Module failed to start Ansible - linux

I'm new in Ansible. I'm working on an Ubunto machine. On the VM, I installed Ansible along with to apply play books to.
When I run a playbook I receive the following error.
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
"ansible_facts": {},
"changed": false,
"msg": "The following modules failed to execute: setup\n setup: The module failed to execute correctly, you probably need to set the interpreter.\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error\n"
Can you let me know where I should begin looking? Also advise on any more information you need to help troubleshoot this issue.
Thanks in advance

I had a similar situation, and I deleted ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 from my inventory and it worked.

To fix, I added ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 to the host in my hosts file.
[web] ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3

I faced similar kind of issue. I had python3 installed on destination machine and manager node which I was using had python 2.7. When I installed python 2.7 on destination machine, module got executed successfully.

I hope this helps, if you are running Linux, the below command is your friend:
sudo apt install python-is-python3
That should set a symlink from python3-python which is what ansible is screaming about.


Puppet can't use config set server

I've installed Puppet (version 4.10.1) via Ruby Gems.
I then use:
sudo puppet config set server
Which returns the following error (same error without sudo).
Error: No such file or directory # rb_sysopen -
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf Error: Try 'puppet
help config set' for usage
The gem install does not create the configuration files, the packages will.
Puppet is best installed with a package for the operating system you're on, rather than the gem.
The steps for installing are documented here:
If you're feeling lazy, I even wrote a script that will do all the work for you!
I'm not 100% sure what led to the situation of the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet folder not being created during the install process.
I found creating the folder manually with sudo mkdir /etc/pupppetlabs/puppet before running sudo puppet config set server fixed the issue.

Can't find PyInstaller when installing through pip on Python 3

I am trying to install PyInstaller.
I went to my command prompt and types in:
python -m pip install PyInstaller
After doing a few retry's it gives me the message
The impression that I get from your error message is that the issue is not specific to PyInstaller, but rather that there's a general issue connecting to the Python Package Index server.
I would advise to double check that your machine is able to connect to the domain (e.g. do a simple ping test).
Thanks for your help Xukrao.
The ping did not work so as you suggested I spoke to our IT guy who knew right away that it was a proxy issue and needed to input something like below to get it working.

volttron agent install time out

I'm having problem with following Volttron Agent Creation Walkthrough and don't seem to find an answer for it here or elsewhere - sorry if this is too basic.
I'm following the procedure here but when I run:
volttron-ctl install ~/.volttron/packaged/testeragent-0.1-py2-none-any.whl --tag testagent
I get the following message: install: operation timed out
I've reinstalled volttron and it didn't work either. I'm running it in a vm with Linux mint.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
I have also had the same problem, first of all, you should run:
source env/bin/activate
volttron -vv -l volttron.log&
(activate and start platform)

Drush on Cygwin setup

I followed the instructions here to install pear and download drush in usr/local/src folder and create the symlink in usr/bin/drush
At the end of the instructions is says you can test by running drush. I get this output:
-bash: /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/drush: No such file or directory
Not the bash root of xampp/php. Does that need to be changed?
So, then I tried running /usr/bin/drush and got this output:
Unable to untar C:\cygwin\usr\local\src\drush\lib\dru6B61.tmp.
Does anyone know where I'm going wrong here?
I had the same issue. I reinstalled the cygwin packages above in the tutorial you mentioned above(I had them already from other installs, I thought). I think it may have been the 'bsdtar' package.
Good luck!

Installing gitorious issue

I am struggling with the installation of gitorious (on an Ubuntu 12.04 distribution) on my local server following this tutorial :
After fixing some some config, I went running this command : env RAILS_ENV=production /etc/init.d/git-daemon start, I keep on having this message Starting git-daemon: FAILURE!!!, without finding any log message. After googling, I found it could be a config problem in the /etc/init.d/git-daemon config file : I put it here
Hmm... Can't say I can pinpoint the problem. Can you get any messages out of dmesg | tail?
I remember having some problems with the git-daemon, and I think they boiled down to some problem with ActiveMQ. Unfortunately, I can't remember how I fixed it.
There also seems to be a pretty neat, concise install script that streamlines the setup process for Ubuntu 12.04:
PS: You might want to get an account on pastebin to make your config file more easily accessible.
