AWS Glue append to paruqet file - apache-spark

I am currently in the process of designing AWS backed Data Lake.
What I have right now:
XML files uploaded to s3
AWS Glue crawler buids catalogue
AWS ETL job transforms data and saves it in the parquet format.
Each time etl jobs transforms the data it creates new parquet files. I assume that the most efficient way to store my data would be a single parquet file. Is it the case? If so how to achieve this.
Auto generated job code:

You can do that by 'overwrite'. Glue doesn`t support 'overwrite' mode. But you can convert DynamicFrame object to spark's DataFrame and write it using spark instead of Glue:


Automatically update Glue Data Catalog after writing parquet to S3 using Pyspark

Is there a way to automatically update Glue Data Catalog (without having a separate crawler) after writing parquet files to S3 from PySpark?
The awswrangler python package can do it by specifying database and table in the s3.to_parquet(). Is there an equivalent way to do it in PySpark?

Renaming Exported files from Spark Job

We are currently using Spark Job on Databricks which do processing on our data lake which in S3.
Once the processing is done we export our result to S3 bucket using normal
The issue is when we write dataframe to S3 the name of file is controlled by Spark, but as per our agreement we need to rename this files to a meaningful name.
Since S3 doesn't have renaming feature we are right now using boto3 to copy and paste file with expected name.
This process is very complex and not scalable with more client getting onboard.
Do we have any better solution to rename exported files from spark to S3 ?
It's not possible to do it directly in Spark's save
Spark uses Hadoop File Format, which requires data to be partitioned - that's why you have part- files. If the file is small enough to fit into memory, one work around is to convert to a pandas dataframe and save as csv from there.
df_pd = df.toPandas()

Reading Files from S3 Bucket to PySpark Dataframe Boto3

How can I load a bunch of files from a S3 bucket into a single PySpark dataframe? I'm running on an EMR instance. If the file is local, I can use the SparkContext textFile method. But when the file is on S3, how can I use boto3 to load multiple files of various types (CSV, JSON, ...) into a single dataframe for processing?
Spark natively reads from S3 using Hadoop APIs, not Boto3. And textFile is for reading RDD, not DataFrames. Also do not try to load two different formats into a single dataframe as you won't be able to consistently parse them
I would suggest using
csvDf ="s3a://path/to/files/*.csv")
jsonDf ="s3a://path/to/files/*.json")
And from there, you can filter and join the dataframes using SparkSQL.
Note: JSON files need to contain single JSON objects each on their own line

Best file formats for S3 using Spark for ETL on EMR

We are planning to perform ETL processing using Spark with source data sitting on S3. The data volume for ETL processing is less than 100 million. What is the best format to store data in S3 in this scenario i.e. the best compression and file format (text, sequence, parquet etc.)
ORC or Parquet for queries, compressed with Snappy. Avro is another general purpose format, but way less efficient for SparkSQL queries as you have to scan a lot more data.
Important At the time of writing (June 2017), you cannot safely use S3 as a direct destination of spark RDD/dataframe queries (i.e. save()) calls. See Cloud Integration for an explanation. Write to HDFS then copy

Does presto require a hive metastore to read parquet files from S3?

I am trying to generate parquet files in S3 file using spark with the goal that presto can be used later to query from parquet. Basically, there is how it looks like,
I am able to generate parquet in S3 using Spark and its working fine. Now, I am looking at presto and what I think I found is that it needs hive meta store to query from parquet. I could not make presto read my parquet files even though parquet saves the schema. So, does it mean at the time of creating the parquet files, the spark job has to also store metadata in hive meta store?
If that is the case, can someone help me find an example of how it's done. To add to the problem, my data schema is changing, so to handle it, I am creating a programmatic schema in spark job and applying it while creating parquet files. And, if I am creating the schema in hive metastore, it needs to be done keeping this in consideration.
Or could you shed light on it if there is any better alternative way?
You keep the Parquet files on S3. Presto's S3 capability is a subcomponent of the Hive connector. As you said, you can let Spark define tables in Spark or you can use Presto for that, e.g.
create table (<columns>)
with (format = 'parquet', external_location = 's3://s3-bucket/path/to/table/dir');
(Depending on Hive metastore version and its configuration, you might need to use s3a instead of s3.)
Technically, it should be possible to create a connector that infers tables' schemata from Parquet headers, but I'm not aware of an existing one.
