How I can use Autonumber in new screen multiple users in Acumatica? - acumatica

I have a custom screen in Acumatica with autonumber, but only one user can use at the same time. How can get screen multiuser?
In Sales Order/Payment and Applications I have a tab('COMPLEMENTOS'), in this tab you can add a new complement in other screen. This screen have a field, 'No. Complemento' is Autonumber, the autonumber is generated correctly but if two person are in the same screen at the same time, one of them is saved correctly but the other try to save with the same number that was already used and send an error 'Another Process has updated the CPSetup record. Your changes will be lost'. How I can work with two or more screens at the same time.
if (cache.GetStatus(row) == PXEntryStatus.Inserted)
AutoNumberAttribute.SetLastNumberField<COPago.cOPagoCD>(cache, row,
if (row.RefNbrPago != null)
AutoNumberAttribute.SetPrefix<COPago.cOPagoCD>(cache, row, "REP");
The actual error is 'Another Process has updated the CPSetup record. Your changes will be lost'
I would like to kwon how I can generate correctly autonumber with the same screen with two or more users at the same time.

When you generate next nunber probably you store it on a field on Numbering Sequence. We call it LastNumber.
When you update the LastNumber field (with next number) on Numbering Sequence you need to use an SQL transaction
using (PXTransactionScope ts = new
//Update LastNumber with next number
// persist cache


What is the proper way to update values of DAC's retrieved via PXResultset?

We have a business requirement to set the SO return COST to the original cost issued without invoicing if possible. We determined that Sales Orders are necessary to track issuing materials to our client, and we are cost driven rather than price driven. We use FIFO costing, but SO return orders do not seem to return at the original COST unless invoiced (which we also don't do in a traditional manner).
I found that setting the unit/ext cost on the SO Shipment Line directly in the database before Confirm Shipment and Update IN appears to provide the results desired. Applying a custom menu option to streamline and strongly control the return, I cloned nearby code as a base. The section between the === is where I set the unit/ext cost. The PXTrace shows the expected value, but it is coming out as $0 on the shipment record. I thought I might need "docgraph.Update(sOShipmentLine)" to save it, but that's not accessible in this scope.
using (var ts = new PXTransactionScope())
PXTimeStampScope.SetRecordComesFirst(typeof(SOOrder), true);
//Reminder - SOShipmentEntry docgraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<SOShipmentEntry>();
docgraph.CreateShipment(order, SiteID, filter.ShipDate, adapter.MassProcess, SOOperation.Receipt, created, adapter.QuickProcessFlow);
PXTrace.WriteError("Setting Cost");
//Set Cost on Shipment to Cost On SO Line
PXResultset<SOShipment> results =
InnerJoin <SOShipLine, On<SOShipLine.shipmentNbr, Equal<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>>,
InnerJoin <SOLine, On<SOLine.orderType, Equal<SOShipLine.origOrderType>,
And<SOLine.orderNbr, Equal<SOShipLine.origOrderNbr>, And<SOLine.lineNbr, Equal<SOShipLine.origLineNbr>>>>
Where<SOShipment.shipmentNbr, Equal<Required<SOShipment.shipmentNbr>>>>
.Select(docgraph, docgraph.Document.Current.ShipmentNbr);
PXTrace.WriteError("Shipment {0} - Records {1}", docgraph.Document.Current.ShipmentNbr, results.Count);
foreach (PXResult<SOShipment, SOShipLine, SOLine> record in results)
SOShipment shipment = (SOShipment)record;
SOShipLine shipmentLine = (SOShipLine)record;
SOLine sOLine = (SOLine)record;
shipmentLine.UnitCost = GetReturnUnitCost(sOLine.OrigOrderType, sOLine.OrigOrderNbr, sOLine.OrigLineNbr, sOLine.CuryInfoID);
shipmentLine.ExtCost = shipmentLine.Qty * shipmentLine.UnitCost;
PXTrace.WriteError(string.Format("{0} {1}-{2} = {3} / {4}", shipmentLine.LineType, shipmentLine.ShipmentNbr, shipmentLine.LineNbr, shipmentLine.Qty, shipmentLine.UnitCost));
var items = new List<object> { order };
PXAutomation.RemovePersisted(docgraph, typeof(SOOrder), items);
PXAutomation.RemoveProcessing(docgraph, typeof(SOOrder), items);
Still on the learning curve so I'm expecting the solution is likely simple and obvious to someone more experienced.
There's three phase to it:
Changing the value
Updating the cache
Persisting the cache
I think you are changing the value but not persisting it. The reason why it works after invoking Confirm Shipment or Update IN action is probably that these actions will persist all changes by calling the graph Save action.
To change a field value in a data view you would do:
DACRecord.Field = value;
The particularity of your example is that the request is not bound to a data view.
When you have a loose BQL request you can do the same operation with a cache object. In your example the Caches context is available from docGraph:
DACRecord.Field = value;
graph.Caches[typeof(DACType)].Persist(DACRecord, PXDBOperation.Update);
Update and Persist are often omitted because in many scenarios they will be called later on by other framework mechanism. For example if you were to do only Update on a UI field, the record won't be persisted until the user clicks on the save button.
Updating value on UI is a bit different than updating in cache.
The recommended approach for UI fields is to use SetValue:
cache.SetValue<DAC.DacField>(DACRecord, fieldValue);
Or use SetValueExt when you want to trigger the framework events like FieldUpdated when changing the field value:
cache.SetValueExt<DAC.DacField>(DACRecord, fieldValue);
You'll still have to update and persist the changes in cache for these too if you want the changes to stick without requiring the user to manually save the document.

How do I read write a content item in a separate database transaction to that of the request

I have a Purchase Order content type in my Orchard application. Among other properties it has a PurchaseOrderNumber. The purchase order number is assigned when the user saves the purchase order for the first time. I use a custom controller and views for implementing the purchase order CRUD operations.
I have a purchase order number definition part which is attached to a company content type where the next purchase order number, a prefix and padding is saved. So when the system generates the next purchase order number, the prefix (e.g. PO) is used together with the next number (e.g. 123) and the padding (e.g. 5) to generate a string - e.g. PO00123.
When the purchase order number is generated the next purchase order number stored in the purchase order definition part attached to the company content item is incremented and saved so that when a user creates another purchase order it will be assigned the next number.
My challenge here is to prevent duplicate purchase order numbers from being assigned if two users create a new purchase order at the same time.
I was thinking of creating an ISingletonDependency that uses lock (_lock) {...} to wrap code that will generate the next number. This way multiple request can ask for the next number and always get the next unique number. How do I implement this though? I can't figure out how to get access to an IContentManager that has its own database transaction.
Or is there a different pattern that I should rather use?
I figured it out after looking at the Orchard.Tasks.Locking.Services.DistributedLockService class. You need to take a dependency on ILifetimeScope and then resolve ITransactionManager and IContentManager.
lock (_lock) {
using (var childLifetimeScope = _lifetimeScope.BeginLifetimeScope()) {
var transactionManager = childLifetimeScope.Resolve<ITransactionManager>();
var contentManager = childLifetimeScope.Resolve<IContentManager>();
try {
var contentItem = contentManager.GetLatest(contentItemId);
var number = CompileNewNumber(contentItem);
return number;
catch (Exception exception) {
Logger.Error(exception, "Error compiling next number.");
return "";

Delete a field value based on checkbox-Netsuite

I have a requirement where if the user unchecks the checkbox the vale of certain field should be cleared while he saves it.
To be printed is a checkbox
Check # is field.
If the user unchecks the "To be Printed" checkbox the check # field should be clear while he saves the page.
This should be a user event and will be it be after submit funtion?
How do i achieve this?
Here you have two options to deal with your requirement.
1) You can write a Client script as #John mentioned above on his comment and on field change you can clear out those field values which you don't want to save upon your form submission.
2) Write a before submit function and validate the checkbox field value, if it is unchecked then clear out those fields, which you don't want to save.
I would recommend using user event before submit script to set field value as null, as client script may not fire if data entry point is through csv import, suitescript, etc.
if (nlapiGetFieldValue(TO_BE_SUBMITTED_FIELD_ID) == 'F'){
nlapiSetFieldValue('tranid', null);`
If you wish, You may write additional client script to disable/clear the field if value of checkbox is set to false, for better UX.
For sequence number I would say, use the below code (I am assuming sequence numbers are pure numbers)
if (nlapiGetFieldValue(TO_BE_SUBMITTED_FIELD_ID) == 'T'){
//search in descending order (use this code in your same before submit script)
var search = nlapiCreateSearch(RECORD_TYPE, ['mainline', 'is', 'T'], new nlobjSearchColumn('tranid').setSort(true));
var results = search.runSearch();
var records = results.getResults(0, 1);
var nextTranId = praseInt(records[0].getFieldValue('tranid'), 10) + 1;
nlapiSetFieldValue(tranid, nextTranId);

getting a list of forms that contain a specified field, is there a better method

The following code is a script object on an XPage in it I loop through an array of all the forms in a database, looking for all the forms that contain the field "ACIncludeForm". My method works but it takes 2 - 3 seconds to compute which really slows the load of the XPage. My question is - is there a better method to accomplish this. I added code to check to see if the sessionScope variable is null and only execute if needed and the second time the page loads it does so in under a second. So my method really consumes a lot of processor time.
var forms:Array = database.getForms();
var rtn = new Array;
for (i=0 ; i<forms.length; ++i){
var thisForm:NotesForm = forms[i];
var a = thisForm.getFields().indexOf("ACIncludeForm");
if (a >= 0){
if (!thisForm.isSubForm()) {
if (thisForm.getAliases()[0] == ""){
rtn.push(thisForm.getName() + "|" + thisForm.getName() );
rtn.push(thisForm.getName() + "|" + thisForm.getAliases()[0] );
One approach would be to build an index of forms by yourself. For example, create an agent (LotusScript or Java) that gets all forms and for each form, create a document with for example a field "form" containing the form name and and a field "fields" containing all field names (beware of 32K limit).
Then create a view that displays all these documents and contains the value of the "fields" field in the first column so that each value of this field creates one line in this view.
Having such a view, you can simply make a #DbLookup from your XPage.
If your forms are changed, you only need to re-run the agent to re-build your index. The #DbLookup should be pretty fast.
Place the form list in a static field of a Java class. It will stay there for a long time (maybe until http boot). In my experience applicationScope values dissappear in 15 minutes.

How do you determine which row was selected in a Infragistics WebHierarchicalDataGrid when you have a Master Detail table configuration

I have a master table and two child detail tables under the master. When the user selects one of the detail tables the RowSelection event fires. I need to determine which table was selected. If the users selectes the second detail table then I need to obtain the data from a specific field. What code can be put in place to make this determination. Here is the code I have so far to grab the data, I just need to build the IF statment around this code.
String UploadIndex;
if (e.CurrentSelectedRows.Count > 0)
GridRecord oRow = e.CurrentSelectedRows[0];
UploadIndex = oRow.Items[0].Value.ToString();
Tried this but got controlmain is inaccessible due to its protection level.
ContainerGrid oRowIsland = WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.GridView.Rows[e.CurrentSelectedRows[0].Index].RowIslands[0];
if (oRow.Owner.ControlMain.ID == '2')
UploadIndex = oRow.Items[0].Value.ToString();
Use ContainerGridRecord type instead of GridRecord when declaring oRow, this way you will have access to oRow.Owner.ControlMain which is the grid that holds the row. In debug determine ID of the grid you're interested in and then you can do
If (oRow.Owner.ControlMain.ID == '...ID of second grid') {
// profit
Or use some other easily identifiable property of ControlMain grid that in your case assocciate with the second details.
