How to change the language of quest? (AzerothCore) - translate

I use azerothcore docker build my private server, and use Chinese client to login successfully.
The problem is the quest text, item names etc. are in English not Chinese.
Is it possible to change them to Chinese? thanks.

Translations for texts are handled in the acore_world database in the tables that have the *_locale suffix:
For example, you can have a look inside the quest_template_locale:


Adding a LIKE Finder on a Localized column in Liferay Service Builder

I have a column that have been set to Localized="true", is there a way to add a finder that only matches LIKE on specific locale?
Unfortunately, I don't think it would be possible: localized columns are stored as xml strings in db, and I haven't found any example of a search like this in Liferay source. Have you considered using the index? It would be way easier to do a LIKE query for a localized field.
You can use xPath (if you use a db engine that supports it, for example postgresql)

Multi language support in JSF

Is it possible to create multi language web pages with database resource?
Instead of "", "", and so on... I'd like to keep those texts in database. Is it possible to use this in the same way as properties files? For instance #{messages.hello} would depend on the current users language, and the text would be loaded from database, not properties file.
First you should check this:
Correct java.util.ResourceBundle Organization
The way to do it is described here: taken from db

Windows phone strings and localization

A vanilla Windows Phone device is populated with many string resources - for example 'Settings' and beneath 'Settings' lies 'location' among others. At least this is the case for the en-GB UI language. I would like to access the full list of device-loaded strings, not just for en-GB, but for every UI-supported language. That is, I'm looking for the full list of en-GB UI strings, plus their parallel translations in the full set of UI-supported languages. Can anyone help me find them? Do I need a special SDK? Does Microsoft simply 'publish' them somewhere? Or do I need to write some C# to query an on-phone assembly?
The strings used by the OS and the native apps are not available via any public method.
If you are looking to translate your app you need to translate text in context to where you use it. It is not a straight copy and paste exercise. This means you can't just reuse the translations from another source. (Unless it's the exact same context.)

How to compare different language String values in JAVA?

In my web application I am using two different Languages namely English and Arabic.
I have a search box in my web application in which if we search by name or part of the name then it will retrieve the values from DB by comparing the "Hometown" of the user
Like if a user belongs to hometown "California" and he searches a name say "Victor" then my query will first see the people who are having the same hometown "California" and in the list of people who have "California" as hometown the "Victor" *name* will be searched and it retrieve the users having "California" as their hometown and "victor" in their name or part of the name.
The problem is if the hometown "California" is saved in English it will compare and retrieve the values. But "California" will be saved as "كاليفورنيا" in Arabic. In this case the hometown comparison fails and it cant retrieve the values.
I wish that my query should find both are same hometown and retrieve the values. Is it possible?
What alternate I should think of for this logic for comparison. I am confused. Any suggestion please?
*I have an Idea such that if the hometown is got then is it possible to use Google translator or transliterator and change the hometown to another language. if it is in english then to arabic or if it is in english then to arabic and give the search results joining both. Any suggestion?*
The problem you encounter is that you want / need information in 2 or more languages and you want the user of your application to be able to use both languages. One possible approach is to keep multiple records per item and including a language code as part of the primary key, for instance if your record is
id hometown name
001 California Victor
you could introduce a language code and store
id lang hometown name
001 en California Victor
001 ar كاليفورنيا Victor
then your search would match either "California" or "كاليفورنيا" giving you the id 001, which you can then use to load all translations of your data (or just the data in the current output language.) This sceme can be used with any number of languages and has the added advantage that you don't need to prefill the table. You can add new translations for records when they become known.
(Caveat: I just repeated your arabic string, I can't read it, also 'ar' most likely isn't the correct language code for aribic but you get the idea.)
Does the Arabic sound like "California"? If so you will need to compare on a "sounds-like"-basis which will most likely result in a phoneme conversion.
Transliterate all names into the same language (e.g. English) for searching, and use Levenstein edit distance to compute the similarity between the phonetic representations of the names. This will be slow if you simply compare your query with every name, but if you pre-index all of the place names in your database into a Burkhard-Keller tree, then they can be efficiently searched by edit distance from the query term.
This technique allows you to sort names by how close they actually match. You're probably more likely to find a match this way than using metaphone or double-metaphone, though this is more difficult to implement.
Your Google suggestion sounds like it might also be a good one, but you should play around with it, and be sure that you're happy with its accuracy. In testing how it worked going between Hebrew and English, I noticed that sometimes Google just leaves English place names in English letters when translating to Hebrew.
How about you use some localization on client side to display values. Or create a wrapper class for hometown that will override equal(Object) in the manner the instance for California will return true for both "California" and "كاليفورنيا" (sorry if I made mistake here, just copy-pasted from above).
This sounds like a classic encoding problem. Whenever you transfer non-ascii character you need to make sure you're encoding it right. For Arabic and English I suspect you can use UTF-8 (but I don't know arabic, so it may be wrong).
In your setup you will probably have the following points:
Browser <-> Servlet container <-> Database
In any of the system interfaces where chars (16-bit) are converted to byte (8-bit) you will need to make sure the encoding is correct.
Browser to Servlet container
When you do GET or POST requests from a web-page, the browser will look at 1) The HTTP headers from the server, especially the Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8, which if present, will override the HTML meta header <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">.
On the servlet container side, the HttpServletRequest.getParameter(), will have an encoding that you most likely need to set in the server settings.
Example tomcat's server.xml
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" URIEncoding="UTF-8"
redirectPort="8443" />
Servlet container to Database
The database needs to have the correct encodings, or sorting etc will not be right.
Example my.cnf for MySQL
init_connect=''SET collation_connection = utf8_general_ci''
init_connect='SET NAMES utf8'
character-set-server = utf8
collation-server = utf8_general_ci
Then the JDBC-driver needs to be set for UTF-8.
Example JDBC connect string
System.out.printnln() can not be relied upon to verify things. First it depends on the java vm default encoding, set using -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, secondly the terminal in which you do the System.out, will need to be set to and support UTF-8. Don't trust System.out!
Once a String in the VM is a proper character, it will not be affected by encoding. In memory every char in a string is 16-bit, which (almost) covers all the chars that utf-8 can encode. You can write the string to a file and investigate the file to really know if you got correct chars in your VM.

What web photo gallery software meets all my pernickety requirements?

I have a collection of photographs (about 30,000) which I'd like to put online. I've tried doing this before, over the years, with static image galleries, applications such as Gallery2, and self-rolled scripts. None have worked that well, as my requirements are fiddly, but it still seems like this should be a solved problem.
My photos are currently organised into folders named YYYY-MM-DD short album title, using Digikam.
I need a system that:
Is Free software, is essentially feature-complete, and has an active developer community.
Allows new photos and albums to be added and updated automatically with little more manual intervention than rsyncing the source directory on my computer to the web server, and rescanning.
Allows visitors to leave comments
Allows re-captcha or equivalant spam filtering and bulk moderation of these comments.
Reads tags from the IPTC Keywords field.
If it finds a tag named "friends", requires the user to enter a password to view.
If it finds a tag named "family", requires the user to enter a different password to view.
If it finds a tag named "private", does not display the photo at all, or even better, does not upload it to the live web server.
Reads descriptions from the IPTC Caption field.
Creates sane permalinks, e.g.
I acknowledge that I may be asking for something that doesn't exist, but I hope it does.
I acknowledge that answers may be something like "use Django and code the bits that don't already exist yourself", in which case do you have any tips? :)
Use Django and code the bits that don't already exist yourself.
Seriously. I was going to write that and was tempted not to when I saw you'd written it yourself, but it really does make the most sense if you have any familiarity with it!
I'd start with django-photologue 2. Get a basic gallery with tagging and comments working. You'll need a couple of pl's optional dependencies.
Then I'd write a custom import wrapper that allows you to rsync to a dir and update your library.
Comments are handled internally (through photologue, I think) but if not, there are plenty of comment apps that "just work". There is a recaptcha script that works as just another form field.
PIL can read IPTC
The URL structure is up to you =)
I'm finally getting around to doing this. I'm using a local python script to extract image metadata (tags, captions and timestamp) using pyexiv2, then rotate the image according to its EXIF orientation tag if appropriate, using PIL, and export a hierarchy of files to a temporary directory, where rsync uploads it to my host, and a remote python script (actually a Django app) imports the metadata into a Django DB.
