Azure Databricks Cluster API Authentication - azure

I have a spark cluster on Azure DataBricks and I am trying to access Cluster Information via this Rest API
However, I am unable to figure out the correct way of using the personal token to authenticate.
Here are the possible combinations that I have tried and their result
Encoding the personal token in base 64 format "Token:[personal token]"
Using the personal token as it is
Using token id available from User Settings Screen
In all the cases, I am getting 401 Error.
Can someone please help in finding the correct way of using the token?

Token that you get is Bearer token so it would be as
Authorization: Bearer <token_here>
And with CURL
curl 'https://<databricks-instance>/api/2.0/clusters/get?cluster_id=<id>' -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <personal-access-token-value>"
There is no need for encoding or anything. It's already encoded.


I want access tokens with multiple scopes including http

I want to include multiple scopes and allow access for those scopes with the same access token.
I have configured Azure Active Directory as per the attached image.
This condition was specified as follows, and an access token was issued with multiple scopes included.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"
--data-urlencode "client_id=<client_id>"
--data-urlencode "client_secret=<client_secret>"
--data-urlencode ""
--data-urlencode "password=*****"
--data-urlencode "grant_type=password"
--data-urlencode "scope=https://<application_id>/session:role-any email openid profile"<tenant_id>/oauth2/v2.0/token
When I visualized the issued access token on the following site, only session:role-any was included in the access token.
By the way, when I included only the email openid profile in the scope, the email openid profile was included in the access token.
How can I include multiple (session:role-any email openid profile) tokens above in the access token? Also, is this even possible?
·Reference site
I may be wrong. If so, please let me know the correct way of thinking.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
I agree with junnas, access token does not work with multiple scopes. So, you need to generate two access token one for API and one for Graph.
I generated the access token for two scopes like below:
scope:api://*****/app.test email openid profile
Note that: If you are passing two scopes, then it will consider only the first scope while generating the access token.
The decoded access token shows only the API scope like below:
The aud doesn't include Microsoft Graph scope and hence doesn't authorize Graph calls.
So, make sure to generate two access tokens separately, one for API scope and another for Graph scope.
I tried to generate the access token for the Microsoft Graph scope like below:
The decoded token contains Microsoft Graph scope and audience like below:

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps REST API- Insufficient role based permissions

I am trying to investigate file uploads to see if they are matched by File Scan policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps (aka MCAS). I can see them fine at the portal but I need to automate the process via API.
As per documentation, I did create Azure AD application and provided the permissions. This is needed to get access token which is needed to make api calls.
I am getting Insufficient role based permissions error when I call
I get same error if I use
Any idea how to solve this Insufficient permission issue?
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got below results
I registered one Azure AD application and granted API permissions as below:
Now I generated access token via Postman with below parameters:
When I used the above token to get files with both URLs, I got same error as below:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Authorization: Bearer <token>
With the same token, I'm able to call all other APIs like alerts, activities etc. like below:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Note that, calling file APIs is not available in application
Alternatively, you can make use of Legacy Method by generating one API token like below:
Go to Defender for Cloud Apps portal -> Settings -> Security extensions -> API tokens -> Add a token
Now, enter Token name and select Generate as below:
API token will be generated successfully and copy the token to use in Postman:
When I used the above API token to call files API with both URLs, I got response successfully as below:
Authorization: Token <token>
Authorization: Token <token>
You can try the same in your environment by generating API token instead of Bearer token to call Files API.
Defender for Cloud Apps file API “Insufficient role based permissions” by Sangho Cho

Access token invalid after configuring Microsoft Azure Active Directory for Snowflake External OAuth

I was trying to Configure Microsoft Azure AD for External OAuth as per the Snowflake tutorial:
The configuration steps went ahead without a hitch and I was able to use the final step: to obtain the access token from AAD.
However, when I tried to use the access token with Snowflake using a JDBC driver, I obtained the error: "net.snowflake.client.jdbc.SnowflakeSQLException: Invalid OAuth access token.
The Snowflake integration created is of the form:
create security integration ext_oauth_azure_ad
type = external_oauth
enabled = true
external_oauth_type = azure
external_oauth_issuer = '<issuer-url>'
external_oauth_jws_keys_url = '<keys-url>/discovery/v2.0/keys'
external_oauth_audience_list = ('https://<app-id-uri>')
external_oauth_token_user_mapping_claim = 'upn'
external_oauth_snowflake_user_mapping_attribute = 'login_name'
external_oauth_any_role_mode = 'ENABLE';
I tried playing around with this config by changing the external_oauth_token_user_mapping_claim to email since that was the attribute in the decoded JWT access token that matched the login_name but to no avail.
The scope provided in AD is the session:role-any which should be valid for any scope.
Not sure how to proceed post this.
The command used to obtain access token is:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" --data-urlencode "client_id=<ad-client-id>" --data-urlencode "client_secret=<ad-client-secret>" --data-urlencode "username=<ad-user-email>" --data-urlencode "password=<my-password>" --data-urlencode "grant_type=password" --data-urlencode "scope=<scope-as-in-ad>" '<tenant-id>/oauth2/v2.0/token'
Tried using the command:
select system$verify_external_oauth_token('<access_token>');
to validate if the token was valid in Snowflake and obtained the result:
Token Validation finished.{"Validation Result":"Failed","Failure Reason":"EXTERNAL_OAUTH_INVALID_SIGNATURE"}
This is strange because I have added the correct issuer based on the configuration step(entityId from the Federation metadata document

Docusign sandbox | invalid_grant error always being returned | Authorize Code Grant

I've seen a couple questions on this asked on StackOverflow, but none have helped me. I can not get past the 'invalid_grant' error when trying to do an Authorize Code Grant on my 1 admin user in Docusign Sandbox environment.
I have 1 user, who is a DS Admin in the dashboard
I created a new App and obtained the Integrator Key/client_id and Secret Key
Using the guide,
I have successfully called and granted permission to the user with
response_type=code&scope=signature%20impersonation&client_id=INTEGRATOR KEY&redirect_uri=
and obtained the code returned
I have taken the Integrator Key and secret key, in form INTEGRATOR_KEY:SECRET_KEY and base64 encoded it.
I have tried using Postman and just straight up cURL call to obtain the access token. I have done this numerous times, with numerous new Apps created in Docusign Sandbox. They all return invalid_grant error.
cURL call
curl --header "Authorization: Basic BASE64ENCODING(INTEGRATOR_KEY:SECRET_KEY)" --data "grant_type=authorization_code&code=CODE_RETURNED_FROM_PERMISSION_GRANT" --request POST
It's possible that DocuSign isn't able to correctly interpret your request because you're missing a Content-Type header.
Try adding Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The Authorization Code you receive back from DocuSign is only good for a couple of minutes. If you try to use it after that time then you'll receive the invalid grant error.
Also, if you are doing the Authorization Code Grant flow then you should not be requesting the impersonation scope. -- It is only for the JWT flow.

Keyvault Authentication (REST API)

I am a little confused by Microsoft's scattered documentation.
I have created an application (, which means I now have:
Application ID
Directory ID
I have gone into the KeyVault in Azure Portal, and I have granted permissions to the application.
For test purposes, I am trying to run a test via CURL. The basis I am using for this is the following Microsoft pages ( and
So, the first thing I do is get a token through the following call:
curl -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<removed_for_security>&client_secret=<removed_for_security>"<removed_for_security>/oauth2/token
This returns a token.
I then (try to) use that token as follows:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <removed_for_security>” -vv https://<removed_for_security><removed_for_security>/<removed_for_security>
I get no content back, just "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
You need to specify the resource you are requesting the token for.
curl -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<removed_for_security>&client_secret=<removed_for_security>&resource="<removed_for_security>/oauth2/token
and also add the api version.
Ok, so I can confirm that the request you are doing is valid, for the most part, you forgot the API-version, but problem is not with the API version (it would tell you that).
this url works, so I guess the token is not right. The easiest way to check would be to go to and paste the token there and see the contents, if they match with what the Key Vault expects. Probably you have a mismatch.
