I am getting 'remoteurl' error while uploading manifest file in app store - outlook-web-addins

I am creating web add in. i am loading .aspx page in task pane.
when i am uploading it in app store to test in some others system .its giving me error
This app can't be installed. The IconUrl value '~remoteAppUrl/Images/Add-on_64px.png' isn't a correctly formatted URL
how i can test web add in in some others system
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="~remoteAppUrl/SaveEmail.aspx"/>

The SourceLocation URL and all icon assets must be a valid https address in order to properly install to Exchange.


Azure copy data failed to read data from http server

I am new to ADF. I created an http linked service and it tested successfully (https://rebrickable.com/downloads/). On the http dataset properties page the same url address is in the Base URL. I then put just the file name that exists on that page (themes.csv.gz) in the Relative URL. When I click next to the File format settings page the Preview pane says:
Failed to read data from http server. Check the error from http
server:The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. The
remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. . Activity ID:
What am I doing wrong please?
I also tried to create a new linked service and point it to my desktop files. I selected'File', left it at AutoresolveIntegrationruntime, put the path in Host. But don't know what do to with User/password. Please help
I hit the above mentioned end point in by browser : https://rebrickable.com/downloads/themes.csv.gz
Looks like the file is not existent at the mentioned location.
I did a quick scan of the page https://rebrickable.com/downloads
Encountered the below file :
Saw the file hyperlinked to this url (This is different from what you're attempting to in the ADF)
I was able to download the file by using the above.
Would suggest you to try the above endpoint.
Update your url to https://cdn.rebrickable.com/media/downloads/ in https connection source

Net Core Razor Pages - Microsoft Identity Web Package after Sign-out is breaking website image links

This is very strange issue.
After installing the Microsoft Identity Web nuget package and setting up the app with razor pages, when I'm re-directed back to the app following an MS Sign out routine, i find that the logo image is no longer showing on the navbar.
This seems to be happening because the Microsoft Identity Web package is changing the URL of the page after signout i.e. its referencing a signout page that is now provided as part of the baked in package hidden away in one of the MD dll files.
My native javascript code is trying to load the logo image from my Images folder located on the root directory of my wwwroot folder structure, but because the signout page is changing the URL structure by adding a different path reference for the razor page, it's losing the path required for the image, not sure how to fix this?
js code that loads the image:
document.getElementById("navbarLogo").src = 'Images/CompanyLogos/Logo-LightTheme543by140px.png';
This image shows OK when I'm signed in normally or just browsing the site before sign in, so the issue only appears after being re-directed back to the site after an MS Sign out authentication flow.
The error shows 404, indicates that the image is not found, isn't blocked by identity. The image url may in layout, but the sign out page may not refrence the layout correctlly, or the relative path is not set corrcetlly. If it is not the problem, you can share this page code.
In the end I derived up the following solution which gave me what I needed:
// Because I'm using nested folders for the razor pages
// directory then I needed to re-construct the url path to
// to the images folder on wwwroot.
var urlPath = window.location;
var domain = window.location.hostname;
var port = window.location.port;
var baseUrl = 'https://' + domain + ':' + port;
Then using the above:
document.getElementById("navbarLogo").src = baseUrl + '/Images/CompanyLogos/Logo-LightTheme543by140px.png';
Poss not the cleanest solution but still works for me...

Google Site Verification Failure - HTML File Upload method

I have an Express/NodeJS app running on Google App Engine, for which I have the URL in the format of:
project-name.appspot.com, where project-name: My google project name
Now, for site verification, I am using HTML File Upload method.
I am serving the html verification file provided by google as follows:
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, path_to_html_file))
Now, when I enter the url: https://project-name.appspot.com/, I can view the file.
Also, the file has the same name as provided by Google.
However, when I click Verify in Webmaster, it still fails with error message "File not Found"
Can anyone point what I might be doing incorrectly ?
You need to serve this file from the /xxxxx.html url, not the root url.
In other words, it needs to be accessed from https://project-name.appspot.com/xxxxxxxx.html
Think about it... This file must stay up for as long as you want to be verified, so it doesn't make sense to be shown at the root url.
Also, make sure there are no redirects in serving this file.

Error when installing Hosted Chrome Extension

I built a chrome extension. I don't want to host it (yet) in the chrome webstore. I want to self host it. I have packaged the .crx, and deployed it to my localhost. Here is the code I use to serve it:
app.get('/myext.crx', function(req, res){
var file = __dirname + '/public/myext.crx';
Then I have an anchor tag that points to the file:
Install <strong>myExt for Chrome</strong>
When it downloads, it has the correct content-type header (per the instructions http://developer.chrome.com/extensions/hosting.html). Here is the info from the Network tab in Chrome Devtools when I click the anchor:
**Response Headers**
Content-Description:File Transfer
Content-disposition:attachment; filename=myext.crx
Date:Sat, 14 Dec 2013 07:09:46 GMT
It all looks good, but Chrome still shows me the yellow banner error saying "Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website".
Am I missing a setting in the manifest? Can someone tell me what the issue is? Does it have anything to do with the fact that I am serving on localhost and the "homepage_url" and the "update_url" both point to my actual domain name?
Anyone, please.
It downloads the file, but gives me the aforementioned error. If I open Tools > Extensions and then drag the file from the bottom of Chrome onto the Extensions page, it won't install it. Nothing happens. HOWEVER, if I open a Finder window and drag it from the Finder window onto Tools > Extensions page, it installs fine.
Not sure if this info helps or not.
Chrome is starting to block extension installs that are not from the Chrome Web Store. If you don't want an extension to be fully published in the CWS, you can limit the audience with the publish to test accounts or accessible by URL only features.

Google docs viewer not working

Using this code:
<iframe height="780" src="http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://ruh.kz/sites/default/files/doc/ritorika.pdf&embedded=true" style="border: none;" width="600"></iframe>
But all the time im getting this annoying message:
Sorry, we are unable to retrieve the document for viewing or you don't have permission to view the document.
By the way, i have read about ISP might block google docs. But i've checked another sites with google docs viewer and they seemed to work perfectly.
to embed your pdf without putting it in your server , just login to your gmail and upload it in google docs then copy the link and put it in your iframe's src
first you try with online version to view your file if it shows your file,you gave wrong url to iframe,if viewer does not show your file at embedded version and online version check your file size,file url and file permissions to viewer can reach your document.You can try your url, for example http://www.foo.com/bar.pdf paste in your browser,if url is right browser shows the file...
