I have 10 different types of images in a folder. After the prediction of Images using VGG16 Module in a folder, I got some levels for those Images. How can I match those levels to the images in my folder and how can I segregate the one type of images in one folder?
Not getting anything.
('n04536866', 'violin', 0.98542005),
('n03028079', 'church', 0.35847503),
('n02690373', 'airliner', 0.945028),
('n03642806', 'laptop', 0.52074945),
I´m getting predictions like this, now i want to match these levels with my images and filter out the one kind of images in one folder.
Please read some basics about neural networks and image classification. The result of your prediction is an n-dimensional vector, where n is the number of ground truth labels, and the components of the vector are the probability for each class. So from the example above the neural network assume, that the input image which was used for this prediction has a probability of 98,54% to show a violin.
I am trying to implement an image classification task for the grayscale images, which were converted from some sensor readings. It means that I had initially time series data e.g. acceleration or displacement, then I transformed them into images. Before I do the transformation, I did apply normalization across the data. I have a 1000x9 image dimension where 1000 represents the total time step and 9 is the number of data points. The split ratio is 70%, 15%, and 15% for training, validation, and test data sets. There are 10 different labels, each label has 100 images, it's a multi-class classification task.
An example of my array before image conversion is:
As you see above, the precisions are so sensitive. When I convert them into images, I am able to see the darkness and white part of the image;
Imagine that I have a directory from D1 to D9 (damaged cases) and UN (health case) and there are so many images like this.
Then, I have a CNN-network where my goal is to make a classification. But, there is a significant overfitting issue and whatever I do it's not working out. One of the architecture I've been working on;
Model summary;
I also augment the data. After 250 epochs, this is what I get;
So, what I wonder is that I tried to apply some regularization or augmentation but they do not give me kind of solid results. I experimented it by changing the number of hidden units, layers, etc. Would you think that I need to fully change my architecture? I basically consider two blocks of CNN and FC layers at the end. This is not the first time I've been working on images like this, but I cannot mitigate this overfitting issue. I appreciate it if any of you give me some solid suggestions so I can get smooth results. i was thinking to use some pre-trained models for transfer learning but the image dimension causes some problems, do you know if I can use any of those pre-trained models with 1000x9 image dimension? I know there are some overfiting topics in the forum, but since those images are coming from numerical arrays and I could not make it work, I wanted to create a new title. Thank you!
I'm working on signature verification and there were a bunch of things I wanted to do using Keras/ OpenCV/ PIL but couldn't find relevant information. I have loaded the dataset folder using Keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory and now need to:
Crop the signature from the image stored in the dataset. There may be rectangular borders (or a side of the border) and the border pixels aren't the same in all images.
Resize the image and also take care of augmentation in the signature.
Example Images:
Since I'm working in Keras, I thought of working with its functions but couldn't find any. How can I auto crop/ extract a signature in the dataset I've loaded? About image augmentation, should I do this in this image preprocessing stage, or implement this in CNN model I am using? I am new to image processing and Keras.
Also, because of loading entire training folder as a dataset, the labels are "Genuine" and "Forged". However, there are multiple genuine and forged signatures of a person, and there are multiple people. How do I divide the data?
Organize your directories as follows
```person1 fake image
```person1 fake image
---person1 real image
---person1 real image
--- etc
--- person2 fake image
--- person2 fake image
--- etc
---person2 real image
---person2 real image
---personN fake image
---personN fake image
---personN real image
---personN real image
--- etc
same structure as train_dir but put test images here
same structure as train_dir but put validation images here
If you have N persons then you will have 2 X N classes
You can then use tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator().flow_from_directory()
to input your data. Documentation is here. You don't have to worry about cropping the images just set the image size in flow to something like (256,256).
Code below show the rest of the code you need
train_gen=data_gen.flow_from_directory(train_dir, target_size=(224,224), color-mode='grayscale')
valid_gen=data_gen.flow_from_directory(valid_dir, target_size=(224,224), color-mode='grayscale', shuffle=False)
test_gen=data_gen.flow_from_directory(test_dir, target_size=(224,224), color-mode='grayscale', shuffle=False)
model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), loss=tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(), metrics='accuracy')
history=model.fit(train_gen, epochs=20, verbose=1)
accuracy=model.evaluate (test_gen)[1]*100
print ('Model accuracy is ', accuracy)
Note your model will not be able to tell fake from real in the general case. It should work for persons 1 through N. You could try putting all the fake images in one class directory and all the real images in another class directory and train it but I suspect it will not work well in telling real from fake for the general case.
I have been working on a dataset in which the goal is to determine that which type of orientation is it. It is a classification problem in which for each record(for most of them) I am having 4 images - front facing, left facing, right facing and back facing product images.
I want to classify these images in the above 4 categories.
The dataset looks like this :
I have downloaded the images and put them in different folders according to their classes.
Methods I have applied:
Till now I have applied two methods to classify these images.
1) I have tried vgg16 directly to classify the images but it did not give me even 50% accuracy.
2) I converted those images into edge images with black background as:
This is done using canny edge detection. It was done because in the result I was getting images with similar color dresses, similar design dresses, etc.
On top of these I again applied vgg16, resnet50, inception models but nothing seemed to work.
Can you suggest some ideas that can work in my case and classify the images in a better way.
first of all yor data set has to be equally splited. For instance 80% train and 20% test. After that you have to balance these sets (train set 60% of class A images, 40% of class B images) the exact same for test set.
Let start by saying that i have 2 pre-trained models (in hdf5 files):
The first model is a YOLO-based model, trained on dataset A, which is used to locate human in any images (note that: a trained images o this model may contain many people inside)
The second model is a CNN model which is used to detect gender of a person (male or female) based on the image which only contains 1 person.
Suppose that i only want to use these 2 models and do not want to re-train or modify anything on the dataset. How could i locate female person in a picture of Dataset A?
A possible solution that i think could work:
First use the first model to detect, that is to create bounding boxes around persons in the images.
Crop the bounding boxes into unique images. Feed those images to the second model to see if that person is Female/Male
However, this solution is slow in performance. So is there anyway that can festen this solution or perform this task in different ways?
I tried to process the tweets dataset using CNN in Theano. Different from images, the lenght of different tweets (corresponding to the image shape) is variable. So the shape of each tweet is different. However, in Theano, the convolution need that the shape information are constant values. So my question is that is there some way to make the image_shape dynamic?
Kalchbrenner et. al (2015) implemented an CNN that accepts dynamic length input and pools them into k elements. If there are less than k elements to begin with, the remaining are zero-padded. Their experiments with sentence classification show that such networks successfully represent grammatical structures.
For details check out:
the paper (http://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.2188v1.pdf)
Matlab code (link on page 2 of the paper)
suggestion for DCNNs for Theano/Keras (https://github.com/fchollet/keras/issues/373)
Convolutional neural networks are really better suited to processing images.
For processing tweets, you might want to read about recursive neural networks.