How system V ABI's red zone is implemented - linux

how compiler makes sure that the red zone is not clobbered? Is there any overallocation of space?
And what factors lead to choosing 128 byte as the size of red zone?

The compiler doesn't, it just takes advantage of the guarantee that space below RSP won't be asynchronously clobbered (e.g. by signal handlers). Making a function call will of course synchronously clobber it.
In fact, on Linux only signal handlers run asynchronously in user-space code. (The kernel stack gets interrupts: Why can't kernel code use a Red Zone)
The kernel implements the red-zone when delivering signals to user-space. I think that's about it; it's really pretty easy to implement.
The other thing that's relevant is when a debugger runs a function when you do something like print foo(123) in GDB. GDB will actually run that function using the stack of the current thread. In an ABI with a red-zone, GDB (or any other debugger) has to respect it when invoking that function by doing rsp -= 128 after saving register state to restore when the user doing continue or single-step.
In i386 System V, print foo(123) will use space right below the current ESP, stepping on whatever was below ESP. (I think; not tested).
And what factors lead to choosing 128 byte as the size of red zone?
A signed byte displacement in an addressing mode like [rsp - 128] can reach that far. IIRC, the mailing archive I was looking through while answering Why does Windows64 use a different calling convention from all other OSes on x86-64? actually included a message citing that as the reason for that specific choice.
You want it to be large enough that many simple leaf functions don't need to move RSP. e.g. at least 16 or 32 bytes, like the 32-byte shadow space in MS's Windows x64 calling convention.
You want it to be small enough that skipping over it to invoke a signal handler doesn't need to touch huge amounts more space, like new pages. So much less than 4kB.
A leaf function that needs more than 128 bytes of locals is probably big enough that moving RSP is a drop in the bucket. And then the +-disp8 addressing mode benefit comes into play, giving access to a whole 256 bytes of space with compact addressing modes from byte [rsp+127] to byte [rsp-128] or in dword/qword chunks.
Further reading
Reading why it's not safe to use space below ESP on Windows, or Linux without a red-zone, is illuminating.
Raymond Chen's blog: Why do we even need to define a red zone? Can’t I just use my stack for anything?
Also my SO answer covers some of the same ground: Is it valid to write below ESP? (but with more guesswork and less interesting Windows details than Raymond.)


Where do FS and GS registers get mapped to in the linear address space?

I understand that in 32 bit you have segments where each segment would map to a base and limit. Therefore, a segment wouldn't be able to access another segments data.
With 64 bit, we throw away most of the segments and have a base of 0 with no limit, thus accessing the entire 64 bit address space. But I get confused when they state we have FS and GS registers for thread local storage and additional data.
If the default segment can access anything in the linear address space, then what is stopping the program from corrupting or accessing the FS/GS segments? The OS would have to keep track of FS/GS and make sure nothing else gets allocated there right? How does this work?
Also, if the default area can access anything, then why do we even have FS/GS. I guess FS makes sense because we can just switch the register during a thread switch. But why even use GS? Why not malloc memory instead? Sorry I am new to OS.
In 64-bit mode, the FS and GS "segment registers" aren't really used, per se. But using an FS or GS segment override for a memory access causes the address to be offset by the value contained in a hidden FSBASE/GSBASE register which can be set by a special instruction (possibly privileged, in which case a system call can ask the kernel to do it). So for instance, if FSBASE = 0x12340000 and RDI = 0x56789, then MOV AL, FS:[RDI] will load from linear address 0x12396789.
This is still just a linear address - it's not separate from the rest of the process's address space in any way, and it's subject to all the same paging and memory protection as any other memory access. The program could get the exact same effect with MOV AL, [0x12396789] (since DS has a base of 0). It is up to the program's usual memory allocation mechanisms to allocate an appropriate block of memory and set FSBASE to point to that block, if it intends to use FS in this way. There are no special protections needed to avoid "corrupting" this memory, any more than they are needed to prevent a program from corrupting any other part of its own memory.
So it doesn't really provide new functionality - it's more a convenience for programmers and compilers. As you say, it's nice for something like a pointer to thread-local storage, but if we didn't have FS/GS, there are plenty of other ways we could keep such a pointer in the thread's state (say, reserving R15). It's true that there's not an obvious general need for two such registers; for the most part, the other one is just there in case someone comes up with a good way to use it in a particular program.
See also:
How are the fs/gs registers used in Linux AMD64?
What is the "FS"/"GS" register intended for?

Where does my allocated memory actually start from when i use brk system call

I am trying to allocate some memory using sys_brk in NASM/x86 assembly. sys_break returns the new address of break, which is the end of the data segment right? So where does my newly allocated memory reside? I assumed that it is in between the old break value and the new break value. So if I allocate 64bytes of memory with sys_brk i can use the next 64 bytes starting from the old break value that i stored before calling sys_brk. Am I right?
My Assembly code that will allocate memory will look somewhat like this.
And another side question is;
I am supposed to write a function in Assembly that returns the pointer to the dynamically allocated memory and that function will be called from a C program. How can i free this block of memory from C side of my program? Would just calling free() be enough?
The brk(2) man page (section: C library/kernel ABI differences) describes how the glibc wrapper is implemented on top of Linux's system call, which returns the new brk on success, or the old brk on failure.
As I understand it, memory beyond the current break is unmapped. Addresses below the current break are part of the data segment (in the sense of data+bss+heap). The docs aren't clear on whether the break has to be page-aligned. (i.e. can you sbrk(64), or only sbrk(4096)?) If ASLR is enabled, the initial break will be some random distance past the end of the BSS.
See: What does the brk() system call do? An answer on that question has an example of using sbrk to replace malloc for code-golf. So yes, the old break is the address to return. And apparently you can sbrk any increment you want, not just pages.
You're the one writing the memory allocator. sbrk just lets you get more from the OS, like mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS) but less flexible. It doesn't help you keep track of free blocks so you can use them for future allocations instead of always getting more from the OS.
The way to give back memory you got with sbrk is by calling sbrk with a negative argument. Obviously this requires a last-in-first-out usage pattern, which is why glibc's malloc only uses sbrk for small allocations (that can be put on the free-list when freed, to be handed out for future mallocs). Big allocations are best returned to the OS right away, instead of being kept mapped, so glibc's malloc uses mmap for those.
Never call free(3) on memory you didn't get from malloc(3) (or an associated function, like strdup(3), that says in the docs you can and should free(3) the memeory.) IDK what would happen if you called munmap on a page of memory below the program break. Probably it would just work, but then you'd have a hole in your data segment that could cause problems if the break ever decreased to there.
In assembly, the Linux brk system call takes an address where you want to set the break. As the man page notes, it either returns that for success, or returns the old break on failure, never a -errno code like -ENOMEM.
See Assembly x86 brk() call use for an x86-64 example.
The POSIX API where you can use positive or negative integer offsets is something you can implement by always calling twice, or like glibc keeping track of the current break in a global variable. To init that variable, use brk once with a requested address of 0, which will fail, as shown in the strace output below.
This is similar to what you'd do with the POSIX API, calling sbrk with increment = 0.
This is what glibc's malloc(3) does internally:
$ strace -e brk ls 2>&1 | m
brk(0) = 0x650000
brk(0) = 0x650000
brk(0x671000) = 0x671000
The brk man page mentions end(3). Apparently there are globals which are located at the end of the text, data, and bss segments. However, &end is only "somewhere near" the program break, which is why malloc still has to make a system call to get the initial break. IDK why there's a redundant brk(0). These are raw system calls, not library function calls, so an sbrk(0) probably doesn't explain it.

Segmentation registers use

I am trying to understand how memory management goes on low level and have a couple of questions.
1) A book about assembly language by by Kip R. Irvine says that in the real mode first three segment registers are loaded with base addresses of code, data, and stack segment when the program starts. This is a bit ambigous to me. Are these values specified manually or does the assembler generates instructions to write the values into registers? If it happens automatically, how it finds out what is the size of these segments?
2) I know that Linux uses flat linear model, i.e. uses segmentation in a very limited way. Also, according to "Understanding the Linux Kernel" by Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati there are four main segments: user data, user code, kernel data and kernel code in GDT. All four segments have the same size and base address. I do not understand why there is need in four of them if they differ only in type and access rights (they all produce the same linear address, right?). Why not use just one of them and write its descriptor to all segment registers?
3) How operating systems that do not use segmentation divide programs into logical segments? For example, how they differentiate stack from code without segment descriptors. I read that paging can be used to handle such things, but don't understand how.
You must have read some really old books because nobody program for real-mode anymore ;-) In real-mode, you can get the physical address of a memory access with physical address = segment register * 0x10 + offset, the offset being a value inside one of the general-purpose registers. Because these registers are 16 bit wide, a segment will be 64kb long and there is nothing you can do about its size, just because there is no attribute! With the * 0x10 multiplication, 1mb of memory become available, but there are overlapping combinations depending on what you put in the segment registers and the address register. I haven't compiled any code for real-mode, but I think it's up to the OS to setup the segment registers during the the binary loading, just like a loader would allocate some pages when loading an ELF binary. However I do have compiled bare-metal kernel code, and I had to setup these registers by myself.
Four segments are mandatory in the flat model because of architecture constraints. In protected-mode the segment registers no more contains the segment base address, but a segment selector which is basically an offset into the GDT. Depending on the value of the segment selector, the CPU will be in a given level of privilege, this is the CPL (Current Privilege Level). The segment selector points to a segment descriptor which has a DPL (Descriptor Privilege Level), which is eventually the CPL if the segment register is filled with with this selector (at least true for the code-segment selector). Therefore you need at least a pair of segment selectors to differentiate the kernel from the userland. Moreover, segments are either code segment or data segment, so you eventually end up with four segment descriptors in the GDT.
I don't have any example of serious OS which make any use of segmentation, just because segmentation is still present for backward compliancy. Using the flat model approach is nothing but a mean to get rid of it. Anyway, you're right, paging is way more efficient and versatile, and available on almost all architecture (the concepts at least). I can't explain here paging internals, but all the information you need to know are inside the excellent Intel man: Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures
Software Developer’s Manual
Volume 3A:
System Programming Guide, Part 1
Expanding on Benoit's answer to question 3...
The division of programs into logical parts such as code, constant data, modifiable data and stack is done by different agents at different points in time.
First, your compiler (and linker) creates executable files where this division is specified. If you look at a number of executable file formats (PE, ELF, etc), you'll see that they support some kind of sections or segments or whatever you want to call it. Besides addresses and sizes and locations within the file, those sections bear attributes telling the OS the purpose of these sections, e.g. this section contains code (and here's the entry point), this - initialized constant data, that - uninitialized data (typically not taking space in the file), here's something about the stack, over there is the list of dependencies (e.g. DLLs), etc.
Next, when the OS starts executing the program, it parses the file to see how much memory the program needs, where and what memory protection is needed for every section. The latter is commonly done via page tables. The code pages are marked as executable and read-only, the constant data pages are marked as not executable and read-only, other data pages (including those of the stack) are marked as not executable and read-write. This is how it ought to be normally.
Often times programs need read-write and, at the same time, executable regions for dynamically generated code or just to be able to modify the existing code. The combined RWX access can be either specified in the executable file or requested at run time.
There can be other special pages such as guard pages for dynamic stack expansion, they're placed next to the stack pages. For example, your program starts with enough pages allocated for a 64KB stack and then when the program tries to access beyond that point, the OS intercepts access to those guard pages, allocates more pages for the stack (up to the maximum supported size) and moves the guard pages further. These pages don't need to be specified in the executable file, the OS can handle them on its own. The file should only specify the stack size(s) and perhaps the location.
If there's no hardware or code in the OS to distinguish code memory from data memory or to enforce memory access rights, the division is very formal. 16-bit real-mode DOS programs (COM and EXE) didn't have code, data and stack segments marked in some special way. COM programs had everything in one common 64KB segment and they started with IP=0x100 and SP=0xFFxx and the order of code and data could be arbitrary inside, they could intertwine practically freely. DOS EXE files only specified the starting CS:IP and SS:SP locations and beyond that the code, data and stack segments were indistinguishable to DOS. All it needed to do was load the file, perform relocation (for EXEs only), set up the PSP (Program Segment Prefix, containing the command line parameter and some other control info), load SS:SP and CS:IP. It could not protect memory because memory protection isn't available in the real address mode, and so the 16-bit DOS executable formats were very simple.
Wikipedia is your friend in this case. and should be good starting points.
I'm sure there are others here who can personally provide in-depth explanations, though.

Hazards of not protection shared variables in a threaded environment

I'm trying to understand the hazards of not locking shared variables in a threaded (or shared memory) environment. It is easy to argue that if you are doing two or more dependent operations on a variable it is important to hold some lock first. The typical example is the increment operation, which first reads the current value before adding one and writing back.
But what if you only have one writer (and lots of readers) and the write is not dependent on the previous value. So I have one thread storing a timestamp offset once every second. The offset holds the difference between local time and some other time base. A lot of readers use this offset to timestamp events and getting a read lock for each time is a little expensive. In this situation I don't care if the reader gets the value just before the write or just after, as long as the reader don't get garbage (that is an offset that was never set).
Say that the variable is a 32 bit integer. Is it possible to get a garbage read of the variable in the middle of a write? Or are writing a 32 bit integer an atomic operation? Will it depend on the Os or hardware? What a about a 64 bit integer on a 32 bit system?
What about shared memory instead of threading?
Writing a 64-bit integer on a 32-bit system is not atomic, and you could have incorrect data if you don't take a lock.
As an example, if your integer is
0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF
and you are going to write the next int in sequence, you want to write:
0x00000001 0x00000000
But if you read the value after one of the ints is written and before the other is, then you could read
0x00000000 0x00000000
0x00000001 0xFFFFFFFF
which are wildly different than the correct value.
If you want to work without locks, you have to be very certain what constitutes an atomic operation on your OS/CPU/compiler combination.
In additions to the above comments, beware the register bank in a slightly more general setting. You may end up updating only the cpu register and not really write it back to main memory right away. Or the other way around where you use a cached register copy while the original value in memory has been updated. Some languages have a volatile keyword to mark a variable as "read-always-and-never-locally-register-cache".
The memory model of your language is important. It describes exactly under what conditions a given value is shared among several threads. Either this is the rules of the CPU architecture you are executing on, or it is determined by a virtual machine in which the language is running. Java for instance has a separate memory model you can look at to figure out what exactly to expect.
An 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit read/write is guaranteed to be atomic if it is aligned to it's size (on 486 and later) and unaligned but within a cache line (on P6 and later). Most compilers will guarantee stack (local, assuming C/C++) variables are aligned.
A 64-bit read/write is guaranteed to be atomic if it is aligned (on Pentium and later), however, this relies on the compiler generating a single instruction (for example, popping a 64-bit float from the FPU or using MMX). I expect most compilers will use two 32-bit accesses for compatibility, though it is certainly possible to check (the disassembly) and it may be possible to coerce different handling.
The next issue is caching and memory fencing. However, the effect of ignoring these is that some threads may see the old value even though it has been updated. The value won't be invalid, simply out of date (by microseconds, probably). If this is critical to your application, you will have to dig deeper, but I doubt it is.
(Source: Intel Software Developer Manual Volume 3A)
It very much depends on hardware and how you are talking to it. If you are writing assembler, you will know exactly what you get as processor manuals will tell you which operations are atomic and under what conditions. For example, in the Intel Pentium, 32-bit reads are atomic if the address is aligned, but not otherwise.
If you are working on any level above that, it will depend on how that ultimately gets translated into machine code. Be that a compiler, interpreter, or virtual machine.
The platform you run on determines the size of atomic reads/writes. Generally, a 32-bit (register) platform only supports 32-bit atomic operations. So, if you are writing more than 32-bits, you will probably have to use some other mechanism to coordinate access to that shared data.
One mechanism is to double or triple buffer the actual data and use a shared index to determine the "latest" version:
new_index= ...; // find a free entry in the global_data array.
global_data[new_index]= blah;
WriteBarrier(); // write-release
global_index= new_index;
read_index= global_index;
ReadBarrier(); // read-acquire
return global_data[read_index];
You need the memory barriers to ensure that you don't read from global_data[...] until after you read global_index and you don't write to global_index until after you write to global_data[...].
This is a little awful since you can also run into the ABA issue with preemption, so don't use this directly.
Platforms often provide atomic read/write access (enforced at the hardware level) to primitive values (32-bit or 64-bit,as in your example) - see the Interlocked* APIs on Windows.
This can avoid the use of a heavier weight lock for threadsafe variable or member access, but should not be mixed up with other types of lock on the same instance or member. In other words, don't use a Mutex to mediate access in one place and use Interlocked* to modify or read it in another.

Why is the ELF execution entry point virtual address of the form 0x80xxxxx and not zero 0x0?

When executed, program will start running from virtual address 0x80482c0. This address doesn't point to our main() procedure, but to a procedure named _start which is created by the linker.
My Google research so far just led me to some (vague) historical speculations like this:
There is folklore that 0x08048000 once was STACK_TOP (that is, the stack grew downwards from near 0x08048000 towards 0) on a port of *NIX to i386 that was promulgated by a group from Santa Cruz, California. This was when 128MB of RAM was expensive, and 4GB of RAM was unthinkable.
Can anyone confirm/deny this?
As Mads pointed out, in order to catch most accesses through null pointers, Unix-like systems tend to make the page at address zero "unmapped". Thus, accesses immediately trigger a CPU exception, in other words a segfault. This is quite better than letting the application go rogue. The exception vector table, however, can be at any address, at least on x86 processors (there is a special register for that, loaded with the lidt opcode).
The starting point address is part of a set of conventions which describe how memory is laid out. The linker, when it produces an executable binary, must know these conventions, so they are not likely to change. Basically, for Linux, the memory layout conventions are inherited from the very first versions of Linux, in the early 90's. A process must have access to several areas:
The code must be in a range which includes the starting point.
There must be a stack.
There must be a heap, with a limit which is increased with the brk() and sbrk() system calls.
There must be some room for mmap() system calls, including shared library loading.
Nowadays, the heap, where malloc() goes, is backed by mmap() calls which obtain chunks of memory at whatever address the kernel sees fit. But in older times, Linux was like previous Unix-like systems, and its heap required a big area in one uninterrupted chunk, which could grow towards increasing addresses. So whatever was the convention, it had to stuff code and stack towards low addresses, and give every chunk of the address space after a given point to the heap.
But there is also the stack, which is usually quite small but could grow quite dramatically in some occasions. The stack grows down, and when the stack is full, we really want the process to predictably crash rather than overwriting some data. So there had to be a wide area for the stack, with, at the low end of that area, an unmapped page. And lo! There is an unmapped page at address zero, to catch null pointer dereferences. Hence it was defined that the stack would get the first 128 MB of address space, except for the first page. This means that the code had to go after those 128 MB, at an address similar to 0x080xxxxx.
As Michael points out, "losing" 128 MB of address space was no big deal because the address space was very large with regards to what could be actually used. At that time, the Linux kernel was limiting the address space for a single process to 1 GB, over a maximum of 4 GB allowed by the hardware, and that was not considered to be a big issue.
Why not start at address 0x0? There's at least two reasons for this:
Because address zero is famously known as a NULL pointer, and used by programming languages to sane check pointers. You can't use an address value for that, if you're going to execute code there.
The actual contents at address 0 is often (but not always) the exception vector table, and is hence not accessible in non-privileged modes. Consult the documentation of your specific architecture.
As for the entrypoint _start vs main:
If you link against the C runtime (the C standard libraries), the library wraps the function named main, so it can initialize the environment before main is called. On Linux, these are the argc and argv parameters to the application, the env variables, and probably some synchronization primitives and locks. It also makes sure that returning from main passes on the status code, and calls the _exit function, which terminates the process.
