Excel 365 Get Data from web-based Json API issue - excel

I am trying to Get & Transform data from a web API.
When I go to the URL through a browser I can view the data.
I copy the URL. Open Excel 365, click get data ...from web and paste the URL.
It looks like Excel is recognizing that it is a Json, because power query has Json.Document.....
However, it is not letting me view the actual data, each line only has "Record"
When I try Close & Load it loads [Record] into the rows in column A.
Any ideas on what is going on?
Kind Regards,

That's typically how data gets loaded in Power Query. Record's or Lists can be expanded to get the data inside them.
There are 2 things that you will want to based on what you want.
Click on any one record to see the data in just that one Record
Click on the Expand button on the column header to see data of all the Records in their respective rows. Please check out this answer
If you're not able to figure it out, please post an image.


How can I write back to source excel files when I get Excel data from data tab?

So, I want to create one Excel file each for every manager with only one single sheet and place it on OneDrive.
In order to get the data in one place, I am creating another excel file called combined.xlsx.
Now, I can export each workbook to a tab using Data -> Get Data -> From File -> From Workbook .
This is great so far. So, I can read data of 10 excelfiles on 10 sheets in combined.xlsx.
Now, I want to modify contents of one of the tabs and make sure it is reflected to the original file. How can I do this?
To elaborate on why it is not possible, you need to understand how Power Query deals with data:
You load your data into Power Query via the "Data" tab. The source can be anything Microsoft allows.
You then manipulate the data any which way in Power Query.
As a last step, you decide if and where to load the results. If you only want to create a connection to the query, you select "Close and Load to", which appears after you click on the arrow next to "Close and Load", and you pick that. Otherwise, the only other options are loading the query results to a table, PivotTable report, PivotChart.
Because the output sheets you have are connected to the query that produced them, any time you refresh the query, whatever manual changes you have made in the table that the query created originally will be wiped out and overwritten with the refreshed data.
If you were able to write back to the source here, you'd in effect
create a circular reference.
Check out this article about having Power Query output your data after manipulating it, maybe it helps.

Pulling all info from open Access subform into excel

We are using a access front end that is being developed externally. It displays a form that contains numerous points of data and a few subforms.
I am trying to code a excel sheet that would pull data from various places in the currently open form.
I have gotten as far as to be able to access all the points of data in the main form and the first line in the subforms using the following code (In this example, the "pnum", is the left most field displayed in the subform):
Set objacc = GetObject("xxxxx\Database.accdb").Application
Debug.Print objacc.Forms("mainform").Controls("main subform").Controls("Pnumber")
This works and gets me the value of the very first element named "Pnumber" in the main subform.
However, the way the subform is formulated, it can have anywhere between 1 and 30+ "Pnumber" fields.
I need a way to pull everything that the currently visible (filtered down) subform contains regardless of how many lines there are.
If I were the developer of that Access application, and you asked me for this feature, I would code an API for you to automate getting the right data.
One approach I can think of in this particular case would be to populate some temporary tables, on request from Excel VBA, and have Excel use the Access database file as an external source of data. Or Access could be coded to push the right data into the open Excel worksheet.
The way you would get access to the data in its current state in the form (filtered, sorted, etc.) would probably be best through the RecordsetClone property of that (sub)form. At least that's what I imagine I would use to implement that feature.

How to extract data from online react-table to csv

I would like to have some way of obtaining the data from NHL.com's stats page which I believe is a react table and has no tag. An example would be the following:
I have tried making an Excel query, but the table doesn't show up in Excel's web browser. I tried just manually copy-pasting from the webpage to Excel/Sheets, but all the data is pasted in the first column.
Any way of getting this information to a csv would be appreciated, especially some sort of automated way given a set of filters to pass into the URL.

MS Access - Data in top row appears and disappears when focus on the cell changes.

Its a bit of a weird one but I have a linked table within my database. The table is an excel table with identical field headings and data types and until recently has worked fine however now when I traverse the linked table in Access the data will change every other move, changing from the original row to show data in the row below. Iv had a script output the values of the top row and it displays normally however I cant append this linked table into anything and I assume its this glitch.
Im stumped and would love any ideas as to how this happened and how it can be fixed.
This is an unusual post as I've never quite heard of this type issue. To sanity check things I would suggest that you delete your excel table from the navigation pane in Access - and then relink it.
So then perhaps I didn't understand, and I am wondering what is meant in your first post by: "The table is an excel table with identical field headings and data types"
A link to excel is a qualified "table" so to speak. You should be able to double click on it within Access, it opens in data sheet view and you see all the data but you can't write to it. You can't write back into the excel.
You can query it....
You can append the query results of the excel into a true Access table.

Refreshable Web Query using Excel 2010 and Parameters

I'm looking to pull into the XML feed from Feedburner's API. This is just a matter of writing the URL and using the "From Web" data connection in Excel.
This works fine (and is pretty fast).
Now, I'd like to be able to update two cells in the "dates" sheet to have it pull that range of data. This is done using parameters in the URL:
Using the Excel UI, I can then assign the [] to any cell. However, no matter what I try, this doesn't work. I initially thought there might be some issue with the date format so I've worked myself to the point where I am entering into the cell, the exact copy (&dates=2011-08-01,2011-08-05) as text.
Each time, the feed pulls up with just the current days data (which is the default behavior when no dates are specified). It isn't giving an error (which it will do for relatively small infractions, like not having two-digit months) which makes me think it just simply isn't replacing the [] with the specified text. I'm also using this same method for a WebTrends Web Service query and gettign similarly frustrating results. I've read every how-to on web queries, and I'm following them exactly.
I can't find any place to see what the final URL Excel is requesting, so it's a bit of a shot in the dark. Any thoughts on next steps would be greatly appreciated!
The answer was no to use the Web Query "wizard" and just do it by hand.
Open Notepad (or some text editor)
In the editor type the following four lines:
Save it as anything with an .iqy extension.
Open Excel, go to the Data ribbon, and click "Existing Connections"
Click "Browse for More..."
Find the IQY file you made and click "Open"
Excel will then ask you where you want to put the resulting data, followed by prompts for each placeholder you entered in the URL. Those prompts let you either type in a value, or select a cell to act as the data.
I would have thought that dates should have been a named parameter and that you should link that to whichever cell has the date value(s).
The cell should just have 2011-08-01,2011-08-05 as its value as long as you create the named parameter dates and link it to that cell
