firebase-admin: Get token of failed notification delivery result - node.js

Let's say we want to send a notification to two registrationTokens (only Android devices, no iOS) like this:
const tokens = ['tokenA', 'tokenB'];
const payload = {badge: 1, title: 'Hello', body: 'world'};
const options = {priority: 'high',contentAvailable: false, timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24};
const admin = FirebaseAdmin.initializeApp({/*config here...*/});
admin.messaging().sendToDevice(deviceTokens, payload, options)
.then((response) => {
response.results.forEach((deviceResult) => {
if (deviceResult.error) {
console.log('Delivery failed. Showing result:\n', deviceResult);
The user who's device once registered with tokenB deleted the app from his device. Therefore the token is not registered anymore with firebase.
The error object looks like this then:
Delivery failed. Showing result:
"message":"The provided registration token is not registered. A previously valid registration token can be unregistered for a variety of reasons. See the error documentation for more details. Remove this registration token and stop using it to send messages."
The Problem:
My problem is, that I only know that one of the deliveries failed. But I don't know to which token the error is related. Therefore I cannot remove the outdated token from the database.
The Question:
Is there a way to find out for which tokens the deliveries have failed?
Github Issue Link:

You need to use the index in forEach and get the token from your array you passed in sendToDevice.
Official docs:
This seems like a hack but it works for me when I have multiple device tokens of a single user as I have to store new one whenever they login.
const tokens = ['tokenA', 'tokenB'];
const payload = {badge: 1, title: 'Hello', body: 'world'};
const options = {priority: 'high',contentAvailable: false, timeToLive: 60 * 60 * 24};
const admin = FirebaseAdmin.initializeApp({/*config here...*/});
admin.messaging().sendToDevice(deviceTokens, payload, options)
.then((response) => {
response.results.forEach((deviceResult,index) => {
if (deviceResult.error) {
let failedToken = tokens[index];
// Now use this token to delete it from your DB, or mark it failed according to your requirements.
This method is also used in firbease samples as well:


node-ews returning 401 Unauthorized where as using the valid access token

I am using node-ews to fetch emails from the Microsoft Exchange server.
It was working fine with basic auth.
But, as Microsoft disabled basic auth.
We are currently using the OAuth token (access token) from Graph Explorer to test.
But it's returning 401 Unauthorised error.
This is the sample code we are using to connect to the exchange server.
const ewsConfig = {
username: item.mail_username,
password: item.user_pass,
host: item.ews_host,
token: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
auth: 'bearer'
// initialize node-ews
const options = {
rejectUnauthorized: false,
strictSSL: false
// initialize node-ews
const ews = new EWS(ewsConfig, options);
. We are currently using the OAuth token (access token) from Graph Explorer to test.
The Graph Explorer token won't have permissions for EWS only Graph, the only two permission that are valid in EWS are EWS.AccessAsUser.All or full_access_as_app if using the client credentials flow. the Mail.Read etc permission don't work in EWS because it doesn't support the more restrictive authentication scheme that Graph supports (which is a reason to use the Graph over EWS)
If you want to accesstoken to test with use the EWSEditor and grab its token
Part 1-1 - Setup application in AZURE that allows to generate MSAL-access token for EWS:
Login to MS AZURE portal.
Open "App registration" tool:
Click "New Registration":
Setup new App:
After you click registrate button you will receive smtg like this:
Open API permissions tab for previously created App + click Add permission and select MS Graph:
Select Delegated permissions:
Find User section and select User.Read + Add permission click:
Add a permission again + APIs my organizaton uses tab(or find it) and find Office 365 Exchange Online:
Part-1-2 - continue...
Part 2 - get accessToken by using userName + userPassword to email box:
import * as path from 'path';
import { ExchangeService, EmailMessage, MessageBody, OAuthCredentials, AutodiscoverService, Folder, Item, ExchangeVersion } from 'ews-javascript-api';
public async getEmailAccessToken(
clientId: string,
tenantId: string,
emailUserName: string,
emailUserPassword: string,
cacheFilePath: string = `.${path.sep}tokenCache.json`) {
const msal = require('#azure/msal-node');
const { promises: fs } = require('fs');
//Cache Plugin configuration
const beforeCacheAccess = async (cacheContext) => {
try {
const cacheFile = await fs.readFile(cacheFilePath, 'utf-8');
} catch (error) {
// if cache file doesn't exists, create it
cacheContext.tokenCache.deserialize(await fs.writeFile(cacheFilePath, ''));
const afterCacheAccess = async (cacheContext) => {
if (cacheContext.cacheHasChanged) {
try {
await fs.writeFile(cacheFilePath, cacheContext.tokenCache.serialize());
} catch (error) {
const cachePlugin = {
const msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: clientId, // YOUR clientId
authority: `${tenantId}` // YOUR tenantId
cache: {
system: {
loggerOptions: {
loggerCallback(loglevel, message, containsPii) {
piiLoggingEnabled: false,
logLevel: msal.LogLevel.Verbose
const pca = new msal.PublicClientApplication(msalConfig);
const msalTokenCache = pca.getTokenCache();
const accounts = await msalTokenCache.getAllAccounts();
// Acquire Token Silently if an account is present
let accessToken = null;
if (accounts.length > 0) {
const silentRequest = {
account: accounts[0], // Index must match the account that is trying to acquire token silently
scopes: [''],
const response = await pca.acquireTokenSilent(silentRequest);
accessToken = response.accessToken;
} else {
// fall back to username password if there is no account
const usernamePasswordRequest = {
scopes: [''],
username: emailUserName, // Add your username here
password: emailUserPassword, // Add your password here
const response = await pca.acquireTokenByUsernamePassword(usernamePasswordRequest);
accessToken = response.accessToken;
return accessToken;
This method returns accessToken allows us to use EWS-api and also generates tokenCacheFile.json that will be used for silent usage in case of multiple calls.
Part 3 - connect to emailbox by using previously generated accessToken and ews-javascript-api :
import { ExchangeService, EmailMessage, MessageBody, OAuthCredentials, AutodiscoverService, Folder, Item, ExchangeVersion } from 'ews-javascript-api';
public async connectAndChangeAllEmailsFromBlaBla(
clientId: string,
tenantId: string,
exchangeServiceUrl: string = '',
emailUserName: string,
emailUserPassword: string,
searchMask: string = 'hasattachments:yes and and received:today') {
// get acces token by method written above in part 2
const emailAccessToken = await this.getEmailAccessToken(clientId, tenantId, emailUserName, emailUserPassword);
const ews = require('ews-javascript-api');
const service = new ExchangeService(ews.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
// use emailAccesToken
service.Credentials = new OAuthCredentials(emailAccessToken);
service.Url = new ews.Uri(exchangeServiceUrl);
const mailInbox = await ews.Folder.Bind(service, ews.WellKnownFolderName.Inbox);
const loadPageSize = 1000; // 1 means load last email according to filter
const view = new ews.ItemView(loadPageSize);
view.PropertySet = new ews.PropertySet(ews.BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
let mailItems;
// hasattachment:yes
// isread:false
// received:today or received:[date]
mailItems = await mailInbox.FindItems(searchMask, view);
console.log(`Emails were found before processing: ${mailItems.Items.length}`);
for (const item of mailItems.Items) {
// mark mail.item as read
item.IsRead = true;
await item.Update(1);
// Do what you want
return mailItems.Items.length;
Part 0 - Please find the solution we used to fix the same problem.
The solution consist of 3 parts:
Setup application in AZURE that allows to generate MSAL-access token for EWS.
Add code to get accessToken.
Made changes in old code to use previously received accessToken. I am usind ews-javascript-api. But I think previouse two steps will help you to get accessToken for EWS and you can use it with node-EWS.
Sorry for 3 posts, but as a new user I have a restrictions it impossible for new users to create posts with more than 8 links and etc... )
Part 1-2 - continue:
Find EWS section and select EWS.AccessAsUser.All and click Add permissons:
Go to Authentication tab and click Add platform:
Select Mobile and Desctop apps and click Save button:
Select two options and click Configure:
Also on Authentication tab set "Supported accounts types" and "Allow public client flows" and click Save:
Go to Overview tab you should see smthg like this:
THIS STEP should be made BY EACH USER that WILL USE this API - use USER credentials to open this link (or YOUR ADMIN should make bulk apply). Check made changes by opening next link in browser in incognito mode(FOR each user): YOUR TENANTID/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
After the opening previously generated link you should login and then receive another link in browser which shoud contains generated code:
Now we can start add code allows us to get accessToken

Google Sign-In idToken with createSessionCookie causing error - there is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier

Google Sign-in (Vanilla JS - client side),
Firebase Functions (ExpressJS)
My Firebase function express app uses vanilla javascript on the client side. To authenticate I am making use of Firebase's Google SignIn feature client-side javascript web apps, found here.
// Firebase setup
var firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "AIza...",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
// Initialize Firebase
function postIdTokenToSessionLogin(idToken, csrfToken) {
return axios({
url: "/user/sessionLogin", < ----- endpoint code portion found below
method: "POST",
data: {
idToken: idToken,
csrfToken: csrfToken,
// ...
// On sign-in click
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
.then(async value => {
const idToken = value.credential.idToken;
const csrfToken = getCookie('_csrf');
return postIdTokenToSessionLogin(idToken, csrfToken);
}).then(value => {
}).catch((error) => {
Note I am using value.credential.idToken (most sources imply to use this, but haven't found an example saying use this specifically)
Directly after calling signInWithPopup, a new account is created in my Firebase Console Authentication matching the gmail account that was just signed in.
Once I authenticate, I create an axios request passing in the {user}.credential.idToken and following the server-side setup here (ignoring the CSRF - this just doesn't want to work).
In creating the session, I use the following code in my firebase functions express app, the endpoint which is'/sessionLogin', (req, res) => (part of /user route prefix):
// Set session expiration to 5 days.
const expiresIn = 60 * 60 * 24 * 5 * 1000;
const idToken = req.body.idToken.toString(); // eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...[936]
.createSessionCookie(idToken, {expiresIn}) < ----------- Problem line
.then((sessionCookie) => {
// Set cookie policy for session cookie.
const options = {maxAge: expiresIn, httpOnly: true, secure: true};
res.cookie('session', sessionCookie, options);
res.end(JSON.stringify({status: 'success'}));
}).catch((error) => {
res.status(401).send('UNAUTHORIZED REQUEST!');
On the createSessionCookie call, I get the following error & stack trace:
Error: There is no user record corresponding to the provided identifier.
at FirebaseAuthError.FirebaseError [as constructor] (C:\Users\CybeX\Bootstrap Studio Projects\future-design\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\utils\error.js:44:28)
at FirebaseAuthError.PrefixedFirebaseError [as constructor] (C:\Users\CybeX\Bootstrap Studio Projects\future-design\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\utils\error.js:90:28)
at new FirebaseAuthError (C:\Users\CybeX\Bootstrap Studio Projects\future-design\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\utils\error.js:149:16)
at Function.FirebaseAuthError.fromServerError (C:\Users\CybeX\Bootstrap Studio Projects\future-design\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\utils\error.js:188:16)
at C:\Users\CybeX\Bootstrap Studio Projects\future-design\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\lib\auth\auth-api-request.js:1570:49
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
This is part of the sign-in flow with a existing Gmail account.
What is causing this?
After many hours of searching, Googling - I have seen the light.
For some additional context, this error featured heavily in my struggle "Firebase ID token has invalid signature." - I will get to that in a second.
Further, another issue I also faced was using a local auth emulator for web client-side (javascript), see this for setup.
TL;DR to solve the immediate problem
Client-side remained largely the same, however the documentation provided by Firebase was inaccurate/misleading - thanks to this post, I found the solution. Thus, it follows...
Which is the ID Token? (Client-side):
The examples from here (to allow signInWithPopup), the response (if successful) results in
.then((result) => {
/** #type {firebase.auth.OAuthCredential} */
var credential = result.credential;
// This gives you a Google Access Token. You can use it to access the Google API.
var token = credential.accessToken;
// The signed-in user info.
var user = result.user;
// ...
Looking for an idToken, I found one using result.credential.idToken but no where on the internet on if this was infact the correct token to use.
I ran into this error using the provided idToken above:
Firebase ID token has incorrect "aud" (audience) claim. Expected
"[insert your **projectId**]" but got
Make sure the ID token comes from the same Firebase project as the
service account used to authenticate this SDK.
Trying other tokens like result.credential.accessToken responded with various verification errors - what to do?
Mention earlier, this solution on Github suggested to use firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken() AFTER you have signed in. An example (building on my previous code) is to do the following:
.then((result) => {
// current user is now valid and not null
firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken().then(idToken => {
// send this ID token to your server
const csrfToken = getCookie('_csrf');
return postIdTokenToSessionLogin(idToken, csrfToken);
At this point, you can verify your token and createSessionCookies to your heart's desire.
BUT, a secondary issue I unknowingly created for myself using the Authentication Emulator.
To setup for client-side use:
var auth = firebase.auth();
To setup for hosting your firebase functions app (assuming you are using this with e.g. nodejs + express, see this for setup, ask in comments, can provide more details if needed)
Using Authentication Emulator caused the following errors AFTER using the above mentioned "fix". Thus, DO NOT RUN the local authentication emulator (with Google sign-in of a valid Google account) as you will consistently get.
Firebase ID token has invalid signature. See for
details on how to retrieve an ID token
You can use all your local emulators, but (so far in my experience) you will need to use an online authenticator.

Xero API 403 - AuthenticationUnsuccessful error

I am using the Xero Api with Nodejs and the xero-node library.
I have completed the oAuth flow and saved the token to the database. The issue i am now having is continually getting a 403 forbidden error when attempting to get anything from Xero be that Contacts, Accounts or Users. Sample code is below
I can get tenants ok without an issue however anything else doesn't work. I have checked the scopes to make sure when I am setting up the client they are correct which they are.
var getStuff = async(tokenSet) => {
await xero.setTokenSet(tokenSet);
const tenants = await xero.updateTenants();
const xeroTenantId = tenants[0].id // {String} Xero identifier for Tenant
const ifModifiedSince = new Date("2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00");
const where = 'IsSubscriber==true'; // {String} Filter by an any element
const order = 'LastName ASC'; // {String} Order by an any element
try {
const response = await xero.accountingApi.getUsers(xeroTenantId, ifModifiedSince, where, order);
console.log(response.body || response.response.statusCode)
catch (err) {
/// console.log(err);
console.log(`There was an ERROR! \n Status Code: ${err.response.statusCode}.`);
console.log(`ERROR: \n ${JSON.stringify(err.response.body, null, 2)}`);
Which scopes have been added to the access token you are passing through? You can decode your token here
Also - you need to pass the ‘tenant.tenantId’ to the function. I believe the actually relates to the connection id which is coming back from the /connections endpoint.
My hunch is that is the issue. Also curious how that’s working, as updateTenants() should have the empty function call on the end. Is that working for you?

Firebase auth email - prevent fake/invalid accounts

I am using Firebase auth email accounts to sign up users to a site.
What I have noticed lately is the below cases.
Users sign up using a valid email address and then never verify the
email address
Users attempt to sign up using a fake email address
For the first case we can search all accounts that have not been verified within a time span and delete them.
admin.auth().getUser(uid).then(user => {
const creationTime = user.metadata.creationTime
const isVerified = user.emailVerified
const lastSignInTime = user.lastSignInTime
// Process and delete unverified accounts after x days
How can we handle accounts where the email address is fake or misspelled? I am not seeing any property on the firebase.User object that indicates an invalid email address. We do however receive a mail delivery failure message for each user that has signed up using a invalid email address - this is not enough to automatically purge fake / invalid accounts.
What are best practices on preventing fake signups?
Kind regards /K
You can't stop someone from using any string that looks like an email address, and the system doesn't have a way of telling you that the verification email was successfully sent.
The usual way to deal with this is to create some database record for each user account that tracks their validation status. You can query the database to find out which users have not validated after some amount of time. Your app should be sending your backend ID tokens from the user that can be used to check if they are validated, and if so, update the database to show that it happened.
So this is the code I came up with to purge unverified accounts.
May not be the most elegant solution, but works.
exports.scheduledUserCleanup = functions
.schedule('0 3 * * *')
.onRun(async (event) => {
const today = moment()
const inactivityThresholdDays = 7 //Get purge threshold days
let myPromises = [] //Collect all promises to carry out
//Search for users that have NOT validated email
database.ref('user-signups').once('value', (usersSnapshots) => {
usersSnapshots.forEach((snapshot) => {
const uid = snapshot.key
// Get user from firebase auth
.then((firebaseAuthUser) => {
const creationTimeStr = firebaseAuthUser.metadata.creationTime
const isVerified = firebaseAuthUser.emailVerified
const lastSignInTimeStr = firebaseAuthUser.metadata.lastSignInTime
const neverSignedIn = (creationTimeStr === lastSignInTimeStr) ? true : false
if(!isVerified && neverSignedIn){
// Process and delete unverified accounts after 7 days
const creationTime = moment(creationTimeStr)
const daysSinceCreation = today.diff(creationTime, 'days')
if(daysSinceCreation > inactivityThresholdDays){
console.log('Remove user from db and Firebase auth', uid)
myPromises.push( admin.auth().deleteUser(firebaseAuthUser.uid) )
myPromises.push( database.ref(`user-signups/${uid}`).remove() )
console.log(`Keep for ${inactivityThresholdDays} days before deleting`, uid)
return true
.catch((error) => {
// Remove if not found in Firebase Auth
const notFoundInFirebaseAuth = (error.code) ? error.code === 'auth/user-not-found' : false
console.log('Remove user from db', uid)
myPromises.push( database.ref(`user-signups/${uid}`).remove() )
return false
// Execute promises
return Promise.all(myPromises)
.then(() => Promise.resolve(true))
.catch((err) => {
console.error('Error', err)
return Promise.reject(err)

Firebase Re-authentication & email Linking for Phone-Authenticated Users

When users sign up, they use Phone Auth. After using the app for a while, they are advised to link an (email & password) to their existing account.
The linking process fails because of the error (auth/requires-recent-login.) My code follows.
// The following generates the error: [auth/requires-recent-login] This operation is sensitive and requires recent authentication. Log in again before retrying this request.
const emailCredential = firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential(, state.password);
const newCredential = await firebase.auth().currentUser.linkWithCredential(emailCredential);
To fix this error, I understand that I need to call reauthenticateWithCredential() before linking. However, I don't want to ask the user to log in again (receive & enter a verification code.) Is this at all possible?
I tried passing the result of currentUser.getIdToken(true) to PhoneAuthProvider.credential() I am not sure if this is right. Anyway, it generated an error (Cannot create PhoneAuthCredntial without either verificationProof, sessionInfo, temporary proof, or enrollment ID.).
My code follows.
// The following works:
const accessToken = await firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken(true);
// The following works:
const currentCredential = firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(accessToken);
// The following generates the error: Cannot create PhoneAuthCredential without either verificationProof, sessionInfo, temporary proof, or enrollment ID.
const abc = await firebase.auth().currentUser.reauthenticateWithCredential(currentCredential);
// The following is never reached:
const emailCredential = firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential(, state.password);
const newCredential = await firebase.auth().currentUser.linkWithCredential(emailCredential);
Thank you for your effort and time to help me...
Important Information:
firebase.auth().currentUser.reauthenticateWithCredential(credential) requires the attribute credential
For users, who logged in using a Phone Number, I could not find a way to get this credential when required. By the way, it is possible to get it for users, who logged in using other providers, e.g. Facebook.
However, for users, who log in using a phone number, it is possible to get this credential during the login process. Check
So, I decided to save the credential for the user on their device during the login process. I am using Redux and Redux-Persist for that.
My code after fixing it.
// This is an extract from the login script:
.then(confirmResult => {
dispatch({ type: "PhoneNo_accepted", payload: { confirmResult: confirmResult } });
.catch(error => {
dispatch({ type: "display_message", payload: { messageText: `Phone Number Error: ${error.message}` } });
// Change#1. The following statement is a NEW step, which I added to get the credential during the login process.
const credential = firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(state.confirmResult.verificationId, state.codeInput);
.then( (user) => {
// Change#2. The following function would save the credential to the app's state, e.g. using Redux
_onAuthComplete(user, credential);
.catch( error => {
dispatch({ type: "display_message", payload: { messageText: `Verification Code Error: ${error.message}` } });
// // //
// This is an extract from the linking script:
// Change#3. props.credential is the credential, which was saved to the app's state.
await firebase.auth().currentUser.reauthenticateWithCredential(props.credential);
const emailCredential = firebase.auth.EmailAuthProvider.credential(, state.password);
const newCredential = await firebase.auth().currentUser.linkWithCredential(emailCredential);
