In Haskell Monad is declared as
class Applicative m => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
return = pure
I was wondering if it is okay to redeclare the bind operator as
(>>=) :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
Is it correct that the second declaration makes it clearer that (>>=) maps a function of type a -> m b to a function of type m a -> m b, while the original declaration makes less clear what it means?
Will that change of declaration make something from possible to impossible, or just require some change of using monad (which seems bearable to Haskell programmers)?
There's one reason why >>= tends to be more useful in practice than it's flipped counterpart =<<: it plays nicely with lambda notation. Namely, \ acts as a syntactic herald, so you can continue the computation without needing any parentheses. For instance,
do x <- [1..5]
y <- [10..20]
return $ x*y
can be rewritten very easily in terms of >>= as
[1..5] >>= \x -> [10..20] >>= \y -> return $ x*y
You still have much the same “imperative flow” feel as with the do version.
Whereas with =<< it would require awkward parentheses and seem to read backwards:
(\x -> (\y -> return $ x*y) =<< [10..20]) =<< [1..5]
Ok, you might say this feels more like function application. But where that is useful, it is often more poignant to use only the applicative functor interface rather than the monadic one:
(\x y -> x*y) <$> [1..5] <*> [10..20]
or short
(*) <$> [1..5] <*> [10..20]
Note that (<*>) :: f (a->b) -> f a -> f b has essentially the order of =<< that you propose, just with the a-> inside the functor rather than outside.
I'm trying to create an instance for bind operator (>>=) to the custom type ST a
I found this way to do it but I don't like that hardcoded 0.
Is there any way to implement it without having the hardcoded 0 and respecting the type of the function?
newtype ST a = S (Int -> (a, Int))
-- This may be useful to implement ">>=" (bind), but it is not mandatory to use it
runState :: ST a -> Int -> (a, Int)
runState (S s) = s
instance Monad ST where
return :: a -> ST a
return x = S (\n -> (x, n))
(>>=) :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
s >>= f = f (fst (runState s 0))
I often find it easier to follow such code with a certain type of a pseudocode rewrite, like this: starting with the
instance Monad ST where
return :: a -> ST a
return x = S (\n -> (x, n))
we get to the
runState (return x) n = (x, n)
which expresses the same thing exactly. It is now a kind of a definition through an interaction law that it must follow. This allows me to ignore the "noise"/wrapping around the essential stuff.
Similarly, then, we have
(>>=) :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
s >>= f = -- f (fst (runState s 0)) -- nah, 0? what's that?
-- runState (s >>= f) n = runState (f a) i where
-- (a, i) = runState s n
S $ \ n -> let (a, i) = runState s n in
runState (f a) i
because now we have an Int in sight (i.e. in scope), n, that will get provided to us when the combined computation s >>= f will "run". I mean, when it will runState.
Of course nothing actually runs until called upon from main. But it can be a helpful metaphor to hold in mind.
The way we've defined it is both the easiest and the most general, which is usually the way to go. There are more ways to make the types fit though.
One is to use n twice, in the input to the second runState as well, but this will leave the i hanging unused.
Another way is to flip the time arrow around w.r.t. the state passing, with
S $ \ n -> let (a, i2) = runState s i
(b, i ) = runState (f a) n
in (b, i2)
which is a bit weird to say the least. s still runs first (as expected for the s >>= f combination) to produce the value a from which f creates the second computation stage, but the state is being passed around in the opposite direction.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your ST type is a wrapper around a function. What if you started your definition as (>>=) = \s -> \f -> S (\n -> ... )? It might be (ok, is) a bit silly to write separate lambdas for the s and f parameters there, but I did it to show that they're not really any different from the n parameter. You can use it in your definition of (>>=).
In many articles I have read that monad >>= operator is a way to represent function composition. But for me it is closer to some kind of advanced function application
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
For composition we have
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
Please clarify.
Clearly, >>= is not a way to represent function composition. Function composition is simply done with .. However, I don't think any of the articles you've read meant this, either.
What they meant was “upgrading” function composition to work directly with “monadic functions”, i.e. functions of the form a -> m b. The technical term for such functions is Kleisli arrows, and indeed they can be composed with <=< or >=>. (Alternatively, you can use the Category instance, then you can also compose them with . or >>>.)
However, talking about arrows / categories tends to be confusing especially to beginners, just like point-free definitions of ordinary functions are often confusing. Luckily, Haskell allows us to express functions also in a more familiar style that focuses on the results of functions, rather the functions themselves as abstract morphisms†. It's done with lambda abstraction: instead of
q = h . g . f
you may write
q = (\x -> (\y -> (\z -> h z) (g y)) (f x))
...of course the preferred style would be (this being only syntactic sugar for lambda abstraction!)‡
q x = let y = f x
z = g y
in h z
Note how, in the lambda expression, basically composition was replaced by application:
q = \x -> (\y -> (\z -> h z) $ g y) $ f x
Adapted to Kleisli arrows, this means instead of
q = h <=< g <=< f
you write
q = \x -> (\y -> (\z -> h z) =<< g y) =<< f x
which again looks of course much nicer with flipped operators or syntactic sugar:
q x = do y <- f x
z <- g y
h z
So, indeed, =<< is to <=< like $ is to .. The reason it still makes sense to call it a composition operator is that, apart from “applying to values”, the >>= operator also does the nontrivial bit about Kleisli arrow composition, which function composition doesn't need: joining the monadic layers.
†The reason this works is that Hask is a cartesian closed category, in particular a well-pointed category. In such a category, arrows can, broadly speaking, be defined by the collection of all their results when applied to simple argument values.
‡#adamse remarks that let is not really syntactic sugar for lambda abstraction. This is particularly relevant in case of recursive definitions, which you can't directly write with a lambda. But in simple cases like this here, let does behave like syntactic sugar for lambdas, just like do notation is syntactic sugar for lambdas and >>=. (BTW, there's an extension which allows recursion even in do notation... it circumvents the lambda-restriction by using fixed-point combinators.)
Just as an illustration, consider this:
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
let g=g in (g $) :: a -> b
g :: (a -> b)
Functor f => / \
(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
let g=g in (g <$>) :: f a -> f b
g :: (a -> b)
Applicative f => / / \
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
let h=h in (h <*>) :: f a -> f b
h :: f (a -> b)
Monad m => /.------. \
(=<<) :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
let k=k in (k =<<) :: m a -> m b
k :: (a -> m b)
So yes, each one of those, (g <$>), (h <*>) or (k =<<), is some kind of a function application, promoted into either Functor, Applicative Functor, or a Monad "context". And (g $) is just a regular kind of application of a regular kind of function.
With Functors, functions have no influence on the f component of the overall thing. They work strictly on the inside and can't influence the "wrapping".
With Applicatives, the functions come wrapped in an f, which wrapping combines with that of an argument (as part of the application) to produce the wrapping of the result.
With Monads, functions themselves now produce the wrapped results, pulling their arguments somehow from the wrapped argument (as part of the application).
We can see the three operators as some kind of a marking on a function, like mathematicians like to write say f' or f^ or f* (and in the original work by Eugenio Moggi(1) f* is exactly what was used, denoting the promoted function (f =<<)).
And of course, with the promoted functions :: f a -> f b, we get to chain them, because now the types line up. The promotion is what allows the composition.
(1) "Notions of computation and monads", Eugenio Moggi, July 1991.
more about compositionality, with a picture: Monads with Join() instead of Bind()
So the functor is "magically working inside" "the pipes"; applicative is "prefabricated pipes built from components in advance"; and monads are "building pipe networks as we go". An illustration:
Explain about a "duplicate"
Someone point to Is this a case for foldM? as a possible duplicate. Now, I have a strong opinion that, two questions that can be answered with identical answers are not necessarily duplicates! "What is 1 - 2" and "What is i^2" both yields "-1", but no, they are not duplicate questions. My question (which is already answered, kind of) was about "whether the function iterateM exists in Haskell standard library", not "How to implement a chained monad action".
The question
When I write some projects, I found myself writing this combinator:
repeatM :: Monad m => Int -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
repeatM 0 _ a = return a
repeatM n f a = (repeatM (n-1) f) =<< f a
It just performs a monadic action n times, feeding the previous result into the next action. I tried some hoogle search and some Google search, and did not find anything that comes with the "standard" Haskell. Is there such a formal function that is predefined?
You can use foldM, e.g.:
import Control.Monad
f a = do print a; return (a+2)
repeatM n f a0 = foldM (\a _ -> f a) a0 [1..n]
test = repeatM 5 f 3
-- output: 3 5 7 9 11
Carsten mentioned replicate, and that's not a bad thought.
import Control.Monad
repeatM n f = foldr (>=>) pure (replicate n f)
The idea behind this is that for any monad m, the functions of type a -> m b form the Kleisli category of m, with identity arrows
pure :: a -> m a
(also called return)
and composition operator
(<=<) :: (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
f <=< g = \a -> f =<< g a
Since were actually dealing with a function of type a -> m a, we're really looking at one monoid of the Kleisli category, so we can think about folding lists of these arrows.
What the code above does is fold the composition operator, flipped, into a list of n copies of f, finishing off with an identity as usual. Flipping the composition operator actually puts us into the dual category; for many common monads, x >=> y >=> z >=> w is more efficient than w <=< z <=< y <=< x; since all the arrows are the same in this case, it seems we might as well. Note that for the lazy state monad and likely also the reader monad, it may be better to use the unflipped <=< operator; >=> will generally be better for IO, ST s, and the usual strict state.
Notice: I am no category theorist, so there may be errors in the explanation above.
I find myself wanting this function often, I wish it had a standard name. That name however would not be repeatM - that would be for an infinite repeat, like forever if it existed, just for consistency with other libraries (and repeatM is defined in some libraries that way).
Just as another perspective from the answers already given, I point out that (s -> m s) looks a bit like an action in a State monad with state type s.
In fact, it is isomorphic to StateT s m () - an action which returns no value, because all the work it does is encapsulated in the way it changes the state. In this monad, the function you wanted really is replicateM. You can write it this way in haskell although it probably looks uglier than just writing it directly.
First convert s -> m s to the equivalent form which StateT uses, adding the information-free (), using liftM to map a function over the return type.
> :t \f -> liftM (\x -> ((),x)) . f
\f -> liftM (\x -> ((),x)) . f :: Monad m => (a -> m t) -> a -> m ((), t)
(could have used fmap but the Monad constraint seems clearer here; could have used TupleSections if you like; if you find do notation easier to read it is simply \f s -> do x <- f s; return ((),s) ).
Now this has the right type to wrap up with StateT:
> :t StateT . \f -> liftM (\x -> ((),x)) . f
StateT . \f -> liftM (\x -> ((),x)) . f :: Monad m => (s -> m s) -> StateT s m ()
and then you can replicate it n times, using the replicateM_ version because the returned list [()] from replicateM would not be interesting:
> :t \n -> replicateM_ n . StateT . \f -> liftM (\x -> ((),x)) . f
\n -> replicateM_ n . StateT . \f -> liftM (\x -> ((),x)) . f :: Monad m => Int -> (s -> m s) -> StateT s m ()
and finally you can use execStateT to go back to the Monad you were originally working in:
runNTimes :: Monad m => Int -> (s -> m s) -> s -> m s
runNTimes n act =
execStateT . replicateM_ n . StateT . (\f -> liftM (\x -> ((),x)) . f) $ act
I´am trying to desugar a do statement in Haskell. I have found some examples here on SO but wasn´t able to apply them to my case.
Only thing I can think of is a heavy nested let statement, which seems quite ugly.
Statement in which do notation should be replaced by bind:
do num <- numberNode x
nt1 <- numberTree t1
nt2 <- numberTree t2
return (Node num nt1 nt2)
Any input is highly appreciated =)
numberNode x >>= \num ->
numberTree t1 >>= \nt1 ->
numberTree t2 >>= \nt2 ->
return (Node num nt1 nt2)
Note that this is simpler if you use Applicatives:
Node <$> numberNode x <*> numberTree t1 <*> numberTree t2
This is an excellent use case for applicative style. You can replace your entire snippet (after importing Control.Applicative) with
Node <$> numberNode x <*> numberTree t1 <*> numberTree t2
Think of the applicative style (using <$> and <*>) as "lifting" function application so it works on functors as well. If you mentally ignore <$> and <*> it looks quite a lot like normal function application!
Applicative style is useful whenever you have a pure function and you want to give it impure arguments (or any functor arguments, really) -- basically when you want to do what you specified in your question!
The type signature of <$> is
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
which means it takes a pure function (in this case Node) and a functor value (in this case numberNode x) and it creates a new function wrapped "inside" a functor. You can add further arguments to this function with <*>, which has the type signature
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
As you can see, this is very similar to <$> only it works even when the function is wrapped "inside" a functor.
I'd like to add to the posts about Applicative above..
Considering the type of <$>:
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
it looks just like fmap:
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
which is also very much like Control.Monad.liftM:
liftM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
I think of this as "I need to lift the data constructor into this type"
On a related note, if you find yourself doing this:
action >>= return . f
you can instead do this:
f `fmap` action
The first example is using bind to take the value out of whatever type action is, calling f with it, and then repacking the result. Instead, we can lift f so that it takes the type of action as its argument.
When playing around with Pointfree I was presented with a piece of code that I can't seem to understand.
:pl map (\x -> x * x) [1..10]
-- map (join (*)) [1..10]
My main problem is that I don't get how join works here. I understand that it 'removes' one layer of a monadic wrapping (m (m a) to m a). I figure it boils down to something like [1..10] >>= (\x -> [x * x]), but I don't really get how the "extra layer" gets introduced. I get that join x = x >>= id, but then I'm still stuck on how that "duplicates" each value so that (*) gets two arguments. This has been bugging me for about half an hour now and I'm mostly annoyed at myself, because I feel like I have all the puzzle pieces but can't seem to fit them together...
P.S. Don't worry, I would't really use this pointfree version, this is pure curiosity and an attempt to understand Haskell better.
join is using the instance of Monad for (->) a, as defined in Control.Monad.Instances. The instance is similar to Reader, but without an explicit wrapper. It is defined like this:
instance Monad ((->) a) where
-- return :: b -> (a -> b)
return = const
-- (>>=) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> c) -> (a -> c)
f >>= g = \x -> g (f x) x
If you now reduce join using this instance:
(>>= id)
flip (\f g x -> g (f x) x) (\a -> a)
(\f x -> (\a -> a) (f x) x)
(\f x -> f x x)
As you can see, the instance for (->) a makes join to a function that applies an argument twice. Because of this, join (*) is simply \x -> x * x.