Can `foldr` and `foldl` be defined in terms of each other? - haskell

Can foldr and foldl be defined in terms of each other?
Programming in Haskell by Hutton says
What do we need to define manually? The minimal complete definition for an instance of the
Foldable class is to define either foldMap or foldr, as all other functions in the class can be derived
from either of these two using the default definitions and the instance for lists.
So how can foldl be defined in terms of foldr?
Can foldr be defined in terms of foldl, so that we can define a Foldable type by defining foldl?
Why is it that in Foldable, fold is defined in terms of foldMap which is defined in terms of foldr, while in list foldable, some specializations of fold are defined in terms of foldl as:
maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
maximum = foldl max
minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minimum = foldl min
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum = foldl (+) 0
product :: Num a => [a] -> a
product = foldl (*) 1
? Can they be rewritten as
maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
maximum = foldr max
minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minimum = foldr min
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
sum = foldr (+) 0
product :: Num a => [a] -> a
product = foldr (*) 1

In general, neither foldr nor foldl can be implemented in terms of each other. The core operation of Foldable is foldMap, from which all the other operations may be derived. Neither foldr nor foldl are enough. However, the difference only shines through in the case of infinite or (partially) undefined structures, so there's a tendency to gloss over this fact.
#DamianLattenero has shown the "implementations" of foldl and foldr in terms of one another:
foldl' c = foldr (flip c)
foldr' c = foldl (flip c)
But they do not always have the correct behavior. Consider lists. Then, foldr (:) [] xs = xs for all xs :: [a]. However, foldr' (:) [] /= xs for all xs, because foldr' (:) [] xs = foldl (flip (:)) n xs, and foldl (in the case of lists) has to walk the entire spine of the list before it can produce an output. But, if xs is infinite, foldl can't walk the entire infinite list, so foldr' (:) [] xs loops forever for infinite xs, while foldr (:) [] xs just produces xs. foldl' = foldl as desired, however. Essentially, for [], foldr is "natural" and foldl is "unnatural". Implementing foldl with foldr works because you're just losing "naturalness", but implementing foldr in terms of foldl doesn't work, because you cannot recover that "natural" behavior.
On the flipside, consider
data Tsil a = Lin | Snoc (Tsil a) a
-- backwards version of data [a] = [] | (:) a [a]
In this case, foldl is natural:
foldl c n Lin = n
foldl c n (Snoc xs x) = c (foldl c n xs) x
And foldr is unnatural:
foldr c = foldl (flip c)
Now, foldl has the good, "productive" behavior on infinite/partially undefined Tsils, while foldr does not. Implementing foldr in terms of foldl works (as I just did above), but you cannot implement foldl in terms of foldr, because you cannot recover that productivity.
foldMap avoids this issue. For []:
foldMap f [] = mempty
foldMap f (x : xs) = f x <> foldMap f xs
-- foldMap f = foldr (\x r -> f x <> r) mempty
And for Tsil:
foldMap f Lin = mempty
foldMap f (Snoc xs x) = foldMap f xs <> f x
-- foldMap f = foldl (\r x -> r <> f x) mempty
instance Semigroup [a] where
[] <> ys = ys
(x : xs) <> ys = x : (xs <> ys)
-- (<>) = (++)
instance Monoid [a] where mempty = []
instance Semigroup (Tsil a) where
ys <> Lin = ys
ys <> (Snoc xs x) = Snoc (ys <> xs) x
instance Monoid (Tsil a) where mempty = Lin
And we have
foldMap (: []) xs = xs -- even for infinite xs
foldMap (Snoc Lin) xs = xs -- even for infinite xs
Implementations for foldl and foldr are actually given in the documentation
foldr f z t = appEndo (foldMap (Endo . f) t ) z
foldl f z t = appEndo (getDual (foldMap (Dual . Endo . flip f) t)) z
f is used to turn each a in the t a into a b -> b (Endo b), and then all the b -> bs are composed together (foldr does it one way, while foldl composes them backwards with Dual (Endo b)) and the final b -> b is then applied to the initial value z :: b.
foldr is replaced with foldl in specializations sum, minimum, etc. in the instance Foldable [], for performance reasons. The idea is that you can't take the sum of an infinite list anyway (this assumption is false, but it's generally true enough), so we don't need foldr to handle it. Using foldl is, in some cases, more performant than foldr, so foldr is changed to foldl. I would expect, for Tsil, that foldr is sometimes more performant than foldl, and therefore sum, minimum, etc. can be reimplemented in terms of foldr, instead of fold in order to get that performance improvement. Note that the documentation says that sum, minimum, etc. should be equivalent to the forms using foldMap/fold, but may be less defined, which is exactly what would happen.
Bit of an appendix, but I think it's worth noticing that:
genFoldr c n [] = n; genFoldr c n (x : xs) = c x (genFoldr c n xs)
instance Foldable [] where
foldl c = genFoldr (flip c)
foldr c = foldl (flip c)
-- similarly for Tsil
is actually a valid, lawful Foldable instance, where both foldr and foldl are unnatural and neither can handle infinite structures (foldMap is defaulted in terms of foldr, and thus won't handle infinite lists either). In this case, foldr and foldl can be written in terms of each other (foldl c = foldr (flip c), though it is implemented with genFoldr). However, this instance is undesirable, because we would really like a foldr that can handle infinite lists, so we instead implement
instance Foldable [] where
foldr = genFoldr
foldl c = foldr (flip c)
where the equality foldr c = foldl (flip c) no longer holds.

Here's a type for which neither foldl nor foldr can be implemented in terms of the other:
import Data.Functor.Reverse
import Data.Monoid
data DL a = DL [a] (Reverse [] a)
deriving Foldable
The Foldable implementation looks like
instance Foldable DL where
foldMap f (DL front rear) = foldMap f front <> foldMap f rear
Inlining the Foldable instance for Reverse [], and adding the corresponding foldr and foldl,
foldMap f (DL front rear) = foldMap f front <> getDual (foldMap (Dual . f) (getReverse rear))
foldr c n (DL xs (Reverse ys)) =
foldr c (foldl (flip c) n ys) xs
foldl f b (DL xs (Reverse ys)) =
foldr (flip f) (foldl f b xs) ys
If the front list is infinite, then foldr defined using foldl won't work. If the rear list is infinite, then foldl defined using foldr won't work.

In the case of lists: foldl can be defined in terms of foldr but not vice-versa.
foldl f a l = foldr (\b e c -> e (f c b)) id l a
For other types which implement Foldable: the opposite may be true.

Edit 2:
There is another way also that satisfy (based on this article) for foldl:
foldl f a list = (foldr construct (\acc -> acc) list) a
construct x r = \acc -> r (f acc x)
Edit 1
Flipping the arguments of the function will not create a same foldr/foldl, meaning this examples does not satisfy the equality of foldr-foldl:
foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
and foldl in terms of foldr:
foldl' :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' f b = foldr (flip f) b
and foldr:
foldr' :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr' f b = foldl (flip f) b
The converse is not true, since foldr may work on infinite lists, which foldl variants never can do. However, for finite lists, foldr can also be written in terms of foldl although losing laziness in the process. (for more check here)
Ando also not satisfy this examples:
foldr (-) 2 [8,10] = 8 - (10 - 2) == 0
foldl (flip (-)) 2 [8,10] = (flip (-) (flip (-) 2 8) 10) == 4


Why is foldr' not as strict as foldl'?

Consider these various attempts at something that works like last:
Prelude> import Data.Foldable
Prelude Data.Foldable> foldr const undefined (reverse [1,2,3])
Prelude Data.Foldable> foldr' const undefined (reverse [1,2,3])
Prelude Data.Foldable> foldl (flip const) undefined [1,2,3]
Prelude Data.Foldable> foldl' (flip const) undefined [1,2,3]
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at libraries/base/GHC/Err.hs:79:14 in base:GHC.Err
undefined, called at <interactive>:5:21 in interactive:Ghci4
It makes sense to me that foldl and foldr both work, since they aren't strict in their accumulator, and it makes sense to me that foldl' doesn't, since it is. But why does foldr' work? Isn't it supposed to be strict in its accumulator too?
For reference, the instance Foldable [] overrides foldr, foldl, foldl', but not foldr' (source):
instance Foldable [] where
elem = List.elem
foldl = List.foldl
foldl' = List.foldl'
foldl1 = List.foldl1
foldr = List.foldr
{- ... -}
foldr' is defined by default as (source):
foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr' f z0 xs = foldl f' id xs z0
where f' k x z = k $! f x z
Note that there is only a strictness annotation on the result of f. So the initial accumulator is not forced.
This suggests a different implementation which does force the accumulator:
foldr'' :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr'' f = foldr (\x z -> f x $! z)
(Edited: the previous version was specialized to lists.)
I have no idea why one was chosen over the other. Probably an oversight,
and it would be more consistent for foldr' to not use the default implementation in the Foldable [] instance.
As an aside, the default definition of foldl' is also different from the list one in the same way:
-- Default (class Foldable t where ...)
foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' f z0 xs = foldr f' id xs z0
where f' x k z = k $! f z x
-- List implementation
foldl' :: forall a b . (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl' k z0 xs =
foldr (\(v::a) (fn::b->b) -> oneShot (\(z::b) -> z `seq` fn (k z v))) (id :: b -> b) xs z0

What kinds of recursions are used in the definitions of `foldr` and `foldl`?

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f v [] = v
foldr f v (x:xs) = f x (foldr f v xs)
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f v [] = v
foldl f v (x:xs) = foldl f (f v x) xs
seem to use different kinds of recursions.
What kinds of recursions are used in the definitions of foldr and foldl?
foldl uses tail recursion.
foldr uses guarded recursion, the recursion being guarded by f's laziness (if any).
see also: Does Haskell have tail-recursive optimization?

Can my implementation of filter be improved?

An exercise in Haskell from First Principles says to implement filter using foldr and this is what I came up with but it feels and looks clunky. Is there a more natural way to implement it with a foldr?
import Data.Bool
myFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myFilter f = foldr (\x -> bool (++ []) ((:) x) (f x)) []
I would only use bool if it let me get rid of the lambda expression simply, by composing a call to bool with the predicate p: bool iffalse iftrue . p. However, p isn't the only function that needs to be called on a list element; (:) does as well. You could use the Applicative instance for functions, to write
myfilter p = foldr (bool id . (:) <*> p) [] -- yuck
but in this case I would just use a plain if expression, inside the lambda expression:
myfilter p = foldr (\x -> if p x then (x:) else id) [] -- much clearer!
Note that when specialized to functions, the Applicative's (<*>) operator is defined as f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x). I leave it as an exercise to use that definition to transform bool id . (:) <*> p into
\x -> bool id (x:) (p x).
You can use the Applicative instance of (->) a to make the lambda cleaner. But, if you want to use foldr, I don't think there's any substantial change you can effect:
myFilter f = foldr (bool id <$> (:) <*> f) []
bool id <$> (:) <*> f means \x -> bool id ((:) x) (f x). bool id has type ([a] -> [a]) -> Bool -> ([a] -> [a]). (:) has type a -> [a] -> [a], and f has type a -> Bool. When (<$>) and (<*>) are used in this way, you can think of it as pretending that (:) and f don't have an a argument, making them [a] -> [a] and Bool, respectively, applying them to bool id to get a [a] -> [a], and then ending the lie by reintroducing the a argument, making a a -> [a] -> [a]. The operators are in charge of threading that a around, so you don't need a lambda abstraction.
Rather than merely searching for a more elegant implementation, it would might help you more to learn an elegant process of searching for an implementation. This should make it simpler to find elegant solutions.
For any function h on lists we have that,
h = foldr f e
if and only if
h [] = e
h (x:xs) = f x (h xs)
In this case your h is filter p for some boolean function p that selects which elements to keep. Implementing filter p as a "simple" recursive function is not too hard.
filter p [] = []
filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : (filter p xs) else (filter p xs)
The 1st line implies e = []. The 2nd line needs to be written in the form f x (filter p xs) to match the equation of h above, in order for us to deduce which f to plug in the foldr. To do that we just abstract over those two expressions.
filter p [] = []
filter p (x:xs) = (\x ys -> if p x then x : ys else ys) x (filter p xs)
So we have found that,
e = []
f x ys = if p x then x: ys else ys
It therefore follows,
filter p = foldr (\y ys -> if p y then y : ys else ys) []
To learn more about this method of working with foldr I recommend reading
"A tutorial on the universality and expressiveness of fold" by Graham Hutton.
Some added notes:
In case this seems overly complicated, note that while the principles above can be used in this "semi rigorous" fashion via algebraic manipulation, they can and should also be used to guide your intuition and aid you in informal development.
The equation for h (x:xs) = f x (h xs) sheds some clarity on how to find f. In the case where h is the filtering function you want an f which combines the element x with a tail that has already been filtered. If you really understand this it should be easy to arrive at,
f x ys = if p x then x : ys else ys
Yes, there is:
myFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myFilter f = foldMap (\x -> [x | f x])
> myFilter even [1..10]
See, I switched it on you, with foldMap.
Well, with foldr it is foldr (\x -> ([x | f x] ++)) [].

foldl . foldr function composition - Haskell

So, I'm really frying my brain trying do understand the foldl.foldr composition.
Here is a example:
(foldl.foldr) (+) 1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
The result is 22, but what's really happening here?
To me it looks like this is what is happening: foldl (+) 1 [6,15].
My doubt is related to the foldr part. Shouldn't it add the 1 to all the sub-lists? Like this: foldr (+) 1 [1,2,3].
In my head the 1 is added just one time, is it right? (probably not, but I want to know how/why!).
I'm very confused (and perhaps making all the confusion, haha).
Thank you!
(foldl.foldr) (+) 1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
foldl (foldr (+)) 1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
So you get
foldl (foldr (+)) (foldr (+) 1 [1,2,3]) [[4,5,6]]
after the first step of foldl, or
foldl (foldr (+)) 7 [[4,5,6]]
if we evaluate the applied foldr (unless the strictness analyser kicks in, it would in reality remain an unevaluated thunk until the foldl has traversed the entire list, but the next expression is more readable with it evaluated), and that becomes
foldl (foldr (+)) (foldr (+) 7 [4,5,6]) []
and finally
foldl (foldr (+)) 22 []
~> 22
Let's examine foldl . foldr. Their types are
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> (a -> [b] -> a)
foldr :: (c -> d -> d) -> (d -> [c] -> d)
I intentionally used distinct type variables and I added parentheses so that it becomes more apparent that we view them now as functions of one argument (and their results are functions). Looking at foldl we see that it is a kind of lifting function: Given a function that produces a from a using b, we lift it so that it works on [b] (by repeating the computation). Function foldr is similar, just with arguments reversed.
Now what happens if we apply foldl . foldr? First, let's derive the type: We have to unify the type variables so that the result of foldr matches the argument of foldl. So we have to substitute: a = d, b = [c]:
foldl :: (d -> [c] -> d) -> (d -> [[c]] -> d)
foldr :: (c -> d -> d) -> (d -> [c] -> d)
So we get
foldl . foldr :: (c -> d -> d) -> (d -> [[c]] -> d)
And what is its meaning? First, foldr lifts the argument of type c -> d -> d to work on lists, and reverses its arguments so that we get d -> [c] -> d. Next, foldl lifts this function again to work on [[c]] - lists of [c].
In your case, the operation being lifted (+) is associative, so we don't have care about the order of its application. The double lifting simply creates a function that applies the operation on all the nested elements.
If we use just foldl, the effect is even nicer: We can lift multiple times, like in
foldl . foldl . foldl . foldl
:: (a -> b -> a) -> (a -> [[[[b]]]] -> a)
Actually, (foldl.foldr) f z xs === foldr f z (concat $ reverse xs).
Even if f is an associative operation, the correct sequence of applications matters, as it can have an impact on performance.
We begin with
(foldl.foldr) f z xs
foldl (foldr f) z xs
writing with g = foldr f and [x1,x2,...,xn_1,xn] = xs for a moment, this is
(...((z `g` x1) `g` x2) ... `g` xn)
(`g` xn) ((`g` xn_1) ... ((`g` x1) z) ... )
foldr f z $ concat [xn,xn_1, ..., x1]
foldr f z $ concat $ reverse xs
So in your case the correct reduction sequence is
(foldl.foldr) 1 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
4+(5+(6+( 1+(2+(3+ 1)))))
To wit,
Prelude> (foldl.foldr) (:) [] [[1..3],[4..6],[7..8]]
Similarly, (foldl.foldl) f z xs == foldl f z $ concat xs. With snoc a b = a++[b],
Prelude> (foldl.foldl) snoc [] [[1..3],[4..6],[7..8]]
Also, (foldl.foldl.foldl) f z xs == (foldl.foldl) (foldl f) z xs == foldl (foldl f) z $ concat xs == (foldl.foldl) f z $ concat xs == foldl f z $ concat (concat xs), etc.:
Prelude> (foldl.foldl.foldl) snoc [] [[[1..3],[4..6]],[[7..8]]]
Prelude> (foldl.foldr.foldl) snoc [] [[[1..3],[4..6]],[[7..8]]]
Prelude> (foldl.foldl.foldr) (:) [] [[[1..3],[4..6]],[[7..8]]]

What's wrong with following foldl implementation?

By the task we've had to implement foldl by foldr. By comparing both function signatures and foldl implementation I came with the following solution:
myFoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
myFoldl _ acc [] = acc
myFoldl fn acc (x:xs) = foldr fn' (fn' x acc) xs
fn' = flip fn
Just flip function arguments to satisfy foldr expected types and mimic foldl definition by recursively applying passed function.
It was a surprise as my teacher rated this answer with zero points.
I even checked this definition stacks its intermediate results in the same way as the standard foldl:
> myFoldl (\a elm -> concat ["(",a,"+",elm,")"]) "" (map show [1..10])
> "((((((((((+1)+10)+9)+8)+7)+6)+5)+4)+3)+2)"
> foldl (\a elm -> concat ["(",a,"+",elm,")"]) "" (map show [1..10])
> "((((((((((+1)+10)+9)+8)+7)+6)+5)+4)+3)+2)"
The correct answer was the following defintion:
myFoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
myFoldl f z xs = foldr step id xs z
where step x g a = g (f a x)
Just asking why is my previous definition incorrect ?
Essentially, your fold goes in the wrong order. I think you didn't copy your output from foldl correctly; I get the following:
*Main> myFoldl (\ a elem -> concat ["(", a, "+", elem, ")"]) "" (map show [1..10])
*Main> foldl (\ a elem -> concat ["(", a, "+", elem, ")"]) "" (map show [1..10])
so what happens is that your implementation gets the first element--the base case--correct but then uses foldr for the rest which results in everything else being processed backwards.
There are some nice pictures of the different orders the folds work in on the Haskell wiki:
This shows how foldr (:) [] should be the identity for lists and foldl (flip (:)) [] should reverse a list. In your case, all it does is put the first element at the end but leaves everything else in the same order. Here is exactly what I mean:
*Main> foldl (flip (:)) [] [1..10]
*Main> myFoldl (flip (:)) [] [1..10]
This brings us to a deeper and far more important point--even in Haskell, just because the types line up does not mean your code works. The Haskell type system is not omnipotent and there are often many--even an infinite number of--functions that satisfy any given type. As a degenerate example, even the following definition of myFoldl type-checks:
myFoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
myFoldl _ acc _ = acc
So you have to think about exactly what your function is doing even if the types match. Thinking about things like folds might be confusing for a while, but you'll get used to it.
