Determing the direction of face normals consistently? - graphics

I'm a newbie to computer graphics so I apologize if some of my language is inexact or the question misses something basic.
Is it possible to calculate face normals correctly, given a list of vertices, and a list of faces like this:
v1: x_1, y_1, z_1
v2: x_2, y_2, z_2
v_n: x_n, y_n, z_n
f1: v1,v2,v3
f2: v4,v2,v5
f_m: v_j, v_k, v_l
Each x_i, y_i , z_i specifies the vertices position in 3d space (but isn't neccesarily a vector)
Each f_i contains the indices of the three vertices specifying it.
I understand that you can use the cross product of two sides of a face to get a normal, but the direction of that normal depends on the order and choice of sides (from what I understand).
Given this is the only data I have is it possible to correctly determine the direction of the normals? or is it possible to determine them consistently atleast? (all normals may be pointing in the wrong direction?)

In general there is no way to assign normal "consistently" all over a set of 3d faces... consider as an example the famous Möbius strip...
You will notice that if you start walking on it after one loop you get to the same point but on the opposite side. In other words this strip doesn't have two faces, but only one. If you build such a shape with a strip of triangles of course there's no way to assign normals in a consistent way and you'll necessarily end up having two adjacent triangles with normals pointing in opposite directions.
That said, if your collection of triangles is indeed orientable (i.e. there actually exist a consistent normal assignment) a solution is to start from one triangle and then propagate to neighbors like in a flood-fill algorithm. For example in Python it would look something like:
active = [triangles[0]]
oriented = set([triangles[0]])
while active:
next_active = []
for tri in active:
for other in neighbors(tri):
if other not in oriented:
if not agree(tri, other):
active = next_active

In CG its done by polygon winding rule. That means all the faces are defined so the points are in CW (or CCW) order when looked on the face directly. Then using cross product will lead to consistent normals.
However many meshes out there does not comply the winding rule (some faces are CW others CCW not all the same) and for those its a problem. There are two approaches I know of:
for simple shapes (not too much concave)
the sign of dot product of your face_normal and face_center-cube_center will tell you if the normal points inside or outside of the object.
if ( dot( face_normal , face_center-cube_center ) >= 0.0 ) normal_points_out
You can even use any point of face instead of the face center too. Anyway for more complex concave shapes this will not work correctly.
test if point above face is inside or not
simply displace center of face by some small distance (not too big) in normal direction and then test if the point is inside polygonal mesh or not:
if ( !inside( face_center+0.001*face_normal ) ) normal_points_out
to check if point is inside or not you can use hit test.
However if the normal is used just for lighting computations then its usage is usually inside a dot product. So we can use its abs value instead and that will solve all lighting problems regardless of the normal side. For example:
output_color = face_color * abs(dot(face_normal,light_direction))
some gfx apis have implemented this already (look for double sided materials or normals, turning them on usually use the abs value ...) For example in OpenGL:


Physically Based Shading, IBL, Half Vector, and NDotR vs NDotV

I'm trying to figure out some simple concepts about image based lighting for PBR. In many documents and code, I've seen the light direction (FragToLightDir) being set to the reflection vector (reflect(EyeToFragDir,Normal)). Then they set the half vector to the mid-way point between the light and view direction: HalfVecDir = normalize(FragToLightDir+FragToEyeDir); But doesn't this just result in the half vector being identical to the surface normal? If so, this would mean that terms like NDotH are always 1.0. Is this correct?
Here is another source of confusion for me. I'm trying to implement specular cube maps from the app Lys, using their algorithm for generating the correct roughness value to use for mip-level sampling based on roughness (here: in the section Pre-convolved Cube Maps vs Path Tracers). In this document, they ask us to use NDotR as a scalar. But what is this NDotR in respect to IBL? If it means dot(Normal,ReflectDir), then isn't that exactly equivalent to dot(Normal,FragToEyeDir)? If I use either of these dot product results, the final result is too glossy at grazing angles (when compared to their more simplistic conversion using BurleyToMipSimple()), which makes me think I'm misunderstanding something about this process. I've tested the algorithm using NDotH, and it looks correct, but isn't this simply canceling out the rest of the math, since NDotH==1.0? Here is my very simple function to extract the mip level using their suggested logic:
float computeSpecularCubeMipTest(float perc_ruf)
//float n_dot_r = dot( Normal, Reflect );
float specular_power = ( 2.0 / max( EPSILON, perc_ruf*perc_ruf*perc_ruf*perc_ruf ) ) - 2.0;
specular_power /= ( 4.0 * max( NDotR, EPSILON ) );
return sqrt( max( EPSILON, sqrt(2.0/( specular_power + 2.0 )))) * MipScaler;
I realize this is an esoteric subject. Since everyone is using popular game engines these days, no one is forced to understand this madness! But I appreciate any advice on how to go about this.
Edit: Just to make sure I'm clear, I'm referring to pure image based lighting, with no directional lights, no spot lights, etc. Just a cube map that lights the whole scene, similar to the lighting in apps like Substance Painter and Blender's Viewport shading mode.
I'm not familiar with this particular app, but it looks like you're on the right track here. Part of the advantage of pre-convoluting the cube maps is to customize each pixel to be the light source for a particular reflection vector, so indeed NdotV is identical to NdotR as you've noticed. The R still needs to be calculated, for the texture lookup, so it doesn't matter much which one you use for the dot. There is no such thing as H or NdotH used for IBL lookups; those are only for point lights.
If the grazing angles look wrong, perhaps there's a Fresnel term missing somewhere? Reflections start to work differently at those angles.
For what it's worth, the glTF Sample Viewer is using NdotV for its specular IBL lookup.

Given an irregular polygon's vertex list, how to create internal triangles to build a flat 3D mesh efficiently?

I'm using Unity, but the solution should be generic.
I will get user input from mouse clicks, which define the vertex list of a closed irregular polygon.
That vertices will define the outer edges of a flat 3D mesh.
To procedurally generate a mesh in Unity, I have to specify all the vertices and how they are connected to form triangles.
So, for convex polygons it's trivial, I'd just make triangles with vertices 1,2,3 then 1,3,4 etc. forming something like a Peacock tail.
But for concave polygons it's not so simple.
Is there an efficient algorithm to find the internal triangles?
You could make use of a constrained Delaunay triangulation (which is not trivial to implement!). Good library implementations are available within Triangle and CGAL, providing efficient O(n*log(n)) implementations.
If the vertex set is small, the ear-clipping algorithm is also a possibility, although it wont necessarily give you a Delaunay triangulation (it will typically produce sub-optimal triangles) and runs in O(n^2). It is pretty easy to implement yourself though.
Since the input vertices exist on a flat plane in 3d space, you could obtain a 2d problem by projecting onto the plane, computing the triangulation in 2d and then applying the same mesh topology to your 3d vertex set.
I've implemented the ear clipping algorithm as follows:
Iterate over the vertices until a convex vertex, v is found
Check whether any point on the polygon lies within the triangle (v-1,v,v+1). If there are, then you need to partition the polygon along the vertices v, and the point which is farthest away from the line (v-1, v+1). Recursively evaluate both partitions.
If the triangle around vertex v contains no other vertices, add the triangle to your output list and remove vertex v, repeat until done.
This is inherently a 2D operation even when working on 3D faces. To consider the problem in 2D, simply ignore the vector coordinate of the face's normal which has the largest absolute value. (This is how you "project" the 3D face into 2D coordinates). For example, if the face had normal (0,1,0), you would ignore the y coordinate and work in the x,z plane.
To determine which vertices are convex, you first need to know the polygon's winding. You can determine this by finding the leftmost (smallest x coordinate) vertex in the polygon (break ties by finding the smallest y). Such a vertex is always convex, so the winding of this vertex gives you the winding of the polygon.
You determine winding and/or convexity with the signed triangle area equation. See: Depending on your polygon's winding, all convex triangles with either have positive area (counterclockwise winding), or negative area (clockwise winding).
The point-in-triangle formula is constructed from the signed-triangle-area formula. See: How to determine if a point is in a 2D triangle?.
In step 2 where you need to determine which vertex (v) is farthest away from the line, you can do so by forming the triangles (L0, v, L1), and checking which one has the largest area (absolute value, unless you're assuming a specific winding direction)
This algorithm is not well defined for self-intersecting polygons, and due to the nature of floating point precision, you will likely encounter such a case. Some safeguards can be implemented for stability: - A point should not be considered to be inside your triangle unless it is a concave point. (Such a case indicates self-intersection and you should not partition your set along this vertex). You may encounter a situation where a partition is entirely concave (i.e. it's wound differently to the original polygon's winding). This partition should be discarded.
Because the algorithm is cyclic and involves partitioning the sets, it is highly efficient to use a bidirectional link list structure with an array for storage. You can then partition the sets in 0(1), however the algorithm still has an average O(n^2) runtime. The best case running time is actually a set where you need to partition many times, as this rapidly reduces the number of comparisons.
There is a community script for triangulating concave polygons but I've not personally used it. The author claims it works on 3D points as well as 2D.
One hack I've used in the past if I want to constrain the problem to 2D is to use principal component analysis to find the 2 axes of greatest change in my 3D data and making these my "X" and "Y".

RayTracing: When to Normalize a vector?

I am rewriting my ray tracer and just trying to better understand certain aspects of it.
I seem to have down pat the issue regarding normals and how you should multiply them by the inverse of the transpose of a transformation matrix.
What I'm confused about is when I should be normalizing my direction vectors?
I'm following a certain book and sometimes it'll explicitly state to Normalize my vector and other cases it doesn't and I find out that I needed to.
Normalized vector is in the same direction with just unit length 1? So I'm unclear when it is necessary?
You never need to normalize a vector unless you are working with the angles between vectors, or unless you are rotating a vector.
That's it.
In the former case, all of your trig functions require your vectors to land on a unit circle, which means the vectors are normalized. In the latter case, you are dividing out the magnitude, rotating the vector, making sure it stays a unit, and then multiplying the magnitude back in. Normalization just goes with the territory.
If someone tells you that coordinate system are defined by n unit vectors, know that i-hat, j-hat, k-hat, and so on can be any arbitrary vector(s) of any length and direction, so long as none of them are parallel. This is the heart of affine transformations.
If someone tries to tell you that the dot product requires normalized vectors, shake your head and smile. The dot product only needs normalized vectors when you are using it to get the angle between two vectors.
But doesn't normalization make the math "simpler"?
Not really -- It adds a magnitude computation and a division. Numbers between 0..1 are no different than numbers between 0..x.
Having said that, you sometimes normalize in order to play well with others. But if you find yourself normalizing vectors as a matter of principle before calling methods, consider using a flag attached to the vector to save yourself a step. Mathematically, it is unimportant, but practically, it can make a huge difference in performance.
So again... it's all about rotating a vector or measuring its angle against another vector. If you aren't doing that, don't waste cycles.
tl;dr: Normalized vectors simplify your math. They also reduce the number of very hard to diagnose visual artifacts in your images.
Normalized vector is in the same direction with just unit length 1? So
I'm unclear when it is necessary?
You almost always want all vectors in a ray tracer to be normalized.
The simplest example is that of the intersection test: where does a bouncing ray hit another object.
Consider a ray where:
p(t) = p_0 + v * t
In this case, a point anywhere along that ray p(t) is defined as an offset from the original point p_0 and an offset along a particular direction v. For every increment of parameter t, the resulting p(t) will move another increment of length equal to the length of the vector v.
Remember, you know p_0 and v. When you are trying to find the point where this ray next hits another object, you have to solve for that t. It is obviously more convenient, if not always obviously necessary, to use normalized vector vs in that representation.
However, that same vector v is used in lighting calculations. Imagine that we have another direction vector u that points towards a lighting source. For the purpose of a very simple shading model, we can define the light at a particular point to be the dot product between those two vectors:
L(p) = v * u
Admittedly, this is a very uninteresting reflection model but it captures the high points of the discussion. A spot on a surface is bright if reflection points towards the light and dim if not.
Now, remember that another way of writing this dot product is the product of the magnitudes of the vectors times the cosine of the angle between them:
L(p) = ||v|| ||u|| cos(theta)
If u and v are of unit length (normalized), then the equation will evaluate to be proportional to the angle between the two vectors. However, if v is not of unit length, say because you didn't bother to normalize after reflecting the vector in the ray model above, now your lighting model has a problem. Spots on the surface using a larger v will be much brighter than spots that do not.
It is necessary to normalize a direction vector whenever you use it in some math that is influenced by its length.
The prime example is the dot product, which is used in most lighting equations. You also sometimes need to normalize vectors that you use in lighting calculations, even if you believe that they are normal.
For example, when using an interpolated normal on a triangle. Common sense tells you that since the normals at the vertices are normal, the vectors you get by interpolating are too. So much for common sense... the truth is that they will be shorter unless they incidentially all point into the same direction. Which means that you will shade the triangle too dark (to make matters worse, the effect is more pronounced the closer the light source gets to the surface, which is a... very funny result).
Another example where a vector might or might not be normalized is the cross product, depending on what you are doing. For example, when using the two cross products to build an orthonormal base, then you must at least normalize once (though if you do it naively, you end up doing it more often).
If you only care about the direction of the resulting "up vector", or about the sign, you don't need to normalize.
I'll answer the opposite question. When do you NOT need to normalize? Almost all calculations related to lighting require unit vectors - the dot product then gives you the cosine of the angle between vectors which is really useful. Some equations can still cope but become more complex (essentially doing the normalization in the equation) That leaves mostly intersection tests.
Equations for many intersection tests can be simplified if you have unit vectors. Some do not require it - for example if you have a plane equation (with a unit normal) you can find the ray-plane intersection without normalizing the ray direction vector. The distance will be in terms of the ray direction vectors length. This might be OK if all you want is to intersect a bunch of those planes (the relative distances will all be correct). But as soon as you want to compare with a different distance - calculated using the normalized ray direction - the distance values will not compare properly.
You might think about normalizing a direction vector AFTER doing some work that does not require it - maybe you have an acceleration structure that can be traversed without a normalized vector. But that isn't relevant either because eventually the ray will hit something and you're going to want to do a lighting/shading calculation with it. So you may as well normalize them from the start...
In other words, any specific calculation may not require a normalized direction vector, but a given direction vector will almost certainly need to be normalized at some point in the process.
Vectors are used to store two conceptually different elements: points in space and directions:
If you are storing a point in space (for example the position of the camera, the origin of the ray, the vertices of triangles) you don't want to normalize, because you would be modifying the value of the vector, and losing the specific position.
If you are storing a direction (for example the camera up, the ray direction, the object normals) you want to normalize, because in this case you are interested not in the specific value of the point, but on the direction it represents, so you don't need the magnitude. Normalization is useful in this case because it simplifies some operations, such as calculating the cosine of two vectors, something that can be done with a dot product if both are normalized.

How to generate irregular ball shapes?

What kind of algorithms would generate random "goo balls" like those in World of Goo. I'm using Proccesing, but any generic algorithm would do.
I guess it boils down to how to "randomly" make balls that are kind of round, but not perfectly round, and still looking realistic?
Thanks in advance!
The thing that makes objects realistic in World of Goo is not their shape, but the fact that the behavior of objects is a (more or less) realistic simulation of 2D physics, especially
bending, stretching, compressing (elastic deformation)
breaking due to stress
and all of the above with proper simulation of dynamics, with no perceivable shortcuts
So, try to make the behavior of your objects realistic and that will make them look (feel) realistic.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for since I can't look at that site from work. :)
A circle is just a special case of an ellipse, where the major and minor axes are equal. A squished ball shape is an ellipse where one of the axes is longer than the other. You can generate different lengths for the axes and rotate the ellipse around to get these kinds of irregular shapes.
Maybe Metaballs (wiki) are something to start from.. but I'm not sure.
Otherwise I would suggest a particle approach in which a ball is composed by many particles that stick together, giving an irregularity (mind that this needs a minimal physical engine to handle the spring body that keeps all particles together).
As Unreason said, World of Goo is not so much about shape, but physics simulation.
But an easy way to create ball-like irregular shapes could be to start with n vertices (points) V_1, V_2 ... V_n on a circle and apply some random deformation to it. There are many ways to do that, going from simply moving around some single vertices to complex physical simulations.
Some ideas:
1) Chose a random vertex V_i, chose a random vector T, apply that vector as a translation (movement) to V_i, apply T to all other vertices V_j, too, but scaled down depending on the "distance" from V_i (where distance could be the absolute differenece between j and i, or the actual geometric distance of V_j to V_i). For the scaling factor you could use any function f that is 1 for f(0) and decreasing for increasing distances (basically a radial basis function).
for each V_j
V_j = scalingFactor(distance(V_i, V_j)) * translationVector + V_j
2) You move V_i as in 1, but now you simulate springlike connections between all neigbouring vertices and iteratively move all vertices based on the forces created by stretched springs.
3) For more round shapes you can do 1) or 2) on the control points of a B-spline curve.
Beware of self-intersections when you move vertices too much.
Just some rough ideas, not tested...

Decomposition to Convex Polygons

This question is a little involved. I wrote an algorithm for breaking up a simple polygon into convex subpolygons, but now I'm having trouble proving that it's not optimal (i.e. minimal number of convex polygons using Steiner points (added vertices)). My prof is adamant that it can't be done with a greedy algorithm such as this one, but I can't think of a counterexample.
So, if anyone can prove my algorithm is suboptimal (or optimal), I would appreciate it.
The easiest way to explain my algorithm with pictures (these are from an older suboptimal version)
What my algorithm does, is extends the line segments around the point i across until it hits a point on the opposite edge.
If there is no vertex within this range, it creates a new one (the red point) and connects to that:
If there is one or more vertices in the range, it connects to the closest one. This usually produces a decomposition with the fewest number of convex polygons:
However, in some cases it can fail -- in the following figure, if it happens to connect the middle green line first, this will create an extra unneeded polygon. To this I propose double checking all the edges (diagonals) we've added, and check that they are all still necessary. If not, remove it:
In some cases, however, this is not enough. See this figure:
Replacing a-b and c-d with a-c would yield a better solution. In this scenario though, there's no edges to remove so this poses a problem. In this case I suggest an order of preference: when deciding which vertex to connect a reflex vertex to, it should choose the vertex with the highest priority:
lowest) closest vertex
med) closest reflex vertex
highest) closest reflex that is also in range when working backwards (hard to explain) --
In this figure, we can see that the reflex vertex 9 chose to connect to 12 (because it was closest), when it would have been better to connect to 5. Both vertices 5 and 12 are in the range as defined by the extended line segments 10-9 and 8-9, but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5, but NOT in the range given by 13-12 and 11-12. i.e., the edge 9-12 elimates the reflex vertex at 9, but does NOT eliminate the reflex vertex at 12, but it CAN eliminate the reflex vertex at 5, so 5 should be given preference.
It is possible that the edge 5-12 will still exist with this modified version, but it can be removed during post-processing.
Are there any cases I've missed?
Pseudo-code (requested by John Feminella) -- this is missing the bits under Figures 3 and 5
assume vertices in `poly` are given in CCW order
let 'good reflex' (better term??) mean that if poly[i] is being compared with poly[j], then poly[i] is in the range given by the rays poly[j-1], poly[j] and poly[j+1], poly[j]
for each vertex poly[i]
if poly[i] is reflex
find the closest point of intersection given by the ray starting at poly[i-1] and extending in the direction of poly[i] (call this lower bound)
repeat for the ray given by poly[i+1], poly[i] (call this upper bound)
if there are no vertices along boundary of the polygon in the range given by the upper and lower bounds
create a new vertex exactly half way between the lower and upper bound points (lower and upper will lie on the same edge)
connect poly[i] to this new point
iterate along the vertices in the range given by the lower and upper bounds, for each vertex poly[j]
if poly[j] is a 'good reflex'
if no other good reflexes have been found
save it (overwrite any other vertex found)
if it is closer then the other good reflexes vertices, save it
if no good reflexes have been found and it is closer than the other vertices found, save it
connect poly[i] to the best candidate
repeat entire algorithm for both halves of the polygon that was just split
// no reflex vertices found, then `poly` is convex
save poly
Turns out there is one more case I didn't anticipate: [Figure 5]
My algorithm will attempt to connect vertex 1 to 4, unless I add another check to make sure it can. So I propose stuffing everything "in the range" onto a priority queue using the priority scheme I mentioned above, then take the highest priority one, check if it can connect, if not, pop it off and use the next. I think this makes my algorithm O(r n log n) if I optimize it right.
I've put together a website that loosely describes my findings. I tend to move stuff around, so get it while it's hot.
I believe the regular five pointed star (e.g. with alternating points having collinear segments) is the counterexample you seek.
Edit in response to comments
In light of my revised understanding, a revised answer: try an acute five pointed star (e.g. one with arms sufficiently narrow that only the three points comprising the arm opposite the reflex point you are working on are within the range considered "good reflex points"). At least working through it on paper it appears to give more than the optimal. However, a final reading of your code has me wondering: what do you mean by "closest" (i.e. closest to what)?
Even though my answer was accepted, it isn't the counter example we initially thought. As #Mark points out in the comments, it goes from four to five at exactly the same time as the optimal does.
Flip-flop, flip flop
On further reflection, I think I was right after all. The optimal bound of four can be retained in a acute star by simply assuring that one pair of arms have collinear edges. But the algorithm finds five, even with the patch up.
I get this:
removing dead ImageShack link
When the optimal is this:
removing dead ImageShack link
I think your algorithm cannot be optimal because it makes no use of any measure of optimality. You use other metrics like 'closest' vertices, and checking for 'necessary' diagonals.
To drive a wedge between yours and an optimal algorithm, we need to exploit that gap by looking for shapes with close vertices which would decompose badly. For example (ignore the lines, I found this on the intertubenet):
concave polygon which forms a G or U shape
You have no protection against the centre-most point being connected across the concave 'gap', which is external to the polygon.
Your algorithm is also quite complex, and may be overdoing it - just like complex code, you may find bugs in it because complex code makes complex assumptions.
Consider a more extensive initial stage to break the shape into more, simpler shapes - like triangles - and then an iterative or genetic algorithm to recombine them. You will need a stage like this to combine any unnecessary divisions between your convex polys anyway, and by then you may have limited your possible decompositions to only sub-optimal solutions.
At a guess something like:
decompose into triangles
non-deterministically generate a number of recombinations
calculate a quality metric (number of polys)
select the best x% of the recombinations
partially decompose each using triangles, and generate a new set of recombinations
repeat from 4 until some measure of convergence is reached
but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5
What would you do if 4-5 and 6-5 were even more convex so that 9 didn't lie within their range? Then by your rules the proper thing to do would be to connect 9 to 12 because 12 is the closest reflex vertex, which would be suboptimal.
Found it :( They're actually quite obvious.
*dead imageshack img*
A four leaf clover will not be optimal if Steiner points are allowed... the red vertices could have been connected.
*dead imageshack img*
It won't even be optimal without Steiner points... 5 could be connected to 14, removing the need for 3-14, 3-12 AND 5-12. This could have been two polygons better! Ouch!
