Using Application.Run to evaluate Worksheet function passed as string - excel

I have essentially a simple syntax question concering Application.Run. I want to write a bit of code where I pass a UDF a string coantaining the name of a worksheet function, e.g. 'iserror' or some other UDF returning boolean. The function will then be exectued for each cell within the passed range and do something depending on result.
However, I have not been able to work out the proper Syntax. Error Messages Change along with my Trials, but non are particularly helpfull. e.g.:
?hrCull(Range("Data!A1:B10"),"Worksheetfunction.iserror", False)
(Error message in German, I'll try my best to translate, but it probably won't 100% match the English Version):
Runtime error 1004:
The macro 'Worksheetfunction.iserror' can not be exectued. The macro may not be available in this worksheet or macros have been deactivated.
Of course, macros have not been deactivated, but it isn't really a macro anyway. Also tried without the leading 'Worksheetfunction', same error message.
In my code the call Looks like this:
Public Function hrCull(r As Range, func As String, Optional invert As Boolean = False) As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim selector As Boolean
selector = Application.Run(func, c)
end function
I omitted code not relevant.
So what is the proper Syntax?
- I'm Aware that I can not assert that the passed function returns a boolean.
- Excel 2016 on Windows 7

A solution using CallByName:
selector = CallByName(Application.WorksheetFunction, "IsError", VbMethod, c)

Lose the WorksheetFunction. prefix, Evaluate doesn't like it as Evaluate is for worksheet functions.
In your function, use:
selector = Application.Evaluate(func & "(" & c.Address & ")")
To test, use:
Debug.Print hrCull(Range("A1"), "ISERROR")

I think you'd be better off declaring your own Enum and adding the functions that you want into this. Then execute them using built in syntax instead of trying to evaluate a string
Public Enum xlSheetFunction
End Enum
Public Function hrCull(r As Range, func As xlSheetFunction, Optional Invert As Boolean = False) As Range
Dim selector As Boolean
Select Case func
Case xlIsError
selector = WorksheetFunction.IsError(r)
End Select
Debug.Print selector
Set hrCull = r
End Function
Public Sub test()
Debug.Print hrCull(Range("A1"), xlIsError)
End Sub


Class constructor confusion - wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment

I'm having a class module with some data:
Private sharedFolders() As String
Public Property Let SetSharedFolders(val As String)
Dim i As Integer
sharedFolders = Array("folder one", "folder two")
i = UBound(sharedFolders)
i = UBound(sharedFolders)
ReDim Preserve sharedFolders(i)
sharedFolders(i) = CStr(val)
End Property
Property Get GetSharedFolders()
GetSharedFolders = sharedFolders()
End Property
And I want to add something to this property from other module like this:
Sub PrepareData()
Dim e
Dim s
Dim a(2) As String
Set e = New Entry
a(0) = "add one"
a(1) = "add two"
For Each s In a
e.SetSharedFolders (s) 'Here comes exception
For Each s In e.GetSharedFolders
Debug.Print s
End Sub
But I receive an "wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment vba" exception... Can anyone assist?
Thanks to #AJD and #Freeflow to pointing out a mistake and idea to make it easier. Decided to make as like below.
Class Module:
Private sharedFolders As New Collection
Public Property Let SetSharedFolders(val As String)
If sharedFolders.Count = 0 Then ' if empty fill with some preset data and add new item
sharedFolders.Add "folder 1"
sharedFolders.Add "folder 2"
sharedFolders.Add CStr(val)
sharedFolders.Add CStr(val)
End If
End Property
Property Get GetSharedFolders() As Collection
Set GetSharedFolders = sharedFolders
End Property
and regular module:
Sub AddData()
Dim e As New Entry ' creating an instance of a class
Dim s As Variant ' variable to loop through collection
Dim a(1) As String 'some array with data to insert
a(0) = "add one"
a(1) = "add two"
For Each s In a
e.SetSharedFolders = s
For Each s In e.GetSharedFolders
Debug.Print s
End Sub
Initially I thought the problem lies in this code:
i = UBound(sharedFolders)
i = UBound(sharedFolders)
ReDim Preserve sharedFolders(i)
sharedFolders(i) = CStr(val)
i is set twice to the same value, and then the sharedFolders is reDimmed to the same value it was before! Also, there is some trickery happening with the use of ix within a 0-based array.
But the problem is most likely how you have declared your variables.
For Each s In a
e.SetSharedFolders (s) 'Here comes exception
s is a Variant, and a is a Variant. At this point VBA is trying to guess how to handle a For Each loop with two Variants. And then the improper call is made. The correct syntax is:
e.SetSharedFolders s '<-- no parenthesis
There are plenty of posts on StackOverflow explaining how to call routines and what the impact of the evaluating parenthesis are!
However, at this point we are only assuming it is passing in a single element of the array - it could be passing the full array itself (albeit unlikely).
And the third factor -
Public Property Let SetSharedFolders(val As String)
The parameter val is being passed ByRef and should be passed ByVal. This also has unintended side effects as I found out (Type mismatch trying to set data in an object in a collection).
Public Property Let SetSharedFolders(ByVal val As String)
All in all you have the perfect storm of ambiguity driving to an unknown result.
The answer here is to strongly type your variables. This removes about two layers of ambiguity and areas where errors can happen. In addition, this will slightly improve code execution.
Another aspect is to understand when you should pass something ByVal and when to use the default (preferably explicitly) ByRef.
And a final gratuitous hint: Use a Collection instead of an Array. Your code you have implies a Collection will be more efficient and easier to manage.
(thanks to #FreeFlow):
If the OP changes the definition of sharedfolders to Variant rather than String() then the array statement will work as expected.
The line e.SetSharedFolders (s) will work fine if it is changed to e.SetSharedFolders = s because the method SetSharedFolders is a Let Property not a Sub. There are other errors but these two changes will make the code run.

(Excel) Pick formula criteria/logical etc from another cell(reference)

Im writing an If+Or function and would like to use several cell references for the different Logicals in the function, instead of writing each logical statements in the original if+or function. Any ideas of how to solve this? Hope im not too unclear here..
As example: instead of writing =If(or(A1=A2,A3=A4),A1,0) I would like to write out all different logical values in a list of cells, and the just write the original if+or formula like this: =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) where B1 contains the text "A1=A2,A3=A4"
Thanks for any help on this!
You can use the INDIRECT function.
For example, if the value in cell A6 is 10, INDIRECT("A6") = 10.
So basically you can write INDIRECT("A6")=INDIRECT("A7") instead of the A1=A2 condition in your IF formula.
If you want to have "A1=A2" in one cell, you can use LEFT and RIGHT.
Here is an example:
PS: this solution is for Google Sheets so the solution might differ a little if you're using Excel but that should work for Excel too.
You CANNOT Have It All
Instead of using =IF(OR(B1),A1,0) you have to use
e.g. =IFOR(B1,A1) (I prefer "" instead of 0, sorry)
or =IFOR(B1,A1,0) if you (prefer 0 instead of ""),
or change the ElseValue in the declaration to 0,
then you can use =IFOR(B1,A1) to get 0.
Function IFOR(IfOrCell As Range, ThenCell As Range, _
Optional ElseValue As Variant = "", _
Optional SplitDelimiter As String = ",") As Variant
Dim arrIfOr As Variant
Dim iIfOr As Integer
Dim blnIfOr As Boolean
'The Array: The Split
If InStr(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter) = 0 Then Exit Function
arrIfOr = Split(IfOrCell.Value2, SplitDelimiter)
'An Additional Split Introducing the Boolean
For iIfOr = LBound(arrIfOr) To UBound(arrIfOr)
If InStr(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=") <> 0 Then
If Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(0)).Value2 _
= Range(Split(arrIfOr(iIfOr), "=")(1)).Value2 Then
blnIfOr = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If blnIfOr = True Then
IFOR = ThenCell.Value2
IFOR = ElseValue
End If
End Function

Evaluate statement (#DbLookUp) doesn't work with Lotusscript

The last week I asked how to solve an error in an evaluate statement (Error in Evaluate statement macro).
Once fix it, I have other error with the same evaluate statement, it doesn't give me any value.
I will describe what I have and what I try.
#DbLookup in Calculate Text
I have this code into in an calculate Text and it works fine.
suc := #Trim(#Left(LlcPoliza;2));
_lkp := _lkp := #DbLookup("":"NoCache";"C1256EAD:00478951";"People2"; "D"+suc; "FullName");
#If( #IsError( _lkp ) ; " " ; _lkp );
LlcPoliza is a document field (doc.LlcPoliza) and in a document it has for example the value C2H2H2.
The formula give first the value C2 and then look up into People2 who is D+C2 and give me a person.
It works fine.
Evaluate Statement (#DbLookup) in a Class
I have a class DirectorSucursal.
Class DirectorSucursal
Private m_branch As String
'Constructor class
Public Sub New (branch)
Dim subString As String
subString = Left(branch, 2)
me.m_branch = subString
End Sub
'Deleter Class
Public Sub Delete
End Sub
'Sub show the code about Suc
Public Sub GetCodSuc
MsgBox m_branch
End Sub
'Function get the name director
Public Function getNameDirector As String
Dim varResult As Variant
varResult = Evaluate({#DbLookup("":"NoCache";"C1256EAD:00478951";"People2"; "D} & m_branch & {"; "FullName)"})
getNameDirector = CStr( varResult(0) )
End Function
End Class
Then, in a button I instantiate the new object DirectorSucursal with the parameter of the field doc.LlcPoliza(0) like this.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim director As New DirectorSucursal(doc.LlcPoliza(0))
end Sub
The field doc.LlcPoliza(0) has the value C2H2H2. GetCodSuc show the value C2, but the function getNameDirector doesn't work.
It shows the error:
Operation failed
Evaluate Statement (#DbLookup) in click button
I have tried the same but into a click sub.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim subString As String
subString = Left(doc.LlcPoliza(0), 2)
Dim eval As String
eval = Evaluate({#DbLookup("":"NoCache";"C1256EAD:00478951";"People2"; "D} & subString & {"; "FullName)"})
Msgbox eval
End Sub
The field doc.LlcPoliza(0) has the value C2H2H2. But it doesn't work
It shows the error:
Operation failed
My question is: what am i doing wrong? Why the code works fine in a calculate text with #Formula but with Lotusscript not?
I have added and Error Goto, modified the class code, modified #dblookup in calculate text and I have this error:
Error in EVALUATE macro
Please read documentation and use help! evaluate always returns an ARRAY, as stated in the help:
Return value
The result of the evaluation. A scalar result is returned.
To make your code return a STRING you need to change it like this:
Public Function getNameDirector As String
Dim varResult as Variant
varResult = Evaluate({#DbLookup("":"NoCache";"C1256EAD:00478951";"People2"; "D} & m_branch & {"; "FullName")})
getNameDirector = Cstr( varResult(0) )
End Function
The CStr is just there for the case where the #DBLookup returns an error or a number (both possible)
Just a few things in general:
NEVER write even one line of LotusScript- code without error handler. It will cause you trouble FOR SURE. If you had error handling in place, then it would have told you in which line the error occured...
NEVER use the result of #DBLookup without checking for #IsError... It will cause lot of troubles when the lookup fails.
IF you use #Iserror, then don't do the Lookup twice, assign the lookup to a variable and check that one for #Iserror, like this. Otherwise performance will go down in big forms:
_lkp := #DbLookup("":"NoCache";"C1256EAD:00478951";"People2"; "D"+suc; "FullName");
#If( #IsError( _lkp ) ; " " ; _lkp )
EDIT: As Knut correctly stated in his answer the real cause for the error was a typo in the formula ( Fullname)" instead of Fullname") that I fixed in my example as well.
1) My suggestion is to never (or at least very seldom) use Evaluate() in Lotusscript. You have proper Lotusscript functionality to do almost everything.
One of the major reasons is that the code is very hard to debug (which is what you are now experiencing).
2) Don't use extended notation when you work with fields. The best practice is to use the GetItemValue and ReplaceItemValue methods of the NotesDocument class for performance reasons as well as compatibility reasons.
3) In the examples with buttons you have a reference to doc, but it is never declared or initialized in the code. If you would use Option Declare at the top of your code you would catch these kinds of errors.
4) I also reccomend against using replica ID to reference databases, that makes it very hard to maintain in the future. Unless you have a very good and convincing reason, reference them by server and filename instead.
I would suggest you refactor your code to something like this:
'Function get the name director
Public Function getNameDirector() As String
Dim db as NotesDatabase
Dim view as NotesView
Dim doc as NotesDocument
Dim key as String
Dim fullname As String
Dim varResult As Variant
Set db = New NotesDatabase("Server/Domain","path/database.nsf")
If db Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to open 'path/database.nsf'"
Exit Function
End if
Set view = db.GetView("People2")
If view Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to access the view 'People2'"
Exit Function
End if
key = "D" & m_branch
Set doc = view.GetDocumentByKey(key)
If doc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not locate document '" & key & "'"
Exit Function
End if
fullname = doc.GetItemValue("FullName")(0)
End Function
Ando of course update the button actions in the same way.
Yes, it is a few lines longer, but it is much more readable and easier to maintain and debug. And you have error handling as well.
Change your last part in #DbLoookup code line to:

Passing a range from one VB function to another

I'm writing a few VBA functions for work and ran into a problem that should be easy to solve, but somehow I can't manage to, despite my best attempts at finding an answer here and on Google. I wrote a function that should give me the range between two strings in a column:
Function FindRng(StartRng As String, EndRng As String) As Variant
Dim TopOfRange As Single
Dim BottomOfRange As Single
TopOfRange = WorksheetFunction.Match(StartRng, Sheets("InfCom").Range("B:B"), 0)
BottomOfRange = WorksheetFunction.Match(EndRng, Sheets("InfCom").Range("B:B"), 0)
FindRng = Range(Sheets("InfCom").Cells(TopOfRange, 2), Sheets("InfCom").Cells(BottomOfRange, 2))
End Function
So if the inputs A and B are on rows 100 and 105, it should return B100:B105. When I test this by adapting the code to read FindRng = Range(...).Address, I indeed get $B$100:$B$105.
However, when I then input the result of FindRng into a customized Index Match function, I get an error. The function is as follows:
Function subsetPBPC(rngReturn As Range, LookupValueH As Variant, TopOfRange As String, BottomOfRange As String, LookupValueV As Variant) As Variant
subsetPBPC = sPBPC(rngReturn, LookupValueH, FindRng(TopOfRange, BottomOfRange), LookupValueV)
End Function
The problem is that it seems to read the output of FindRng not as a range, but as the content of that range: when I use the Evaluate Formula tool on FindRng embedded in another formula, it shows the output of FindRng as {A,B,C,D,E} instead of $B$100:$B$105, where A to E are the contents of the cells in the range. I have the feeling the solution is really simple, but I don't see it. The functions underlying the customized Index Match function have been tested and all work like a charm.
Set instead of let. Let assigns the value of an expression to a variable. Set assigns an object reference to a variable. You want to return a reference to the range object, not return the value produced by the range object's default property.
In VBA writing
FindRng = Range(...)
is implicitly writing
Let FindRng = Range(...)
However you want
Set FindRng = Range(...)
Edit 1:
It is quite important to understand the difference between an object reference and a value in VBA. This is a similar concept to passing arguments by value or by reference. Hopefully these two links help some:
The Let statement on MSDN
The Set statement on MSDN
Edit 2:
Oh, and I guess I should touch on default properties! Some objects like range have default properties. If you treat the range as a value instead of an object, it uses the default property instead of throwing an error because it's an object not a value. In the case of range the default property is Value. So if you say A = Range("A1") what you're actually saying is Let A = Range("A1").Value when you might mean Set A = Range("A1"). So you're getting the value contained in the cell A1, instead of a range object representing that cell.
Picking up that your current code should both
use Set as per AndADM's commnet
dimension SetRng as a Range rather than Variant
you can simplify your function as below (which may save time if you are calling it repetitively)
Also, you could test for this range being Nothing (if your two strings werent found), whereas you current code will error out if either string is missing.
Function SetRng(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Range
With Sheets("infCom").Columns(2)
Set SetRng = Range(.Find(str1, , xlValues, xlWhole), .Find(str2, , xlValues, xlWhole))
End With
End Function

Pushing 2-d Variant data into FormulaArray

I originally had a VBA function that returned a two dimensional variant array:
Public Function SplitIntoCells(some_data As String) As Variant()
End Function
I used the Formula array syntax to call it from another vba function:
Public Function MyWrapper() as Variant
MyWrapper = SplitIntoCells("somestring")
End Function
From Excel, if I select a big enough range and then do:
followed by CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, the data is nicely split into every individual cell in that range.
However in order to automate that, if I change MyWrapper to:
Public Function MyWrapper()
Selection.FormulaArray = SplitIntoCells("somestring")
End Function
The above doesn't work. I see nothing being displayed in Excel.
What am I doing wrong?
Just for testing, if I slightly modify MyWrapper() to:
Public Function MyWrapper()
Dim variant_temp() as Variant
variant_temp = SplitIntoCells("somestring")
Selection.FormulaArray = variant_temp
End Function
variant_temp predictably has the 2-d array after returning from SplitIntoCells but the subsequent Selection.FormulaArray still has nothing in it even after the assignment. I am sure I am missing something blindingly obvious.
A VBA user-defined function cannot modify the cell or range it's being called from: it can only return a value.
