Removing annoying whitespace dots - sublimetext3

I have some package that's adding indent guides in the form of dots for every whitespace, and I find it really annoying. How can I figure out what package is doing this, or override this thing (I have many packages in sublime text)?
It seems to happen only in my python files without text highlighting, but all files when I highlight text.
I've tried looking through all package settings within Preferences > Package Settings.


Sublime Text: Enable search highlighting for large files

I have a file that I refer to routinely (it consists of timestamps), and I use Sublime Text to edit it. Normally, when I search for a token in Sublime (Command-F), all instances of the token are also highlighted.
However, the file recently went above 30,000 lines, and this seems to be a threshold for Sublime to automatically disable search highlighting.
Is there a way to re-enable search highlighting in Sublime?
This has been recently resolved.
Build 4114 adds the following options in the Sublime Preferences to make these kind of options configurable

How to disable Emmet entirely for a specific syntax in Sublime Text 3?

I have the Emmet package installed for Sublime Text 3 via Package Control. I do a lot of Markdown editing in Sublime, and I've noticed that as Markdown files get larger, inserting a tab by pressing my keyboard's Tab button gets slower and slower. However, when I disable Emmet, inserting tabs is snappy and quick again. This leads me to believe that Emmet trying to parse what I'm writing and searching for ways to expand it is slowing tabbing down significantly.
Things I have tried:
"ignored_packages": ["Emmet"] in my syntax-specific user settings.
"tab_completion": false in my global Sublime settings.
"disable_tab_abbreviations_for_scopes": "text.html.markdown" in my Emmet settings.
To be clear: I still want Emmet to run for other syntax/filetypes. I just want Emmet, or at least whatever part of Emmet's behaviour is slowing down my tabbing, to be disabled when I'm writing in Markdown (*.md) files, or whichever files have the markdown syntax selected.
You can try new Emmet 2 extension (still in development):
It should work much faster and better

Sublime Text 3 no longer holds SCSS syntax highlighting

My SCSS files keep defaulting to an unfamiliar syntax highlighting for Sublime Text (build 3103). The SCSS package was working up until now.
Recently, Sublime Text displayed a message about one of my packages updating & how my display preferences would be corrupted until I reset Sublime. My sidebar looked weird, so I reset it. This fixed the sidebar, but every time I open an SCSS file its highlighting is wrong.
Things I've tried, in various combinations...
Remove the SCSS package
Quit Sublime Text completely
Delete the Packages/User/SCSS.sublime-settings file
Delete the Cache/SCSS/ directory
Reinstall the SCSS package
Set the syntax automatically with View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as... > SCSS
Set the syntax manually with Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings – More > Syntax Specific – User
How my SCSS.sublime-settings file appears...
/// SCSS.sublime-settings
"... unfamiliar syntax highlighting..."
It is still recognized as an SCSS file (as stated in the bottom right of the editor window). But the highlighting is unfamiliar, as it does not match the highlighting style I have seen for any syntax.
More details...
No color schemes or themes were changed, I quadruple-checked in the settings
How it happened
I was working with SCSS
The update to build 3103 occurred
I reset Sublime Text
The highlighting broke for SCSS (all of the other syntax highlights seem fine)
The closest thing I have found to an answer (which is also what style-nes referenced) is that the 3103 build added a new syntax definition format called .sublime-syntax, which the SCSS probably doesn't account for (looks un-maintained).

Sublime Text: disable all packages

I'm using Sublime Text 3083.
When I load a file with several thousand lines and try to edit it, it gets amazingly un-responsive to the point that adding/removing even one character takes it seconds.
I have > 20 packages installed and I need a way to disable all of them at once, to check if this issue is package related or o not.
I've searched around and I know that you can disable packages one by one but that's not good when lots of packages are installed. According to this post in the sublime forum, there is no way to do this but the post is rather old (and also not an official statement)
So, is there a way to do this? Perhaps with a package or a --no-packages flag or some other trick?
BTW: for the sake of completeness, after applying the solution I found that there were two packages responsible for the lag: GitGutter and WordHighlight.
The best thing I can think of is to keep a list of the package names that you can copy and paste into your preferences file in the "ignored packages" section. If you have any sort of linter or code intel that might be the culprit if it's several thousand lines.
Another thing to try would be to just make a copy of your Packages/Users/Package Control.sublime-settings file, then edit the original and delete all the listed packages there and restart ST3. Definitely make that copy first in case it screws up.
Gabriel reports he ultimately solved the issue by copying the list of installed packages out of the Packages/Users/Package Control.sublime-settings file and paste them into the ignored_packages section of his preferences file.
Packages can be simply disabled as follows
Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open Command Palette
Type disable, select Package Control: Disable Package
This will give the list of all the Installed Packages, click on the one which you want to disable.
That's it. And you can enable disabled package anytime, just type enable in step:2.

Why is AngularJS package for Sublime Text blocking default buffer words in completion?

I am using Sublime Text 3, and I installed the very useful angularJs package which gives great code completion for both JavaScript and HTML files, and I really don't want to disable it, but it stops the default word completion of Sublime Text.
In Preference->Package Settings->AngularJs I set the disable_default_js_completions option to false in both user and default settings, but it still messes with the word completion.
Found other people with the same issue :
The only fix seems to be to install a TernJs package for auto-completion to replace the default functionality.
The issue is reported, and you have a temporary solution, i.e., TernJS package installation. I had to install that too in order to see buffer words and such appear in the autocomplete list, it wasn't folding them in even at the lower priority. The completions that show in Show Completions now appear after installing TernJS. I don't think there is a known hotfix, I've contributed to the report, we'll need to wait on a bug fix, or just keep using TernJS. You probably want to install Emmet and Better Completion packages if you haven't already, as well. Between those, AngularJS and TernJS packages, you're pretty covered, minus any specialities you require.
