Python Array rounding - python-3.x

unable to get one column of an array with only 1 decimal
Hi. I am a newbie in Python 3.7 so I apologize beforehand. I have two arrays both with a shape of (1000,1) (Predict and Target). The first is a list of predicted values which I rounded to 1 decimal place and verified that the numbers have only 1 sigfig. When I concatenate both arrays into one to compare the two, the first column (the one from Predict) reverts back to its original format and has over 8 sigfigs.
predict = model.predict_on_batch(training_data['inputs']).round(1)
targets = training_data['targets'].round(1)
test=np.concatenate((predict,targets),axis = 1)
I get the following
array([[-5.69999981, -6.1 ],
[ 5.30000019, 5.5 ],
[37.59999847, 37.4 ],
I try adding
but that doesn't work. Can anyone guide me on how to round the fist column to just 1 sf?
Many thanks

I think you are selecting just the first row. You have to select it like the below.
Let me know if it worked


[Excel][Math] Formula to generate numbers between two limits

I am trying to fill a column in Excel with values that are generated randomly but the sum of all the values total to the end.
Starting value = 320
Final value = 350
Need to generate 2 more values which have random difference between them but total to 350 at the end, as in: 2nd val = 12, 3rd val = 18.
The script/formula should generate different values when run next (for another table etc.). It may generate, for the same starting and final values, 15 and 15 or 8 and 22 for the 2nd and 3rd values respectively etc.
Basically what the formula should do is: Find the difference between the starting and final values then randomly add a number to create the 2nd entry. Now the third entry should follow the same pattern but the value generated should end up totaling to the final.
The example is only for 2 values but I'm working on tables ranging from 15-30+ values.
I don't know if Excel can do it, or if there's a mathematical formula that will work here.
Thanks in advance for all the help!
You need something like this:
That gives:
The trick is to generate a list of uniform random numbers between 0 and 1 and then scale those numbers up the total that you're looking for.

Determine Size Of Array of Equal Items Excel

I have an array that looks like this
essentially, an array of fixed size with each item being a 1 or 0 with the last item always equal to 0.
Consider each set of consecutive 1's to be a "bucket". I'd like a formula to determine the size of each bucket. So the output of this formula for the above sequence should be
as an array. Ideally this works in both excel and google sheets.
If you are interested this is the result of a list of stars and bars configurations where the 0's in my sequence represent bars and the 1's represent stars (the final value is a dummy 0 to make things easier to work with). I want the size of each non-empty bucket in a given configuration of stars and bars.
Thanks, in advance.
You could also use the standard method with Frequency which will work with Excel 365 and GS:
TRANSPOSE(A1:K),, 9^9)), " ", ), 0))))),, 9^9)), " ", ))))
Assuming A2:A9 contains the data,
FREQUENCY(data,classes) to get the frequency of data in classes
Make sequence of row numbers as data, if 1
Make sequence of row numbers as classes, if not 1
QUERY to get rid of zeros

extraneous digits formatting within dataframe

I am running into a formatting / precision issue which I'm hoping to control
I obtain a list of numbers such as:
x = [0.009947, 0.009447, 0.008947]
The finished product I'm after is a DataFrame with a column whose value is this list but multiplied by 100 with 3 decimal places, e.g.
[0.995, 0.945, 0.895]
I proceed as follows:
x = 100*np.around([0.009947, 0.009447, 0.008947],5)
this displays as
array([0.995, 0.945, 0.895])
When I build the DataFrame:
I get for the value in the 'test' column:
[0.9950000000000001, 0.9450000000000001, 0.895]
This does not happen in other examples and I'm not sure how to control the behavior. Appreciate any suggestions
This is a general issue with the usage of floating points in computers, check this out
from the docs

Excel: How to find closest number in table, many times

Need to find nearest float in a table, for each integer 0..99 explains a great technique for finding the CLOSEST number from an array to a constant cell.
I need to perform this for many values (specifically, find nearest to a vertical list of integers 0..99 from within a list of floats).
Array formulas don't allow the compare-to value (integers) to change as we move down the list of integers, it treats it like a constant location.
I tried Tables, referring to the integers (works) but the formula from the above web site requires an Array operation (F2, control shift Enter), which are not permitted in Tables. Correction: You can enter the formula, control-enter the array function for one cell, copy the formulas, then insert table. Don't change the search cell reference!
I can still use array operations, but I manually have to copy the desired function into each 100 target cells. No biggie.
Fixed typo in formula. See end of question for details about "perfection".
Example code:
AI4=some integer
AJ4=MATCH(MIN(ABS(Table[float_column]-AI4)), ABS(Table[float_column]-AI4), 0)
repeat for subsequent integers in AI5...AI103
Example data:
0.1 <= matches 0
0.95 <= matches 1
1.51 <= matches 2
Consider the case where target=5, and 4.5, 5.5 exist in the list. One gives -0.5 and the other +0.5. Searching for ABS(-.5) will give the first one. Either one is decent, unless your data is non-monotonic.
This still needs a better solution.
Thanks in advance!
I had another problem, which pushed to a better solution.
Specifically, since the Y values for the X that I am interested in can be at varying distances in X, I will interpolate X between the X point before and after. Ie search for less than or equal, also greater than or equal, interpolate the desired X, then interpolate the Y values.
I could go a step further and interpolate N - 1 to N + 1, which will give cleaner results for noisy data.

Excel sum based on matrix condition and multiple criteria

Following from the example here I'm trying to add additional conditions to a sum formula. I've represented an example below:
The output that I'm looking for for example for Jan 2017 is
UP A 1
UP B 6
UP C 6
I tried with the following formula:
but I get a N/A value.
Does anyone know it if is possible to do it?
In your first example the number of rows in array1 and number of columns in array2 were equal, five. Here you have two columns and 13 rows. That they are unequal here is part (all) of the reason why you are having an issue.
Also your match function is returning a Boolean not an array
I have a way to do this using matrix condition and multiple criteria but had to change problem up a bit, see photo for example:
You can create a formula to fill the second matrix with X's see below
That being said I don't think this is particularly efficient as you are treating the one of the matrixes as a all 1's so you basically just adding an extra criteria / Boolean with added complexity....that being said u asked for this specifically and I believe that I have delivered that LOL
Just add two SUMIFS together.
=SUMIFS($E$2:$E$14, $A$2:$A$14, C$21, $B$2:$B$14, C$22, $C$2:$C$14, $A23, $D$2:$D$14, IF(INDEX($B$17:$C$19, MATCH($B23, $A$17:$A$19, 0), 1)="x", $B$16))+
SUMIFS($E$2:$E$14, $A$2:$A$14, C$21, $B$2:$B$14, C$22, $C$2:$C$14, $A23, $D$2:$D$14, IF(INDEX($B$17:$C$19, MATCH($B23, $A$17:$A$19, 0), 2)="x", $C$16))
