Program to eject cash drawer with network Epson printer - payment

I just created a solution to a problem that I've come across and after google-ing, couldn't find an easy answer. We have computers that are connected to networked Epson thermal docket printers for POS, which are connected to cash drawers.
Epson have a utility that allows you to send ASCII codes to their printers (Send data tool - senddat.exe can be downloaded here: Once you figure out the correct cash drawer codes ( you can then write a simple batch file similar to below:
#echo off
TITLE Cash Drawer Ejector!
echo Please ensure it is safe for the cash drawer to open!
[may need file path]senddat.exe [cash drawer code].txt [IP of Epson printer connected to cash drawer]
Hope this can help others in a similar situation! The text in the command window isn't necessary to make this work, I just wanted to add a prompt for staff members.

You‘ll need the directory if they aren’t in the same one. Here’s an example if the exe is on the desktop:
#echo off
TITLE Cash Drawer Ejector!
echo Please ensure it is safe for the cash drawer to open!
Rem IP of Epson printer connected to cash drawer
Echo It is now open!


How can I disable Chrome opening the Windows on-screen keyboard when debugging as iPad?

When I open the Chrome debug view and set the device to "iPad Mini" to simulate its screen size (and touch events), interacting with a text input causes the Windows on-screen keyboard to open.
This computer is not a tablet, and has never had a touch screen. In the Windows Ease of Access -> Keyboard settings Turns on the On-Screen Keyboard is off.
I can only assume that Chrome "simulating" an iPad Mini is causing Windows to think there's a touchscreen. I've been using this feature for a few months now, and the keyboard opening only started happening recently. I may have simply flipped a switch in the settings (of Chrome or Windows) on accident. If that's the case, I'd like to know how to flip it back!
This is frustrating because I have to close the keyboard each time as it covers up a large portion of the web-app.
The same page without the "iPad Mini" simulation does not open the keyboard:
(This keyboard also opens when choosing any device that has a touch screen, not just iPad Mini.)
Chrome doesn't emulate the keyboards of the device profiles you pick. An image of a keyboard will show for certain ones, like the iPhone 5X, but it is non-functional and is just present to allow you to see how the various elements on the page respond to the keyboard. You can see my answer here for more details on viewing that. However, this is not the same keyboard you are seeing.
It looks as though there is something in Windows, which is triggering the on-screen keyboard. I'm not sure why it would still appear if you have it disabled, but you could try a couple of things, based on what I've found online:
Make sure 'Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service' is set to disabled in Services (services.msc)
SetLOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\ ShowTabletKeyboard from value 1 to 0 (regedit.exe)
Check there is no other 3rd party software running, which may affect your keyboard behaviour.

Uwp phone toolbar

I'd like to have a toolbar in my uwp app (only on phone version) and I can't figure it out. I'd like to make it like Groove Music store app have it on mobile phone :
I' d like to customize this toolbar with a toggle button and a title at least. So is there a way to do that on universal win?
It will probably be slightly different than you are thinking. UWP doesn't think so much about "what device am I on" as it thinks about what screen size it is being displayed at. So when you design your app, you want the toolbar to appear only at screen sizes below a certain amount. The closest thing to what you want might be a Command Bar, which you can put at the bottom or top.
Or you could make a custom XAML control that appears where you want it to and only shows up with a screen below a certain size. I hope this helps answer the question.

How to easily test my drawable, icons, splashscreens

I am developing a android game with a friend of mine and I would like to ask you a question about design testing.
Currently, to test my drawable, icons ... I set them on the right size for my android phone, I save it as a PNG, transfer it on my device and only then I can test it directly on my phone ...
Also, sometimes, I set them on the right size, save the png, put it on my drawable folder and build the .apk file ...
Each of this method is a huge time cost for me ! Is there any chance a program can help not wasting my time with all this step ?
Maybe there is something allowing us to put png on a app folder and directly test it on the device ?
Thank you everobody, hope I am clear enough ^^
have a look at this:
Until now, while remote debugging you've had to shift your eyes back
and forth between your device and your devtools. Now, Screencast
displays your devices's screen right alongside your devtools. Seeing
it is good, but interacting with it is even better:
Clicks on the screencast are translated into taps and proper touch
events are fired on the device.
Inspect element on your device with your desktop pointer Type on your desktop keyboard--all keystrokes are sent to the device. A
huge timesaver over typing with your thumbs.
Scroll the page by flinging it with your pointer or just sliding on your laptop trackpad.

Problems with supporting tablets and handsets simultaneously - orientation

In my main Game Activity I force the orientation to portrait. This is clearly not a good idea on tablets. What is the best way to check the SDK version and not do this for tablets (or perhaps even force landscape)? I assume I then need to specify a layout-land-large folder and put the files in there. Is there anything else I need to do? I read something somewhere that I also need to specify screen sizes somewhere in the manifest.
I.e. should it be in -large or xlarge?
I would definitely check out the documentation here.
You can simply declare two different layouts in and folders specifying two different View orientations.
Please let me know if you need any clarification, and I'll get back to you :)
Hope this helped!
res/values for handsets in portrait mode.
res/values-sw600dp for 7" tablet in portrait mode
res/values-sw720dp for 10" tablet in portrait mode
res/values-sw720dp-land for 10" tablet in landscape mode
and reference to Android Developer Guide -- How to support multiple screens

Is there any Opensource Browser for touchscreen device?

I need internet browser on my device which has 4.3 Inch screen with 480x272 resolution, I am using embedded Qt 4.6.2 on embedded linux. Micro-controller has ARM9 with 450 Mhz.
Requirements for browser are
Touch Screen Support, Panning ( No Scroll bars)
Single touch Zooming ( No Multi Touch Available).
Fit to screen width support ( No Horizontal Scrolling).
Acid 3 Standard Compliable.
Page loading should be like, display all visible text first
and then load and show Images Gradually.
Is there any opensource browser which is near to this requirements.
I found following browsers which have touch screen support.
Firefox Mobile
Maemo MicroB ( Can any one please tell me where can I found source of this one).
Maemo MicroB ( Can any one please tell
me where can I found source of this
If it helps: MicroB source package is here.
As a user of this browser I can say that it is very touch-friendly. Can't confirm support of all the features you've listed though.
How about using dillo? Dillo
or how about the QT/Webkit since you are already using QT? You could also look at Midori but I have never used it. For the touch sensor part this depends on your touch drivers. Perhaps run a window manager.
