psycopg2 insert statement with LIKE clause containing % sign - python-3.x

Can't execute a psycopg2 insert query (Postgres db), which uses the best practice %s sign for inserting and contains a LIKE statement which includes a % sign.
% sign in LIKE statement is interpreted as an insert placeholder.
'IndexError: tuple index out of range' is thrown.
Tried escaping % with backslash, didn't work out.
with psycopg2.connect(some_url) as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
query = """
FROM users
WHERE surname IN %s AND named LIKE '%john'
cur.execute(query, (tuple(["smith", "mcnamara"]),))
data = cur.fetchall()

Try using a placeholder also for the LIKE expression, and then bind a literal with a wildcard to it:
query = """
FROM users
WHERE surname IN %s AND named LIKE %s"""
cur.execute(query, (tuple(["smith", "mcnamara"]), "%John",))
data = cur.fetchall()

try this one:
with psycopg2.connect(some_url) as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
query = """
FROM users
WHERE surname IN %s AND named LIKE '%sjohn'
cur.execute(query, (tuple(["smith", "mcnamara"]), '%'))
data = cur.fetchall()


How to convert sql query to list?

I am trying to convert my sql query output into a list to look a certain way.
Here is my code:
def get_sf_metadata():
import sqlite3
#Tables I want to be dynamically created
table_names=['AcceptedEventRelation','Asset', 'Book']
#SQLIte Connection
conn = sqlite3.connect('aaa_test.db')
c = conn.cursor()
#select the metadata table records
c.execute("select name, type from sf_field_metadata1 limit 10 ")
Here is my output:
[('Id', 'id'), ('RelationId', 'reference'), ('EventId', 'reference')]
Is there any way to make the output looks like this:
[Id id, RelationId reference, EventId reference]
You can try
print(["{} {}".format(i[0], i[1]) for i in list(c)])
That will print you
['Id id', 'RelationId reference', 'EventId reference']

Postgres query with '%%' parameter not returning results via psycopg2

When I execute the below query in a query editor like DBeaver - it returns a result but if I execute the same query via Python & psycopg2 it does not return a result. '%%' should match any title/location so there will always return something. I'm just testing this for a category without keywords but it will also take an array of keywords if they exist depending on the category. So the array could be ['%%'] or ['%boston%', '%cambridge%'] and both should work.
select title, link
where (title ilike any(array['%%'])
or location ilike any(array['%%']))
order by "publishDate" desc
limit 1;
I've tried adding the E flag at the beginning of the string. E.g. E'%%'
import psycopg2
'AllJobs': [],
'BostonJobs': ['boston', 'cambridge'],
'MachineLearningJobs': ['ml', 'machine learning']
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test user=postgres")
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = """
select title, link
where (title ilike any(array[%s])
or location ilike any(array[%s]))
order by "publishDate" desc
limit 1;
for title, tags in FILTERS.items():
if not tags:
formatted_filters = "'%%'" # Will match any record
formatted_filters = ','.join([f"'%{keyword}%'" for keyword in tags])
cur.execute(sql, (formatted_filters))
results = cur.fetchone()
You can use the cur.mogrify() query to look at the SQL finally generated, check in psql if it works, and how you need to tweak it.
Most likely you have to double every %.
Thanks to Piro for the very useful cur.mogrify() clue. That helped me further debug the query to figure out what was going wrong.
I ended up removing the extra set of quotes, I used a named parameter and now it works as expected.
Updated code:
import psycopg2
'AllJobs': [],
'BostonJobs': ['boston', 'cambridge'],
'MachineLearningJobs': ['ml', 'machine learning']
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=test user=postgres")
cur = conn.cursor()
sql = """
select title, link
where (title ilike any(array[%(filter)s])
or location ilike any(array[%(filter)s]))
order by "publishDate" desc
limit 1;
for title, tags in FILTERS.items():
if not tags:
formatted_filters = '%%' # Will match any record
formatted_filters = [f'%{keyword}%' for keyword in tags]
print(cur.mogrify(sql, {'filter': formatted_filters}))
cur.execute(sql, {'filter': formatted_filters})
results = cur.fetchone()

Need help fetching data from a column

Sorry for this but I'm real new to sqlite: i've created a database from an excel sheet I had, and I can't seem to fetch the values of the column I need
query = """ SELECT GNCR from table"""
This actually works, but
query = """ SELECT ? from table"""
cur.execute(query, my_tuple)
Here's my code:
def print_col(to_print):
db = sqlite3.connect('my_database.db')
cur = db.cursor()
query = " SELECT ? FROM my_table "
cur.execute(query, to_print)
results = cur.fetchall()
The result is:
[('GNCR',), ('GNCR',), ('GNCR',), ('GNCR',), [...]]
instead of the actual values
What's the problem ? I can't figure it out
the "?" character in query is used for parameter substitution. Sqlite will escape the parameter you passed and replace "?" with the send text. So in effect you query after parameter substitution will be SELECT 'GNCR' FROM my_table where GNCR will be treated as text so you will get the text for each row returned by you query instead of the value of that column.
Basically you should use the query parameter where you want to substitute the parameter with escaped string like in where clause. You can't use it for column name.

Querying the database postgreSQL

Good afternoon, I study the library for working with postgresql from python, it’s written in the description:
Never, never, NEVER use Python string concatenation (+) or string parameters interpolation (%) to pass variables to a SQL query string. Not even at gunpoint.
I want to output from the reports table, columns object, data
I tried to make a function like this:
def select(self, column, table):
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
stmt = sql.SQL('SELECT {} FROM {}').format(
for row in cursor:
But I get an error:
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column "object, data" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT "object, data" FROM "object"
I managed to achieve the desired result using the function:
def select(self, column, table):
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM %s" %(column,table))
return cursor.fetchall()
Can you please tell me how to make a function without using %s?
Instead of passing the string columns, you should have an list of the columns names you want to pass. Now you can use sql.SQL(', ').join() to join them.
def select(self, columns, table):
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
stmt = sql.SQL('SELECT {} FROM {}').format(
sql.SQL(', ').join(sql.Identifier(n) for n in columns),
for row in cursor:

Count number of rows in Pysqlite3

I have to code on python sqlite3 a function to count rows of a table.
The thing is that the user should input the name of that table once the function is executed.
So far I have the following. However, I don't know how to "connect" the variable (table) with the function, once it's executed.
Any help would be great.
def RT():
import sqlite3
conn= sqlite3.connect ("MyDB.db")
table=input("enter table name: ")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("Select count(*) from ?", [table])
for row in cur:
print str(row[0])
Columns and Tables Can't be Parameterized
As explained in this SO answer, Columns and tables can't be parameterized. A fact that might not be documented by any authoritative source (I couldn't find one, so if you you know of one please edit this answer and/or the one linked above), but instead has been learned through people trying exactly what was attempted in the question.
The only way to dynamically insert a column or table name is through standard python string formatting:
cur.execute("Select count(*) from {0}".format(table))
Unfortunately This opens you up to the possibility of SQL injection
Whitelist Acceptable Column/Table Names
This SO answer explains that you should use a whitelist to check against acceptable table names. This is what it would look like for you:
import sqlite3
def RT():
conn = sqlite3.connect ("MyDB.db")
table = input("enter table name: ")
cur = conn.cursor()
if table not in ['user', 'blog', 'comment', ...]:
raise ... #Include your own error here
execute("Select count(*) from {0}".format(table))
for row in cur:
print str(row[0])
The same SO answer cautions accepting submitted names directly "because the validation and the actual table could go out of sync, or you could forget the check." Meaning, you should only derive the name of the table yourself. You could do this by making a clear distinction between accepting user input and the actual query. Here is an example of what you might do.
import sqlite3
acceptable_table_names = ['user', 'blog', 'comment', ...]
def RT():
Client side logic: Prompt the user to enter table name.
You could also give a list of names that you associate with ids
table = input("enter table name: ")
if table in acceptable_table_names:
table_index = table_names.index(table)
def RT_index(table_index):
Backend logic: Accept table index instead of querying user for
table name.
conn = sqlite3.connect ("MyDB.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
table = acceptable_table_names[table_index]
execute("Select count(*) from {0}".format(table))
for row in cur:
print str(row[0])
This may seem frivolous, but this keeps the original interface while addressing the potential problem of forgetting to check against a whitelist. The validation and the actual table could still go out of sync; you'll need to write tests to fight against that.
