Huge Multiline Json file is being processed by single Executor - apache-spark

I have a huge json file 35-40GB size, Its a MULTILINE JSON on hdfs. I have made use of .option('multiline', 'true').read.json('MULTILINE_JSONFILE_.json').repartition(50)
with Pyspark.
I have bumped up 60 Executors, 16 cores, 16GB Ememory and set memory overhead parameters.
Every run the Executors were being lost.
It is perfectly working for smaller files, but not with files > 15 GB
I have enough cluster resources.
From the spark UI what I have seen is every time the data is being processed by single executor, all other executors were idle.
I have seen the stages (0/2) Tasks(0/51)
I have re-partitioned the data as well.
Code:'multiline', 'true').read.json('MULTILINE_JSONFILE_.json').repartition(50)
df.write.... (HDFSLOCATION, format='csv')
Goal: My goal is to apply UDF function on each of the column and clean the data and write to CSV format.
Size of dataframe is 8 million rows with 210 columns

Rule of thumb, Spark's parallelism is based on the number of input files. But you just specified only 1 file (MULTILINE_JSONFILE_.json), so Spark will use 1 cpu for processing following code'multiline', 'true').read.json('MULTILINE_JSONFILE_.json')
even if you have 16 cores.
I would recommend that you split a json file into many files.
More precisely, parallelism is base on number of blocks of files if files are stored on HDFS. if MULTILINE_JSONFILE_.json is 40GB, it might have more than 400 blocks if the block size is 128MB. So, Spark tasks should run in parallel if the file is located in HDFS. If you are stuck with parallelism, I think this is because option("multiline", false) is specified.
In databricks documentation, you can see following sentence.
Files will be loaded as a whole entity and cannot be split.


Resolving small file issue in pyspark

I am reading from a partitioned table that has close to 4 billion records.
The files that I am reading from is my source, and I have no control over it to alter the records.
While reading the files through dataframes, for each partition I am creating 2000 files of size less than 2KB. This is because of shuffle partition being set to 2000, to increase the execution speed.
Approach followed to resolve this issue:
I have looped over the HDFS path of the table, post its execution is completed as has created a list with data paths [/dv/hdfs/..../table_name/partition_value=01,/dv/hdfs/..../table_name/partition_value=02..]
For each such path, I have calculated
disk usage and block size from cluster and got the appropriate number of partitions as
no_of_partitions = ceil[disk_usage / block size], and then written the data into another location with the same partition_id such as [/dv/hdfs/..../table2_name/partition_value=01].
Now though this works in reducing the small files to avg block size of 82 MB from 2KB, it is taking about 2.5 mins per partition. With 256 such partitions being available, it is taking more than 10hrs to finish the execution.
Kindly suggest any other method where this could be achieved in less than 2 hrs of time.
Although you have 2000 shuffle partitions you can and should control the output files.
Generating small files in spark is itself a performance degradation for the next read operations.
Now to control small files issue you can do the following:
While writing the dataframe to hdfs repartition it based on the number of partitions and controlling the number of output files per partition
df.repartition(partition_col).write.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 100000).partition_by(partition_col).parquet(path)
This will generate files having 100000 records each in every partition. Hence solving your small files issue. This will improve overall read and write performance of your job.
Hope it helps.

Process multiple small files of total size 100GB in HDFS

I have a requirement in my project to process multiple .txt message files using PySpark. The files are moved from local dir to HDFS path (hdfs://messageDir/..) using batches and for every batch, i could see a few thousand .txt files and their total size is around 100GB. Almost all of the files are less than 1 MB.
May i know how HDFS stores these files and perform splits? Because every file is less than 1 MB (less than HDFS block size of 64/128MB), I dont think any split would happen but the files will be replicated and stored in 3 different data nodes.
When i use Spark to read all the files inside the HDFS directory (hdfs://messageDir/..) using wild card matching like *.txt as below:-
rdd = sc.textFile('hdfs://messageDir/*.txt')
How does Spark read the files and perform Partition because HDFS doesn't have any partition for these small files.
What if my file size increases over a period of time and get 1TB volume of small files for every batch? Can someone tell me how this can be handled?
I think you are mixing things up a little.
You have files sitting in HDFS. Here, Blocksize is the important factor. Depending on your configuration, a block normally has 64MB or 128MB. Thus, each of your 1MB files, take up 64MB in HDFS. This is aweful lot of unused space. Can you concat these TXT-files together? Otherwise you will run out of HDFS blocks, really quick. HDFS is not made to store a large amount of small files.
Spark can read files from HDFS, Local, MySQL. It cannot control the storage principles used there. As Spark uses RDDs, they are partitioned to get part of the data to the workers. The number of partitions can be checked and controlled (using repartition). For HDFS reading, this number is defined by the number of files and blocks.
Here is a nice explanation on how SparkContext.textFile() handles Partitioning and Splits on HDFS: How does Spark partition(ing) work on files in HDFS?
You can read from spark even files are small. Problem is HDFS. Usually HDFS block size is really large(64MB, 128MB, or more bigger), so many small files make name node overhead.
If you want to make more bigger file, you need to optimize reducer. Number of write files is determined by how many reducer will write. You can use coalesce or repartition method to control it.
Another way is make one more step that merge files. I wrote spark application code that coalesce. I put target record size of each file, and application get total number of records, then how much number of coalesce can be estimated.
You can use Hive or otherwise.

pyspark split load uniformly across all executors

I have a 5 node cluster.I am loading a 100k csv file to a dataframe using pyspark and performing some etl operations and writing the output to a parquet file.
When I load the data frame how can divide the dataset uniformly across all executors os that each executor processes 20k records.
If possible, make sure that the input data is split into smaller files.
that way each executor will read and process a single file.
In the case that you can't modify the input files, you can call df.repartition(5), but keep in mind that it will cause an expensive shuffle operation

Spark partition by files

I have several thousand compressed CSV files on a S3 bucket, each of size approximately 30MB(around 120-160MB after decompression), which I want to process using spark.
In my spark job, I am doing simple filter select queries on each row.
While partitioning Spark is dividing the files into two or more parts and then creating tasks for each partition. Each task is taking around 1 min to complete just to process 125K records. I want to avoid this partitioning of a single file across many tasks.
Is there a way to fetch files and partition data such that each task works on one complete file, that is, Number of tasks = Number of input files.?
as well as playing with spark options, you can tell the s3a filesystem client to tell it to tell Spark that the "block size" of a file in S3 is 128 MB. The default is 32 MB, which is close enough to your "approximately 30MB" number that spark could be splitting the files in two
spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.block.size 134217728
using the wholeTextFiles() operation is safer though

PySpark Number of Output Files

I am a Spark Newbie. I have a simple pyspark script. It reads a json file, flattens it and writes it to S3 location as parquet compressed file.
The read and transformation steps run very fast and uses 50 executors (which I set in the conf). But the write stage takes a long time and writes only one large file (480MB).
How is the number of files saved decided?
Can the write operation be sped up somehow?
The number of files output is equal to the the number of partitions of the RDD being saved. In this sample, the RDD is repartitioned to control the number of output files.
repartition(numPartitions) - Reshuffle the data in the RDD randomly
to create either more or fewer partitions and balance it across them.
This always shuffles all data over the network.
>>> dataRDD.repartition(2).saveAsTextFile("/user/cloudera/sqoop_import/orders_test")
The number of files output is the same as the number of partitionds of the RDD.
$ hadoop fs -ls /user/cloudera/sqoop_import/orders_test
Found 3 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 0 2016-12-28 12:52 /user/cloudera/sqoop_import/orders_test/_SUCCESS
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 1499519 2016-12-28 12:52 /user/cloudera/sqoop_import/orders_test/part-00000
-rw-r--r-- 1 cloudera cloudera 1500425 2016-12-28 12:52 /user/cloudera/sqoop_import/orders_test/part-00001
Also check this: coalesce(numPartitions)
source-1 | source-2
The textFile method also takes an optional second argument for
controlling the number of partitions of the file. By default, Spark
creates one partition for each block of the file (blocks being 64MB by
default in HDFS), but you can also ask for a higher number of
partitions by passing a larger value. Note that you cannot have fewer
partitions than blocks.
... but this is minimum number of possible partitions so they are not guaranteed.
so if you want to partition on read, you should use this....
There are 2 different things to consider:-
HDFS Block size:- The block size of HDFS is configurable in HDFS-site.xml (128 Mb by default). If a file is having a size more than the block size, a new block will be assigned in the memory to the rest of the file data. But, that is not something you can see. It is done internally. The whole process is sequential.
Partitions:- When Spark comes into picture, so does parallelism. Ideally, if you do not manually provide the number of partitions, it would be equal to the block size in the default configuration. On the other hand, if you want to customize the number of partitioned files, you could go ahead and use the API , where n being the number of partition.
These partitions are visible to you in the HDFS when you browse it.
Also, To increase the performance, you could give some specifications such as num executors, executor memory, cores per executor, etc. while spark-submit / pyspark /spark-shell. The performance while writing any file depends on the format and compression codec used for the same wildly.
Thanks for reading.
