Avoid vim eating input after quit - vim

Some irritating issue when doing git commit (for example, there are other non-git scenarios): what I'd like to type (really fast):
git commit -a --amendEnter:wqEntergit push -fEnter
My problem is that after :wqEnter I have to wait until vim exits, and as I have a big vimrc it takes some time. I know, I'm spoiled.
I'm pretty sure there is a flag to git commit that will not open vim at all, but I'd prefer a more generic vim solution that will make vim not eat my input.
My vimrc is here

While the OP wants a vim-centric solution, I offer these git workarounds as
temporary band-aids (and useful information).
At the bottom, I provide resources for discovering the issue in vim.
no-edit flag
Amending with the --no-edit flag causes vim not to launch (which is a good
idea if you do not need to edit the commit message: this is what the flag is
designed for).
Use a "different" editor for commit messages
There are a couple of different configuration options here, and a couple of
different "vims" to try.
See also git(1), section ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES, variable GIT_EDITOR.
One-off configuration
This is good for occasional usage (you can alias it, of course).
Use the -c flag on git:
git -c core.editor='vim variant' commit...
You could also set GIT_EDITOR via your shell (e.g., env, export, or
Permanent configuration
This is good if you cannot resolve the vim issue and need it permanently.
Edit your configuration file (e.g., git config --edit --global), and add
editor = vim variant
Vim variants
Vim's command line switches let us control various aspects of its behavior. You
might want to
disable plugins (--noplugin)
disable a vimrc (-u NORC)
disable both (-u NONE)
use a 'clean' vim (--clean)
use a completely different vimrc for git (-u DEFAULTS or -u ~/.mygitvimrc)
The vimrc option allows us to craft an extremely efficient and minimal vimrc for
git work, while keeping our original for full-time stuff.
Experimentation may show that -N (not compatible mode) is necessary with some
of these.
Once you've chosen a setup that works, simply use vim <args>... as your git
editor, in one of the spots above.
The first things to try on the vim side are binary-split debugging your
vimrc and profiling your
vimrc to
find out what the root cause is.
It helps to be comfortable debugging for these steps. If you need to debug
vimscript, see :help debug-scripts.
Once you've identified the root cause, the next step is to squash it. You may
need to
disable a plugin (possibly to be loaded on demand)
change an autocommand to not be so nasty (look especially for autocommands
that are accidentally triggered more than once such as those not in
avoid expensive function calls in your vimrc
help convert a heavy plugin to autoloads
or a myriad of other performance-enhancing techniques.
As always, the key is to know where the problem lies first.
For OP, using pathogen and vundle together seems like a mistake (two different runtimepath/plugin managers?). Also, vundle provides vundle#begin as a possible time-saver over vundle#rc.


vim81 configuration wrong after I added .vimrc

I uninstalled vim74 and compiled vim81 and installed it. However I found it strange, comparing to vim74. When there's no .vimrc file under HOME dir, I open a c++ file and syntax highlight is working and I can use Backspace to delete letters. However when I add a .vimrc under HOME dir and just put set number into it, when the c++ source file is opened, no highlight, and Backspace not working. Why is that ? I used to add some configurations in .vimrc under vim74 before, and this situation never happens.
After complaints that Vim in its default configuration is hard to use (especially for beginners), it was decided to enable a default configuration if the user hasn't created his own ~/.vimrc (yet). This was introduced with Vim 8.0, and explains what you're seeing (namely: syntax highlighting and sensible backspace behavior). Read more about the details at :help defaults.vim.
The help also has instructions how to keep the defaults when adding your own ~/.vimrc configuration:
If you create your own .vimrc, it is recommended to add these lines somewhere
near the top:
unlet! skip_defaults_vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim
Then Vim works like before you had a .vimrc.
Tip: Don't go all crazy with adding various snippets (especially not those you don't fully understand) and plugins to your ~/.vimrc, even though the Internet is full of them. Rather, build it up gradually, depending on needs, and back up your understanding with careful studying of the excellent :help. Also, avoid pre-packaged Vim distributions; they're even worse.

Can you view the default Vim settings?

I’m starting to learn about creating my own .vimrc file and I keep noticing features that are missing with my custom version that were present in the default setup.
I was wondering if it is possible to view the default settings, so I can compare them to my own and look up all the standard inclusions I don't know to learn more about them.
I searched and couldn’t find an answer online, and if the reason why there isn’t one is that the answer to this question is glaringly obvious, I’m really sorry; I’m still a bit of a noob :p
No worries, it’s a perfectly valid question. Unfortunately, the answer is a bit complicated. First of all, Vim has certain defaults that are documented in the built-in help system.
Some of them are only used when Vi compatibility mode is disabled, and that’s the first customisation most people make:
:set nocompatible
On top of that, many distributions provide their own custom config, for example Debian/Ubuntu comes with /etc/vim/vimrc. To makes things even more confusing, Vim 8 comes with a sane configuration (called default.vim) that only gets applied when ~/.vimrc is not found. Not to mention that NeoVim comes with its own set of defaults.
In practice, I suggest to explicitly set any options you care about to make sure your config is portable between systems and versions of Vim. To see the current value of a given option, use a question mark:
:set showcmd?
To learn more about a given option (including the default value), use Vim’s comprehensive help system:
:help showcmd
Finally, you might want to check my annotated .vimrc for some inspiration, and there is also the vim-sensible plugin that provides some sane defaults most people would agree to.
The easiest way to see “vanilla” Vim options is to start it using:
$ vim -u NONE -N
It will start Vim without any of your customizations or plugins, but still in ‘nocompatible’ mode (i.e., basically, running full-fledged Vim, instead of its stripped down version emulating Vi).
Then, you can execute the following commands:
:set all
to see all options, mappings, commands, variables, functions, and auto-commands, respectively, that are currently in effect. (I cannot promise I haven’t forgotten a customization category.)
Vim also comes with a bunch of basic configurations that is skipped by the -u NONE option, that you can also include while still excluding your .vimrc, by using -u NORC, instead.
Based on #Amadan's answer, I came up with this file (ShowAllDefaults.vim) and command to run it and capture the output.
. In the mean time, learning that, if you have files under ~/.vim, they get executed if you use this:
vim -u ShowAllDefaults.vim -N +q
So the correct way to do it is:
vim -u NONE -N +"source ShowAllDefaults.vim" +q
Contents of ShowAllDefaults.vim:
set verbosefile=/tmp/ShowAllDefaults.log
set all
I am trying after long time to get familiar with vim also, and I came across this because I had same question.
How I found answer from within vim was to pull up help on defaults and it explained to get defaults along with .vimrc for newer users and also gave the path to default script so you could open it right up in your editor and read & compare it.
I am not going to give my exact path because that might change in different versions, so best to get it from help documents inside vim.

how to reset Vim & TMUX dotfiles

Let say I have messed up my vim & tmux configuration. Is it possible to delete or reset them without losing any configuration changes such as PATH etc? If so, then how?
At this point? There probably is no way to get those files back. But, as a preventative measure in the future, keep config files like those in some sort of version-control system (like git or mercurial).
However, if this is too tedious or you don't want to for whatever reason, you can also add the following lines to your .vimrc:
set undofile
set undodir=~/.vim/undodir
Don't forget to mkdir ~/.vim/undodir.
This configuration enables persistent undo history in vim (I assume you're using vim to edit these files). With this feature, even after you close the file, and reopen it, you can still undo changes you made in the previous editing session. So if you'd had this set, your problem would be solved simply by hitting u until the files were in a good state. See :help undofile for more info.
Also, check out the great plugin vim-mundo. It provides a visual "undo tree" and makes browsing vim's complicated undo history very easy. Plus it's compatible with neovim.

vim syntax highlighting weirdness

I have some specific settings for my latex highlighting and am using the indentLine plugin, which requires let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = ['tex', 'bib'] to avoid the conceal feature annoyance. Anyway, when I start vim with vim filename.tex my vimrc gets loaded properly, but when I simply call vim and then open a given tex file, it'll ignore the vimrc.
Any idea what's causing it? Also, let me know what information you need, as I am far from certain on what would be needed.
Okay so I've found that for both cases i'm in a [tex] environment, but if I'm in a [plaintex] environment then the weirdness doesn't happen. If that helps anyone.
2nd EDIT:
New development, it is only the first file that's opened that seems to ignore the exclusion for indentLine, the remainder are shown exactly as they ought to.
The plaintex is a separate filetype in Vim (cp. :help ft-plaintex), so you need to add it to the IndentLine config:
let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = ['tex', 'plaintex', 'bib']
Edit This now looks like a command ordering issue. It's hard to remotely troubleshoot this, as the exact plugins and their initialization order may be important. Please capture a full log of a Vim session with vim -V20vimlog. After quitting Vim, examine the vimlog log file for the ordering of commands (but it might be difficult to see what's happening in a potentially vast list of commands).
It might be sufficient to just reload the first file that has those problems, with :e!.

Vim: apply settings on files in directory

How do I specify Vim settings for all files under the current directory?
The ideal solution would be if Vim searched for and read a .vimrc in the current directory before searching for ~/.vimrc, and apply the settings there for the entire tree.
I've seen a plugin, but this means the applied settings aren't transparent since they require the plugin to be installed. In contrast, a modeline is transparent since regardless of a user's vimrc or specific vim invocation the modeline settings will be applied for that file.
Things I tried are
placing a .vimrc in the working directory
:so vimrc in the modeline.
I suppose both don't work for security reasons. I don't need the full power of a vimrc; being bound to settings acceptable by a modeline would suffice. My goal is to make it easier for vimmers to adopt coding standards in a project.
You can put something like this in $VIM/vimrc
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /path/to/files/* set nowrap tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
I'd strongly suggest not using set exrc
Even with set secure, under *nix, vim will still run autocommands, shell, et al, if you own the file. So if you happend to edit a file in that tarball I sent you with a .vimrc containing:
autocmd BufEnter * :silent! !echo rm -rf ~/
you'll probably be less amused than I will.
I'm an advocate of the plugin way.
For several reasons:
Modelines are particularly limited: we can't set variables (that tunes other (ft)plugins, like "should the braces of the for-snippet be on a newline ?"), or call function from them (I don't limit myself to coding standards, I also set the makefile to use depending on the current directory)
DRY: with modelines, a setting needs to be repeated in every file, if there are too many things to set or tunings to change, it will quickly become difficult to maintain, moreover, it will require the use of a template-expander plugin (which you should consider if you have several vimmers in your project).
Not every one uses vim to develop. I don't want to be bothered by other people editor settings, why should I parasite theirs?
It's easier to ask vimmers to install a same plugin, instead of asking them to copy-paste, and maintain, the same lines in their .vimrc
The settings can be saved with the other project files (cvs/svn/git/whatever)
It's really easy to have a configuration file per project -- with the plugin, I have a global configuration file for the coding standards of the overall project, and specific configuration files for each sub-project (which makefile to use, which executable to call, ...)
BTW, sth's solution can be used to source a single configuration file. This is very similar to the plugin approach except the .vimrc has to be parasited with non global options, and it does not support easily multiple/shared configuration files.
This question is old, but it seems like a pretty natural and persistent concern.
My solution is pretty simple. I place a .vimrc file in the root directory of my projects. The first line of the .vimrc file usually sources ~/.vimrc, and then adds the particular configuration I want. I alias tvim='vim -u .vimrc', and use tvim in my personal project directories. "tvim" for "trusted vim," meaning that if I execute it in a directory with a .vimrc file and something goes wrong, I've got no one to blame but myself, since I explicitly said I trusted it. Also, I keep a group of these stored away so that I can sometimes just softlink the one I want for a particular kind of project.
Placing a .vimrc in the working directory actually is supported, only disabled by default. See :h 'exrc' and :h startup for details, setting 'exrc' will enable reading .vimrc from the current directory.
It's also recommended to :set secure when using this. This locks down :autocmd, shell and write commands for .vimrc in the current directory.
Another thing that might be worth looking at is setting up a session (:h session) with a standard view and settings for the project.
All that said, I would probably go with the plugin option detailed by Luc Hermitte myself.
To minimize security risks with ANY "autorun" features for ANYTHING these days, may I advise you to utilize vim's existing features instead of plugins (portability baggage)?
My local folder's vimrc file is named "_gvimrc" (on purpose). This reduces the hope for people like phen from amusing himself at our expense. :-)
In my $VIM/.vimrc file, I inserted:
if filereadable("_gvimrc")
source _gvimrc
at the end.
I use "filereadable()" over "fileexists()" as the later has some quirkiness when tortured with opening multiple (10+) files simultaneously, (not sure why).
Of course, you can give your own unique filename to obfuscate potential trouble-makers further. Such as "_mygvimrc", "_gobbledygook", etc. You just need to settle on one standardized name and source it accordingly in your $VIM/.vimrc. Relying on vi/vim internals for this rules out portability issues. BUT, DO NOT name it .vimrc (or _vimrc) to prevent recursive sourcing in case you're editing the $VIM/.vimrc file with vim later.
Been using this since Windoze 98SE, through Windork XP Pro, and now Windorkier 7 (5+ years already). I'll mark a list of .txt files in Explorer and then use "Edit with multiple Vim", resulting in multiple vim windows opening simultaneously. For my work, I do this several times a day, daily. All files got treated with what I set in my local _gvimrc.
Use "editorconfig"
If the kinds of coding standards you would like to enforce are related to indentation style, tab size, file format and charset, then you might want to look into "editorconfig", which is a cross-editor standard to specify this kind of settings in a specific project, and have all editors follow that configuration.
The "editorconfig" specification allows projects to request different settings depending on file extensions or names within the project. (So you can have Makefiles using TABs, your Python scripts using 4 spaces and your shell scripts using 2 spaces for indentation.)
You need a plug-in to use "editorconfig" in Vim. The official website provides one, but personally I'd recommend sgur/vim-editorconfig, which is written in pure Vimscript, so you don't need to worry about external dependencies too much.
Since "editorconfig" aims at cross-editor compatibility, it's quite limited in what it does, so if you want is consistent whitespace, file format (DOS vs. Unix) and encoding (Unicode utf-8, etc.), then "editorconfig" is for you.
Assuming people aren't adding files every few days, you can probably add a modeline at the top of each file. In fact, if your version control system allows it, you could probably enforce a rule that says that each file must have a modeline when it's checked in.
I agree with the plugin approach for security reasons.
There is a very good plugin which has not been mentioned yet. It lets you use a .lvimrc in your project directories.
Try "localvimrc" out:
Try vim-localrc
|- .local.vimrc (1)
`- project/
|- .local.vimrc (2)
`- src/
|- .local.vimrc (3)
`- main.c
I looked at the plugins that existed and didn't really fancy any of them, so I wrote a simple function that piggy backs on vim-fugitive. The advantage of this is that it knows the root of the project is always the root of the repository, and additionally I can hash the file to keep a trust table. Just put the following in your .vimrc file.
function LoadRepoVimrc()
let l:path = fugitive#repo().tree('.vimrc')
if filereadable(l:path)
let l:sha1 = fugitive#repo().git_chomp('hash-object',l:path)
if !exists('g:SAFE_VIMRC') | let g:SAFE_VIMRC = {} | endif
if has_key(g:SAFE_VIMRC,l:path) && g:SAFE_VIMRC[l:path] ==? l:sha1
execute 'source '.fnameescape(l:path)
elseif confirm("Trust ".l:path."?", "&Yes\n&No",2) == 1
let g:SAFE_VIMRC[l:path] = l:sha1
execute 'source '.fnameescape(l:path)
execute 'sandbox source '.fnameescape(l:path)
autocmd User FugitiveBoot call LoadRepoVimrc()
set viminfo ^= !
If the ! option is set on the viminfo setting, then the SAFE_VIMRC dictionary will be preserved between runs (note the ^ to prepend the option so it doesn't mess up the n option).
