlsx" href="#">Download Excel File</a>
const downloadLink = document.getElementById('downloadLink');
This saves us the trouble of creating the element. Unless you need to do that for some reason, I wouldn't. I'm also not sure what that file is doing in your original.
Name the function and change parm -> param for arguments list
Your version:
My version:
function sendFetch(param1, param2, param3) {
I wasn't sure how you were actually calling your function, so I named it. Also, parm isn't clear. Param isn't great either, should describe what it is, but I don't know from your code.
Create a path variable and enclose url assignment in backticks
Your version:
let url =${path}?parmA=${parm1}&parmB=${parm2}&parmC=${parm3};
My version:
const path = 'http://localhost:3000/excelTest';
const url = `${path}?parmA=${param1}&parmB=${param2}&parmC=${param3}`;
In your version, that url assignment should throw an error. It looks like you want to use string interpolation, but you need backticks for that, which I added. Also, I had to define a path variable, because I didn't see one in your code.
Cleaned up some formatting
I used 'dot' notation for the serviceDetails, but that was just personal preference. I also changed the spacing of the fetch() call, but no need to reprint that here. Shouldn't effect anything.
Create a blob from the fetch response
Your version:
var file = new Blob([res], { type : 'application/octet-stream' });
My version:
res.blob().then((excelBlob) => {
I'm not sure why you are calling the Blob constructor and what that [res] is supposed to be. The Response object returned from fetch() has a blob() method that returns a promise that resolves to a Blob with whatever MIME-type the data was in. In an Excel documents case, this is application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.
Create an ObjectURL from the Blob and add this URL to the href of the anchor tag.
Your version:
a = document.createElement('a'), file;
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); = "_blank"; = "excel.xlsx";
My version:
const excelBlobURL = URL.createObjectURL(excelBlob);
downloadLink.href = excelBlobURL;
You have to do a bunch of DOM manipulation, which I'm not sure why you need. If you do have to dynamically create this element, then I'm not sure why you are 'clicking' it, then removing it, if the user is supposed to be able to click it. Maybe clarify for me why you are doing this, or if you really need to do it. Either way, in my version I create the ObjectURL and then assign it, but you could just as easily not store it in a variable.
Call the function that sends the fetch request.
As my function signature is:
function sendFetch(param1, param2, param3)
I needed to call it somewhere in order to fire off the request, so I did so like this:
sendFetch('a', 'b', 'c');
Right when the page loads, as you can see from the server logs:
GET / 304 0.448 ms - -
GET /javascripts/test.js 304 1.281 ms - -
GET /excelTest?parmA=a&parmB=b&parmC=c 304 0.783 ms - -
The first two requests are for the index.html page and the test.js file, then the fetch request is fired with the param's I passed in. I'm not sure how you are doing this in your app, because that is not included in your code.
Everything I just covered is Front-End. I'm assuming your server-side code is actually sending an excel file with your call to response.sendFile() in service.js. If you are sure that the file is getting sent, then the code I've given you should work, when adjusted to your app.
So, in conclusion, what this code does is:
Load an HTML page with an anchor tag with no href attribute set.
Send off a fetch() request to the server.
Turn the fetch response into a Blob, then create an ObjectURL from this Blob.
Assign that ObjectURL to the anchor tag's href attribute.
When the user clicks the 'Download Excel File' link, the Excel sheet should be downloaded. If you didn't want them to see the link until after the fetch request, you could definitely do create the anchor tag in JS instead, let me know if you want to see how to do that.
As before, here is a gif showing how it looks on my machine (this is with your version and my modifications):
