Chrome web server extension - running an app locally - google-chrome-extension

I am looking to use Web Server for Chrome extension only for the localhost in order to run an app:
It's easier for me to use this Chrome add on rather than installing Python or XAMPP.
Is it possible to run an app locally this way. If you want to test pages built with Angular, is it possible this way also.


How can I convert a Node Js web application to a desktop application?

I have created a Node js Web application which is running on an express server. It is a web automation application which is made using puppeteer. I want this app to run in headful mode which is not possible if I deploy this on servers (for eg Heroku). So instead of deploying this application,I wanted to create a desktop app which runs this application on the local host everytime. Is there any way to convert this web application to a desktop application and run it on local host through the desktop app only?
Your best bet would be using Electron.
It is used for cross-platform apps with Nodejs and interacts like website, so you wouldn't need to rebuilt your app from scratch.

make chrome extension using nodejs

Question Background
We are building Chrome Extension. and we need to get the python code in the process.
What i know
I know that python code can be imported using Node JS.
Node JS is used to create servers
Chrome extension is not building server, but making programs(maybe client?)
is it right?
To achieve our goal
Do We need to create server with node js and communicate with chrome extension(using
Is there another way to apply node js in chrome extension?
Is there another way to get the python code into the extension?
Your Chromium web extension code necessarily must be pure client-side Javascript structured to run in the browser's extension environment. There's no support for nodejs or python in that environment; it's very constrained. Because cybercreeps.
You can use XmlHttpRequest or fetch operations in your extension code to access web services. Your extension manifest will need to grant permission to access your server.
You can meet your requirement by building and hosting a server for your extension to use. You can use nodejs and a framework like express and/or, or you can use python, python-socketio, and a framework like Flask or Django. If you build your server with python, it probably will perform better than a nodejs serves that spawns child processes to run python. It will definitely be easier to install, debug and maintain.

Reactjs + Electron + Nodejs

I've been researching for long time but haven't found what I need. Maybe here someone can help me out.
What I want:
I'm trying to create an application that will run inside electron. Both frontend and backend should be encapsulated within a single executable, so I was thinking React js and Nodejs would be a good option.
But it's not as simple as I thought. Found a good boilerplace for reactjs but I have no idea how I could encapsulate nodejs as a backend to it.
It'd also somehow would need to be integrated with the release package and so on...
Additionally I'd need to have a webserver that will run on localhost:[port] when you launch the application.
Technical Summary:
So basically:
Electron with React js - as the application 'face'
Nodejs - as the backend of the application
Webserver running locally - (using react js).
In the application, I would put link to the pages that is served by that locally running reactjs web app.
Hope I was clear. And I really hope someone can help me out.
as you know the serverside part is separate from front can lunch react electron together like this article .but serverside must start to stand alone . you could use pm2 for launching them.
lets talk about electron. what is electron?
according to :
Electron is an open source library developed by GitHub for building
cross-platform desktop applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Electron accomplishes this by combining Chromium and Node.js into a
single runtime and apps can be packaged for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
so the electron is a tool for creating desktop uses chromium engine for accessing resources of the operating system level. but the intention of that is creating apps not a serverside job.
if you have some needs and logics that must handle in a server you should be considering that. otherwise, read about serverless applications.

How do I setup and deploy a local execution app for Google smart home action?

I am implementing the local execution functionality for my google smart home action. I am following the steps in this link:
I have already configured the scanning data in the console, and now I am trying to deploy my local execution app. I know how to program in javascript, I have created a couple of firebase functions, but I am not an expert in node.js. I don't understand how to setup and run this javascript app.
I tried to run it on the browser, but it says it cannot find "require", and I read that node.js is not supposed to run on client side. In the link above, it says to create an index.html, that declares the "local_execution.js". Is this javascript module going to run on client side? Can someone point me in the right direction? Maybe explain how to setup the app directory.
Thank you in advance,
The best place to get started would be with the local home sample app on GitHub. This sample includes both a local execution app and a compatible virtual device, with instructions to get it compiled and deployed.
For testing, you need to host the web app (HTML/JavaScript) in a location that's accessible to your Home device. This could be a local dev server or something like Firebase Hosting (the sample has instructions for both). The hosted URL goes in the console under Test > On device testing.
I tried to run it on the browser, but it says it cannot find "require", and I read that node.js is not supposed to run on client side.
The Home devices run a browser-based (Chrome) environment, so your JavaScript must be compatible with the browser. If you use Node programming paradigms (e.g. importing modules using require) in your code, you need to use a bundler tool such as Webpack or Parcel to package the code for the browser. The sample uses Webpack to accomplish this.
Side Note: You can't run even a properly packaged local home app in the browser on your development machine because the local home SDK only exists on Home devices.

Google Web Stater Kit to Server

I am using the Google web starter kit to build myself a portfolio. I have everything up and running locally using gulp etc. I just want to know how I prepare my app to allow it to be placed on a web server? What are the processes to do so?
Just running gulp will prepare your app for deployment.
