Flutter For Web is there a way to store data? - web

I am building a web application with flutter for web, i know for sure that in the mobile version of flutter there is a way to store data in the device, but i don't know if this was even implemented in flutter for web yet.

You can use the SharedPreferences plugin for storing and retrieving persistent simple data. They gave support for the web from version 0.5.4+7

Apparently you can use localStorage: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/35116

Moor is a reactive persistence data storage library which is built on top of sqlite and is based on indexedDb. This library is compatible with most of web browsers.
You can use the package and see the documentation and example from official link.

You can use local storage from dart:html package but if your app also runs on mobile it is better to use universal_html package which provide all the features of dart:html.
If your app has mobile support, dart compiler will yell at you with this at the time Im writing this answer,
Avoid using web libraries, dart:html, dart:js and dart:js_util in
Flutter packages that are not web plugins. These libraries are not
supported outside a web context; functionality that depends on them
will fail at runtime in Flutter mobile, and their use is generally
discouraged in Flutter web.
Simple example with universal_html:
import 'package:universal_html/html.dart';
void main() {
String username = window.localStorage['username'];
if (username == null) {
window.localStorage['username'] = "dartyDev";
} else {
// Get the latest updated value


Using an Objective C framework, which is inside a Swift framework, in a Xamarin iOS project

I have a Objective C framework. (This framework is working properly with a Swift project)
Then I have a Swift framework. This framework has used the previously mentioned Objective C framework. (This Swift framework also working in a Swift project)
Now I am trying to use that Swift framework inside a Xamarin iOS project.
I have created a Binding Library project in my Xamarin iOS project and under the Native Reference, I have added both those Swift framework and Objective C framework fat files.
I have updated the ApiDefinition file accordingly as well.
But when I run the application it launch in the phone and exit without giving any error. I'm glad if application crashed with an error. But it doesn't and I'm clueless now. Any thoughts?
Below is how I'm trying to access the methods in those frameworks inside my Xamarin iOS project
using BindingSwift;
// More codes here
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var myClass = new AroshaMathPerformer();
var result = myClass.DoTheMath;
Console.WriteLine("# Result = " + result);
But, if I add a breakpoint, it doesn't even hit at the run time before the application exits.
Assuming that everything you did is in the question, then it is expected not to work. Swift libraries are not officially supported on Xamarin.iOS. Some people made them work with these steps: https://medium.com/#Flash3001/binding-swift-libraries-xamarin-ios-ff32adbc7c76
In such a case, you can find the real reason by going to
Settings -> Privacy -> Analytics -> Analytics Data -> And find the log
file with your bundle ID and the crashed occur date/time.
The error show to me was related to #rpath/ but actually it solved after signing the bundle with a valid provisioning profile.
For those who are interesting, you can visit here to find out my experience of implementing this whole scenario mentioned in the title.

Translated string resources in a framework are not used by the app that imports the framework in Xcode

I have a cross platform (iOS, watchOS and macOS) app. So I created a framework in Xcode and put the share files, the source code that works in all platform, into the framework.
Then I translated them. The app works fine. The only issue is that the translated string resources in the framework are never used by the app.
If I copy the content of the string resources out of the framework and insert them in to the app's string resources, it works. But I don't think it is a good idea to do things in that way.
Any idea on how to making the app use the string resources in the framework directly?
Is this on purpose or it is a bug that I should file to Apple?
Xcode 9.1 (9B55), macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 (17B48)
Swift 4.0.2
A sample project can be found here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c6bdp28rmk9rxii/Framework%20Translation%20Issue.zip?dl=0
It turns out that NSLocalizedString in a framework must tell the bundle of the framework explicitly. Or the app that calls the framework will use main bundle to find the localization resources.
NSLocalizedString("Test", tableName: nil, bundle: bundle, comment: "Test")
You can use either init(for: AnyClass) or allFrameworks: [Bundle] with a filter to get the framework's bundle.
You must not use the id of the bundle directly, unless your are sure it is only fixed to one platform and won't be changed in future.

Using QLPreviewPanel with Electron

We are looking into migrating our Objc Application to an Electron one, since the native one is just a WebWrapper around a website already.
We are missing one important feature: the ability to use QuickLook to preview files.
We managed to wrap qlmanage (Quick Look Server debug and management tool) in a npm module (based on this older code) but this is not the same as using QLPreviewPanel.
qlmanage launches an app in the Dock, and can spawn multiple instances of it, unlike QLpreviewPanel.
Does anyone managed to use Quicklook properly with Electron?
Is it possible to create a npm module in C++ using the Foundation Framework from Apple, and then requiring this module from Electron?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
We ended up adding this feature directly in Electron.
This will be released soon on the BrowserWindow api, with the following method signature:
previewFile(path [,displayname])
This way everyone gets to use it!

IBM Watson Visual Recognition return empty result in Java android?

Hi i'm reading all the sources that provides help to using the service however i have this line of debug says :
I/CredentialUtils: JNDI string lookups is not available.
compile with
compile 'com.ibm.watson.developer_cloud:java-sdk:3.0.1'
VisualRecognition service = new VisualRecognition(VisualRecognition.VERSION_DATE_2016_05_19);
ClassifyImagesOptions options = new ClassifyImagesOptions.Builder().images(currentSelectFileLocation).build();
VisualClassification result = service.classify(options).execute();
the error you're getting does not come from the IBM Watson Visual Recognition Bluemix service, but from the Watson Java SDK library you're using.
When you deploy some java code inside bluemix, in a liberty container, it can use JNDI to get the service credentials from inside bluemix. But when you run from outside bluemix, of course, you must provide the credentials (in your case, in your android app) in order to access the service.
It seems that for some reason your android app is importing javax.naming.Context and then the SDK is getting a little bit confusing.
You have these options here IMO
remove the javax.naming.Context from your android project
download and recompile the SDK code to fix that
Notice that providing your credentials in the android app is probably not a good idea, so I'd suggest you to take a different path here. Create a RESTful web service at Bluemix that wraps the calls to the Watson service. Of course, you may want to secure this access, because every call to the Watson service will be billed in your bluemix account.

ServiceStack web service hosting on monotouch/monodroid?

I'm currently trying to host a REST webservice on ios/android using Xamarin and monotouch/monodroid. I already successfully have a basic webserver running using HttpListener, but now I would like to host a complete webservice using ServiceStack.
monotouch/monodroid have very limited web hosting capabilities (HttpListener is basically the only way), but ServiceStack can in theory accomodate with that.
It seems to be possible as I found someone who did it: http://www.servicestack.net/mythz_blog/?p=417
The problem is that project does not work anymore on the last monotouch version, and ServiceStack seems to have removed server hosting capabilites in the monotouch/monodroid latest builds...
Xamarin have a fork of ServiceStack (https://github.com/xamarin/ServiceStack) which seems to have hosting capabilities, but the monotouch specific service hosting build does not compile, and the fork seems outdated.
Has anyone succeeded in making the ServiceStack hosting capabilities work on monotouch/monodroid? Or do you have an idea on how to make it work?
You might try this tutorial for self-hosting ServiceStack.
It looks like it will use HttpListener under the hood, but I don't know if the AppHostHttpListenerBase class will compile for MonoTouch/Mono for Android or not.
Ok so after some research, the project to allow ServiceStack self-hosting has been dropped. It had a better luck with the (old) Xamarin version (https://github.com/xamarin/ServiceStack) and could compile it and make it work somehow.
Since I need to be in sync with the latest ServiceStack version, I guess that I have no other choice than to roll my own adaptation, using the old Xamarin branch as a starting point.
