String decompression : Reduce time and space complexity - string

N-rounds of compression are run on a string, where each round replaces some character pattern with one special character (using a dictionary).
Given this compressed string and the dictionary used for compression, we need to find the original string.
For ex:
Dictionary used for compression:
b12k -> ?
a?l -> #
#mn -> !
So, the string ab12klmn is compressed as !
What data structure suits best to store this dictionary such that the decompression is O(n) operation with least possible extra space used?
What I've tried:
This was an interview question, I stored the dictionary in a map with target alphabet (of the compression dictionary) as the key of my map and decompressed strings as the values.
Then a traversal through the given string replacing the special characters with their respective expansions.
For ex:
! -> ab12klmn
# -> ab12k
? -> b12k
Then to reduce the duplicacy of string patterns I did a tree like structuring of this dictionary but the interviewer wasn't satisfied.
Where can I improve this solution?

I understand that we need to get back the original string from the given compressed string.
The best data structure that you can use here can be an 2-dimensional vector (dynamic array). I will try and explain why this can be the best data structure for this problem.
When we use a map we introduce a logn factor while looking for a particular key. With vectors if you know the location of your search query it can be done in O(1).
When we use a vector we are not wasting any extra memory blocks. This is also the case with maps. But if you use 2-d arrays unnecessary memory will be wasted.
But since there are only 256 characters, we will store the dictionary as follows. Lets have a 2d vector of strings with max 256 rows. For this example
b12k -> ?
a?l -> #
#mn -> !
So we will store "b12k" at v[63] as ASCII value of '?' is 63. Similarly, we will store we will store "a?l" at v[35] as ASCII value of '#' is 35 and so on,
We start from the compressed string.
Initialize your string which will store the final ans. Lets call it origString = "".
Start traversing the string. If its a non-special character add this character to the origString.
If we find any special character just go to that characters ASCII value and its corresponding location in 2d-vector.
Go to step 2.
The pseudo-code for this is
origString = "";
func getOriginalFromCompressed(string s)
for i = [0:s.length()-1]
if(v[s[i]].length()) getOriginalFromCompressed(v[s[i]]);
else origString = stringConcat(origString,s[i]); //add the charcacter to your final ans
end for
end func
origString has the original string.
So the time and space complexity of this solution is O(n).
where n=sum of lengths of all the strings in dictionary given.


Hash function to see if one string is scrambled form/permutation of another?

I want to check if string A is just a reordered version of string B. For example, "abc" = "bca" = "cab"...
There are other solutions here:
However, I was thinking a hash function would be an easy way of doing this, but the typical hash function takes order into consideration. Are there any hash functions that do not care about character order?
Are there any hash functions that do not care about character order?
I don't know of real-world hash functions that have this property, no. Because this is not a problem they are designed to solve.
However, in this specific case, you can make your own "hash" function (a very very bad one) that will indeed ignore order: just sum ASCII codes of characters. This works due to the commutative property of addition (a + b == b + a)
def isAnagram(self,a,b):
sum_a = 0
sum_b = 0
for c in a:
sum_a += ord(c)
for c in b:
sum_b += ord(c)
return sum_a == sum_b
To reiterate, this is absolutely a hack, that only happens to work because input strings are limited in content in the judge system (only have lowercase ASCII characters and do not contain spaces). It will not work (reliably) on arbitrary strings.
For a fast check you could use a kind af hash-funkction
Candidates are:
xor all characters of a String
add all characters of a String
multiply all characters of a String (be careful might lead to overflow for large Strings)
If the hash-value is equal, it could still be a collision of two not 'equal' strings. So you still need to make a dedicated compare. (e.g. sort the characters of each string before comparing them).

What is the difference between strings and characters in Matlab?

What is the difference between string and character class in MATLAB?
a = 'AX'; % This is a character.
b = string(a) % This is a string.
The documentation suggests:
There are two ways to represent text in MATLAB®. You can store text in character arrays. A typical use is to store short pieces of text as character vectors. And starting in Release 2016b, you can also store multiple pieces of text in string arrays. String arrays provide a set of functions for working with text as data.
This is how the two representations differ:
Element access. To represent char vectors of different length, one had to use cell arrays, e.g. ch = {'a', 'ab', 'abc'}. With strings, they can be created in actual arrays: str = [string('a'), string('ab'), string('abc')].
However, to index characters in a string array directly, the curly bracket notation has to be used:
str{3}(2) % == 'b'
Memory use. Chars use exactly two bytes per character. strings have overhead:
a = 'abc'
b = string('abc')
whos a b
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
a 1x3 6 char
b 1x1 132 string
The best place to start for understanding the difference is the documentation. The key difference, as stated there:
A character array is a sequence of characters, just as a numeric array is a sequence of numbers. A typical use is to store short pieces of text as character vectors, such as c = 'Hello World';.
A string array is a container for pieces of text. String arrays provide a set of functions for working with text as data. To convert text to string arrays, use the string function.
Here are a few more key points about their differences:
They are different classes (i.e. types): char versus string. As such they will have different sets of methods defined for each. Think about what sort of operations you want to do on your text, then choose the one that best supports those.
Since a string is a container class, be mindful of how its size differs from an equivalent character array representation. Using your example:
>> a = 'AX'; % This is a character.
>> b = string(a) % This is a string.
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
a 1x2 4 char
b 1x1 134 string
Notice that the string container lists its size as 1x1 (and takes up more bytes in memory) while the character array is, as its name implies, a 1x2 array of characters.
They can't always be used interchangeably, and you may need to convert between the two for certain operations. For example, string objects can't be used as dynamic field names for structure indexing:
>> s = struct('a', 1);
>> name = string('a');
>> s.(name)
Argument to dynamic structure reference must evaluate to a valid field name.
>> s.(char(name))
ans =
Strings do have a bit of overhead, but still increase by 2 bytes per character. After every 8 characters it increases the size of the variable. The red line is y=2x+127.
figure is created using:
for ct = 1:N
s=char(randi([0 255],[1,ct]));
xlabel('# characters')
ylabel('# bytes')
hold on
hold off
One important practical thing to note is, that strings and chars behave differently when interacting with square brackets. This can be especially confusing when coming from python. consider following example:
>>['asdf' '123']
ans =
>> ["asdf" "123"]
ans =
1×2 string array
"asdf" "123"

Find the minimal lexographical string formed by merging two strings

Suppose we are given two strings s1 and s2(both lowercase). We have two find the minimal lexographic string that can be formed by merging two strings.
At the beginning , it looks prettty simple as merge of the mergesort algorithm. But let us see what can go wrong.
s1: zyy
s2: zy
Now if we perform merge on these two we must decide which z to pick as they are equal, clearly if we pick z of s2 first then the string formed will be:
If we pick z of s1 first, the string formed will be:
zyyzy which is correct.
As we can see the merge of mergesort can lead to wrong answer.
Here's another example:
Now the correct answer will be zybzyy which will be got only if pick z of s2 first.
There are plenty of other cases in which the simple merge will fail. My question is Is there any standard algorithm out there used to perform merge for such output.
You could use dynamic programming. In f[x][y] store the minimal lexicographical string such that you've taken x charecters from the first string s1 and y characters from the second s2. You can calculate f in bottom-top manner using the update:
f[x][y] = min(f[x-1][y] + s1[x], f[x][y-1] + s2[y]) \\ the '+' here represents
\\ the concatenation of a
\\ string and a character
You start with f[0][0] = "" (empty string).
For efficiency you can store the strings in f as references. That is, you can store in f the objects
class StringRef {
StringRef prev;
char c;
To extract what string you have at certain f[x][y] you just follow the references. To udapate you point back to either f[x-1][y] or f[x][y-1] depending on what your update step says.
It seems that the solution can be almost the same as you described (the "mergesort"-like approach), except that with special handling of equality. So long as the first characters of both strings are equal, you look ahead at the second character, 3rd, etc. If the end is reached for some string, consider the first character of the other string as the next character in the string for which the end is reached, etc. for the 2nd character, etc. If the ends for both strings are reached, then it doesn't matter from which string to take the first character. Note that this algorithm is O(N) because after a look-ahead on equal prefixes you know the whole look-ahead sequence (i.e. string prefix) to include, not just one first character.
EDIT: you look ahead so long as the current i-th characters from both strings are equal and alphabetically not larger than the first character in the current prefix.

algorithms for fast string approximate matching

Given a source string s and n equal length strings, I need to find a quick algorithm to return those strings that have at most k characters that are different from the source string s at each corresponding position.
What is a fast algorithm to do so?
PS: I have to claim that this is a academic question. I want to find the most efficient algorithm if possible.
Also I missed one very important piece of information. The n equal length strings form a dictionary, against which many source strings s will be queried upon. There seems to be some sort of preprocessing step to make it more efficient.
My gut instinct is just to iterate over each String n, maintaining a counter of how many characters are different than s, but I'm not claiming it is the most efficient solution. However it would be O(n) so unless this is a known performance problem, or an academic question, I'd go with that.
Sedgewick in his book "Algorithms" writes that Ternary Search Tree allows "to locate all words within a given Hamming distance of a query word". Article in Dr. Dobb's
Given that the strings are fixed length, you can compute the Hamming distance between two strings to determine the similarity; this is O(n) on the length of the string. So, worst case is that your algorithm is O(nm) for comparing your string against m words.
As an alternative, a fast solution that's also a memory hog is to preprocess your dictionary into a map; keys are a tuple (p, c) where p is the position in the string and c is the character in the string at that position, values are the strings that have characters at that position (so "the" will be in the map at {(0, 't'), "the"}, {(1, 'h'), "the"}, {(2, 'e'), "the"}). To query the map, iterate through query string's characters and construct a result map with the retrieved strings; keys are strings, values are the number of times the strings have been retrieved from the primary map (so with the query string "the", the key "thx" will have a value of 2, and the key "tee" will have a value of 1). Finally, iterate through the result map and discard strings whose values are less than K.
You can save memory by discarding keys that can't possibly equal K when the result map has been completed. For example, if K is 5 and N is 8, then when you've reached the 4th-8th characters of the query string you can discard any retrieved strings that aren't already in the result map since they can't possibly have 5 matching characters. Or, when you've finished with the 6th character of the query string, you can iterate through the result map and remove all keys whose values are less than 3.
If need be you can offload the primary precomputed map to a NoSql key-value database or something along those lines in order to save on main memory (and also so that you don't have to precompute the dictionary every time the program restarts).
Rather than storing a tuple (p, c) as the key in the primary map, you can instead concatenate the position and character into a string (so (5, 't') becomes "5t", and (12, 'x') becomes "12x").
Without knowing where in each input string the match characters will be, for a particular string, you might need to check every character no matter what order you check them in. Therefore it makes sense to just iterate over each string character-by-character and keep a sum of the total number of mismatches. If i is the number of mismatches so far, return false when i == k and true when there are fewer than k-i unchecked characters remaining in the string.
Note that depending on how long the strings are and how many mismatches you'll allow, it might be faster to iterate over the whole string rather than performing these checks, or perhaps to perform them only after every couple characters. Play around with it to see how you get the fastest performance.
My method if we're thinking out loud :P I can't see a way to do this without going through each n string, but I'm happy to be corrected. On that it would begin with a pre-process to save a second set of your n strings so that the characters are in ascending order.
The first part of the comparison would then be to check each n string a character at a time say n' to each character in s say s'.
If s' is less than n' then not equal and move to the next s'. If n' is less than s' then go to next n'. Otherwise record a matching character. Repeat this until k miss matches are found or the alternate matches are found and mark n accordingly.
For further consideration, an added pre-processing could be done on each adjacent string in n to see the total number of characters that differ. This could then be used when comparing strings n to s and if sufficient difference exist between these and the adjacent n there may not be a need to compare it?

Burrows-Wheeler Transform without EOF character

I need to perform a well-known Burrows-Wheeler Transform in linear time. I found a solution with suffix sorting and EOF character, but appending EOF changes the transformation. For example: consider the string bcababa and two rotations
s1 = abababc
s2 = ababcab
it's clear that s1 < s2. Now with an EOF character:
s1 = ababa#bc
s2 = aba#bcab
and now s2 < s1. And the resulting transformation will be different. How can I perform BWT without EOF?
You can perform the transform in linear time and space without the EOF character by computing the suffix array of the string concatenated with itself. Then iterate over the suffix array. If the current suffix array value is less than n, add to your output array the last character of the rotation starting at the position denoted by the current value in the suffix array. This approach will produce a slightly different BWT transform result, however, since the string rotations aren't sorted as if the EOF character were present.
A more thorough description can be found here:
You need to have EOF character in the string for BWT to work, because otherwise you can't perform the inverse transform to get the original string back. Without EOF, both strings "ba" and "ab" have the same transformed version ("ba"). With EOF, the transforms are different
ab ba
a b | a | b
b | a b a |
| a b | b a
i.e. ab transforms to "|ab" and ba to "b|a".
EOF is needed for BWT because it marks the point where the character cycle starts.
Re: doing it without the EOF character, according to Wikipedia,
Since any rotation of the input string will lead to the same
transformed string, the BWT cannot be inverted without adding an 'EOF'
marker to the input or, augmenting the output with information, such
as an index, that makes it possible to identify the input string from
the class of all of its rotations.
There is a bijective version of the transform, by which the
transformed string uniquely identifies the original. In this version,
every string has a unique inverse of the same length.
The bijective transform is computed by first factoring the input into
a non-increasing sequence of Lyndon words; such a factorization exists
by the Chen–Fox–Lyndon theorem, and can be found in linear time.
Then, the algorithm sorts together all the rotations of all of these
words; as in the usual Burrows–Wheeler transform, this produces a
sorted sequence of n strings. The transformed string is then obtained
by picking the final character of each of these strings in this sorted
I know this thread is quite old but I had the same problem and came up with the following solution:
Find the lexicographical minimal string rotation and save the offset (needed to reverse) (I use the lydon factorization)
Use the normal bwt algorithms on the rotated string (this produces the right output because all algos asume that the string is followed by the lexicographically minimal char)
To reverse: unbwt using e.g. backward search starting at index 0 and write the corrosponding char to the saved offset
