Why does this two-line change break this minizinc set-cover program? - constraint-programming

The program below (adapted from http://www.hakank.org/minizinc/set_covering4b.mzn ) is a solution to the set-cover problem (example data provided at end of question). This runs correctly.
int: num_alternatives;
int: num_objects;
par set of int: ALTERNATIVES = 1..num_alternatives;
% costs for the alternatives
array[ALTERNATIVES] of int: costs;
% objects covered by the alternatives
array[ALTERNATIVES] of var set of 1..num_objects: a;
% decision variable: which alternative to choose
array[ALTERNATIVES] of var bool: x;
% the objective to minimize
var int: z = sum(i in 1..num_alternatives) (x[i]*costs[i]);
solve minimize z;
forall(j in 1..num_objects) (
sum(i in 1..num_alternatives) (x[i] * bool2int(j in a[i])) >= 1
"x: " ++ show(x) ++ "\n" ++
"a: " ++ show(a) ++ "\n"
However, if I replace the a definition above:
array[ALTERNATIVES] of var set of 1..num_objects: a;
with these two lines that seem to me to be equivalent:
var set of int: OBJECTS = 1..num_objects;
...suddenly I get the following error:
MiniZinc: type error: type-inst must be par set but is `var set of
This confuses me. What did I even change? In each case a is an array of sets of ints. The type-instance is a var set of int in each case, but the second one throws an error and the first one doesn't for some reason?
Here's some data which can be dropped in the bottom of the .mzn code file to produce a self-contained, runnable example:
% data
num_alternatives = 10;
costs = [ 19, 16, 18, 13, 15, 19, 15, 17, 16, 15];
num_objects = 8;
% the alternatives and the objects they contain
a = [

You could write it as follows:
int: num_alternatives;
int: num_objects;
set of int: ALTERNATIVES = 1..num_alternatives;
set of int: OBJECTS = 1..num_objects;
% costs for the alternatives
array[ALTERNATIVES] of int: costs;
% objects covered by the alternatives
array[ALTERNATIVES] of var set of OBJECTS: a;
% decision variable: which alternative to choose
array[ALTERNATIVES] of var bool: x;
% the objective to minimize
var int: z = sum(i in ALTERNATIVES) (x[i]*costs[i]);
solve minimize z;
forall(j in OBJECTS) (
sum(i in ALTERNATIVES) (x[i] * (j in a[i])) >= 1
"x: " ++ show(x) ++ "\n" ++
"a: " ++ show(a) ++ "\n"
In your experiment
var set of int: OBJECTS = 1..num_objects;
a is an array of integers in the range 1..num_objects.
But you intended an array of sets of integers in that range.


Minizinc bitwise operators (or similar efficient operation)?

I would like to constrain an integer variable to have as value the bitwise XOR of some other integers.
I know I can encode the values in boolean arrays instead of integers and have something like forall (i, j in 1..n) c[i] = a[i] xor b[i] but I would like something more efficient.
Is there any way to use bitwise operators in Minizinc (or directly Flatzinc)?
Or alternatively a global constraint or something I can use to achieve what I want and make sure it is implemented efficiently? I am using Gecode as solver.
The following MiniZinc model demonstrates a function to compute the bitwise XOR of two integer variables:
include "globals.mzn";
int: bits = 15;
set of int: Bits = 0 .. bits-1;
set of int: Domain = 0 .. pow(2, bits) - 1;
var Domain: x;
var Domain: y;
% pre-calculate powers of 2: 1, 2, 4, ...
array[Bits] of Domain: twopow = array1d(Bits, [pow(2, i) | i in Bits]);
% test bit in int
function var int: bit_of(var int: num, Bits: idx) =
((num div twopow[idx]) mod 2);
% function to calculate the bitwise XOR of two ints
function var int: bitxor(var int: x, var int: y) =
sum([twopow[i] * ((bit_of(x, i) + bit_of(y, i)) mod 2) | i in Bits]);
constraint y = 0x05;
constraint bitxor(x, y) = 0xA5;
solve satisfy;
output ["\(x) \(y)"];

Efficient predicate for palindrome in Minizinc

To help me learning Minizinc, I am trying to solve an easy problem. My code finds an answer but I am surprised that it takes about 10 seconds to run for such an easy problem.
The problem is "What is the smallest palindromic integer > 10, so that the sum of its digits is > 10 and palindromic too ?".
And I want the code to do large assumptions only: answer has 8 digits at most.
My code is (the toNum predicate comes from hakank website):
predicate toNum(array[int] of var int: a, var int: n, int: base) =
let { int: len = length(a) }
n = sum(i in 1..len) (
ceil(pow(int2float(base), int2float(len-i))) * a[i]
/\ forall(i in 1..len) (a[i] >= 0 /\ a[i] < base)
predicate toNum10(array[int] of var 0..9: a, var int: n) = toNum(a, n, 10);
predicate palindrome_array(array[int] of var int: t) =
let { int: l = length(t), var 1..l: d } in (
forall(j in 1..d-1) (t[j] = 0) /\
t[d] != 0 /\
forall(j in d..(l+d-1) div 2) (t[j] = t[l+d-j])
predicate palindrome_int(var int: n) =
let { int: size = ceil(log10(int2float(ub(n))))+1,
array[1..size] of var 0..9: digits } in (
toNum10(digits, n) /\
var int: n;
array[1..8] of var 0..9: t;
constraint toNum10(t, n);
constraint palindrome_int(n);
constraint n>10;
var int: s = sum(t);
constraint palindrome_int(s);
constraint s>10;
constraint alldifferent([n, s]);
solve minimize n;
The complete version has the following additional constraints:
var int: s2 = sum(i in 1..8) (t[i]*t[i]);
constraint palindrome_int(s2);
constraint s2 > 10;
var int: s3 = sum(i in 1..8) (t[i]*t[i]*t[i]);
constraint palindrome_int(s3);
constraint s3 > 10;
constraint alldifferent([n, s, s2, s3]);
What's wrong/slow with my code ?
Try to replace "solve minimize n;" with the following labeling strategy:
solve :: int_search(t, first_fail, indomain_min, complete) minimize n;
On my machine, it then takes < 0.1s.

Compile-time Call Count in Nim

The following code does not compile but illustrates what I would like to do: totalTests should hold the number of time that assertEquals() is called (assertEquals() should probably be a macro for this to be possible, but I'm not familiar with this aspect of Nim yet).
Any idea how this code should be modified to enable the following code to print [1/2] and [2/2] at the beginning of each test report line?
from strutils import format
var countTested = 0
var countFailed = 0
var countPassed = 0
let totalTests = 0 # <-- need let or other compile-time type here (?)
# using proc here... macro may be needed to be able to count calls (?)
proc assertEquals*[T](testName: string, expected: T, p: (proc(): T)) =
countTested += 1
totalTests += 1 # <-- compilation error (how can we increase each time it is called?)
write(stdout, format("[$num/$total] $name: ", "num", countTested, "total", totalTests, "name", testName))
var val = p()
if val == expected:
write(stdout, "passed\n")
countPassed += 1
write(stdout, "failed\n")
countFailed += 1
when isMainModule:
assertEquals("test #A", 12, proc(): int = 14-2)
assertEquals("test #B", 12, proc(): int = 12-2)
Edit: added questions in code
Here is one way to do it. You can execute code at compile time by using a macro or a static statement. Note that there's still no way to reliably count these across multiple modules.
import macros, strutils
proc beginTests()
var countTested = 0
var countFailed = 0
var countPassed = 0
var totalTests = 0
var totalTestsCT {.compiletime.} = 0
macro endTests(): stmt =
quote do:
proc beginTests() =
totalTests = `totalTestsCT`
proc assertEqualsImpl*[T](testName: string, expected: T, p: (proc(): T)) =
countTested += 1
write(stdout, format("[$num/$total] $name: ",
"num", countTested, "total", totalTests, "name", testName))
var val = p()
if val == expected:
write(stdout, "passed\n")
countPassed += 1
write(stdout, "failed\n")
countFailed += 1
macro assertEquals*[T](testName: string, expected: T, p: (proc(): T)): stmt =
totalTestsCT += 1
quote do:
assertEqualsImpl(`testName`, `expected`, `p`)
when isMainModule:
assertEquals("test #A", 12, proc(): int = 14-2)
assertEquals("test #B", 12, proc(): int = 12-2)
An alternative implementation would be to embed the tests in a custom block statement, e.g.
assertEquals("test #A", 12, proc(): int = 14-2)
assertEquals("test #B", 12, proc(): int = 12-2)
The testSuite macro would then count the assertions in the embedded code and initialize the variable accordingly.
Yet another solution would be to not execute the tests directly, but store them in a list and only execute them at the end.
Here is an implementation of Reimer's third suggestion, which worked best for me.
import macros, strutils
TestSuiteObj = object
countTested: int
countFailed: int
countPassed: int
totalTests: int
tests: seq[(proc (self: TestSuite))]
TestSuite* = ref TestSuiteObj
proc newTestSuite*(): TestSuite =
result.countTested = 0
result.countFailed = 0
result.countPassed = 0
result.totalTests = 0
result.tests = #[]
proc assertEquals*[T](self: TestSuite, testName: string, expected: T, p: (proc(): T)) =
self.totalTests += 1
var testProc = proc(self: TestSuite) =
self.countTested += 1
write(stdout, format("[$num/$total] $name: ", "num", self.countTested, "total", self.totalTests, "name", testName))
var val = p()
if val == expected:
write(stdout, "passed\n")
self.countPassed += 1
write(stdout, "failed\n")
self.countFailed += 1
proc run*(self: TestSuite) =
self.totalTests = self.tests.len
for p in self.tests:
var verdict = case (self.countTested == self.countPassed)
of true: "PASSED"
of false: "FAILED"
echo format("$verdict. Passed [$passed/$total] tests.", "verdict", verdict, "passed", self.countPassed, "total", self.countTested)
# Sanity
assert(self.countTested == (self.countFailed+self.countPassed))
assert(self.countTested == self.totalTests)
when isMainModule:
var suite = newTestSuite()
suite.assertEquals("test #A", 12, proc(): int = 14-2)
suite.assertEquals("test #B", 12, proc(): int = 12-2)

Thrust vectorized search: Efficiently combine lower_bound and binary_search to find both position and existence

I'm trying to use Thrust to detect if each element of an array can be found in another array and where (both arrays are sorted). I came across the vectorized search routines (lower_bound and binary_search).
lower_bound will return for each value the index where it could be inserted in a list respecting its ordering.
I also need to know if the value is found or not (which can be done with binary_search), not just its position.
Is it possible to achieve both efficiently without making two searches (calling binary_search and then lower_bound)?
I know in the scalar case, lower_bound will return a pointer to end of the array if a value cannot be found, but this does not happens in the vectorized version.
You can check that the element that lower_bound returns is the same as the one you searched for. E.g. given a = {1,3,5} and searching for b = {1,4}, the result will be c = {0,2}. We have a[c[0]] == b[0], so b[0] is in a, but a[c[1]] != b[1] so b[1] is not in a.
(Note that you will need to ensure that you don't make any out-of-bounds memory accesses, since lower_bound can return an index that is beyond the end of the array.)
#tat0: you can also play around with Arrayfire:
vectorized search using lower_bound() does not give you the answer immediately
while with setintersect() in arrayfire, you get the "intersection" of two arrays directly:
float A_host[] = {3,22,4,5,2,9,234,11,6,17,7,873,23,45,454};
int szA = sizeof(A_host) / sizeof(float);
float B_host[] = {345,5,55,6,7,8,19,2,63};
int szB = sizeof(B_host) / sizeof(float);
// initialize arrays from host data
array A(szA, 1, A_host);
array B(szB, 1, B_host);
array U = setintersect(A, B); // compute intersection of 2 arrays
int n_common = U.elements();
std::cout << "common: ";
the output is:
common: U = 2.0000
to get the actual locations of these elements in array A, you can use the following
construct (provided that elements in A are unique):
int n_common = U.elements();
array loc = zeros(n_common); // empty array
gfor(array i, n_common) // parallel for loop
loc(i) = sum((A == U(i))*seq(szA));
then: loc =
Furthermore, thrust::lower_bound() seems to be slower than setintersect(),
i benchmarked it with the following program:
int *g_data = 0;
int g_N = 0;
void thrust_test() {
thrust::device_ptr<int> A = thrust::device_pointer_cast((int *)g_data),
B = thrust::device_pointer_cast((int *)g_data + g_N);
thrust::device_vector<int> output(g_N);
thrust::lower_bound(A, A + g_N, B, B + g_N,
std::cout << "thrust: " << output.size() << "\n";
void af_test()
array A(g_N, 1, g_data, afDevicePointer);
array B(g_N, 1, g_data + g_N, afDevicePointer);
array U = setintersect(A, B);
std::cout << "intersection sz: " << U.elements() << "\n";
int main()
g_N = 3e6; // 3M entries
thrust::host_vector< int > input(g_N*2);
for(int i = 0; i < g_N*2; i++) { // generate some input
if(i & 1)
input[i] = (i*i) % 1131;
input[i] = (i*i*i-1) % 1223 ;
thrust::device_vector< int > dev_input = input;
// sort the vector A
thrust::sort(dev_input.begin(), dev_input.begin() + g_N);
// sort the vector B
thrust::sort(dev_input.begin() + g_N, dev_input.begin() + g_N*2);
g_data = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(dev_input.data());
try {
printf("thrust: %.5f seconds\n", timeit(thrust_test));
printf("af: %.5f seconds\n", timeit(af_test));
} catch (af::exception& e) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", e.what());
return 0;
and the results:
CUDA toolkit 4.2, driver 295.59
GPU0 GeForce GT 650M, 2048 MB, Compute 3.0 (single,double)
Memory Usage: 1937 MB free (2048 MB total)
thrust: 0.13008 seconds
arrayfire: 0.06702 seconds

How do you sort and efficiently find elements in a cell array (of strings) in Octave?

Is there built-in functionality for this?
GNU Octave search a cell array of strings in linear time O(n):
(The 15 year old code in this answer was tested and correct on GNU Octave 3.8.2, 5.2.0 and 7.1.0)
The other answer has cellidx which was depreciated by octave, it still runs but they say to use ismember instead, like this:
%linear time string index search.
a = ["hello"; "unsorted"; "world"; "moobar"]
b = cellstr(a)
%b =
% [1,1] = hello
% [2,1] = unsorted
% [3,1] = world
% [4,1] = moobar
find(ismember(b, 'world')) %returns 3
ismember finds 'world' in index slot 3. This is a expensive linear time O(n) operation because it has to iterate through all elements whether or not it is found.
To achieve a logarathmic time O(log n) solution, then your list needs to come pre-sorted and then you can use binary search:
If your cell array is already sorted, you can do O(log-n) worst case:
function i = binsearch(array, val, low, high)
%binary search algorithm for numerics, Usage:
%myarray = [ 30, 40, 50.15 ]; %already sorted list
%binsearch(myarray, 30, 1, 3) %item 30 is in slot 1
if ( high < low )
i = 0;
mid = floor((low + high) / 2);
if ( array(mid) > val )
i = binsearch(array, val, low, mid-1);
elseif ( array(mid) < val )
i = binsearch(array, val, mid+1, high);
i = mid;
function i = binsearch_str(array, val, low, high)
% binary search for strings, usage:
%myarray2 = [ "abc"; "def"; "ghi"]; #already sorted list
%binsearch_str(myarray2, "abc", 1, 3) #item abc is in slot 1
if ( high < low )
i = 0;
mid = floor((low + high) / 2);
if ( mystrcmp(array(mid, [1:end]), val) == 1 )
i = binsearch(array, val, low, mid-1);
elseif ( mystrcmp(array(mid, [1:end]), val) == -1 )
i = binsearch_str(array, val, mid+1, high);
i = mid;
function ret = mystrcmp(a, b)
%this function is just an octave string compare, its behavior follows the
%strcmp(str1,str2)'s in C and java.lang.String.compareTo(...)'s in Java,
%that is:
% -returns 1 if string a > b
% -returns 0 if string a == b
% -return -1 if string a < b
% The gt() operator does not support cell array. If the single word
% is passed as an one-element cell array, converts it to a string.
a_as_string = a;
if iscellstr( a )
a_as_string = a{1}; %a was passed as a single-element cell array.
% The gt() operator does not support cell array. If the single word
% is passed as an one-element cell array, converts it to a string.
b_as_string = b;
if iscellstr( b )
b_as_string = b{1}; %b was passed as a single-element cell array.
% Space-pad the shortest word so as they can be used with gt() and lt() operators.
if length(a_as_string) > length( b_as_string )
b_as_string( length( b_as_string ) + 1 : length( a_as_string ) ) = " ";
elseif length(a_as_string) < length( b_as_string )
a_as_string( length( a_as_string ) + 1 : length( b_as_string ) ) = " ";
letters_gt = gt(a_as_string, b_as_string); %list of boolean a > b
letters_lt = lt(a_as_string, b_as_string); %list of boolean a < b
ret = 0;
%octave makes us roll our own string compare because
%strings are arrays of numerics
len = length(letters_gt);
for i = 1:len
if letters_gt(i) > letters_lt(i)
ret = 1;
elseif letters_gt(i) < letters_lt(i)
ret = -1;
%Assuming that myarray is already sorted, (it must be for binary
%search to finish in logarithmic time `O(log-n))` worst case, then do
myarray = [ 30, 40, 50.15 ]; %already sorted list
binsearch(myarray, 30, 1, 3) %item 30 is in slot 1
binsearch(myarray, 40, 1, 3) %item 40 is in slot 2
binsearch(myarray, 50, 1, 3) %50 does not exist so return 0
binsearch(myarray, 50.15, 1, 3) %50.15 is in slot 3
%same but for strings:
myarray2 = [ "abc"; "def"; "ghi"]; %already sorted list
binsearch_str(myarray2, "abc", 1, 3) %item abc is in slot 1
binsearch_str(myarray2, "def", 1, 3) %item def is in slot 2
binsearch_str(myarray2, "zzz", 1, 3) %zzz does not exist so return 0
binsearch_str(myarray2, "ghi", 1, 3) %item ghi is in slot 3
To sort your array if it isn't already:
Complexity of sorting depends on the kind of data you have and whatever sorting algorithm GNU octave language writers selected, it's somewhere between O(n*log(n)) and O(n*n).
myarray = [ 9, 40, -3, 3.14, 20 ]; %not sorted list
myarray = sort(myarray)
myarray2 = [ "the"; "cat"; "sat"; "on"; "the"; "mat"]; %not sorted list
myarray2 = sortrows(myarray2)
Code buffs to make this backward compatible with GNU Octave 3. 5. and 7. goes to #Paulo Carvalho in the other answer here.
Yes check this: http://www.obihiro.ac.jp/~suzukim/masuda/octave/html3/octave_36.html#SEC75
a = ["hello"; "world"];
c = cellstr (a)
⇒ c =
[1,1] = hello
[2,1] = world
>>> cellidx(c, 'hello')
ans = 1
>>> cellidx(c, 'world')
ans = 2
The cellidx solution does not meet the OP's efficiency requirement, and is deprecated (as noted by help cellidx).
Håvard Geithus in a comment suggested using the lookup() function on a sorted cell array of strings, which is significantly more efficient than cellidx. It's still a binary search though, whereas most modern languages (and even many 20 year old ones) give us easy access to associative arrays, which would be a much better approach.
While Octave doesn't obviously have associated arrays, that's effectively what the interpreter is using for ocatve's variables, including structs, so you can make us of that, as described here:
Built-in Function: struct ("field", value, "field", value,...)
Built-in Function: isstruct (expr)
Built-in Function: rmfield (s, f)
Function File: [k1,..., v1] = setfield (s, k1, v1,...)
Function File: [t, p] = orderfields (s1, s2)
Built-in Function: fieldnames (struct)
Built-in Function: isfield (expr, name)
Function File: [v1,...] = getfield (s, key,...)
Function File: substruct (type, subs,...)
Converting Matlab to Octave is there a containers.Map equivalent? suggests using javaObject("java.util.Hashtable"). That would come with some setup overhead, but would be a performance win if you're using it a lot. It may even be viable to link in some library written in C or C++? Do think about whether this is a maintainable option though.
Caveat: I'm relatively new to Octave, and writing this up as I research it myself (which is how I wound up here). I haven't yet run tests on the efficiency of these techniques, and while I've got a fair knowledge of the underlying algorithms, I may be making unreasonable assumptions about what's actually efficient in Octave.
This is a version of mystrcmp() that works in Octave of recent version (7.1.0):
function ret = mystrcmp(a, b)
%this function is just an octave string compare, its behavior follows the
%strcmp(str1,str2)'s in C and java.lang.String.compareTo(...)'s in Java,
%that is:
% -returns 1 if string a > b
% -returns 0 if string a == b
% -return -1 if string a < b
% The gt() operator does not support cell array. If the single word
% is passed as an one-element cell array, converts it to a string.
a_as_string = a;
if iscellstr( a )
a_as_string = a{1}; %a was passed as a single-element cell array.
% The gt() operator does not support cell array. If the single word
% is passed as an one-element cell array, converts it to a string.
b_as_string = b;
if iscellstr( b )
b_as_string = b{1}; %b was passed as a single-element cell array.
% Space-pad the shortest word so as they can be used with gt() and lt() operators.
if length(a_as_string) > length( b_as_string )
b_as_string( length( b_as_string ) + 1 : length( a_as_string ) ) = " ";
elseif length(a_as_string) < length( b_as_string )
a_as_string( length( a_as_string ) + 1 : length( b_as_string ) ) = " ";
letters_gt = gt(a_as_string, b_as_string); %list of boolean a > b
letters_lt = lt(a_as_string, b_as_string); %list of boolean a < b
ret = 0;
%octave makes us roll our own string compare because
%strings are arrays of numerics
len = length(letters_gt);
for i = 1:len
if letters_gt(i) > letters_lt(i)
ret = 1;
elseif letters_gt(i) < letters_lt(i)
ret = -1;
