I am making a download to CSV button for my table.
I have made a button at the bottom of the table which triggers down() function to download.
var tableDataNested = [{
group: "Backend Engineer A",
name: "Sourced",
applied: 300,
screened: 40,
interviewed: 5
group: "Backend Engineer A",
name: "Referred",
applied: 3,
screened: 1,
interviewed: 0
group: "Backend Engineer A",
name: "University",
applied: 4,
screened: 2,
interviewed: 1
group: "Backend Engineer B",
name: "Sourced",
applied: 1000,
screened: 140,
interviewed: 55
group: "Backend Engineer B",
name: "Referred",
applied: 30,
screened: 11,
interviewed: 2
group: "Backend Engineer B",
name: "University",
applied: 40,
screened: 22,
interviewed: 10
function down() {
table.download("csv", "data.csv", {
delimiter: ","
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
data: tableDataNested,
dataTree: true,
dataTreeStartExpanded: true,
groupBy: "group",
columns: [{
title: "Name",
field: "name",
responsive: 0
title: "Applied",
field: "applied",
bottomCalc: "sum"
title: "Screened",
field: "screened",
bottomCalc: "sum"
title: "Interviewed",
field: "interviewed",
bottomCalc: "sum"
footerElement: "<button id='download-csv' onclick='down();'>Download CSV</button>",
<script src="https://unpkg.com/tabulator-tables#4.3.0/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tabulator/4.3.0/css/tabulator.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="example-table"></div>
Works fine for me
var tableDataNested = [{
group: "Backend Engineer A",
name: "Sourced",
applied: 300,
screened: 40,
interviewed: 5
group: "Backend Engineer A",
name: "Referred",
applied: 3,
screened: 1,
interviewed: 0
group: "Backend Engineer A",
name: "University",
applied: 4,
screened: 2,
interviewed: 1
group: "Backend Engineer B",
name: "Sourced",
applied: 1000,
screened: 140,
interviewed: 55
group: "Backend Engineer B",
name: "Referred",
applied: 30,
screened: 11,
interviewed: 2
group: "Backend Engineer B",
name: "University",
applied: 40,
screened: 22,
interviewed: 10
function down() {
table.download("csv", "data.csv", {
delimiter: ","
var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
data: tableDataNested,
dataTree: true,
dataTreeStartExpanded: true,
groupBy: "group",
columns: [{
title: "Name",
field: "name",
responsive: 0
title: "Applied",
field: "applied",
bottomCalc: "sum"
title: "Screened",
field: "screened",
bottomCalc: "sum"
title: "Interviewed",
field: "interviewed",
bottomCalc: "sum"
footerElement: "<button id='download-csv' onclick='down();'>Download CSV</button>",
<script src="https://unpkg.com/tabulator-tables#4.3.0/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tabulator/4.3.0/css/tabulator.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="example-table"></div>
I have a collection A with data like
id: 2,
name: "test"
id: 4,
name: "test4"
and I have a second collection B with data like:
id: 444,
name: "a",
colA_id: 2
id: 555,
name: "b",
colA_id: 2
id: 555,
name: "c",
colA_id: 10
After I aggregate both collections, I want an output like:
id: 2,
name: "test",
list_of_b: {
id: 444,
name: "a",
colA_id: 2
id: 555,
name: "b",
colA_id: 2
I tried to merge them, but every time I only get one record of the database.
Its just a simple look up
The DB is
"collA": [
id: 2,
name: "test"
id: 4,
name: "test4"
"collB": [
id: 444,
name: "a",
colA_id: 2
id: 555,
name: "b",
colA_id: 2
id: 555,
name: "c",
colA_id: 10
And the aggregation is
"$lookup": {
"from": "collB",
"localField": "id",
"foreignField": "colA_id",
"as": "list_of_b"
Working Mongo playground
i'm fairly new to MongoDB and Mongoose and i'm working on a bug here. Apparently $sum is not working with a field whose type is SchemaTypes.Double. This double type is available thanks to a package called mongoose-double.
I don't know if MongoDB doesn't support Double so that's why we have this package, or is this because of MongoDB Version (it's on 3.6 AFAIK). But anyways, here's the code:
$match: findTerm
$facet: {
totalizer: [{
$group: {
_id: '$store',
totalServices: {
$sum: 1
totalValue: {
$sum: '$value'
totalComission: {
$sum: '$comissionValue'
data: [{
$project: {
'employee.name': 1,
'customer.name': 1,
'service.name': 1,
'info.channel': 1,
value: 1,
scheduleDate: 1,
scheduleStart: 1,
scheduleEnd: 1,
comissionValue: 1,
status: 1,
paymentMethod: 1
$sort: sort
$skip: req.body.limit * req.body.page
$limit: req.body.limit
]).exec((e, response) => {
if (e) {
// handle error
This findTerm is sent by the frontend app and has this format:
{ store: '5b16cceb56a44e2f6cd0324b',
status: { '$in': [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] },
paymentMethod: { '$in': [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] },
'info.channel': { '$in': [ 'app', 'admin' ] },
scheduleStart: { '$gte': '2019-11-01 00:00' },
scheduleEnd: { '$lte': '2020-03-31 23:59' }
My comissionValue field is in the root of my Schedule Schema:
comissionValue: {
type: SchemaTypes.Double,
default: 0
But my result is the following, as shown in my console.log in the frontend
As you can see my totalComission inside my totalizer is null, but my first object inside data has a comissionValue of 0.6.
How can i kno what's wrong here? I've tried different combinations of $facet, filtering only Schedules that has a comissionValue not equal 0 and null, but i only got a result of 0 for totalComission.
Here's some sample data:
A Schedule object:
customer: {
id: "5e41a7ba11340930742aa689",
name: "renan lima",
phone: "+5511999999999",
email: "sampleemail#gmail.com",
doc: "00000000000",
avatar: null
employee: {
id: "5b16cebd29bcf613f02b6fb4",
name: "Anderson Zanardi",
avatar: "anderson.jpg"
service: {
noValue: false,
filters: [],
id: "5b637acd634e14086c9a3aea",
name: "Barba Masculina"
info: {
channel: "app",
id: "5e41a7ba11340930742aa689",
name: "renan lima"
comissionType: null,
comissionValue: 0,
paymentMethod: 0,
_id: "5e41a7c011340930742aa68a",
store: "5b16cceb56a44e2f6cd0324b",
scheduleDate: "2020-03-16T15:00:00.000Z",
scheduleStart: "2020-03-16 09:00",
scheduleEnd: "2020-03-16 09:30",
status: 2,
value: 30,
color: "blue",
logStatus: [],
__v: 0,
created: "2020-02-10T18:58:08.845Z",
updated: "2020-02-10T18:58:08.845Z"
My response received for the Schedule.aggregate:
"totalizer": [{
"_id": null,
"storesCount": [{
"store": "5b16cceb56a44e2f6cd0324b",
"count": 12
"totalValue": 410.5,
"totalServices": 12,
"totalComission": 75
"data": [{
"_id": "5e5d04dcb4a2f42204598ebf",
"service": {
"name": "Outros"
"info": {
"channel": "admin"
"comissionValue": 0,
"paymentMethod": 0,
"customer": {
"name": "teste"
"employee": {
"name": "Gabriel Barreto"
"scheduleDate": "2020-03-02T13:06:00.000Z",
"scheduleStart": "2020-03-02 10:06",
"scheduleEnd": "2020-03-02 10:36",
"status": 0,
"value": null
Here the comission is 75, i don't know if it's because of the scheduleStart and scheduleDate in the findTerm on my $match that this time is starting at 2020-03-01 and ends at 2020-03-31 and in that range there's 3 schedules with 25 of comission.
Maybe my pagination is making it return null? Since i need it to sum all my comission for a given start/end range, even if in a certain page it doesn't have a comission.
I added a sample data in Mongo Playground, the schedule array in the configuration column matchs the query used in the $match property on the query column.
Here's the link: https://mongoplayground.net/p/nmyAsY4g7LS
In ArangoDB I want to group and sort notification data.
I have the following notification data sets
{id: 1, groupId: 1, text: 'Aoo', time: 23},
{id: 2, groupId: 2, text: 'Boo', time: 32},
{id: 3, groupId: 1, text: 'Coo', time: 45},
{id: 4, groupId: 3, text: 'Doo', time: 56},
{id: 5, groupId: 1, text: 'Eoo', time: 22},
{id: 6, groupId: 2, text: 'Foo', time: 23}
I want to group the notification by groupId and the recent notification group should appear on top.
Final result should be like this
{ groupId: 3, notifications: [{id: 4, groupId: 3, text: 'Doo', time: 56}],
{ groupId: 1, notification: [{id: 3, groupId: 1, text: 'Coo', time: 45}, {id: 1, groupId: 1, text: 'Aoo', time: 23}, {id: 5, groupId: 1, text: 'Eoo', time: 22}]},
{ groupId: 2, notifications: [{id: 2, groupId: 2, text: 'Boo', time: 32}, {id: 6, groupId: 2, text: 'Foo', time: 23}] }
Tried following AQL
FOR doc IN notificaion
SORT doc.time DESC
COLLECT groupId = doc.groupId INTO g
RETURN { groupId, notifications: g[*].doc }
Above query sorts the inner group elements but the outer groups are not sorted.
I'm struggling to construct an AQL for it. Any pointer will be helpful.
Sort twice: once the set of documents collected - as you already do, then the collection:
FOR doc IN notification
SORT doc.time DESC
COLLECT groupId = doc.groupId INTO g
SORT g[*].doc.time DESC
RETURN { groupId, notifications: g[*].doc }
In my tests this yields the desired sequence:
"groupId": 3,
"notifications": [
"id": 4,
"groupId": 3,
"text": "Doo",
"time": 56
"groupId": 1,
"notifications": [
"id": 3,
"groupId": 1,
"text": "Coo",
"time": 45
"id": 1,
"groupId": 1,
"text": "Aoo",
"time": 23
"id": 5,
"groupId": 1,
"text": "Eoo",
"time": 22
"groupId": 2,
"notifications": [
"id": 2,
"groupId": 2,
"text": "Boo",
"time": 32
"id": 6,
"groupId": 2,
"text": "Foo",
"time": 23
I am getting this output :
"AreaId": 2,
"AreaId": 2,
But I want it merging to be like this :
"AreaId": 2,
You could use groupBy of loadash. Code will look something like this
const {groupBy} = require("lodash");
const input = [
AreaId: 2,
AreaName: "Bedroom",
Data: [
Id: 7,
AssetId: 1,
Asset: "TubeLight",
ActionId: 1,
Action: "Clean",
TenantChargeBack: 0,
TenantChargeType: "%",
TenantChargeValue: 25,
Notes: "",
FilePath: "AWS_Bucket_Name/filename.jpg"
AreaId: 2,
AreaName: "Bedroom",
Data: [
Id: 8,
AssetId: 1,
Asset: "Bed",
ActionId: 3,
Action: "Repair",
TenantChargeBack: 1,
TenantChargeType: "%",
TenantChargeValue: 50,
Notes: "",
FilePath: "AWS_Bucket_Name/filename.jpg"
AreaId: 3,
AreaName: "Bathroom",
Data: [
Id: 9,
AssetId: null,
Asset: null,
ActionId: 2,
Action: "Replace",
TenantChargeBack: 1,
TenantChargeType: "$",
TenantChargeValue: 100,
Notes: "",
FilePath: "AWS_Bucket_Name/filename.jpg"
AreaId: 3,
AreaName: "Bathroom",
Data: [
Id: 10,
AssetId: 6,
Asset: "Jaar",
ActionId: 3,
Action: "Repair",
TenantChargeBack: 1,
TenantChargeType: "$",
TenantChargeValue: 100,
Notes: "",
FilePath: "AWS_Bucket_Name/filename.jpg"
AreaId: 2,
AreaName: "Bedroom",
Data: [
Id: 11,
AssetId: null,
Asset: null,
ActionId: 1,
Action: "Clean",
TenantChargeBack: 1,
TenantChargeType: "$",
TenantChargeValue: 50,
Notes: "",
FilePath: null
const groupedData = groupBy(input, i => i.AreaId);
const result = Object.keys(groupedData).map(j => {
const combined = groupedData[j];
return combined.reduce((a, b) => {
return {
"AreaId": a.AreaId,
"AreaName": a.AreaName,
"Data": a.Data.concat(b.Data)
I have some data in a MongoDb Database, and am accessing it using the NodeJS MongoDb Native Driver.
user: {
_id: ****Example Id****
name: 'Foo bar',
examScores: [
{ subject: 'Geography', score: 80, teacher: 'Mr Foo', date: 'somedate'},
{ subject: 'History', score: 57, teacher: 'Mrs Bar', date: 'somedate'},
{ subject: 'Maths', score: 43, teacher: 'Mrs Fizz', date: 'somedate'},
{ subject: 'Geography', score: 43, teacher: 'Mr Buzz', date: 'somedate'},
{ subject: 'Geography', score: 78, teacher: 'Mr Foo', date: 'somedate'},
{ subject: 'History', score: 41, teacher: 'Mr Buzz', date: 'somedate'}
I'd like to retrieve the top ten scores/exams per subject. I haven't included more than ten exam attempts in the example for brevity.
Something like:
user: {
_id: ****Example Id****
name: 'Foo bar',
grades: [
{ subject: 'Geography', exams: [
{ score: 80, teacher: 'Mr Foo', date: 'somedate' },
{ score: 78, teacher: 'Mr Foo', date: 'somedate' },
{ score: 43, teacher: 'Mr Buzz', date: 'somedate' }
{ subject: 'History', exams: [
{ score: 57, teacher: 'Mrs Bar', date: 'somedate' },
{ score: 41, teacher: 'Mr Buzz', date: 'somedate'}
{ subject: 'Maths', exams: [
{ score: 43, teacher: 'Mrs Fizz', date: 'somedate'}
Try this query Hope it helps. I have used $unwind ,and then aggregating the data .
db.collection.aggregate([ {$unwind:"$examScores"},
{$group:{"_id":"$examScores.subject",name: { $first: "$name" }, exams: {
$addToSet:{ teacher: '$examScores.teacher'
,score:'$examScores.score',date:'$examScores.date' } }}},
{$group:{"_id":null,name: { $first: "$name" }, "grades":{$push:
{"subject":"$_id", "exams":"$exams"}}}},
{$project:{"_id":0,"grades":1,"name":1}} ])
the expected output I am getting is on my local machine
"name": "Foo bar",
"grades": [
"subject": "History",
"exams": [
"teacher": "Mr Buzz",
"score": 41,
"date": "somedate"
"teacher": "Mrs Bar",
"score": 57,
"date": "somedate"
"subject": "Maths",
"exams": [
"teacher": "Mrs Fizz",
"score": 43,
"date": "somedate"
"subject": "Geography",
"exams": [
"teacher": "Mr Foo",
"score": 78,
"date": "somedate"
"teacher": "Mr Buzz",
"score": 43,
"date": "somedate"
"teacher": "Mr Foo",
"score": 80,
"date": "somedate"
Please try the below query :
Unwind the examScores array
Sort collection based on subject and scores in descending order since
you need the results for every subject in descending order of scores.
Group results based on the subject
Since you need only top 10 highest scores to be listed for every subject
you can use $Slice operation to limit to first 10 highest scores
for every subject.
{ $unwind : "$examScores" },
{ $sort :
{ "examScores.subject" : 1,
"examScores.score" : -1
{ $group : {
"_id" : "$examScores.subject",
"name" : { $first: "$name" },
"examsAll" : {
$addToSet : {
teacher: '$examScores.teacher',
score : '$examScores.score',
date : '$examScores.date'
{ $project : {
"_id" : 1,
"name" : 1,
"exams" : { $slice: [ "$examsAll", 10 ] }
{ $group : { "_id" : null,
"name" : { $first: "$name" },
"grades" : { $push:
{ "subject" : "$_id",
"exams" : "$exams"
{ $project : { "_id" : 0,
"grades" : 1,
"name" : 1