I want to deploy a image from docker hub to Azure Container Instance.How can we do this.Is it mandatory to push the image first to Azure Container Registry?
All solutions I am getting shows that we need to push the image first to Azure Container Registry.
No, you need not push the image to ACR first, just let the image stay in the docker hub. For example, deploy the Nginx docker image to ACI, the Azure CLI command like below:
az container create -g resourceGroup -n aciName --image nginx --ports 80
As the command shows, you can use the docker image. Actually, the docker hub is the default registry. When you use another registry, you need to add the parameters --registry-login-server, --registry-username and --registry-password. For more details, see az container create.
It also shows clearly in the Azure portal, when you create ACI in the portal, you can see it like below:
You can use docker image directly with the container as follows,
az container create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name mycontainer --image docker image url
from ACA docs we have to specify target port of the container
az containerapp create \
--name my-container-app \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--image mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/containerapps-helloworld:latest \
--target-port 80 \
--ingress 'external' \
--query configuration.ingress.fqdn
Now my question is how to deploy via docker-compose not just a single image, since there is a single target-port?
If you want to deploy multiple containers to a single container app, you can define more than one container in the configuration's containers array
Reference: Containers in Azure Container Apps Preview | Microsoft Docs
If you want to deploy your application via Docker Compose, you can deploy to Azure Web app
While creating the web app, select publish as Docker Container. Under Docker, select options as Docker Compose and provide the Docker Compose file
Created Azure app services web app without using any Docker registry integration.
I want achieve below.
1] create, tag image on my Linux machine
2] deploy local Docker image to App services web app using below
az webapp config container set --name springboot-docker-helloworld-app --resource-group SpringBoot --docker-custom-image-name org/dockerspringtboot-metinv:latest
But it is not working.
Is it possible to deploy local Docker images to Azure app services web app ?
You'll need to push your container image to an Azure container registry from which your Azure web app can pull the image.
You can do this using Azure CLI with the following steps:
$ az acr create --resource-group your_rg \
--name yourAcrName --sku Basic
# login to the container registry locally
$ az acr login --name yourAcrName
# update the container registry to use admin-enabled
# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-authentication?tabs=azure-cli#admin-account
$ az acr update -n yourAcrName --admin-enabled true
# tag your local image to the container registry
$ docker tag dockerspringtboot-metinv:latest yourAcrName/dockerspringtboot-metinv:latest
# push image to your container registry
$ docker push yourAcrName/dockerspringtboot-metinv:latest
Then you can create an app service plan and deploy the web app specifying to use your container registry.
$ az appservice plan create -g your-rg \
-n your-app-plan \
--sku B1 --is-linux
# deploy your container as an app in the created App Service plan
$ az webapp create -g your-rg \
-p your-app-plan \
-n dockerspringtboot \
-i yourAcrName/dockerspringtboot-metinv:latest
I'm trying to setup a script for automate the creation of a new environment for my app, and i need a docker webapp.
The problem is that i need to pull the image from docker hub.
When i create an env from the interface in juste setup it like that :
The problem is that i don't find out how i can configure the "Source de registre" on Docker Hub by the az cli.
For now the command i'm using to create a new web app ressource is this one
az webapp create -g name_of_group -p name_of_plan -n resource-test2 -i https://registry.hub.docker.com/publisher/name_of_image:version -s name_of_image -w my_password
The problem of this command is that it give me this configuration
Which doesn't work because i can't get logged in (probably because it's not configured as a Docker Hub registre).
Do you know how i can specify this configuration in my az cli command ? Thanks
To deploy the images stored in a private registry or the Docker Hub, you can set the environment variables below:
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_USERNAME - The username for the ACR server.
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_URL - The full URL to the ACR server. (For example, https://my-server.azurecr.io.)
DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER_PASSWORD - The password for the ACR server.
Get more details here. And you can use the CLI command az webapp config appsettings set to do it.
Recently had the same problem deploying azure cloud webapp from a container in my private docker hub repo. UI experience works fine but when I do it using azure cli with 'az webapp create ...' ended up with same problem. I was able to fix it by using 'az webapp config container set ...' command after creating the webapp. See below and in my github repo
# First create the webapp with a docker container:
~$ az webapp create -n $webAppName -g $resGroup -p $servicePlan -i $containerImg -s $dockerUsr -w $dockerPass --tags Lifecycle=Test
# Update docker container settings with your private docker hub repo credentials:
~$ az webapp config container set --name $webAppName --resource-group $resGroup --docker-custom-image-name 'DOCKER|dockeruser/myrepo:tweb1' --docker-registry-server-url 'https://index.docker.io/v1' --docker-registry-server-user 'dockeruser' --docker-registry-server-password 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
When building my docker image locally and import it to Azure Container Registry (ACR), the Image platform is Windows. It should be Linux. How can I import my image as a Linux platform?
I am using this command to import the image to my ACR.
az acr import
By using the command az acr import means that you can import an image to an Azure Container Registry from another Container Registry. So you should have container images from a public registry or another Azure container registry, in the same or a different Azure subscription or tenant or from a non-Azure private container registry. Read Import container images to a container registry for more details.
In this case, if you have built the images locally, you can push the images directly to the ACR instead of using import. You can make it as the Tutorial: Create an Azure container registry and push a container image:
log in to your Azure Container Registry instance
az acr login --name <acrName>
tag the image with the full name of the registry's login server.
docker tag <localImage> <acrLoginServer>/<acrRepository>:<tag>
Push image to Azure Container Registry
docker push <acrLoginServer>/<acrRepository>:<tag>
Use the following command to import from another ACR from a different subscription.
az acr import --name <DESTINATION-ACR> --force\
--username <USERNAME> \
--password <PASSWORD>
Maybe I do not understand the concept of Azure Container Instances (ACI) and Azure at all correctly. I am using Azure CLI on my Windows-Computer and want to create a Windows-container (core-image) with dockerfile. But there is no AZ command available. I am able to create a container, there is no problem. But not with a dockerfile. Is there a possibility to run docker commands for Azure (Azure CLI, Azure bash, Azure powershell)? Maybe somebody can clarify my misunderstanding.
Many thanks in advance, J.
Of curse, yes, you can use the Azure CLI command to build containers with Dockerfile. But there is a queue for the steps.
The docker image is the first step, you can use the CLI command az acr build to build the image directly in the ACR, with your Dockerfile. For example, the Dockerfile is in your local machine and it's windows image:
az acr build -t sample/hello-world:{{.Run.ID}} -r MyRegistry . --platform windows
The ACI is the second step, CLI command az container create will help you to create the container instance with your images. The example command here:
az container create -g MyResourceGroup --name mywinapp --image winappimage:latest --os-type Windows --cpu 2 --memory 3.5
Once you have your image, you should publish it to Azure Container Registry or Docker Hub.
Take a look on the following links, it provides the information to:
Create a container image for deployment to Azure Container Instances
Deploy the container from Azure Container Registry
Deploy your application
I have recently done the same thing. I have deployed my windows service to Azure Container Instance through Azure Container Registry. Here is step by step process you need to follow. Before performing these steps you need to have published folder of application. You need to install Docker Desktop in your machine.
Create Dockerfile with below commands and put it inside published folder:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/runtime:4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
COPY . .
ENTRYPOINT Application.exe
Here you need to use base file as per your neeed. You can find Windows base images [here][1]
Now navigate to this directory(published folder path) in Powershell and execute below command:
docker image build -t IMAGE_NAME:TAG . -- name of the image with tag
docker run --rm IMAGE_NAME:TAG -- you can run it locally
Now to push this image to Azure, below are the commands. First login into azure and then azure container registery.
az login -- it will navigate to browser for login
docker tag IMAGE_NAME:TAG ACR_LOGIN_SERVER_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:TAG -- tag local image to azure inside ACR
docker push ACR_LOGIN_SERVER_NAME/IMAGE_NAME:TAG -- push image to ACR
Once you have pushed docker image to ACR, you can see it under Repositories in ACR. Based on this repository, you need to create Azure Container Instance to run your docker image.
To create ACI, click on "Create a resource" and select Containers > Container Instances. Here, you need to key some info like resource group and docker image credentials. Make sure you select Private as Image type and key image registry credentials. This ACI deployment process may take couple of minutes as it will fetch the docker image and then deploy. Once deployment is done, you will see Container running and you can check logs as well.
Hope it helps!!