upload generated pdf without temporarily writing any file - node.js

I want to upload pdf file created by pdfmake to remote server. For that I am using following code roughly.
const doc = printer.createPdfKitDocument(docDefinition);
var form = new FormData();
form.append("file", fs.createReadStream(filename));
let response=await axios.post(url, form, {headers: {
But issue with above approach is it requires to create file locally. I want to avoid that and want to take output from pdfmake and send it directly to server. How can I do that ?


Axios Excel file download using POST has missing rows

I'm trying to download an Excel file using an axios POST request. The backend seems to be working fine as I can download the Excel file using Swagger UI and Postman. The problem happens when I try to download using axios and I only get an Excel file with headers but missing all the rows of data. Here is my axios request:
await axios.post(API.viewReport.reportsNotLoginExcel, { data: data },
responseType: 'arraybuffer', // Important
).then(async (response) => {
let blob = new Blob([response.data], {type:'application/vnd.ms-excel'});
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = url;
link.setAttribute("download", "file.xlsx");
I have tried both responseType: 'arraybuffer' and responseType: 'blob'
And here is my Spring controller:
#PostMapping(path = "/reports/not-login/excel", produces = "application/vnd.ms-excel")
public ResponseEntity<Resource> doDownloadNotYetLogin(#RequestHeader(value = "iv-user") String ivUser,
#Valid #RequestBody DownloadRequest downloadRequest) {
InputStreamResource file = new InputStreamResource(viewReportService.doDownloadNotYetLogin(downloadRequest));
String filename = "NotYetLoginReport.xlsx";
return ResponseEntity.ok().header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=" + filename)
In both Swagger UI and Postman, I am able to download the file with the correct data, so I assume there is nothing wrong with my backend.
Excel file with correct data
But downloading the file using axios gives me a file with only the headers and no rows of data.
Excel file with missing rows of data
There are no error messages or warnings from either frontend or backend.
I've tried external libraries like js-file-download and solutions from other posts but so far with no luck. I'm confused because I am able to get the file but somehow part of it is missing, and I haven't found any post facing this problem either.
Do let me know if any other information would be useful to show.

Pass file uploaded via HTTP POST to another API

I have a Node.js (16.13.1) REST API using Express and one of my endpoints receives one or more uploaded files. The client (web app) uses FormData into which the files are appended. Once they're submitted to my API, the code there uses multer to grab the files from the request object.
Now I'm having trouble trying to send those same files to another API. multer attaches the files to req.files and each file object in that array has several properties one of which is buffer. I tried using the stream package's Duplex object to convert this buffer to a stream so that I could append the file to another FormData object, but when the server the second API is running on receives the request, I get an error from the web server saying that "a potentially dangerous request.form value was detected from the client.".
Any suggestions?
I am working on a nest project I was also facing this issue did some research and found that we need to create a Readable from the Buffer of that file and it's working for me.
// Controller
async uploadFile(#UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File) {
return this.apiservice.upload(file);
// Service
uploadFile(file: Express.Multer.File) {
const readstream = Readable.from(file.buffer)
const form = new FormData();
form.append('file', file, { filename: extra.filename });
const url = `api_endpoint`;
const config: AxiosRequestConfig = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
return axios.post(url, form, config);

Save file from url base64 data to pdf

I am making a react app where I have a field that allows users to upload PDF files.
I have successfuly uploaded and sent the files as base64 string to the server and I do receive it, however I am having trouble with saving the file back to pdf, here is what I have tried:
const fs = require("fs");
const invoice = { fileData: "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjandtherestofthedatastring..." };
const invoiceFileContents = new Buffer.from(invoice.fileData, "base64");
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + "invoicetest.pdf", invoiceFileContents);
This does create a pdf file, but I am unable to open it, Adobe says its broken.
I managed to solve it, the appended string infront of the whole data string data:application/pdf;base64, should be trimmed:
const invoiceFileContents = new Buffer.from(
invoice.fileData.substring(invoice.fileData.indexOf("base64") + 7),

upload file contents stored in a string as file, to server without writing any file locally

I am trying to upload a string which stores contents of a pdf in base64 to server. In my earlier approach I was using following code
var form = new FormData();
form.append("file", fs.createReadStream(filePath));
let response=await axios.post(url, form, {headers: {
But in this approach I had to write string contents to temporary file first. I want to avoid it. So I need some help. The data in string is obtained from PDFMake tool.

Converting adobe inDesign to pptx (is it even possible?)

I'm struggling to find a solution. I have a bulk of Adobe inDesign files I'm trying to convert over as PDFs
I know you can export to inDesign -> PDF then from Acrobat PDF -> PPTX. This would work well if it was just one or two files. I don't want to keep doing this over and over. I've tried using pdf-powerpoint the only issue with that is it exports each slide as a PNG. I would still like to be able to edit them afterward. I've seen that it is possible to use javascript to automate Adobe products but, after combing through their documentation I'm not sure if it's possible to pipe data into other Adobe products. Any suggestions?
You want to convert a PDF file to a Microsoft Powerpoint file (pptx).
You want to achieve this using Node.js.
If my understanding is correct, how about this workaround? In this workaround, it uses an external API which is ConvertAPI. The pptx file converted by this API can be edited by Microsoft Powerpoint. When you try this, for example, you can also test this using "Free Package". When you try using "Free Package", please Sign Up at "Free Package" and retrieve your Secret key.
Sample script:
const fs = require('fs');
const request = require('request');
const pdfFile = "### PDF file ###"; // Please set PDF filename including the path.
const url = "https://v2.convertapi.com/convert/pdf/to/pptx?Secret=#####"; // Please set your Secret key.
const options = {
url: url,
method: 'POST',
formData: {File: fs.createReadStream(pdfFile)},
request(options, function(err, res, body) {
if (err) {
const obj = JSON.parse(body);
obj.Files.forEach(function(e) {
const file = new Buffer(e.FileData, "base64");
fs.writeFile(e.FileName, file, function(err) {
if (err) {
Before you run ths script, please retrieve your secret key.
In this script, a PDF file is uploaded and converted to pptx file, and download it. Then, it is saved as a pptx file.
This is a simple sample script. So please modify it for your situation.
PDF to PPTX API of ConvertAPI
If this workaround was not what you want, I'm sorry.
