Deploy to AWS Private Subnet from AzureDevops - azure

Im trying to add a pipeline to Azure Devops that pushes my code updates to AWS private subnet. My app runs on AWS Fargate.
Don't see any options to do this.
Would like to automatically deploy to my AWS website.

If you want to deploy your code to AWS, at first, you must create the service connection with AWS with a set of your valid AWS credentials. You can follow this doc AWS Tools for Microsoft VSTS to get more details about build this service connection.
And then, you still need to install some extension to Azure Devops so that you can use task which related to AWS: AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services and AWS S3 Upload. The previous extension which named AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services can enable you to use such as AWS command, AWS Shell Script to execute command in AWS. And, with AWS S3 Upload, you can deploy files to AWS.
In pipeline, add the tasks to build your repos as normal. And then login to your AWS account with AWS cli task, copy your build solution and upload them to AWS. For more details, I recommand you check this blog: Deploy app to AWS.


How to deploy mountebank in Azure?

just worked through the basic mountebank tutorial. worked great!! next step is to deploy mountebank in Azure.
i am wondering if anyone has successfully deployed mountebank into azure? which PAAS/SAAS did you use?
For calling your mountebank external API or for Integration testing you can make use of Azure functions or Azure APIM Mock API policies.
There’s no inbuilt Azure service or Azure marketplace image that supports Mountebank as that is a third-party package. But you can make use of Azure Functions to trigger the Mountebank endpoint or make use of Mock API in Azure API management and create different Inbound and Outbound policies for your mock test.
Azure Functions :- I referred this blog for Integrating Mouneblank with Azure functions:-
Git-hub repo of same blog -
I cloned the repo in my Azure Repo and updated the code runtime to .Net 6.0 and updated all the dependencies to their latest supported nuget versions as the github repo is using deprecated version.
I ran this repo via a pipeline in Azure Devops to deploy this project to the Function app.
After running the pipeline, the Build and Deployment to Azure function was successful:
Now, this function app is integrated with your Mounteblank API
You can make use of Function app proxies to configure your Mounteblank API according to your requirements.
You can make use of Azure API management Service.
I deployed one Azure APIM service and created one API to initiate HTTP request to Mounteblank API running on port 2525 locally.
References: by [Justin Yoo]

How to Deploy a React App(code present on github) to Azure WebApp using jenkins and TerraForm

I basically want to deploy(CICD) a React App(simple create-react-app) present in GitHub to Azure Webapp using Jenkins and TerraForm. I am in search of step by step process to do this.
I can't use the Azure DevOps platform since it is restricted in the organization I work.
Here is a tutorial for Deploy to Azure App Service with Jenkins and the Azure CLI might help.
But considering your React App already present in GitHub, there is a easier choice to deploy, which is using Git Action.
Create an App Service on portal.
Navigate to Deployment Center, better to use the Preview version.
Configure the CI/CD:
Go to your GitHub and see the Action logs, which is more clear than portal:

Download files from s3 to ec2 instance using Azure DevOps (AWS ToolKit)

I am trying to download files from s3 to ec2 instance in Azure DevOps by using AWS CLI in Build Pipeline. I am able to get the download logs but the data is not downloaded on my ec2 instance.
Same command works while executing from EC2 instance. It doesn't give me any error from DevOps but I do not see the data moved to my instance.
Thanks for your help.
You could refer to this ticket:
The AWS CLI calls the AWS API. The APIs for Amazon S3 do not have the ability to interact with the operating system on an Amazon EC2 instance.
So when you run the same command in the EC2 instance, it could work as expected. But it doesn't work in Azure Devops Pipeline.
You could try to use the aws cli send-command to send the aws s3 cp command to the EC2 instance.
Here is an example:

How to deploy an angular2 application as a webapp in azure

Can someone help me deploy an angular2 application as a webapp in azure. I have a github enterprise setup. On my Jenkins server, I would like to do a no build. On successful completion of the build, I'd like to push it to a webapp.
Every deployment I attempted, failed on npm of one form or other. I don't want to create a VM and deploy a server.
I'd appreciate any help on this.
Deployment of all supported web applications to azure web app service ( PaaS and not IaaS VM as per your requirement) is possible by the following options
from git CLI you can publish the code from your local repository to azure.
linking an online repository like bitbucket, gitlabs to azure
Powershell - publish code from your local repository to azure
Azure CLI - publish code from your local repository to azure
FTP option is available as well.
Check out this post to see how you can publish using git commandline

Automatically upload local changes into windows azure / amazon s3 cloud server

I have to create a Visual Studio project with the following functionality,
Once the project is created, the service should automatically upload the project files in to cloud storage (using windows azure or amazon s3 server).
If any changes in the project files, instead of uploading the whole project, only the modified files has to be uploaded. ( like SVN commit).
Could anyone please let me know if you have any ideas on this?
What you describe is more-or-less what "git deployment" is about - deploying changes to a web site or application by pushing the changes from a local git repository to a remote one. The deployment triggers a service or script on the remote repository that updates your site.
Azure supports this for Azure Web Sites. See for example Continuous deployment using GIT in Azure App Service for a step-by-step guid on how to create a new site, deploy and update it using Git.
The engine that automates git deployments in Azure is available as an open source project, Project Kudu which can be hosted outside Azure, eg on your own web server.
Amazon doesn't offer all of this out of the box. Its Elastic Beanstalk offering allows you to publish an ASP.NET MVC project to a specific configuration (VMs, settings etc) right from Visual Studio but it's a manual process and doesn't deploy only changes. Check How to Deploy an Application Using Elastic Beanstalk for a step-by-step guide.
You can use Project Kudu on an Amazon VM to use git deployment. This won't set up the VMs as Beanstalk does, but it will deploy only the changes to your site.
