How to grab all events of freeswitch in nodejs - node.js

Am newbie in node.js and would like to grab all events types.
In this case i already did my homework.I found from far this one.
In link, Continuosly throwing below error.
Error :
TypeError: esl.createCallServer is not a function
I am expecting : If any call has been started and forward to the gateway.So on the realtime would like to get gateway name in node.js to check which gateway is using
Might be possible,I understand is not correct way but below also one more try to achieve this but that not giving me gateway information.
call_handler = require('seem');
const esl = require("esl");
const port = 4041;
const server = esl.server(call_handler).listen(port);
server.listen(port, function() {
console.log("Server listening for connection requests on socket localhost:"+port);
server.on("connection", function(chunk) {
console.log("Connection has been established");
chunk.on("data", (data) => {
console.log("Channel Park info");
var data_string = data.toString();
var data_arr= data_string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\r").replace(/\n/g, "\r").split(/\r/);
var data_array= JSON.stringify( data_arr );
Node.js server have port is 4050.
From Freeswitch dialplan, I am executing below line
<action application="socket" data=" full"/>
Expected Output :
Whenever call is bridge on any gateway then after and before complete call am able to get bridge line from node.js
Also parameters which are added in dialplan as set/export that also must be get on node.js
Anyone like to share some hints for this problem ?


Node js with express return connection closed before receiving a handshake response

I have a socket running in nodejs and using this socket in html page this is working fine and some times I'm receiving the error on developer console as like
failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response. In this time my update not getting reflect on the user screen. Actually whenever the changes updated in admin screen I written the login in laravel to store this values into the redis and I have used the laravel event broadcast and in node js read the redis value change and push the values into the user screens.
I have code in laravel as like,
Laravel Controller,
public function updatecommoditygroup(Request $request)
$request_data = array();
parse_str($request, $request_data);
app('redis')->set("ssahaitrdcommoditydata", json_encode($request_data['commodity']));
event(new SSAHAITRDCommodityUpdates($request_data['commodity']));
In this above controller when the api call receives just store the values into this redis key and broadcast the event.
In my event class,
public $updatedata;
public function __construct($updatedata)
$this->updatedata = $updatedata;
public function broadcastOn()
return ['ssahaitrdupdatecommodity'];
Finally I have written my file as like below,
var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(http);
var Redis = require('ioredis');
var redis = new Redis({ port: 6379 } );
redis.subscribe('ssahaitrdupdatecommodity', function(err, count) {
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
console.log('A client connected');
redis.on('pmessage', function(subscribed, channel, data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
io.emit(channel + ':' + data.event,;
redis.on('message', function(channel, message) {
message = JSON.parse(message);
io.emit(channel + ':' + message.event,;
http.listen(3001, function(){
console.log('Listening on Port 3001');
When I have update the data from admin I'm passing to laravel controller, and controller will store the received data into redis database and pass to event broadcast.And event broadcast pass the values to socket server and socket server push the data whenever the redis key get change to client page.
In client page I have written the code as like below,
<script src="../assets/js/"></script>
var socket = io('http://ip:3001/');
socket.on("novnathupdatecommodity:App\\Events\\NOVNATHCommodityUpdates", function(data){
//received data processing in client
Everything working fine in most of the time and some times issue facing like
**VM35846 WebSocket connection to 'ws://host:3001/' failed: Connection closed before receiving a handshake response**
By this issue user page not getting update with new data. Could you please anyone help me to solve this issue and give the best solution for this issue.
I think this is because your socket connection timeout.
new io({
The above is the socket configuration. If you are not configuring socket sometime it behaves strangely. I do not know the core reason, but i too have faced similar issues that implementing the socket configuration solved it. Server
Similar configuration should be done on the client side. There is an option of timeout in client side Client
For example.
Say this is your front-end code
You connect to the socket server using the following command:
io('http://ip:3001', { path: '/demo/socket' });
In your server side when creating the connection:
const io = require("");
const socket = new io({
path: "/demo/socket",
serveClient: false /*whether to serve the client files (true/false)*/,
orgins: "*" /*Supports cross orgine i.e) it helps to work in different browser*/,
pingTimeout: 6000 /*how many ms the connection needs to be opened before we receive a ping from client i.e) If the client/ front end doesnt send a ping to the server for x amount of ms the connection will be closed in the server end for that specific client*/,
pingInterval: 6000 /* how many ms before sending a new ping packet */
To avoid complication start you http server first and then start you sockets.
There are other options available, but the above are the most common ones.
I am just describing what i see in the document available in github.socket_config. Hope this helps

How does one correctly set up a server based deepstream RPC provider?

I am building a SOA with deepstream and I want to use a deepstream client server to perform API-KEY based look ups that the user should not know. How do I actually set up an RPC client provider? I have looked in the deepstream docs and on google, but there is not a full code example on how to do this. I have created a file like below and run it with node. The output I get is below it:
var deepstream = require('')
const client = deepstream('localhost:6020').login()
console.log('Starting up')
client.on('error', (error,event,topic) => {
console.log(error, event, topic);
client.on('connectionStateChanged', connectionState => {
client.login({username: 'USER', password: 'PASSWORD'}, (success, data) => {
if (success) {
client.rpc.provide('the-rpc', function( data, response ){
} else {
Starting up
As you can see it runs the code, but does not actually connect to the deepstream server. I already have the deepstream server running, and a browser client that connects to it, so the config is correct. Please help!
I think your issue is based on the fact your trying to connect node via the webport. Try using port 6021 instead for tcp ( used by the node client ).
const client = deepstream('localhost:6021').login()
You should also only call .login() once, so the line would be:
const client = deepstream('localhost:6021')
We are working on a 2.0 release coming out very soon which will remove tcp entirely and only require a single port to make life easier in terms of deployment and performance.

Skype Bot responding with empty body

I'm trying to get a Skype bot up and running based off of the echo example but I'm struggling to make a successful POST to my app. When I send a post to /v1/chat I get back a status of 201 (successful creation), and nothing in the body. My console.log does not print anything either, which leads me to believe that the botService.on('personalMessage', ...) function is not being run. Does anyone have any insight into how these POST requests should be formatted? I cannot seem to find anything in the documentation.
My code:
const fs = require('fs');
const restify = require('restify');
const skype = require('skype-sdk');
const botService = new skype.BotService({
messaging: {
botId: '28:<bot’s id="ID176db9ab-e313-4d76-a60c-bc2a280e9825">',
serverUrl : "",
requestTimeout : 15000,
appId: process.env.APP_ID,
appSecret: process.env.APP_SECRET
botService.on('contactAdded', (bot, data) => {
console.log('contact added');
bot.reply('Hello ${data.fromDisplayName}!', true);
botService.on('personalMessage', (bot, data) => {
console.log('message incoming');
bot.reply('Hey ${data.from}. Thank you for your message: "${data.content}".', true);
const server = restify.createServer();'/v1/chat', skype.messagingHandler(botService));
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
console.log('Listening for incoming requests on port ' + port);
Final Edit & Solution: I think the problem caused by Heroku somehow(it could be something with their free tier ,1 dyno). After some effort, I uploaded the program to Azure, and it is now working perfectly.
Potential Solution: You need to change the server address in the command. If you run your program in "https:\" , you need to modify this;'/v1/chat', skype.messagingHandler(botService));
to this;'https:\\', skype.messagingHandler(botService));
Of course, don't forget to specify your app id, bot id, and app secret. If you don't have one, you need to generate a password in your Skype application page.
I have the exact problem with the OP. I followed the tutorial, and it doesn't specify how to modify our code to comply with our server. So, after running the program it only returns this;
{"code":"ResourceNotFound","message":"/ does not exist"}
In the Echo example in the Skype Bot Webpage; it says;
"We'll assume the bot's URL for messaging was set to during registration."
Make sure that Procfile and worker processes are setup.
My bot is working fine on heroku itself 'Handshake' failing with cluster and sticky-session

I am having problems getting the sticky-sessions module to work properly with even a simple example. Following the very minimal example given in the readme (, I am just trying to get this example to work:
var cluster = require('cluster');
var sticky = require('sticky-session');
var http = require('http');
if (cluster.isMaster) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Object.keys(cluster.workers).forEach(function(id) {
console.log("Worker running with ID : " +
if (cluster.isWorker) {
var anotherServer = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.end('hello world!');
console.log('http server on 3000');
sticky(function() {
var io = require('')();
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
io.on('connection', function onConnect(socket) {
console.log('someone connected.');
socket.on('sync', sync);
socket.on('send', send);
function sync(id) {
console.log('someone joined ' + id);
function send(id, msg) {;
console.log('someone sent ' + msg + ' to ' + id);
return server;
}).listen(3001, function() {
console.log(' server on 3001')
and a simple client:
var socket = require('')('http://localhost:3001');
socket.on('connect', function() {
socket.emit('sync', 'secret')
The workers start up fine. The http servers work fine. But when the client connects, the console logs 'someone connected' and nothing more. The client never fires the on connect event, so I think the upgrade/handshake is failing or something. If anyone can spot what I am doing wrong that would help alot.
#jordyyy : I was facing same issue after googling I have fond answer.
Socket.Io handshaking task complete in more than one request and when you will run on sticky session it means you are using multiple process according to your core.
So handshaking request will distribute on different different process and they can't talk.(not IPC) (They are child process) and most of time connection will be failed/lost.(connection-disconnect event occurs frequently )
So what is solution ? Solution is socketio-sticky-session
Socketio-sticky-session, manage connection on IP based. So when you will request by any client then it will maintain ip address with respect process/worker. So further request will be forward to same process/worker and your connection properly stabilized.
And When you will use redies adapter then you can actually maintain socket
connection data b/w all processes/workers.
For more information
(you need some patch on worker_index method, if your server is supporting IPv6)
Just knowledge bytes. :) :)
One more thing, you don't need to fork process. It will be done by sticky session.
This was super old and wasn't really answered when i needed it, but my solution was to drop this bad module and any other super confusing module and just use pub/sub with redis adapter. The only other step was to force transports to websockets, and if that bothers anyone then use something else. For my purposes my solution was simple, readable, didn't mess with the 'typical' api, and best of all it worked extremely well.

Non-http TCP connection on Cloudfoundry

I'm a nooby mobile developer trying to take advantage of cloudfoundry's service to run my server to handle some chats and character movements.
I'm using Noobhub to achieve this (TCP connection between server and client using Node.js and Corona SDK's TCP connection API)
So basically I'm trying a non-http TCP connection between Cloudfoundry(Node.js) and my machine(lua).
Link to Noobhub(There is a github repo with server AND client side implementation.
I am doing
socket.connect("", 45234)
(45234 is from server's process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT value I retrieved from console output I got through "vmc logs myappname" after running the application.)
When I try to connect, it just times out.
On my local machine, doing
works as expected. It's just on cloudfoundry that it doesn't work.
I tried a bunch of other ways of doing this such as setting the client's port connection to 80 and a bunch of others. I saw a few resources but none of them solved it.
I usually blow at asking questions so if you need more information, please ask me!
Before you throw this link at me with an angry face D:< , here's a question that shows a similar problem that another person posted.
cannot connect to TCP server on CloudFoundry (localhost node.js works fine)
From here, I can see that this guy was trying to do a similar thing I was doing.
Does the selected answer mean that I MUST use host header (i.e. use http protocol) to connect? Does that also mean cloudfoundry will not support a "TRUE" TCP socket much like heroku or app fog?
Actually, process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT environment variable provides you the port, to which your HTTP traffic is redirected by the Cloud Foundry L7 router (nginx) based on the your apps route (e.g. is redirected to the process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT port on the virtual machine), so you definitely should not use it for the TCP connection. This port should be used to listen HTTP traffic. That is why you example do work locally and do not work on Cloud Foundry.
The approach that worked for me is to listen to the port provided by CF with an HTTP server and then attach Websocket server ( in my example below) to it. I've created sample echo server that works both locally and in the CF. The content of my Node.js file named example.js is
var host = process.env.VCAP_APP_HOST || "localhost";
var port = process.env.VCAP_APP_PORT || 1245;
var webServerApp = require("http").createServer(webServerHandler);
var websocket = require("");
var http = webServerApp.listen(port, host);
var webSocketServer = websocket.attach(http);
function webServerHandler (req, res) {
res.end("Node.js websockets.");
console.log("Web server running at " + host + ":" + port);
//Web Socket part
webSocketServer.on("connection", function (socket) {
console.log("Connection established.");
socket.send("Hi from webSocketServer on connect");
socket.on("message", function (message) {
console.log("Message to echo: " + message);
//Echo back
socket.on("error", function(error){
console.log("Error: " + error);
socket.on("close", function () { console.log("Connection closed."); });
The dependency lib could be installed running npm install command in the same directory. Also there is a manifest.yml file which describes CF deploy arguments:
- name: websocket
command: node example.js
memory: 128M
instances: 1
host: websocket
path: .
So, running cf push from this directory deployed app to my local CFv2 instance (set up with the help of cf_nise_installer)
To test this echo websocket server, I used simple index.html file, which connects to server and sends messages (everything is logged into the console):
<!DOCTYPE html>
var socket = null;
var pingData = 1;
var prefix = "ws://";
function connect(){
socket = new WebSocket(prefix + document.getElementById("websocket_url").value);
socket.onopen = function() {
console.log("Connection established");
socket.onclose = function(event) {
if (event.wasClean) {
console.log("Connection closed clean");
} else {
console.log("Connection aborted (e.g. server process killed)");
console.log("Code: " + event.code + " reason: " + event.reason);
socket.onmessage = function(event) {
console.log("Data received: " +;
socket.onerror = function(error) {
console.log("Error: " + error.message);
function ping(){
if( !socket || (socket.readyState != WebSocket.OPEN)){
console.log("Websocket connection not establihed");
ws://<input id="websocket_url">
<button onclick="connect()">connect</button>
<button onclick="ping()">ping</button>
Only thing to do left is to enter server address into the textbox of the Index page ( in my case), press Connect button and we have working Websocket connection over TCP which could be tested by sending Ping and receiving echo. That worked well in Chrome, however there were some issues with IE 10 and Firefox.
What about "TRUE" TCP socket, there is no exact info: according to the last paragraph here you cannot use any port except 80 and 443 (HTTP and HTTPS) to communicate with your app from outside of Cloud Foundry, which makes me think TCP socket cannot be implemented. However, according to this answer, you can actually use any other port... It seems that some deep investigation on this question is required...
"Cloud Foundry uses an L7 router (ngnix) between clients and apps. The router needs to parse HTTP before it can route requests to apps. This approach does not work for non-HTTP protocols like WebSockets. Folks running node.js are going to run into this issue but there are no easy fixes in the current architecture of Cloud Foundry."
I decided to go with pubnub for all my messaging needs.
